GUILTY Canada - Terry, 27, & Hailey Blanchette, 2, Blairmore, AB, 14 Sept 2015 #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now47 seconds ago
Edgerton says it's up to jurors to decide time Meketech slain. Says window includes hours after white van caught on video. #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 12s12 seconds ago
Edgerton says there's no evidence to prove Meketech's time of death. Says it could have happened hours after white van spotted. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 47s47 seconds ago
Edgerton notes Meketech had recently received large inheritance and had bad divorce with ex-husband. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 54s54 seconds ago
Meketech also had bad relationship with a neighbour, Edgerton notes. #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 53s53 seconds ago
Edgerton touching on testimony from witnesses who said Meketech may have had a significant amount of money in her trailer #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 1m1 minute ago
Edgerton: No proof Meketech killed at/around midnight which Crown says happened based on #Saretzky confession + CCTV of white van

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 51s52 seconds ago
Edgerton says Meketech had recently come into large inheritance & had hostile relationship w/ ex-husband. Money was never found. #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 45s45 seconds ago
Money Meketech recently inherited was not found, says Edgerton #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
Presence of rubber gloves and box cutters in #Saretzky's home not surprising since those were used in family dry cleaning business: Edgerton

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 1m1 minute ago
Edgerton now discussing blood in #Saretzky's apartment, all of which was his, except for Hailey's blood on cowboy boots

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 16s16 seconds ago
Police focused investigation on Blanchette murders, leaving some questions unadressed in Meketech slaying, says Edgerton. #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 16s17 seconds ago
After Blanchette body found/Hailey missing, Meketech investigation halted so all police could focus on finding missing girl #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now36 seconds ago
Edgerton says because Meketech investigation stopped for the Blanchette one, certain questions were not addressed #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now32 seconds ago
Edgerton now addressing #Saretzky's confession to Meketech murder.
Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now28 seconds ago
Edgerton now talking about #Saretzky's confession video which was recorded six months after she was killed.

Nancy Hixt‏Verified account @NancyHixt 24s24 seconds ago
Edgerton reading excerpts from confession given in the Calgary Remand Centre by #Saretzky to police

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 24s24 seconds ago
Edgerton points out questions asked #Saretzky about suicide attempt in custody.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now57 seconds ago
'These are the words of someone who has sort of given up," Edgerton says of #Saretzky's March 2, 2016, confession to Meketech killing.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now34 seconds ago
In Meketech confession: The officer interviewing #Saretzky was "pushing him to give answers," says Edgerton

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now47 seconds ago
Edgerton says #Saretzky's state of mind important to Crown theory Meketech was practice for the other murders.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now39 seconds ago
Look at the actual answers, says Edgerton.
"Was it practice?" officer asked
#Saretzky said "yeah"

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now39 seconds ago
"Those words didn't come from Mr. #Saretzky," Edgerton says of practice killing. "Those words were put in his mouth."

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now24 seconds ago
Officer: So you planned the other two all along?
#Saretzky : Yeah, I guess
"Those words came from officer not accused," says Edgerton
Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now33 seconds ago
Edgerton says police pushed their theories on accused. Police "so you were kind of practicing?" #Saretzky "yeah, I guess so."

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now43 seconds ago
Edgerton: Why was Blanchette confession so detailed but in Meketech confession, got some facts wrong? #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now36 seconds ago
"He got the numbers wrong," Edgerton says of number of blows to Meketech's head. #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now55 seconds ago
Edgerton says the Blanchette confession was very detailed, but some things Saretzky said about Meketech killing were wrong #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now41 seconds ago
"He got the fact of the dogs wrong," Edgerton says, of #Saretzky not mentioning Meketech's canines.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now49 seconds ago
Edgerton says #Saretzky got # of blunt force injuries to Meketech wrong and fact she had dogs

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now1 minute ago
Edgerton: #Saretzky didn't mention Meketech had dogs and got her injuries wrong (says she was stabbed twice not three times.)

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 17s17 seconds ago
#Saretzky told his aunt there were bad things going on in his life and conversation was before killings, says Edgerton.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 12s12 seconds ago
Edgerton: #Saretzky convo w/ aunt where he says he's done something bad happened day before Meketech killed

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now18 seconds ago
DNA in Blanchette residence and white Prestige Cleaners van all belonged to him, notes Edgerton. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now59 seconds ago
"No one else's DNA was found," Edgerton says of Blachette's at his home and Meketech's at hers. #Saretzky

Nancy Hixt‏Verified account @NancyHixt now40 seconds ago
Edgerton reminds jury that #Saretzky aunt testified he told her he had done something bad--the day before Meketech was killed
Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now1 minute ago
"The investigation of Hanne Meketech was not perfect," Edgerton says. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now44 seconds ago
Edgerton notes police had another person of interest in the Meketech killing. #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now27 seconds ago
Edgerton points out police never found the 2nd property of another person of interest in Meketech investigation, who was cleared #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now41 seconds ago
"Why is Cheyenne, or Chy crossed off in the notebook," Edgerton says of page found in #Saretzky's apartment.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now34 seconds ago
Re. If #Saretzky notebook list was a kill list, used by Crown as evidence of planning, why was "Chy" (Cheyenne Dunbar) name crossed off

Nancy Hixt‏Verified account @NancyHixt now23 seconds ago
re police suggestion Meketech murder was "practice" Edgerton tells jury“even if it was-to me that doesn’t answer the question why” #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now36 seconds ago
Edgerton: One question I still have in the Meketech investigation is: "what happened to the money?" Know she had about $90,000. #Saretzky

*** I have that question too.
Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 4s4 seconds ago
Edgerton on Blanchette/Hailey confessions: It's up to you to decide if those statements are reliable #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 5s5 seconds ago
Edgerton asks jurors to focus on Meketech killing. "Are all the elements there?" #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now1 minute ago
"Was there planning, was there deliberation, was it first-degree murder?" Edgerton asks. #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now58 seconds ago
Edgerton thanks jurors again, for "being here, being on time, being attentive." #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now45 seconds ago
Edgerton thanks jurors "for taking this seriously because a lot of lives have been effected." #Saretzky

Nancy Hixt‏Verified account @NancyHixt now43 seconds ago
Edgerton wants jury to focus on the Meketech death-- as for death of Hailey/Terry they have to decide on reliability of statements #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 24s24 seconds ago
Edgerton ends by saying he doesn't have as much to say as Crown and then thanks jury for their service. #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now42 seconds ago
That concludes the closing for the defence #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
Edgerton done after 35 minutes. #Saretzky
Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 50s51 seconds ago
Justice William Tilleman telling jurors he will have to meet with lawyers on a couple of legal issues. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 18s19 seconds ago
Tilleman says he can't complete his charge to jurors until he has meeting with counsel today and tomorrow. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 32s33 seconds ago
Tilleman says he could probably charge jurors tomorrow afternoon, but won't put case to them until Wednesday. #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 31s32 seconds ago
Judge: "This has been a long process." Meeting with lawyers now on legal issues. Will charge jury on Wednesday morning. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 34s34 seconds ago
Tilleman asks 14-member jury to return Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. #Saretzky

Nancy Hixt‏Verified account @NancyHixt 39s40 seconds ago
Jury asked to come back Wednesday morning at 10am for final instructions -then they will deliberate #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 1m1 minute ago
Trial has now been adjourned until Wednesday #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 54s55 seconds ago
"iI'll be prepared Wednesday morning, so we'll see you then," Tilleman tells jurors. #Saretzky
So pretty much what we expected. It appears that they are basically conceding to the murders of TB and HD although they want jurors to really think about whether they believe they were premeditated.

They have a few good arguments regarding the HM murder, especially the missing money and the fact that there seems to be some discrepancy between when she was murdered and how many blows/cuts DS confessed to. But we do have to remember that he confessed to the TB/HD murders within days and the HM one was 6 months later. His memory may not have been as fresh.

Thanks for posting Kamille!

I'm really frustrated with this case because, like so many others, I feel that it is missing solid police work. IMO this is exactly why so many people lawyer up without giving statements to police and we are quick to judge that as a sign of guilt or having something to hide.

Had DS not given any statements, based on the evidence presented (that we've been privy to by the media/through Twitter posts), I don't think he'd be found guilty. It's also problematic when you rely on statements and want to try and pick and chose when the person is either lying or telling the truth. If, for some reason, however minor it may have been, those statements, or even one of them, was thrown out, the impact could have been huge.

Still scratching my head when it comes to the statements DS made to his aunt re: doing something bad that could land him in jail if the police found out it was him BEFORE HM was murdered.

Also, FYI:

Common withdrawal symptoms are:
excessive crying
symptoms of schizophrenia

Source: Seroquel Withdrawal (Quetiapine) -
"Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now41 seconds ago
"Why is Cheyenne, or Chy crossed off in the notebook," Edgerton says of page found in #Saretzky's apartment."

This is where defence makes a mistake, IMO. The notebook is the best proof of intent/deliberation, but instead of offering a believable alternate explanation of it's purpose, all they do is point out this inconsistency, which is not an inconsistency in the Crown's argument, but in DS's own behaviour in crossing out that name. They offered no evidence that, for eg, when DS made a to do list, he absolutely had to complete an item before crossing it off!

It just highlights the fact that they have no real defence to offer, just trying to use their own client's oddities, such as confessing to his aunt before committing the crime, to cover up for his crime.

It doesn't sit right, and I believe undermines the argument in favour of presumption of innocence, to just appear to be an underhanded trick.

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I know the defence has raised issues that may reflect some doubt in the jurors and I assume that's all they intended to do. They don't have to give the answers to any questions, especially if the answers are detrimental to their client, nor should they just make up answers to suggest to the jury. They just have to raise the questions to make the jury think about the answers. Then it all depends on how the jury chooses to process it. I know it's making me least about the HM murder. And I think it might be reflected in the amount of time the jury is actually out in this case. We all thought it would be quick but I think some of the questions about the HM murder are going to require some time for them all to process. Which is just what the defence is aiming for. If they can get one not guilty on the three charges then it's a victory for them. Or even a guilty verdict on a lesser charge.

As far as the question regarding why is Chy crossed off the list, a reasonable explanation could be that he crossed the names off his "hit list" on his way to commit the murders and thought she was still living in TB's home or would be there because he knew Hailey was there. Will the jury see it this way? Or will they disregard that evidence as proof that he murdered anyone on the list?

I have a feeling the jury will be going over all of those questions and discrepancies and having some very interesting conversations about them. Which I didn't think they'd need to be doing when I predicted they'd be back as quick as or quicker than the DG jury. I think we could also have some interesting discussions with each question here. And I also agree with aber that this could have been avoided by digging for more solid evidence that he murdered HM or at least working to clear any and all other potential suspects. Looks like they just stopped doing that after DS became a suspect.

So let's talk about the money. ;)

Did we ever find out what "sleepers for the dogs" meant? The only thing I can think of is if he was going to tranquillize (sleeping pills) the dogs so they didn't get in the way??

"Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now41 seconds ago
"Why is Cheyenne, or Chy crossed off in the notebook," Edgerton says of page found in #Saretzky's apartment."

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IDK, maybe the cash was just a rumour. I can't imagine the executor of her mother's estate handing over 90k in cash, just too much risk of theft or being accused of theft. They want an audit trail through certified bank transactions. Then, someone's inherited Hanne's estate, they'd be able to track if $90,000 was converted to cash and missing, and presumably would have reported the theft to police. I guess if no one's reported it officially as stolen, they're not going to follow up on whether it was ever there.

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IDK, maybe the cash was just a rumour. I can't imagine the executor of her mother's estate handing over 90k in cash, just too much risk of theft or being accused of theft. They want an audit trail through certified bank transactions. Then, someone's inherited Hanne's estate, they'd be able to track if $90,000 was converted to cash and missing, and presumably would have reported the theft to police. I guess if no one's reported it officially as stolen, they're not going to follow up on whether it was ever there.

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Well I was assuming that they knew it was converted to cash by checking her bank records which is the only reason they are talking about it at all during the trial. But then again, closing statements are not evidence and I don't believe any actual evidence that she did have this money in cash was ever presented was it? :waitasec:


ETA: Maybe she buried it somewhere and they don't know where? :dunno:
Did we ever find out what "sleepers for the dogs" meant? The only thing I can think of is if he was going to tranquillize (sleeping pills) the dogs so they didn't get in the way??

I was curious about that too. It's right in your face every time they post that list and yet nothing was ever said about it that I can recall. I wonder if that is something that couldn't be discussed for some reason? It's obvious from the paw prints at the crime scene that the dogs were walking around after her murder. I was surprised to read the tweet today that said that one of HM's little dogs was lying on her body when she was found. How sad. :cry:

I mostly just lurk, but I've put together a possible narrative that could account for some of the weird discrepancies this case has. All MOO, of course.

Leading up to the murders, we know DS had a court case coming up for break and enter, and we know he had previously had similar charges when he was younger which were dealt with so that he didn't end up with a record. His family knew about that and supported him but I'm sure it was made clear to him that he needed to get himself together and not repeat them.

DS seems to care about his family's opinion of him, if not society's. Even when confessing to murder, he tells police that he had traffic court, which seems to indicate his reluctance to admit he was up for B&E was seriously ingrained in his mind.

So, what I'm thinking is that when he showed up in church, he was thinking of telling his aunt (or a priest, or other family member) about the charges he was facing. That's the bad thing he did. Maybe he was feeling torn between doing the right thing (telling his family) and the wrong thing (acting out his murderous fantasies). He can't bring himself to tell his aunt, so he's goes ahead and kills Hanne.

I do think he premeditated the crimes. The list of names had to have been written before the church don't start writing halfway down a page. They could have been crossed out later. He was thinking about murder before he decided to go to church. It's possible he was motivated by the rumor about money, he could have thought that if he was sentenced to fines and probation, he could pay and not have to fess up to his family.

I think "sleepers for the dogs" is definitely proof he though ahead about killing Hanne. But when the time came, he couldn't get ahold of "sleepers" or just decided it didn't matter. He worked himself up to kill, kicked the door in, and did it. Maybe he looked for the money and didn't find anything, or maybe he was so agitated he forgot. Either way, at that point there was no reason not to go through with his plan for killing Terry, Hailey and Chy.

As for Chy being on the list, if he didn't know she didn't live with Terry I think he planned on killing all of them. It sounds like he thought that being fiends was dating, and he was enraged when she chose the "bad boy" over the "nice guy". (Although he probably didn't ever actually tell her he liked her.) In his imagination she had betrayed him, and "that hideous baby" was living proof. When he crossed off the names later, he figured killing Hailey worked as revenge. He didn't kill Chy and he didn't use sleepers on the dogs, but it was close enough.

Notice that when he first confessed (sort of) it was in front of his dad. Then he kept his mouth shut until Sgt. McCauley got him talking, which he did by basically acting like a family member. That's DS's weakness. Also, I don't think it's surprising that six months later his recollection of Hanne's murder was off.
Well I was assuming that they knew it was converted to cash by checking her bank records which is the only reason they are talking about it at all during the trial. But then again, closing statements are not evidence and I don't believe any actual evidence that she did have this money in cash was ever presented was it? :waitasec:


ETA: Maybe she buried it somewhere and they don't know where? :dunno:

Apparently Hanne told Saretzky's aunt that there was money in a bag in her freezer.

During cross examination from defence lawyer, Patrick Edgerton, Carmellia noted that in her time working with Hanne as her Special Olympics coach, Hanne had told her that she had hidden money in a bag in her freezer.
I mostly just lurk, but I've put together a possible narrative that could account for some of the weird discrepancies this case has. All MOO, of course.

Leading up to the murders, we know DS had a court case coming up for break and enter, and we know he had previously had similar charges when he was younger which were dealt with so that he didn't end up with a record. His family knew about that and supported him but I'm sure it was made clear to him that he needed to get himself together and not repeat them.

DS seems to care about his family's opinion of him, if not society's. Even when confessing to murder, he tells police that he had traffic court, which seems to indicate his reluctance to admit he was up for B&E was seriously ingrained in his mind.

So, what I'm thinking is that when he showed up in church, he was thinking of telling his aunt (or a priest, or other family member) about the charges he was facing. That's the bad thing he did. Maybe he was feeling torn between doing the right thing (telling his family) and the wrong thing (acting out his murderous fantasies). He can't bring himself to tell his aunt, so he's goes ahead and kills Hanne.

I do think he premeditated the crimes. The list of names had to have been written before the church don't start writing halfway down a page. They could have been crossed out later. He was thinking about murder before he decided to go to church. It's possible he was motivated by the rumor about money, he could have thought that if he was sentenced to fines and probation, he could pay and not have to fess up to his family.

I think "sleepers for the dogs" is definitely proof he though ahead about killing Hanne. But when the time came, he couldn't get ahold of "sleepers" or just decided it didn't matter. He worked himself up to kill, kicked the door in, and did it. Maybe he looked for the money and didn't find anything, or maybe he was so agitated he forgot. Either way, at that point there was no reason not to go through with his plan for killing Terry, Hailey and Chy.

As for Chy being on the list, if he didn't know she didn't live with Terry I think he planned on killing all of them. It sounds like he thought that being fiends was dating, and he was enraged when she chose the "bad boy" over the "nice guy". (Although he probably didn't ever actually tell her he liked her.) In his imagination she had betrayed him, and "that hideous baby" was living proof. When he crossed off the names later, he figured killing Hailey worked as revenge. He didn't kill Chy and he didn't use sleepers on the dogs, but it was close enough.

Notice that when he first confessed (sort of) it was in front of his dad. Then he kept his mouth shut until Sgt. McCauley got him talking, which he did by basically acting like a family member. That's DS's weakness. Also, I don't think it's surprising that six months later his recollection of Hanne's murder was off.
Thanks, good points. I'd be very interested in who in the family, if anyone, knew about DS's upcoming court appearance for B+E.

I would say that, after Chy's testimony, I began to think there might have been more to their relationship: she had said previously she hadn't seen him in several years, but it seems they hung out after Hailey was born, often at his mother's place, possibly during a bad patch in her relationship with Terry. That corresponds better with something the interviewer mentioned in trying to get the confession, that DS had been sort of a 'stepdad' to Hailey for a while. That would make his murder and treatment of her even more perverse, IMO.

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Apparently Hanne told Saretzky's aunt that there was money in a bag in her freezer.
Thanks, and checking back, it was also raised by the defence in cross-examinating Terry Megli,

Megli also told Edgerton the deceased inherited cash from her mother sometime before her own death.

"All I know is she was given an amount of money from her mother, I think she kept it at home, I'm not sure of that," he said.

"She didn't trust the bank."

Megli told jurors he wasn't sure of the exact amount.

"I know it was somewhere around $90,000," he told Edgerton.

So I think it was a local rumour, raised by the defense to show someone else might've had a motive to kill Hanne.

Too bad LE didn't seem to make any effort to confirm or deny it, it would be a pretty good motive. However, I think a purely mercenary murderer wouldn't be likely to use that level of violence.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Apparently Hanne told Saretzky's aunt that there was money in a bag in her freezer.

During cross examination from defence lawyer, Patrick Edgerton, Carmellia noted that in her time working with Hanne as her Special Olympics coach, Hanne had told her that she had hidden money in a bag in her freezer.

Hanne was in the Special Olympics in 1995. Was this when the $90,000 was supposed to have been in a bag in her freezer? That was 20 years before the murder. She probably spent it if that's the case.

An animal lover known for charming quirks like feeding wild skunks so they wouldn’t go hungry, Meketech was also proud former special Olympian, who had competed in cross-country skiing in the 1995 Alberta Special Olympic Winter Games.

That article also came out 7 months after the murders, just after DS confessed. The article indicates ...

Police initially maintained there was no connection between the two deadly crimes, and though the mysterious murder of the 69-year-old grandma last September came days before the horrifying double-homicide blamed on Derek James Saretzky, RCMP wouldn’t make the link.

Meketech’s family certainly connected the dots, though.
As far as the discrepancy regarding DS telling his aunt he did something bad before HM was supposedly murdered, I'm not sure why LE wouldn't have considered that DS murdered HM during the day. Why do they think it was later at night?

It's only 1 - 2 km between Blairmore and Coleman so perhaps he walked over during the day on Sept 8th and killed HM? Then walked to the church where he saw his aunt? Perhaps he was attempting to visit his grandparents who said that he was trying to visit them in the days leading up to his grandfather's Sept 15th birthday...

The witness also said Saretzky wanted to visit him and his wife in the days leading up to his Sept. 15, birthday, the day after Blanchette was found dead.

"He was quite insistent he wanted to come see us," Megli said.

"Were you available to see him?" Papadatou asked.

"Not emotionally," Megli said.

"He was having trouble with alcohol and drugs and I didn't want that in my house."


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