GUILTY Canada - Terry, 27, & Hailey Blanchette, 2, Blairmore, AB, 14 Sept 2015 #3

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Big respect to the cops who have this job - trying to sympathize and relate to the suspect. The patience it would take. I'd want to just f*ing throttle him. This is quite the game of cat and mouse. DS knows what he's doing.

Yes, big respect for their ability to remain calm when they know the person in front of them is feeding them a line of BS. I wonder if this officer's mother really was murdered when he was 7?
He can't even stick to one story. First it was God who told
Him to and now the Devil. It's always been about Chy

Do you think he killed Hanne just to feed into this "devil/god" made me do it story line? If it was just Terry/Hailey who were killed, the motive stays with Cheyenne. But if he does a "trial run" on someone else and has a reason for "not liking her", perhaps he feels that makes it more credible?


Something I'm lost on - there's no lawyer in the room during the interview. DS said he did want a lawyer. So...did he change his mind? Or he's waiting for one to arrive but decided to talk anyway?

I asked a lawyer friend and he says he can't believe any lawyer would offer that advice ("say the truth").

Where is his lawyer at this point?
Good question dogmatica.

I skimmed through the agreed facts and for those interested in whether he went to mass or if Hanne did, you might find it interesting to note that on September 15th, 2015, he went and met his aunt there.

47. Carmella Saretzky gave a statement to the RCMP on September 15, 2015 at 1922hrs. She told the RCMP that on September 8, 2015 she saw her nephew, Derek Saretzky at evening mass. After mass, she invited Derek Saretzky to join her and Kevin Saretzky for dinner at their home.

48. On September 9, 2015, Carmella Saretzky attended a funeral service at 1100 hrs. She saw Derek Saretzky at the service. After the funeral service, Carmella Saretzky had to go out to her property on Grassy Mountain Road and she asked Derek Saretzky to join her. Derek Saretzky was walking around the property and Carmella Saretzky asked him what he was doing to which he responded “Oh, I’m just looking around. I haven’t been here for so long”.
Sam Borsato‏ @BorsatoSam [video=twitter;875473788573331456][/video]More

McCauley: "The devil’s a *advertiser censored**ing *advertiser censored*, but not you." Asks if Hailey suffered, Derek says "a little bit." #Saretzky

I feel rage. ****ing MONSTER.
"A little bit"

Those words have shaken me to the core.
As if it isn't bad enough, worse is coming I fear.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 3m3 minutes ago
Court about to resume in #Saretzky triple-murder trial with more of his statement to police. Graphic content expected.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
Jury now continuing to watch #Saretzky statement to Staff Sgt. Mike McCauley.

Quinn Campbell‏Verified account @quinnLcampbell 2m2 minutes ago
Back from the afternoon break. Video now continuing with McCauley pressing #Saretzky to help find Hailey

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 2m2 minutes ago
McCauley tells #Saretzky, "It's not your fault." Puts a hand on Saretzky's leg as he talks to him

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 2m2 minutes ago
In video, Derek is crying as McCauley keeps pressing for info on Hailey.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
"Please help me find her .. that's how you can make up for it," McCauley tells #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 2m2 minutes ago
McCauley tells #Saretzky his family will forgive him, "because you didn't mean to do this. Please help me find her."

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 2m2 minutes ago
Saretzky starts crying, McCauley passes him box of tissues #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 3m3 minutes ago
"If she's dead that's okay, but she needs to be at peace," says McCauley. #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 3m3 minutes ago
McCauley: "Please help me find her"
#Saretzky is crying ...their faces are so close, their knees almost touching

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 3m3 minutes ago
McCauley "don't let her be alone. Where is she Derek. Where's Hailey?" #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 3m3 minutes ago
"I'll never get to see my parents (again)," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 3m3 minutes ago
#Saretzky "I'll never get to see my parents again." McCauley "if you take my to her your parents will be here after that."

Quinn Campbell‏Verified account @quinnLcampbell 2m2 minutes ago
McCauley hands #saretzky a tissue as he talks about talking to his parents. "You have the strength, I know you do," says McCauley

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 2m2 minutes ago
"She's not alive," Derek tells McCauley.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 2m2 minutes ago
McCauley has moved closer to #Saretzky in the video. "Is she alive Derek or is she dead?" #Saretzky "she's not alive."

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 2m2 minutes ago
"The devil made me turn her into ashes," said #Saretzky as he starts sobbing. McCauley pats his shoulder

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
Did it "in the bush" #Saretzky says.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 1m1 minute ago
Where did you turn her into ashes? - McCauley
In the bush - #Saretzky

Sam Borsato‏ @BorsatoSam 2m2 minutes ago
#Saretzky says it happened in the bush. Officer suggests going there, and bringing her home. #Saretzky

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 1m1 minute ago
McCauley: Let's go...bring her home
#Saretzky is turned away from the officer now

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
McCauley where did the devil make you kill her? "In the bush?" "How did you kill her?" #Saretzky "I choked her."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
"It's like he chokes me," #Saretzky says of the devil.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
McCauley says "did she suffer?" #Saretzky "a little bit."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
It took about an hour and 13 minutes for #Saretzky to admit choking Hailey.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 2m2 minutes ago
McCauley did the devil make you have sex with her? #Saretzky "no, no."

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he did not have sex with the girl

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 50s50 seconds ago
#Saretzky says Hailey's remains are in the woods. "I don't know who's land it is."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 45s45 seconds ago #SAretzky says he killed Hailey a couple of miles from the Crowsnest Pass RCMP detachment.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 28s28 seconds ago
"I'm going to puke," Derek says. #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 52s53 seconds ago
Video shows #Saretzky grabbing Kleenex. Says god told him to save himself. He says killing her would save him.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 45s46 seconds ago
"I'm very proud of you," says McCauley as he gets details out of #Saretzky

Quinn Campbell‏Verified account @quinnLcampbell 45s46 seconds ago
#Saretzky has his head in his hands as he talks to McCauley.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he choked Hailey with a shoelace.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 42s43 seconds ago
"I used a van," Derek tells McCauley of how he transported Hailey.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 6s6 seconds ago
McCauley tells #Saretzky "I feel bad for you. You're my hero today."

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now28 seconds ago
"I just want to make things right," says #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 9s10 seconds ago
"This shows you're not a monster, I'm so glad you're not a monster," McCauley tells #Saretzky.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 6s7 seconds ago
#Saretzky through tears "I just want to make things right."

Sam Borsato‏ @BorsatoSam 27s27 seconds ago
Derek says through tears that he's scared he'll be killed if he tells McCauley where Hailey's body is. #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now43 seconds ago
Devil told him Terry was a terrible father, "I used a knife," #Saretzky says.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 19s19 seconds ago
"It's in the firepit now," #Saretzky says of knife used to kill Blanchette.

I just can't anymore either. I can't believe I just read that.

Lock him up and throw away the key.
Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
#Saretzky says he went straight to the area where he choked Hailey with a shoelace.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 2m2 minutes ago
#Saretzky continues to wipe away tears. Says god guided his path telling him where to burn Hailey's remains.

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 2m2 minutes ago
"He showed me where to go," #Saretzky says God chose the campsite where he burned Hailey's body

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says "I figure I'm a little less of a coward as a man by saying it."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
"I choked her first," #Saretzky says, before he cut Hailey.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 2m2 minutes ago
Derek emotional and tearful as McCauley keeps pressing for more details.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he choked Hailey and then he dismembered her.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
"I ate a little bit of her heart," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 2m2 minutes ago
"I ate a bit of her heart to try and strengthen me." #Saretzky admits.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he cut off Hailey's arms and legs.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
Visibly shaken jury listening to this latest evidence at the #Saretzky trial. Many covering their faces with their hands.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
Did you cut her head off?" "Yeah," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says god has never got him to do this before.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 2m2 minutes ago
Jurors having mixed reactions. One staring at #Saretzky, a couple have their heads in their hands

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
"I don't even remember doing it to Terry," #Saretzky says.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he didn't tie Hailey up, just transported her in the back of the van.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 1m1 minute ago
After, #Saretzky says he felt "a bit stronger"

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he didn't tie Hailey up when she took her from her house. Says he put her in the back of the van. "She just sat there."

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he burned books in the fire with Hailey's remains. "I was trying to clean my *****."

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 1m1 minute ago
Saretzky says he burned his boots and some books there as well #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
#Saretzky says he burned books along with Hailey's remains.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 45s45 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he went back to his apartment after killing Hailey, "Smoked a little weed and then left."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
#Saretzky says he wore a mask at the time of the killings.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 30s31 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he was wearing a black mask during Terry and Hailey killings.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
There was probably blood on the mask, #Saretzky says

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg 44s44 seconds ago
#Saretzky reiterates he doesn't remember killing Blanchette

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 31s31 seconds ago
"I'm worried about my own safety. I don't have a gun." #Saretzky says he might get shot when talking about going to find Hailey's remains.

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles 1m1 minute ago
Saretzky asks if McCauley will bring his gun to the campsite where Hailey was burned #Saretzky
I feel sick. This is horrific. I can't fathom what Hailey went through. I can't. I lay in bed thinking of this little girl and Bella. Evilness walks amongst us everyday. It's just too much.

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Sam Borsato‏ @BorsatoSam 1m1 minute ago
Derek: "I know you’re not going to hurt me, but I'm worried if I go there w/o a gun, I'll get shot." #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
McCauley assures him he'll bring a gun to the scene. #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 56s56 seconds ago
McCauley is getting ready to take #Saretzky to the rural scene where he says Hailey's remains are.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 33s33 seconds ago
In video, Derek tells McCauley he'll take him to campsite where the fire pit is.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 17s17 seconds ago
McCauley again telling #Saretzky he's proud of him for telling the truth.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 33s34 seconds ago
"This the only step which would have given them a chance to forgive you," McCauley says of how #Saretzky's confession will impact family.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now32 seconds ago
McCauley tells #Saretzky he'll arrange to transport him to crime scene.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr 4s5 seconds ago
McCauley to #Saretzky... "are you sorry?" Derek "yeah."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now54 seconds ago
#Saretzky says killing of Terry Blanchette was quick.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now38 seconds ago
"I hit him with a crowbar," #Saretzky says.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now20 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he took family company van to backyard driveway near Blanchette's home.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now26 seconds ago
"I went through a side door," #Saretzky says of entering Blanchette's home.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now45 seconds ago
"The door was open, so I went in there," #Saretzky says.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now26 seconds ago
"I had a flashlight on," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now43 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he drove to Terry's place in a van. Parked in neighbour's driveway. Door to Blanchette's was unlocked.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now49 seconds ago
"He was laying in bed," #Saretzky says.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald now41 seconds ago
Derek describing how he entered the Blanchette home through a side door. Found Terry laying in bed, awake.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now57 seconds ago
#Saretzky says Blanchette's door was open, he went in with a flashlight, masked. "I smashed him .. he was laying in bed."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now49 seconds ago
"I grabbed some rope and choked him and then I cut his throat because I was going to drain his blood," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now38 seconds ago
#Saretzky says Terry was in his bed "I smashed him. He was awake. I grabbed robe and choked him. I cut his throat and drained his blood.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now32 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he burned the rope in the fire.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now51 seconds ago
"Everything after that is a blur and the next thing I know I was up in the bush," #Saretzky says.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now18 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he didn't drink Terry's blood but he was going to "I didn't drain it enough."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now41 seconds ago
#Saretzky says Blanchette's bed was on main floor and Hailey's crib upstairs.

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now27 seconds ago
Saretzky says he then went up to Hailey's bedroom #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now25 seconds ago
#Saretzky says after he killed Terry everything was a blur and the next thing he knew he was up in the bush.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now24 seconds ago
"I didn't hit her with the crowbar," #Saretzky says of Hailey.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now47 seconds ago
Says he used pillow to stop her from screaming. #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now34 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he didn't hit Hailey with the crowbar in crib. "I grabbed a pillow & put it over her face so no one would hear her scream."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now55 seconds ago
"Did she scream?" McCauley asks. "A little bit, yeah," #Saretzky replies.
The pour Jury to have to hear this. They will never be the same. Have we heard if any family is in the courtroom? He is a monster and I hope he doesn't get NCR. It reminds me of the Vincent Li killing of Tim Mclean. Vincent got NCR and now he is out and free.
Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now44 seconds ago
Drove out of town and found a gate, #Saretzky says. "There was no lock on the gate."

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now49 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he drove to rural property. He had a lighter and paper to start the fire.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now31 seconds ago
#Saretzky used a lighter and paper to build fire. "The firepit was already there."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now1 minute ago
Says he was with Hailey about four hours before he killed her. #Saretzky

Sam Borsato‏ @BorsatoSam now53 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he found an unlocked gate, check if anyone was there. Brought paper and lighter to start a fire, waited for it to get big.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now33 seconds ago
"She cried a little bit" when he pulled her out of the van, #Saretzky says.

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now17 seconds ago
"Then I choked her as quick as I could" - #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now39 seconds ago
#Saretzky says when he took Hailey out of the van "she cried. I choked her as quick as I could." Says it didn't take long. "It was quick."

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now42 seconds ago
"I drained her blood and drank most of it" - #Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now59 seconds ago
"I drank her blood. I drank it. Most of it. It made me feel a little bit...." #Saretzky after killing Hailey.

Meghan Grant‏Verified account @CBCMeg now21 seconds ago
McCauley leaves the room again to arrange for transportation to burn site #Saretzky

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now55 seconds ago
McCauley leaves interview room to go to make preparations to take #Saretzky to scene where he killed Hailey.

***and probably to vomit. :cry:
Thank you Kamille. Today must be extra difficult to do this. :(

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Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 12s13 seconds ago
Crown fast forwards to when McCauley returns. #Saretzky

Patrick Burles‏ @PatrickBurles now42 seconds ago
After leaving room, McCauley comes back and informs #Saretzky that he's also under arrest now for Hailey's murder

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 16s16 seconds ago
McCauley tells #Saretzky he's now under arrest for Hailey's murder as well and can again speak to his lawyer if he wants.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now1 minute ago
#Saretzky "how long do you think I'm facing? The rest of my life?"

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald 26s26 seconds ago
Video is nearly complete. McCauley making preps to go to burn site.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts 22s23 seconds ago
"How long do you think I'm facing?" #Saretzky asks. McCauley says he has no say in the matter.

Nick Kuhl‏ @NKuhlHerald now15 seconds ago
Derek asking about prison sentence lengths. McCauley explaining various possibilities. "I have no say in the court process."#Saretzky

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now42 seconds ago
#Saretzky opts to wait to talk to lawyer until he goes to court.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now34 seconds ago
#Saretzky says he'll wait until he's in court to speak to his lawyer again.

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now30 seconds ago
"You think I'd have a chance if I pled insanity?" #Saretzky asks.

Kaella Carr‏Verified account @CTVKaellaCarr now57 seconds ago
#Saretzky "think I'll have a better chance if I plead insanity? I think I may try."

Kevin Martin‏Verified account @KMartinCourts now38 seconds ago
McCauley says he has no say in whether an insanity plea will work. #Saretzky

**Don't think an insane person would be weighing whether pleading insanity will work. :waitasec:

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