GUILTY Canada - Tess Richey, 22, Toronto, 25 Nov 2017 *Arrest*

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Toward the end of last month I was sharing the story and suspect images on the subreddits for other cities around the GTA. If people feel like this would be useful, I can post my write-up to some more subreddits. I just wasn't sure whether it was effective, but they did seem to be getting a decent number of views.

I have to say that the biggest impediment to understanding the suspect images is that the one in which he appears to have the most neutral expression (the fullest body shot) is massively blown out on his face. The shot of him looking into camera is also relatively neutral but it's impossible to properly make out his mouth in it.

I have to say that though it may not have produced super useful images, making the 3D model of his face has been useful for me in terms of wrapping my head around how his features match from pic to pic. I just wish I understood his nose a little better.
Since we're on a new page again, I'll post the suspect images for anyone browsing:


I'm attaching some alternate versions I made as well. The first has been digitally sharpened, which may show up useful details but also adds a lot of artifacts and artificially crunchiness. The second has been digitally "un"sharpened, to remove the crunchy upres artifacts present when police originally released the image. These ones look like they're being viewed through a slight fog, but may be useful for getting past artificial things in the images and seeing the broad shape of the suspect's face and features better. Finally, the last images are black and white versions of both the previously described images. I find these are a bit less taxing to look at and get detail from due to the lack of colour.






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I tweeted last night a desperate plea for people to RT images of the suspect. It's getting a good number of retweets. Fingers crossed
I would estimate I’ve brought up the case to about 8-12 people I know and showed them pics of Tess and the suspect and not one of them was familiar with the case or the pics. Not one. I work near the Eaton centre and was actually thinking of trying an experiment of approaching like 20-30 random people and asking them if they had heard of the case or seen the pics just to see what percentage would be. I would estimate it’s well under 10% of Toronto. I think there are probably pockets where the percentage would be much higher such as people who live and frequent the village and maybe Ryerson and U of T students. But overall it’s not a great level of familiarity. Then to add insult to injury each of those pics released looks like a different person. Others have already commented similar experiences but I can honestly look at one of the side profile shots and see a similarity with a guy I used to work with, and then I can look at the pic of the guy where it looks like he is eating something and see a similarity with a friend of my brothers and then I can look at that full body pic where he is standing sort of funny and I get a sense I’ve seen him before but can’t quite put my finger on it. But the hard truth is these pics are bad and they could be almost anyone. They need to work with sketch artists and photo editors to clean them up. That Michelle lady from the article sounded pretty on the ball and she was sober. She must have got a pretty good look at the guy over 20 minutes and could be helpful in producing a better image. And why not release video of how this guy walks?
I don't know if the images are actually that bad, sure the quality isn't great, but the images aren't bad imo, and we're fortunate to have them. The problem is, to the average person, he looks like 1000 men we know or have seen before, or not at all. But to people who actually know the suspect, they could easily look at the images and say "damn, that's john doe". They are either not coming forward, or the images aren't being circulated widely and frequently enough through MSM.
I must have seen you on that thread! It shocked me so much too. I'm tweeting it like mad. But feeling like loads of people don't really care. More people from outside of Ontario have shared his images than friends in Ontario have :/

I was the one who mentioned that its a shame she didn't know. It really IS a shame that she had no idea who she was. This guy could be right under our nose, or miles away. So many people wouldn't even know it.
I don't know if the images are actually that bad, sure the quality isn't great, but the images aren't bad imo, and we're fortunate to have them. The problem is, to the average person, he looks like 1000 men we know or have seen before, or not at all. But to people who actually know the suspect, they could easily look at the images and say "damn, that's john doe". They are either not coming forward, or the images aren't being circulated widely and frequently enough through MSM.

Yeah you're probably right. To a person who knows him well these pictures are likely enough. To the average person who might just see him in class or on the subway - Im not sure how helpful they are. There is nothing distinctive about this guy - average looking white guy in his 20s with dark hair and average height who comes across as 'shy' and 'polite'? Which is why I'd really like to see video of how this guy walks - how someone moves is usually fairly distinctive. Also, someone else made the comment that maybe that Michelle woman from the porch could point out out the picture that MOST looks like him based on her recollection and explain why. It might be better to focus on ONE picture - preferably enhanced/improved in some way - and release that with new video of the guy moving.
I was just going to say, I wonder why they haven't released video? Someone might recognise his walking style, mannerisms or hand movements. I feel like just a five second video of him would be more helpful than those grainy photos. And he likely doesn't wear those clothes anymore. Or he does, but not in Toronto. I don't think he's a local.

I've been quietly following this from the start hoping for an arrest. I thought they would have got him by now.
Interestingly, I read about a rape case near me on Facebook and the girl was drugged by a man pretending to be gay at a gay bar. It makes sense as a place for predators because it would be so unexpected but I’d never considered it before reading about Tess’s case. It makes me think his plan may have been to rape her and she fought him or otherwise wasn’t cooperative and that’s why he killed her. I can’t imagine he had planned to murder someone out on the street like that with cameras and potential witnesses. I wonder if there have been sexual assaults on other women in similar situations in the area?

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Interestingly, I read about a rape case near me on Facebook and the girl was drugged by a man pretending to be gay at a gay bar. It makes sense as a place for predators because it would be so unexpected but I’d never considered it before reading about Tess’s case. It makes me think his plan may have been to rape her and she fought him or otherwise wasn’t cooperative and that’s why he killed her. I can’t imagine he had planned to murder someone out on the street like that with cameras and potential witnesses. I wonder if there have been sexual assaults on other women in similar situations in the area?

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Maybe he killed her out of fear that she'd report him? I've also wondered what led up to it.
WHY has this News Release been removed????????

Has he (already) been identified????
Sadly, I think news releases are taken down from TPS website after about a month. I wish it wasn't the case for situations that remain unsolved, especially when there's a person of interest.
Feels like dejà vu....

& it's all coming back to me now.

Sadly, I think news releases are taken down from TPS website after about a month. I wish it wasn't the case for situations that remain unsolved, especially when there's a person of interest.

What's really unfortunate is that there's an open homicide page for Tess with an "Additional Information" section where you'd expect something like these images to go and there's nothing there.

That said, as I mentioned previously, the family has been made aware of this so I'm sure they've followed up with police.
I get that people want to see an arrest as quickly as possible, but even if a neighbour or friend of this guy came forward right after the pictures came out and the police talked to him, they’d still have to build a case against him unless he just immediately confessed. There wouldn’t really be any reason to update the public before they’re ready to arrest.

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I get that people want to see an arrest as quickly as possible, but even if a neighbour or friend of this guy came forward right after the pictures came out and the police talked to him, they’d still have to build a case against him unless he just immediately confessed. There wouldn’t really be any reason to update the public before they’re ready to arrest.

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Yes, it's certainly a process. I would hope that LE would take a DNA sample of any potential suspects they speak with, but then there's the fact that we don't even know if the POI left DNA evidence at the scene or on Tess.
Interestingly, I read about a rape case near me on Facebook and the girl was drugged by a man pretending to be gay at a gay bar. It makes sense as a place for predators because it would be so unexpected but I’d never considered it before reading about Tess’s case. It makes me think his plan may have been to rape her and she fought him or otherwise wasn’t cooperative and that’s why he killed her. I can’t imagine he had planned to murder someone out on the street like that with cameras and potential witnesses. I wonder if there have been sexual assaults on other women in similar situations in the area?

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Curious to know if the rape you referenced occurred outside, in a club, or at a residence and if a date rape drug was involved?

As for the perp in Tess's murder, wondering if he went to " comfort " her again, then got grabby and was pushed away casing him to go ballistic?
Or, if he pushed her down the steps causing injury and then killed her to ensure her silence?
imo, speculation.
Curious to know if the rape you referenced occurred outside, in a club, or at a residence and if a date rape drug was involved?

As for the perp in Tess's murder, wondering if he went to " comfort " her again, then got grabby and was pushed away casing him to go ballistic?
Or, if he pushed her down the steps causing injury and then killed her to ensure her silence?
imo, speculation.

Based on the summary of events we have so far the most obvious scenario seems like this guy was trying to go home with Tess that night and then became angry when things were'nt moving in that direction (ie Tess called an Uber and made it clear she was going home by herself). But whats odd about that is why were police so convinced this was "death by misadventure" when they first found the body? There were clearly no signs of a fight or struggle and her clothes must not have been disturbed in any way to suggest attempted rape. Almost like this guy just went straight for her neck. Like it went from zero to 100 really fast.
What's really scary about this, is that unfortunately it was Tess that got murdered. What makes it even more scarier, is that this ******* was reported to have been attempting to go with someone/people a week prior to another club (which I don't know the name off the top of my head I think it was El Convento Rico?). Was he hungry for a kill then? Would he have attempted to do it to someone before Tess? Was that his ultimate goal? It just really weirds me out about his behaviour, and if it wouldn't have been Tess, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it definitely would have been someone else. I'm gonna guess that he scopes women out from afar, and then approaches them.
Yep, that was the place Clue.....

[self edit]

:justice: for Tess!!!
What's really scary about this, is that unfortunately it was Tess that got murdered. What makes it even more scarier, is that this ******* was reported to have been attempting to go with someone/people a week prior to another club (which I don't know the name off the top of my head I think it was El Convento Rico?). Was he hungry for a kill then? Would he have attempted to do it to someone before Tess? Was that his ultimate goal? It just really weirds me out about his behaviour, and if it wouldn't have been Tess, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it definitely would have been someone else. I'm gonna guess that he scopes women out from afar, and then approaches them.
I agree. He's a predator.

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