GUILTY Canada - Tess Richey, 22, Toronto, 25 Nov 2017 *Arrest*

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Was watching the news yesterday and I was surprised to see that he is taking the stand. They must be confident and prepped him well.
Well prepped at lying his way through but the crown attorney is finishing him off, especially with this video outside the bar showing he was on the prowl.
I also think the defense thought they had no choice but to put him on the stand because his goose was cooked and it couldn't hurt at this point?
‘You never look back do you, Mr. Schlatter?’ Accused killer faces cross-examination at Tess Richey murder trial
By Alyshah HashamCourts ReporterTues., March 10, 2020
''Holding up two photos of Tess Richey’s dead body at the bottom of a stairwell, a Crown prosecutor suggested Kalen Schlatter felt sick in a cab leaving the area because “this is what you left behind.”

Schlatter, who has testified that he did not sexually assault and strangle Tess Richey, said it was food and alcohol that made him feel sick and get out of the cab early to throw up.''

''On Tuesday, Richards said the evidence shows Richey was going to go home.

She said surveillance video shows Richey appearing to hug her friend goodbye and then hail a cab, which Schlatter then waves on. Schlatter said no one was getting into the cab, so he waved it on because traffic was being held up.''

Simard and Richey walked in opposite directions and he went after Richey, who walked to Church Street, because she seemed more upset, he said.

“You were tailing her,” Richards said. “She’d left you long behind, almost half a block.”

''When shown the security video, Schlatter said he was not “following her. I’m just going to see if she’s all right.”

Richards suggested Schlatter “slinks” away when he leaves, walking differently than when he walks into the alley.''
March 12 2020
Schlatter's lawyers to call 'alternate suspect' in Tess Richey murder trial
Schlatter's lawyers to call 'alternate suspect' in Tess Richey murder trial

''Over the course of Schlatter’s murder trial, his lawyers have made reference to another man seen in the area where Richey disappeared in the early morning hours of Nov. 25, 2017''
''The trial resumes at 10 a.m.''
March 12 2020
Schlatter's lawyers to call 'alternate suspect' in Tess Richey murder trial
Schlatter's lawyers to call 'alternate suspect' in Tess Richey murder trial

''Over the course of Schlatter’s murder trial, his lawyers have made reference to another man seen in the area where Richey disappeared in the early morning hours of Nov. 25, 2017''
''The trial resumes at 10 a.m.''[/QUOTE
Interesting, the defense is trying to pin it on this guy if it is the guy with the pink hat. So I guess he has no choice but to appear in court if they call him as a witness. Pretty bad for the average citizen minding their own business that happen to be in the area and the police have cleared to have to take this type of abuse.
''A man who the defence is expected to cast as an alternate suspect is testifying at Kalen Schlatter's first-degree murder trial in the death of Toronto woman Tess Richey.

The witness, who can only be referred to as J.G. because of a publication ban, began answering questions from defence lawyer Lydia Riva Thursday morning. He spoke very softly, mumbled, and fidgeted with something in his hands in the witness box.

Riva alleged that on the morning Richey vanished, the witness was "out in [his] neighbourhood ... looking for sex."

J.G. responded very softly, and said he wasn't.''

''Court heard J.G. was out in that area in the early morning hours of Nov. 25, and ran into Richey alongside two other people.

He said Richey repeatedly tried to say hello to him.

"Why did you think she wanted to get your attention?" Riva asked.

"I don't know ... maybe she was just interested in talking to me," he said.''
Interesting, the defense is trying to pin it on this guy if it is the guy with the pink hat. So I guess he has no choice but to appear in court if they call him as a witness. Pretty bad for the average citizen minding their own business that happen to be in the area and the police have cleared to have to take this type of abuse.

The defence is trying to create reasonable doubt. Plus , I don't think one can say the police have "cleared"him. Based on the evidence, they have charged KS, not him.
Thanks dotr, as you know Twitter doesnt always come through at least on my computer. Not having a Twitter account may be the problem, not sure.
The defence is trying to create reasonable doubt. Plus , I don't think one can say the police have "cleared"him. Based on the evidence, they have charged KS, not him.
I don't understand. He went to the police station and has been questioned. If they thought he was involved would they not have charged him? From that I would think they cleared him.
Alternate suspect denies sexually assaulting, strangling Tess Richey
''A tiny but muscular man denied sexually assaulting and strangling murder victim Tess Richey but admitted in court Thursday that he saw the beautiful young woman several times on the night she was killed.

The man, JG, whose identity is covered by a publication ban, has been called as an alternate suspect by the defence lawyers representing accused killer Kalen Schlatter.''

'His lawyer Lydia Riva accused JG of the horrific murder after her client had consensual sexual interactions with Richey.

“No ma’am,” JG replied in his soft voice.''

''The witness also told the jury he has Asperberger’s Sydrome, a condition on the Autism spectrum and social anxiety. He is a self-described “lonely, homebody guy.”

On two occasions, Richey shouted out to JG, but he didn’t engage in conversation with her.

“It doesn’t happen much that I get approached by women. I froze. I was shy,” recalled JG. “I wasn’t going to talk (to her). I have difficulty talking to people.”
Kalen Schlatter murder trial continues amid new COVID-19 measures
March 13, 2020 11:53AM EDT
A high-profile murder trial in Toronto is continuing amid newly announced precautions to reduce risks related to the novel coronavirus in the Ontario justice system.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Michael Dambrot says the trial of Kalen Schlatter, who is charged with first-degree murder in the killing of 22-year-old Tess Richey, will be completed.

The last witness in the trial is slated to be heard today, with closing arguments expected sometime next week.
Good to hear. Obviously a slam dunk case and judge wants him locked away, right away.

A friend was supposed to start jury duty on Monday and it got cancelled as did a lot of other things in the GTA.

Think most other court cases have been suspended.

Bye bye Schlatter. Enjoy jail.
I wonder if the defense created enough reasonable doubt for the jury with the closing argument. It will be interesting to compare after the Crown closing arguments tomorrow. I still can't get my head around someone leaving someone in a stairway alone in the early morning other than if they harmed or murdered them. When KS walks away slowly do you interpret that he was innocent and was in no hurry or that he was being slow and careful that noone saw him? Play by play of today's closing arguments on twitter: Adam Carter on Twitter
"Kalen Schlatter did not do this. He did not murder Tess Richey," said defence lawyer Lydia Riva.

"Do not add to this horrific tragedy by convicting an innocent young man ... The only reasonable verdict is not guilty."

The proceedings now mark one of the sole criminal trials still ongoing in Ontario, as concerns over the spread of COVID-19 have forced the suspension of all regular court operations, including new trials, until further notice.

Justice Michael Dambrot gave the jury the option to suspend proceedings, but they chose to carry on.

Riva thanked them in light of what's happening across the globe before launching into her closing address.

"As hard as it might be to accept, and as uncomfortable as it might make us feel, the criminal justice system can get it wrong," Riva said. "Mr. Schlatter was an easy target ... He is easy to blame."

''The Crown is slated to give its closing address Tuesday morning, while the judge is expected to give his charge to the jury Friday.''
Crown Closing arguments play by play by another journalist: Alyshah Sanmati Hasham (@alysanmati) | Twitter

"Schlatter told the man (cell mate) that he took a cab first, then an Uber. Police did not know this at the time. Schlatter's testimony and Uber records confirm this. Police had no idea that the green jacket was in his residence and was missed by police."

"He told police in April that Schlatter confessed. That he wore a green jacket that night that police did not seize because it was in a hamper. Crown said there is a photo of a green piece of clothing in a laundry basket in the basement of Schlatter's family home."

"Police did not know how Schlatter got home that night. It was only after the cellmate told them, that they got the Uber records"
Does anyone know when the jury will deliberate, today or tomorrow?

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