Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #4 **ARREST**

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They may have seen and photographed the incinerator on Friday, but we don't know that they turned the information over to police the same day or later. Perhaps they contacted police after learning of DM's arrest?

my question is that msm reported someone contacted police about the incinerator being there, even went and took a pic..on would this peron connect anything..Dellen was not arrested or name released until Saturday...unless police already knew who he was and started contacting properties and neighbors to question A neighbour who requested anonymity told CBC News he had given police a photograph of what he called an incinerator on a trailer that he saw on the site on Friday. He said the place where police have set up a tent is one of the locations where he saw the incinerator. Police were asked about the mobile incinerator but would not comment.
I've been thinking about this and in my opinion the key to this case is the vehicle that follows the truck after it leaves TB's house.

There has to be a very good reason why that vehicle was following. At first I thought perhaps it was pulling the trailer to load TBs truck into it, but we know his truck was spotted in Brantford so if the plan was to drive to a certain spot and then put the truck into the trailer why would the trailer be following and not just be at this predetermined spot where they could meet up?

So I think we can rule out that it was another vehicle towing the trailer.

I also ask myself... if it were me, I certainly wouldn't involve so many people as to risk getting caught and having to trust so many people to keep quiet about it. I don't think the plan was to steal TBs truck and take it to the hanger and rip apart for parts. DMs friend AM has been cleared... SS doesn't match the description of the second suspect. These are people that would have access to the hanger and would eventually discover TBs truck, so why weren't they involved in this?

I think the motive for this whole thing is in that following vehicle and I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they knew TB, which could be the reason the first guy with the other truck was unharmed... because he wasn't TB.

Whoever was in that following vehicle was unable to walk up to TBs house themselves, so they needed someone else to do it.

I think this also could be why we think DM was so stupid to park the trailer at his mothers house and put the body on his property. This wasn't supposed to be traced back to DM if it weren't for the mistake of exposing his tattoo.

What do others think about this?

BBM- we can definitely rule that out, Police "believe" the shadow vehicle was an SUV type. An SUV could not pull that trailer, right?
Also, police would know, but probably wouldn't disclose if the trailer was being pulled by the shadow vehicle.

IMO, the trailer was not in the area that night... I believe TB's truck went directly to the farm, TB was brought to the farm also.

I believe the trailer was brought to farm on Wednesday and then brought TB's truck in it, to Kleinburg.
The stalks/stems of marijuana plants are not easily identified. The whole plant is usually cut, hung, then trimmed of its buds. All the leaves are used to make hash oil and the stick that is left over is totally unremarkable. There might be a bit of stubble left behind in the field but it would be small and unremarkable compared to a corn stump. You do not need an incinerator to cover a pot operation

Any stalks, if they were found and burned, you could tell what they were. I just think they wanted to wipe the place completely clean. Rip the plant right out of the ground roots and all. Leave no trace.
Maybe the truck following TB's test drive is for alibi purposes?

Unidentified Truck follows TB's truck to predetermined location, TB is overpowered, the two who can be identified (DM & Other) get into Unidentified Truck and go establish alibi's. Person(s) that were in the Unidentified Truck now take TB's truck and TB to dispose of body and hide truck/evidence.

DM probably never thought he would be found this fast (or that they would find all this evidence so quickly) or that if he was found it would be as simple as saying, "Yeah, we test drove it, but decided against it. TB dropped us off at our vehicle at 9:45. The we went to 'insert alibi'."

I think DM underestimated the police finding that trailer with the truck. I really, really do.
It would be interesting to know if DM brought his own cell phone along and if it had been turned off. If DM is known to carry his cell phone around and doesn't take it on this ride, this is evidence of pre-meditation.

Good point!
Been reading lots, but haven't posted anything yet, still wondering WTH happened!

Since TB lives in the country - and DM and 2nd guy come to look at truck at 9;30 pm, it's dark out - so how would they get to their home, (obviously the 'follower'" vehicle.... so was this vehicle in TB driveway when they left for the 'test drive' ? Wouldn't that have seemed a bit odd if 2 guys show up and didn't park their vehicle in your driveway out in the country? I really wonder if TB asked them about where their vehicle was... or if SB saw the 2nd vehicle at all?
The DNA site is interesting but nothing that adds to the story IMO.
He is a rich kid. I could see it might be fun to see your background and possible people you may be related to so why not. Some family member might have done this (particularly in light of the family claims to famous historical roots) and invited him to participate. The site will build your family tree with or without submitting DNA from what I read. Sounds fun and interesting especially if you think you have a famous heritage.
But you never know....
Was one a turbo diesel and the other non-turbo?

TB's 2007 black 3500 Ram was 5.9 Cummins diesel, Red Dodge dually of DM had what looks like Hemi badge on front fender. Pic is DM's red dually that has 5th wheel hitch.

Further Thoughts:
3) Client is "exercising his constitutional right to remain silent". Absolutely agree with previous posters that this is just a stall tactic to wait and see who else gets arrested and what their story may look like before they try and formulate a defense.

Hate to be the Devil's Advocate here, but there's really rarely any benefit even to a completely innocent suspect to talk to the police.
This video is one of many that explains the numerous reasons for that. It's just the way things are.

[ame=""]Don't Talk to Police[/ame]
Been reading lots, but haven't posted anything yet, still wondering WTH happened!

Since TB lives in the country - and DM and 2nd guy come to look at truck at 9;30 pm, it's dark out - so how would they get to their home, (obviously the 'follower'" vehicle.... so was this vehicle in TB driveway when they left for the 'test drive' ? Wouldn't that have seemed a bit odd if 2 guys show up and didn't park their vehicle in your driveway out in the country? I really wonder if TB asked them about where their vehicle was... or if SB saw the 2nd vehicle at all?

Many have wondered this. And I wonder what excuse could of been used to convince TB to get in the vehicle. In the Country why would someone walk up?

Maybe when TB questioned it they threatened his wife's life so he went along?!

Or maybe it was simple as they got dropped off by a friend and they went to grab a coffee.
But wouldn't airplane fuel be a LOT more expensive than diesel? Would there be some actual benefit (vehicle performance) to using a much much more expensive fuel?

Jet fuel, furnace oil and diesel are pretty much all the same stuff, except diesel for road use has taxes and you're in big trouble if caught using the other two on the road. Avgas for piston engine planes is high octane leaded gasoline and is more expensive than regular gas, just like race gas is.
I just found this via google. Doubt it's anything, but found it interesting that someone who appears to have very little family has a profile on here. Maybe there are connections on here that no one knows about? Although probably already found by police.

Good find!

I can be pretty bad at matching faces. Is that photo really him? Not surprisingly it looks different than the red/pink mohawk one the media have been using lately.
Was one a turbo diesel and the other non-turbo?

All diesel turbo i believe.... 5.9 was phased out and 6.7 was its replacement.... But judging from people with either... 6.7 seemed like a problematic engine. 5.9 being the better one....
Just heard on CP24, not exact wording, but DM's lawyer said that there is A LOT more to this story that anybody realizes or knows about yet. His client (DM) will not add to the story until the others suspects are brought into custody ... hmmm

I think the intent of the lawyers pressie today was to let those involved know that DM is gonna talk if they don't allow themselves to be caught or turn themselves in. I think DM will fold like a cheap suit after disclosure. There's no way he can explain the truck at his Mom's or the remains found at his property no matter how many 'poor DM' stories the lawyer will come up with. His best option is to spill, cooperate, show some remorse.
Any stalks, if they were found and burned, you could tell what they were. I just think they wanted to wipe the place completely clean. Rip the plant right out of the ground roots and all. Leave no trace.

Well let's just say it would be dumb to run a pot operation when there is an airfield across the road, the plants when growing would stand out in that cornfield from the air

Harvested pot stems are not aromatic and don't look any different from any other stubble you might find in a field...the coverup work is finished as soon as you cut them and haul them away (as you harvest the whole plant)

It's not necessary to rip the roots out and leave potholes behind

Certainly not necessary to lay out 10-20 grand on an incinerator
Interesting ... seems their site is for people looking to find a DNA match. Hmm .. who would DM be wanting to find who is related to him?

Looks like he (if that's him) has been a member since 2007. People with the genealogy research hobby waste/spend lots of time studying their ancestors - I should know, I'm one of them - and so they're searching many and various genealogical sites online. Again, IF that's him, an interest in his forebears would not be surprising - he has a very interesting ancestry. The only surprising thing is that he's unusually young to be pursuing this interest but he might have been doing it for his father or for his grandfather, I suppose.
TB's 2007 black 3500 Ram was 5.9 Cummins diesel, Red Dodge dually of DM had Hemi badging on front fender.

No, I meant the two test drive vehicles, was the one in Toronto a non-turbo diesel and not what they were looking for but Tim's was. That should have been clear from the ads for the trucks, but maybe not.
I've had this or something similar to this suggested to me too and the question I have about it is - let's say these individuals were committing a crime in Tim Bosma's neck of the woods - the Greater Hamilton Area if you will. Why go for a test drive with a dude who owns a Dodge Ram in the Toronto area? What would be the odds that would be him? Likewise, if Tim was witness to a crime in the Toronto area, why go for a test drive with a guy in the Hamilton area? I'm assuming you have to indicate a general location on the Kijiji ad. Does that not make sense to anyone else?

This is the problem I have with the idea that Tim Bosma the man was targeted, not his truck. If you are targeting Tim Bosma, wouldn't you probably have an idea of what area you're looking in? Just a thought.

I live in the area. Ancaster is between Etobicoke where DM lived & Waterloo where the hanger is, so the whole area would be DM's roaming grounds. Plus, it's not unusual for contractors around here to work anywhere from Toronto to Waterloo. I've had people work at my house from Toronto, Cambridge, Hamilton, etc. For a contractor, the whole area - Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo - would be considered a local area for work. Would not at all be unlikely that DM and TB could be in the same area.
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