Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #4 **ARREST**

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I have been watching this for days, both here and in msm, and can finally post!
I am from SW ont and am firmiliar with alot of the areas being searched. Alot of people are asking about the cell phone, how it got there etc, IMO the cell was planted by suspects to make brantford/reserve area a place of interest for a stolen truck. Anyone in this area knows the reputation the reserve has and it is frequently used as a scapegoat for stolen vehicles. The truck was reportedly sited downtown brantford around 10:10 pm, which doesn't make sense as far as when the phone was found and the likely route the suspects took to the Roseville farm/Waterloo area. I think the drive through town was after Tims phone was dumped to further make it look like the reserve was a likely location. I don't think DM had any idea how much social media would play in this and I think he figured that by the time everyone heard about this the truck would either be long gone or re-vin'd. I have heard that trucks such as this can be sold overseas for $100K due to the fact that they are not really available there. There seems to be quite a few on DM's fb that appear to have a love of big trucks if photos seen can be believed. Sorry for long post, many days of sitting by with theories may have gotten the better of me! ALL MOO
I just realized that I used to rent out my garage to a Bosma Heating and air conditioning rep here in Hamilton. Said Bosma on the truck in red letters.
I wasn't even connecting Tim to air conditioning.Duh.
Do you think there could be more then 2 companies like that here in Hamilton?
They said a great number of people in the dutch community were related to him.Maybe a family owned trade business?
Ok in this article it says TB did run a heating and air conditioning business :) Thx for the info as I had heard he was into construction Hmmm
But wouldn't airplane fuel be a LOT more expensive than diesel? Would there be some actual benefit (vehicle performance) to using a much much more expensive fuel?

I think the airplane fuel could be charged to the business whereas the diesel could not and would come out of DM's own pockets
But wouldn't airplane fuel be a LOT more expensive than diesel? Would there be some actual benefit (vehicle performance) to using a much much more expensive fuel?

Depending on what modifications are made... Jet fuel can be more beneficial. Some say it kills engine faster.... Although as I'm aware, army vehicles use it in their Diesel engines. As for cost? Well he runs an plane hangar, his wholesale cost of fuel must be relatively cheaper.
I just realized that I used to rent out my garage to a Bosma Heating and air conditioning rep here in Hamilton. Said Bosma on the truck in red letters.
I wasn't even connecting Tim to air conditioning.Duh.
Do you think there could be more then 2 companies like that here in Hamilton?
They said a great number of people in the dutch community were related to him.Maybe a family owned trade business?

If that was the company name, he didn't advertise or have listings in any Yellow Pages services. I can't imagine there would be two. It sounds like it was just him though, would be kinda odd if someone else was renting out work space, wouldn't it? Or did they rent the garage as a living accommodation?
I don't mean to be rude, but how so? It actually struck me as heartfelt yet written by someone of average, to below, intelligence. He writes, "What few words could make comment here"? That doesn't even make sense. "Carefreeness"? That's not even a real word. And this is something he had a lot of time to write and go over.

That does not strike me as intelligent, I'm sorry.
hey everyone, still trying to get caught up this morning and it's hard to! i just want to throw this out there before i forget. what if DM confided in a friend about the location of TB's body and that friend notified LE and this is what leads LE to firmly believe that it is TB that they have found?

Police would never tell the family that their loved one was deceased unless they were 1000% sure.
Ok in this article it says TB did run a heating and air conditioning business :) Thx for the info as I had heard he was into construction Hmmm

Can someone figure out if there were more then two companies with the same name. I can't even find one on net other then on the news reports.
If it is the same Bosma ,it was around 10 years ago that I rented out to his employee.
Not that I think it has any relevance to this case IMO. I'm sure his company would have worked in Hamilton anyway.
Still no description on the vehicle they claim followed his truck during the rest drive? I thought they had surveillance video of it, was it so poor that they are unable to make out the make/model? No details at all in regards to this vehicle yet?

They should have already at least released this surveillance footage to the public, shocked they have not yet done so.

Also wish they had released more information in regards to the test driver the day before, what happened there?

LE can and will at times put out some fuzzy info, and i'm wondering if perhaps it was the gf, LE knows it, they know the vehicle, but don't want to tip their hand to the suspects at large. Sounds to me like she will be a Crown witness, and they'd want to protect her to the hilt.

There will be a short statement made by a family member today at Ancaster Christian Reformed Church at 4:00 PM. Media is invited. Information on the official "In Memory of Tim Bosma" fund will also be released at that time.

From the family friend on the Official FB page.
Can someone figure out if there were more then two companies with the same name. I can't even find one on net other then on the news reports.
If it is the same Bosma ,it was around 10 years ago that I rented out to his employee.
Not that I think it has any relevance to this case IMO. I'm sure his company would have worked in Hamilton anyway.

You're encouraged to do a name check before registering your business so you don't end up in trouble over having the same name as someone later. That said, a sole proprietor can register and operate under their own name for all intents and purposes and paint their name on the side of their truck. 10 years ago though he was 22, would he have had employees and enabled them to rent out additional space?
I think the airplane fuel could be charged to the business whereas the diesel could not and would come out of DM's own pockets

Not sure about this personally. Almost any business can write off regular gas or diesel as part of its expenses. Any excessive fuel writeoffs would only become an issue after a tax audit and even that is quite unlikely as we are talking about a Airline Service business which would incur all types of fuel costs.

IMO, money or the value of the truck was NOT the reason for this murder.

Thrill of stealing cars or plain murder is much more likely scenario. Things will become much more clearer once we learn about the "other" suspects and hear the "story behind this", as DMs lawyer said today.
Speaking to the motive: I get the feeling it's going to be something more sinister than just "he wanted the truck" or "he wanted to sell the truck" or "he's into organized crime". I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but based on what I've seen of DM on social media and based on what we know about his background, none of those things make sense to me. I think if he was involved in organized crime or a gang, we'd see something on his record.

I'm not trying to be dramatic or antagonistic, but I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. I just don't see this coming down to money. With some of the worst crimes committed in North America, the perps were not your "typical" criminal and everyone who knew them said "I would never have guessed he/she was capable of that!"
Above BBM. Interested choice of words by the lawyer. If lawyer and DM are proclaiming his INNOCENCE, then what would DM have to be "remorseful" about?

Remorseful was not the best choice of words by DM's lawyer ,but don't you feel remorseful that Tim was not found alive? I sure as heck do.
I think most people that knew about this case felt remorseful.
After LE gather more and more evidence against DM, he may just enter the "not guilty by reason of insanity"-kind of plea.

I can see how his lawyer will try to make people feel sorry for him by saying that he came from a broken family, father just died, compounding emotional and psychological problems... immense stress was placed upon him after father's death... too much on his plate... drove him off the deep end... etc... etc... etc...

Yeah, and his friends thought they'd just help him with that. NOT.
(not directed at you - more if they decided to go that way).
Oh I agree, I think even if he had a lot of income coming in (legit or otherwise), he could be involved in organized crime.

His lawyer also stated police have confirmed he could have bought the truck if he wanted to (he used the word funds, which to me means cash, not assets that would have to be liquidated). LE could have quickly got all of DM's financial records (list of assets owned, credit reports, banking information). From my previous job, I know it usually takes two weeks for banks to turn over all the records requested via warrant, but they can and will provide it quicker in certain situations.

Regardless of whether he could have paid for the truck or not, the fact remains he chose to take the truck (and a man's life in the process...whether directly by his hand or not).

Money to obtain the truck--but is it less money than he is acustomed to and therefore does not want to spend his funds. Also, we do not need a motive to convict him of 1st degree murder, the evidence, timeline, being the last person to be seen with him and let's not forget, TB truck was in his trailer on his mom's property.

If this guy is innocent, why did he not contact the police to let them know that he was with him that night but had nothing to do with this?

Is the lawyer using a publication ban to somehow cover that his client is not speaking to the police and helping with the investigation. Nice try Mr. Defense attorney, I don't buy it.:jail:

In a video on this link you will find DM's lawyer say that he knew DM for "a couple of months... through mutual friends"

I read on a post earlier that DM's lawyer has recently represented heroin traffickers.

I also remember a post from DM on twitter that said that he is "either going to sleep or do heroin."

Is it reasonable to connect the dots... that DM's lawyer met him previously through these heroin dealers?
Speaking to the motive: I get the feeling it's going to be something more sinister than just "he wanted the truck" or "he wanted to sell the truck" or "he's into organized crime". I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but based on what I've seen of DM on social media and based on what we know about his background, none of those things make sense to me. I think if he was involved in organized crime or a gang, we'd see something on his record.

I'm not trying to be dramatic or antagonistic, but I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. I just don't see this coming down to money. With some of the worst crimes committed in North America, the perps were not your "typical" criminal and everyone who knew them said "I would never have guessed he/she was capable of that!"

Nah, I dont think so...... I think he mastermind... Hence why he wont point other they will all implicate him. He's just a coward, who wanted a truck for free...and use its parts? Especially the engine.
I think he was gonna use it himself, particularly for the Diesel engine, which he may replace in his other ram, that has a gas power hemi... And I'm sure for a lot of other things.

I didn't realize DM's red truck didn't have a diesel engine.

I don't know anything about trucks, but my car has a diesel engine and I've previously looked into swapping the diesel engine into a gas car (both VW) and it's a lot more involved than just replacing the engine. The transmission has to be swapped as well as the car's "computer system" and there may be issues with the emissions testing.

I'm not saying that DM and company couldn't do it, as clearly they had knowledge of tearing down cars and had the equipment, however in my mind it makes it a lot less probable that they were trying to get TB's engine to put into DM's truck in time for the Baja race this year. I personally wouldn't want to test out a new engine swap on such a long road trip.

Someone here had posted about possible VIN swapping which maybe was possible. Or just parting out the truck, or sending it overseas (I've been wondering if DM left the trailer with the truck inside at his mom's for someone else to come pick up and take elsewhere).
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