Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #4 **ARREST**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Here's a question. After the theft, DM has TB's truck and takes it to the hanger. If the recently cleared AM shows up (or any other of DM's auto buddies) to pursue their mutual hobby of rebuilding cars or prepping for the Baja, how does DM explain the new black Dodge Ram to them?

This leads me to wonder that if his buddies were not involved and had no knowledge, was DM planning on delivering TB's truck to a potential third party buyer or otherwise? Did he deliver it to that person as the completion of a deal on Monday night?

DID that third party crap their pants when they heard further details about a murder being involved and then dropped the truck back off at DM's mother's house to wash their hands of being an accessory to murder and put it all back on DM?

I'm thinking this is pretty plausible, since DM would have to know he could not explain the truck to all his peeps were it to be seen around the hanger. In other words, I am leaning to believe that maybe the truck was never meant for himself in the first place.

Unless the truck was being kept in the trailer the whole time, invisible to all except those who knew it was inside.
On Kijiji, you can contact the person via email. From that point, you can exchange numbers, addresses, so forth.

Ok so a quick search of the site Kijiji.

you CAN put your phone number on there.
to the right where it says poster contact information IF you put your number
in there it says 555-555-XXXX (then click to show)

Under that you can email the poster, but that is anonymous and it goes to their email (email not given)

hope this clears up the Kijiji issue.
Just heard on CP24, not exact wording, but DM's lawyer said that there is A LOT more to this story that anybody realizes or knows about yet. His client (DM) will not add to the story until the others suspects are brought into custody ... hmmm

Ya, gives him time to make the story up.... They should hand him a pen and paper in the mean time
Of course, the question is, why did the neighbour take a picture of the incinerator to begin with?

What caused the neighbour to take a picture?

Why were there more than 1 locations that the incinerator was placed? What the hell were they burning at that farm besides innocent people? I am just absolutely outraged at this case. :furious:

^^^^^^ THIS! Does anyone else here regularly take photos of their neighbours' belongings for no reason?

I would like to know when the neighbour took the photo. Did he/she take it recently because he/she had heard about TB's disappearance and just thought it was suspect? Or was it taken well before TB went missing, for who knows what reason....
Just heard on CP24, not exact wording, but DM's lawyer said that there is A LOT more to this story that anybody realizes or knows about yet. His client (DM) will not add to the story until the others suspects are brought into custody ... hmmm

Sounds like a stall tactic to me.

Translation: Client is guilty as hell but until partners in crime can implicate him he is staying silent. The second the others are found, he is willing to roll over on them.
Speaking to the motive: I get the feeling it's going to be something more sinister than just "he wanted the truck" or "he wanted to sell the truck" or "he's into organized crime". I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but based on what I've seen of DM on social media and based on what we know about his background, none of those things make sense to me. I think if he was involved in organized crime or a gang, we'd see something on his record.

I'm not trying to be dramatic or antagonistic, but I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. I just don't see this coming down to money. With some of the worst crimes committed in North America, the perps were not your "typical" criminal and everyone who knew them said "I would never have guessed he/she was capable of that!"

Could we entertain other ideas? I'm kind of afraid to say this incase the FTM FB admin. is reading this, but my husband pointed out the kidnapper in Cleveland had apparently been on the search committee for the girls there--to look innocent. Could an admin be involved?

I'm thinking a "certain person" being in love with a woman he couldn't have so he plots a scheme to get rid of her husband and frame someone else he doesn't like. In this scenario, perhaps DM went innocently on the test drive, being taken on a first one to make it seem like they were really car shopping. Then DM was given a lift to where-ever after they stopped at the industrial park, not knowing any harm was to be done. Then the real killer took over from there--of course framing DM. The clues are so obviously stacked against DM. It is potential DM didn't even hear about this case in the meantime. Myself didn't read the story until Thurs night when a friend kept putting it on my FB. So DM would go merrily along until the police capture him...

Some here randomly said something about Caledonia here and I thought it was totally irrelevant, but now maybe it was a clue.
Sounds like a stall tactic to me.

Translation: Client is guilty as hell but until partners in crime can implicate him he is staying silent. The second the others are found, he is willing to roll over on them.

It is.... He doesnt want to make up a story and get burned with contradiction with evidence...
^^^^^^ THIS! Does anyone else here regularly take photos of their neighbours' belongings for no reason?

I would like to know when the neighbour took the photo. Did he/she take it recently because he/she had heard about TB's disappearance and just thought it was suspect? Or was it taken well before TB went missing, for who knows what reason....

Farmers and others who live in rural areas are very aware and protective of their environment. It has been mentioned earlier that DM had that land setup for paintball with his friends which certainly would have disturbed the locals as well as the animals. I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbours had been watching the place for awhile waiting to get something on them to shut them down.
^^^^^^ THIS! Does anyone else here regularly take photos of their neighbours' belongings for no reason?

I would like to know when the neighbour took the photo. Did he/she take it recently because he/she had heard about TB's disappearance and just thought it was suspect? Or was it taken well before TB went missing, for who knows what reason....
According to this, the neighbor took the picture Friday.

A neighbour who requested anonymity told CBC News he had given police a photograph of what he called an incinerator on a trailer that he saw on the site on Friday. He said the place where police have set up a tent is one of the locations where he saw the incinerator. Police were asked about the mobile incinerator but would not comment.
I wish they could tape open DM's eyes and have him watch SB's conference on loop until he does speak.

If he knows more, as his lawyer is saying, and if he has a heart, as his lawyer is implying, he would speak up immediately.
If this farm was a grow-op, it should be easy to see where last year's crop was growing amongst the corn stalks that are left in the field, and that incinerator would have been used to dispose of the the unwanted but otherwise easily identified stalks/stems of marijuana plants. It was probably a quite large operation if they needed an incinerator...
But the lawyer did also say he was a referral, that he does not advertise and his business comes through word of mouth. It seems that there is a tie to some case in the lawyers' history but which, who knows

I gathered the link was professional (referral) not social

DM's lawyer did defend a street racer last year

I thought the lawyer said to the effect that he met DM "a couple of months ago" or "in the last couple of months"
Further Thoughts:

1) The Defence: Preparing for the "accidental killing" theory, with some sort of "unwilling participant" story. For example, i went with my "friends" to look at a truck and all of a sudden they attacked TB kind of thing.

2) Client is "extremely remoresful" comment, suggests they wont be going with the "he was framed" theory IMO. There is "a lot more to this story" comment further suggests that they plan to lay out an alternate theory to the way we see it today.

3) Client is "exercising his constitutional right to remain silent". Absolutely agree with previous posters that this is just a stall tactic to wait and see who else gets arrested and what their story may look like before they try and formulate a defense.

4) "Police has their lead" comment seems to suggest that the defense is confident the other suspect(s) will be apprehanded or at least identified.

P.S. The defense attorney referred to this case as exactly the type of "higher calling" that defense lawyers are trained for, etc. Which is either a complete pile of BS or he actually feels that his client is innocent/very lightly involved.
I like to explore all angles, I never come to conclusions by filling in gaps which is why I was furious with the cyber-vigilantes on AM's page. The following is a hypothesis, an angle that has not been explored and may deserve some thought.

As the witness who identified Millard's tattoo has not been named, I would like to point out that we know nothing about him other than what he's told police and that he also owns a Dodge Ram 3500.

We do know that he didn't come forward about these two 'suspicious' individuals until police contacted him first, despite the huge media coverage.

We also know that police contacted him first because the burner phone lead them to him.

If Millard is claiming a frame up then this is the only person who he can claim could have framed him.

So playing devil's advocate (or something like that) and looking at it from the perspective that Millard actually was framed, the scenario goes like this.

Guy in Toronto who is in contact with Millard and is involved in TB's abduction is suddenly contacted by police who have connected him to the burner cellphone.

Guy immediately makes up a story that implicates DM and takes steps to plant the evidence on Millard's properties, utilizing his gang.

DM arrives on his farm property or hangar and discovers Bosma's truck, at the same time he learns that police are looking for someone with an ambition tattoo on his wrist. DM panics, loads the truck into his trailer and drives it to his mom's house shortly before getting arrested.

Im only putting this out there, because DM has claimed a frame up and that has to be explored, personally I think its far fetched and tv/hollywood kind of stuff.
My lord, that was heartbreaking :(

How brave of Sharlene to get up there and speak.
could the lawyer be using this publicity to his advantage? get on as many news shows, etc. so that any potential future jurors (is the justice system in Canada similar to the US? forgive my not-knowing) could hear all of the good stuff he has to say about his client? possibly trying to plant the seed of doubt already? hmmm..

We have a defend lawyer in Calgary does just that. He's very famous defending the worst criminals and he's very proud of his work. Every time there's a big case in the area the news media likes to ask him for his opinion. Every time I see him opens his mouth I sweat I can see little words "lies, lies, lies" coming from between his teeth. I know defend lawyers need to make a living too. But I just don't know how lawyers like these can sleep at night! :stormingmad:
Interesting choice of word, "remorseful" ... It automatically implies involvement.
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