Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #6 **ARREST**

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Re: Thrill Kill

I think it is good to note that the source of this does not name the police officer or even suggest that he is involved with the investigation. Since then, Kavanaugh has refuted this 'theory' of thrill kill. The thrill kill piece of information doesn't seem to be official and thus i don't think it would harm the trial IMO.

Source of Thrill Kill statement:
It's not me who has this information, it was Massassaga Rattler
I just asked if he/she could post the info without names or a link, or a clue

I am so sorry! I got a little behind catching up with real life and read way to fast trying to play catch up. Sorry!
The only obit I can find is CM's mother, not his dad or CM or Della. Let me see if there is mention of family plot in that one. Also not unusual to have someone cremated and put in urn and not buried imo

See page 5, post 113, 115, this thread
Re: Thrill Kill

I think it is good to note that the source of this does not name the police officer or even suggest that he is involved with the investigation. Since then, Kavanaugh has refuted this 'theory' of thrill kill. The thrill kill piece of information doesn't seem to be official and thus i don't think it would harm the trial IMO.

Source of Thrill Kill statement:

The moment I read this article I dismissed it. The Sun is thisclose to a tabloid, in my opinion. So much sensationalism.
<modsnip> If a mod reads this, perhaps you can offer some guidance.

More often than not, we've seen rumors on the internet about cases. That's why we don't allow people to discuss non-MSM or LE links.

Now, if you see an unsubstantiated rumor about someone who has been arrested or suspected, you can link to where the comment was made about THEM, but not some random other person.

For example, if you saw a comment about DM under a news story by someone who claims to know him, you can link to the page and then write something like "This is not fact, but look at comment #9".
It's not me who has this information, it was Massassaga Rattler
I just asked if he/she could post the info without names or a link, or a clue

All I can say is this person would be close to DM and Millard Air, and in a chat forum converstaion from 2009, the person jokes about, "fun rape", using a "woodchipper", being "chopped up", and references the movie "Fargo".

Perhaps this has been posted and found by someone else already, as I do recall seeing a reference to Fargo.

This is not directly relevant to the TB murder, as it was 4 years ago, HOWEVER, it does give insight into the mind of someone that DM likely knows very well and has been referenced by initials only in a few posts so far.

I hope I have not said too much, but if the mods want I can provide a link, or alternatively just remove this post.

I'd call this into the tip line, but I doubt LE would consider it a tip, as it's 4 years old and only provides insight into the mind of someone, NOT what they did.
All I can say is this person would be close to DM and Millard Air, and in a chat forum converstaion from 2009, the person jokes about, "fun rape", using a "woodchipper", being "chopped up", and references the movie "Fargo".

Perhaps this has been posted and found by someone else already, as I do recall seeing a reference to Fargo.

This is not directly relevant to the TB murder, as it was 4 years ago, HOWEVER, it does give insight into the mind of someone that DM likely knows very well and has been referenced by initials only in a few posts so far.

I hope I have not said too much, but if the mods want I can provide a link, or alternatively just remove this post.

I'd call this into the tip line, but I doubt LE would consider it a tip, as it's 4 years old and only provides insight into the mind of someone, NOT what they did.

I was wondering if there was other equipment found on the farm that was under those tents. I posted my morbid theory a while back when someone said an adult would not fit in the incinerator. I still can't believe people minds think this way ...
It may have to do with the the fact that there was a lot of money at stake and most likely huge insurance payouts. If it was obvious either way they would have made their ruling, it suggests it wasn't an obvious suicide.

This is exactly the reason, imo, that we're thinking way too small on this whole tragic event. Insurance payouts? Ladies and gents, there were multiple millions, if not billions of dollars at stake here, with a new 8 million dollar hangar up and ready to roll and lucrative contracts with Boeing (AKA military), Airbus and much more all in the net. As of Jan 1, who owns all this? A 27 year old kid who, by his grandfather's admission, wasn't particularly interested in the airline business with only one other close family member available to counsel him, namely his mum who seems, by all reports to be a very nice lady who used to accompany her husband on 'save the seals' film shoots etc. . She seems hardly a person with the knowledge or experience that advising an overnight aviation tycoon presumably requires. In other words the whole purseful of holdings including cash, business assets and real estate, and goodness knows what all else profitable investments, as of less than six months ago, is suddenly in incredibly vulnerable hands.

Anybody who has ever come into a large amount of money unexpectedly knows full well that one suddenly acquires the most fascinating assortment of agreeable new friends. Fabulously interesting strangers with great business ideas appear. Long lost family members are dropping by and neighbors never miss the chance to invite you over. All of these and more find a way to insinuate themselves into your close circle almost magically. It's as if cold cash has its own phenome attraction but until it happens, you don't know that all these wonderful people will disappear just as suddenly when they've relieved you of all your cash and/or celebrity and it's gone. You have to be pretty savvy to pick up on this and stay grounded while it's happening. You almost have to have gone through it once, imo, to even recognize it. Frankly, I don't think a young guy with DM's background could possibly deal with it and, arguably, I'm not sure his father was doing a crackerjack job of rebuilding CM's company either. WM's decision to take on the extraordinarily high risk of the Waterloo airport venture seems quite out of character from all we know about this chap and his years of ecological and animal causes. Documentary filmmaking seems to have been his principal interest. Aviation tycoon never seemed to be in the mix and his aversion to competition was even referenced in the Obituary. So what or who convinced him to take such a dramatic leap at his age?

Well, the old saying is "rags to rags" in three generations but, imo, one contributing factor comes from the pressure of trusted advisors along the way who have everything to gain by positioning themselves inside your world and are always looking to improve their advantage. Of course, another contributing factor, where power and money are big enough, is that cutthroat competitors also materialize, missing no opportunity to cut you down and whose tactics can range all the way from gentlemanly contest to flat out gangsterism.

So, follow the money. I suppose the obvious start is to ask who benefits most by having MillardAir completely out of the picture in the intensely competitive aviation industry? Another question might be who benefits most by having the Millard family personal fortunes floating free with nobody at the helm. In either case, with father dead and junior in the slammer, the whole field is pretty much cleared for the taking in less than six months.

That's why, IMO this case is likely far more complex than it appeared at the outset, potentially involving persons, organizations and businesses that could have had much larger designs on this closely held family company than we presently know about and could certainly have led to a frameup or frameups. The chicanery could well have been in the making over several months or more, all culminating in this DM episode which is just one small scene. I'm even thinking that this story may reach high enough that really, we may never learn much more about it from the authorities but instead it will just gradually disappear leaving junior in the hoosegow for a couple of years, no trial, eventually released on some technicality while the real black hats continue to feast on the proceeds of their crime(s).

Sound paranoid? Well, when there's cash and opportunity in such huge amounts lying around unattended there are always takers. Ruthlessness goes with their territory. OOM
The moment I read this article I dismissed it. The Sun is thisclose to a tabloid, in my opinion. So much sensationalism.

LOL! agree totally. That is what I wanted to say, but i said something along those lines in the last thread and i was accused of being political. oh well. :rolleyes:
JMO, LE has stated this was a "thrill kill" (and yes, I know that Kavanagh refuted that later).

Det Kavanagh actually said "I don't even know what thrill kills means". Could any WSr, someone, perhaps any other police officer in the world, please call Det Kavanagh and let him know what it means.

Hooey :)

So, follow the money. I suppose the obvious start is to ask who benefits most by having MillardAir completely out of the picture in the intensely competitive aviation industry? Another question might be who benefits most by having the Millard family personal fortunes floating free with nobody at the helm. In either case, with father dead and junior in the slammer, the whole field is pretty much cleared for the taking in less than six months.

If I could give this post multiple thankyous I would give it ten.

Fantastic post articulating a lot of things that have been on my mind. Someone is ultimately going to benefit from this? Who?
"The Hamilton Police Service continues to collect evidence and to follow-up on leads in relation to the Tim Bosma homicide investigation. The forensic analysis of two locations in the Waterloo Region and three vehicles seized by investigators are expected to be completed by tomorrow, Saturday May 18th, 2013.

The number of tips provided by the public has numbered over 700 and has provided information to assist in this investigation. The identification of the outstanding suspects is still being sought by police. Investigators are urging people that have information about who is responsible for the murder of Tim Bosma to call the Tip Line at 905- 546-2100 or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477."
via Hamilton Police Services Facebook page, 30 mins ago

Not sure if you will be able to see this photo, since it's so dark, but pics of DM with his wrist tattoos - both wrists - and neither look to be that big... if you have a way to lighten the pic that will help... I did, but I don't know how to post the lightened pic

okay, my link didn't work, but photos of DM are still on 'some' of his friends' facebook pages from his trip to Croatia, sailing, last summer.
My thoughts...

After reading, hearing and spending mucho time thinking about nothing but this case, these are the thoughts and opinions I have formed at this moment. I work with "patterns", when I worked for the Provincial Gov't (Ontario) as an in-house investigator, I never "saw" people, I "saw" their patterns based on files and paper trails...

This quote from the most recent article quoted from McLeans... "My grandson (DM) is not overly interested in the business but maybe that will change," CM said.

It totally backs up my theory....
DM had no interest in the family biz... was the record part of a stunt to gain exposure, publicity etc... and yes, in part he did like to fly but, that was helicopters, he was never into planes.

So, Daddy is sharing his vision for the future (thus the shot to the eye/suicide, kill daddy, kill vision) and DM wants no part of it, no helicopter biz etc... he wants in on cars, engines, racing... which all speaks to me of "power and control".

I DO believe that DM had a special connection to his Grand Father, NOT his father, thus the mohawk, his grandfather's roots etc... grand-pops was probably more understanding and tolerant in that manner than daddy was and daddy might even have been generous with people but, not so with DM.

So after he gets rid of his father, AND more importantly, gets away with it... it becomes the "superman complex", man of steel, man of power, and "above" the law... he now has the power AND the money. And now, control.

If he really meant the words he eulogized his father with (even if some was in the 3rd person) and thought he was a visionary before his time AND was on board with the vision for the future, why IMMEDIATELY upon possession of all his father was... why did he destroy it?

What I mean by that is all the contracts... business partners, etc... it was all cancelled right after he came into power.

Now if DM didn't actually pull the trigger... suspect #2 who helped with TB murder, did... and this is the only person who he could trust... they have a "co-dependent" relationship... probably also an only child OR an only son in a family, they share that special bond.

This also explains why he was so "sloppy" to coin the OPP Officer's terms, with killing TB...

These are the thoughts and my "pattern" of what I see with him without having actual paperwork.

Honestly, if I saw more on him, the "pattern" would be clearer... automobile, passport, banking, credit card... those kinds of records are immense for me with what I see on a person.
How about this pic with his arm tattoo


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This is exactly the reason, imo, that we're thinking way too small on this whole tragic event. Insurance payouts? Ladies and gents, there were multiple millions, if not billions of dollars at stake here, with a new 8 million dollar hangar up and ready to roll and lucrative contracts with Boeing (AKA military), Airbus and much more all in the net. As of Jan 1, who owns all this? A 27 year old kid who, by his grandfather's admission, wasn't particularly interested in the airline business with only one other close family member available to counsel him, namely his mum who seems, by all reports to be a very nice lady who used to accompany her husband on 'save the seals' film shoots etc. . She seems hardly a person with the knowledge or experience that advising an overnight aviation tycoon presumably requires. In other words the whole purseful of holdings including cash, business assets and real estate, and goodness knows what all else profitable investments, as of less than six months ago, is suddenly in incredibly vulnerable hands.

Anybody who has ever come into a large amount of money unexpectedly knows full well that one suddenly acquires the most fascinating assortment of agreeable new friends. Fabulously interesting strangers with great business ideas appear. Long lost family members are dropping by and neighbors never miss the chance to invite you over. All of these and more find a way to insinuate themselves into your close circle almost magically. It's as if cold cash has its own phenome attraction but until it happens, you don't know that all these wonderful people will disappear just as suddenly when they've relieved you of all your cash and/or celebrity and it's gone. You have to be pretty savvy to pick up on this and stay grounded while it's happening. You almost have to have gone through it once, imo, to even recognize it. Frankly, I don't think a young guy with DM's background could possibly deal with it and, arguably, I'm not sure his father was doing a crackerjack job of rebuilding CM's company either. WM's decision to take on the extraordinarily high risk of the Waterloo airport venture seems quite out of character from all we know about this chap and his years of ecological and animal causes. Documentary filmmaking seems to have been his principal interest. Aviation tycoon never seemed to be in the mix and his aversion to competition was even referenced in the Obituary. So what or who convinced him to take such a dramatic leap at his age?

Well, the old saying is "rags to rags" in three generations but, imo, one contributing factor comes from the pressure of trusted advisors along the way who have everything to gain by positioning themselves inside your world and are always looking to improve their advantage. Of course, another contributing factor, where power and money are big enough, is that cutthroat competitors also materialize, missing no opportunity to cut you down and whose tactics can range all the way from gentlemanly contest to flat out gangsterism.

So, follow the money. I suppose the obvious start is to ask who benefits most by having MillardAir completely out of the picture in the intensely competitive aviation industry? Another question might be who benefits most by having the Millard family personal fortunes floating free with nobody at the helm. In either case, with father dead and junior in the slammer, the whole field is pretty much cleared for the taking in less than six months.

That's why, IMO this case is likely far more complex than it appeared at the outset, potentially involving persons, organizations and businesses that could have had much larger designs on this closely held family company than we presently know about and could certainly have led to a frameup or frameups. The chicanery could well have been in the making over several months or more, all culminating in this DM episode which is just one small scene. I'm even thinking that this story may reach high enough that really, we may never learn much more about it from the authorities but instead it will just gradually disappear leaving junior in the hoosegow for a couple of years, no trial, eventually released on some technicality while the real black hats continue to feast on the proceeds of their crime(s).

Sound paranoid? Well, when there's cash and opportunity in such quantum amounts lying around unattended there are always takers. Ruthlessness goes with their territory. OOM

Cleared for the taking by WHOM?

Not sure if you will be able to see this photo, since it's so dark, but pics of DM with his wrist tattoos - both wrists - and neither look to be that big... if you have a way to lighten the pic that will help... I did, but I don't know how to post the lightened pic

okay, my link didn't work, but photos of DM are still on 'some' of his friends' facebook pages from his trip to Croatia, sailing, last summer.

The placement of the tatoos looks higher than where someone would wear a watch. If DM was looking at that first seller's truck, his sleeves must have been pulled up.
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