Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #6 **ARREST**

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Forgive me if this has come to light already, but there has been a lot of speculation as to how Dellen Millard is connected to Deepak Paradkar. I believe I have found the most likely answer, and it is very simple:

  • Mr. Paradkar used to work at Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
  • Fogler, Rubinoff LLP represented the Millard Air companies

CanLII court file linking Fogler, Rubinoff to Millard Properties Limited

Deepak Paradkar's LinkedIn profile listing Fogler, Rubinoff as a previous employer

“There is a story behind this, which I can’t get into,” said Paradkar, who met Millard through mutual friends a couple of months ago. “Obviously it’s more than what it appears to be.”

I am going to sit back and watch the fall of DM quietly from Sunny Arizona! I can tell already there are insiders trying to throw off our sleuthing...JMO. Remember the online presence of all of his "associates"...

Even down here in my shady basement, one can still read some things like a book ;)
Hi all. Sorry if I sound like a broken record but I can’t get away from the organized crime theme. Once again, I think this case goes deeper than Dellen Millard. And I think it’s much bigger than a truck…probably about the size of an airplane hangar.

An incredibly interesting set of possibilities, Mantequilla. You now have me effectively swinging between your theory (which is similar to one I proposed a couple of days ago but you've presented much more effectively) and my latest thoughts on the matter - that DM may truly have wanted to buy this make and model truck, paid for it and left the scene before the mayhem was unleashed.

In either case, your last question is the critical one. Of course they would have had surveillance and that tape, one assumes, must contain the evidence essential to convict DM, because so far everything else about his direct involvement, other than his arrival at the TB residence, is circumstantial.

One last question. Why would an 8 million dollar hangar at an international airport filled with expensive toys not have CCTV? And if it had CCTV…where’s the tape?
Just noticed this on twitter:

Jackie Crandles ‏@jcrandles_cp24 5h

Hamilton detectives w/ BEAR unit (break & enter,auto theft & robbery) are next door to Dellen Millard's Etobicoke home.Getting security tape
I agree and OK, imo it's time to play devil's advocate here before we totally descend into webstalking instead of websleuthing... and given that we're told by LE that other suspects remain at large...let me toss this alternative explanation into the ring.

First, let's acknowledge that our primary purpose was to either find, or find out what happened to TB, and who was responsible for his disappearance. If the purpose of the thread has now changed to digging up as much dirt on an accused man's social and business life and that of his family, based on rumour, provocative hearsay, and unsubstantiated reports, then, what the hay, let's go for it. Why stop with DM? There are plenty of people associated with the case we can trash all over the net - from police to reporters to, I dunno, how about these guys....? ( Courtesy of the CBC, it's just a couple of DM's gentleman farmer neighbors out snapping pics of the farm on a pleasant afternoon? Oooooky dooky?),%20-80.43556.jpg

So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

Websleuths members historically dig deep for information that may go in many different directions. It is all a part of our investigative nature. This case has only just begun... I wouldn't be surprised if we go over 50 threads discussing different theories and the latest news before this case is even litigated. Take a look at some of the other cases on here.

We are not allowed to by the mods to "dig up dirt" on persons not named in MSM or by LE or start unsubstantiated rumors. It only makes sense that DM and his associates are suspect now. It's like a gigantic puzzle - one piece leads to the next, and so on.
Just noticed this on twitter:

Jackie Crandles ‏@jcrandles_cp24 5h

Hamilton detectives w/ BEAR unit (break & enter,auto theft & robbery) are next door to Dellen Millard's Etobicoke home.Getting security tape

Awesome, some more evidence in the making.
I agree and OK, imo it's time to play devil's advocate here before we totally descend into webstalking instead of websleuthing... and given that we're told by LE that other suspects remain at large...let me toss this alternative explanation into the ring.

First, let's acknowledge that our primary purpose was to either find, or find out what happened to TB, and who was responsible for his disappearance. If the purpose of the thread has now changed to digging up as much dirt on an accused man's social and business life and that of his family, based on rumour, provocative hearsay, and unsubstantiated reports, then, what the hay, let's go for it. Why stop with DM? There are plenty of people associated with the case we can trash all over the net - from police to reporters to, I dunno, how about these guys....? ( Courtesy of the CBC, it's just a couple of DM's gentleman farmer neighbors out snapping pics of the farm on a pleasant afternoon? Oooooky dooky?),%20-80.43556.jpg

So with that, let me throw this monkey wrench into the works. What if DM really was looking to buy a black 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel pickup? Didn't like the one he saw on Sunday. Took TB's out for a test drive Monday night. Busy. Couldn't get away earlier. Opened 'er up on the highway on a drive it up to Brantford. BOUGHT IT with cash on the spot, an approach that characterizes most of his purchases. He has a busy day tomorrow finalizing a real estate deal, etc, and it's already late so, as planned, he leaves in the other vehicle (the one "following") to go home while giving instructions to the other guys to take the truck up to the hangar and leave it there. In other words, what if he left the scene before any of the violence took place?

What could have happened next in that scenario was the successful robbery of TB of the 25 grand in a tussle that led to his death and then the vehicle's delivery to the hangar to effectively pin the death on DM.

Maybe "follow the money" in this case is as simple as that. OOM (and challenges welcome)

I agree with your theory about DM possibly having left before anything went down, but I highly doubt TB would hand over the keys that same night. I assume paying cash would actually be a cheque, or else why wouldn't the others involved just rob DM if they knew he had 25K in his pocket? Also, TB would have needed to transfer ownership, remove his plates, DM to arrange his own plates etc. Also, the story was all over the news by the next evening, so if he didn't have anything to do with it, why wouldn't he have called police to clear himself? Too many ?????s in this case, so frustrating.
Here marked in red, the toronto properties

SnooperDuper and everyone...I'm in awe of your work! My very first post! :) There's is also another property I haven't seen mentioned.. a search of teranet (land titles) shows DM closed a deal on a condo on October/11 Unit 609-281 Woodbridge, Vaughn plus he also helped one of his last remaining FB friends JS sell her house at 2207 Elmhurst, Oakville privately via property guys-it was a renovation and ended up being listed by real estate and selling. Not sure if I'm suppose to post jpegs to prove?? lol Let me know
Forgive me if this has come to light already, but there has been a lot of speculation as to how Dellen Millard is connected to Deepak Paradkar. I believe I have found the most likely answer, and it is very simple:

  • Mr. Paradkar used to work at Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
  • Fogler, Rubinoff LLP represented the Millard Air companies

CanLII court file linking Fogler, Rubinoff to Millard Properties Limited

Deepak Paradkar's LinkedIn profile listing Fogler, Rubinoff as a previous employer

Highly doubt it. He hasn't worked there since January 1996, and that case says that Millard Air became aware of the issue that led to the case in February of 1996. By the time things would have gotten to the point of calling in lawyers, DP would have been long gone.

I don't think Foglers has any connection to any party here at all. DP has been a sole practioner since 1996 and has public ally stated that DM had been introduced to him quite recently.
I am going to sit back and watch the fall of DM quietly from Sunny Arizona! I can tell already there are insiders trying to throw off our sleuthing...JMO. Remember the online presence of all of his "associates"...

I hope moderators are watching for personal attacks too on people posting.
and the THe Godfather is all about ????

uh...let's see, shot in eye as in a message sent(his movie reference), as in organized crime, as in racist(WM obit reference).Wouldn't the very definition of OC, Mafia be racist, not to mention their history?
Don't think it was a half hour later, almost immediately more like it....

They learned from police that Bosma’s phone was turned off within a mile of the house.

I also don't think that his Mother would have thought as you stated that it was her son... and I think the neighbor was across the street. (don't quote me though lol!)

(Neighbor) He said he had not seen Dellen Millard visit his mother in at least a decade and barely knew the man or his mother.

If you have seen pics of the TB/SB residence, they have a huge and long driveway, absolutely senseless to not pull in and drive up it to the house... unless you are purposely hiding (IMNSHO) what if someone inside TB's truck asked to use his phone? then pretended to call someone but switched it off .....

Why would a trailer being parked at someones house be a cause to call police?

Especially if you do not really know the woman who lives there ?

OR especially that you do not know her son or barely??

How can you then determine that the son has not visited his mother in a decade? Unless you have cameras focused on the womans house 24/7 how could you possibly make such a statement?

Also just recently I drove into the country to buy something off kijiji...the house was much like TB's with a long driveway. I had a particularly hard time turning around to drive back out....
.... could be valid reason for not taking vehicle in, then have to have TWO turn around to get back out... just a possibility...
I hope moderators are watching for personal attacks too on people posting.

They usually do. The mods here are awesome! If you see one just click the red alert on the top right of the post. They will take care of it. what if someone inside TB's truck asked to use his phone? then pretended to call someone but switched it off .....

Why would a trailer being parked at someones house be a cause to call police?

Especially if you do not really know the woman who lives there ?

OR especially that you do not know her son or barely??

How can you then determine that the son has not visited his mother in a decade? Unless you have cameras focused on the womans house 24/7 how could you possibly make such a statement?

Also just recently I drove into the country to buy something off kijiji...the house was much like TB's with a long driveway. I had a particularly hard time turning around to drive back out....
.... could be valid reason for not taking vehicle in, then have to have TWO turn around to get back out... just a possibility...

From CTV news:

Neighbours told CTV News on Monday that they first spotted the trailer on Thursday, but waited a couple of days before reporting it to police.
“A few neighbours got together and said: ‘It doesn’t really look right, the way it’s parked; we’ve never seen the trailer before,’ ” said neighbour Frank Cianfarani. “We decided to call York region (police).”

Read more:

ETA....IIRC they had announced the arrest of DM and were looking for Tim's truck and suddenly a car hauler trailer shows up at the arrested man's mom's house. Reread post #568
maybe he had a burner phone that he tossed, and the only other number she had was his "legit only" phone. he may have been paranoid about wiretaps depending on what he is involved in. If he really was selling coke, it would make sense to keep business traffic off his "legit only" phone, and depending on who he was selling for, maybe they saw her as a threat. Speculation of course, this whole case has my mind reeling with every update

Is there a copy of the numbers listed that LB called DM? was it a cell number she was calling or home or work number? what if someone inside TB's truck asked to use his phone? then pretended to call someone but switched it off .....

Which begs, why?

Why would a trailer being parked at someones house be a cause to call police?

Its not just the trailer, if you read the statement or heard the neighbor, it was a culmination of details... Time it was dropped off, how it was parked right to the bricks and totally out of character, according to their account. I have only lived in my neighborhood for over 3 years, I know all my neighbor's vehicles, comings and goings based on work, even some of their friend's/family vehicles... am I nosey? lol! Hardly, just observant... and friendly.

Especially if you do not really know the woman who lives there?

They knew her to say, hi bye but... see my response for the previous ? above, I think it fits.

OR especially that you do not know her son or barely??

Didn't say they barely knew him though, they commented that "a decade" ago, he was there all the time prior to that time and that in the past decade, he has been extremely scarce there....

(MEDIA) --> How can you then determine that the son has not visited his mother in a decade? Unless you have cameras focused on the womans house 24/7 how could you possibly make such a statement?

Residents of Tinsmith Ct., in Kleinburg, contacted police after learning of the arrest to report a “suspicious” trailer parked in the driveway of a home owned by the accused man’s mom, Madeleine Millard.

“It was parked right up against the bricks so if you wanted to try and open the back, you would not be able to,” area resident Frank Cianfarani said, adding “it didn’t seem right.”

The 52-year-old saw the trailer parked in his neighbour’s driveway after midnight last Thursday.

“It looked suspicious in that regard,” he said. “We had never seen the trailer before so my neighbour across the street and I talked about it and said it’s probably a good idea to have the police check it, after we came to know that he was the suspect.”


Also just recently I drove into the country to buy something off kijiji...the house was much like TB's with a long driveway. I had a particularly hard time turning around to drive back out.... could be valid reason for not taking vehicle in, then have to have TWO turn around to get back out... just a possibility...

I would kindly refer you to google the property and see the length and area of the driveway, it is ample for a number of vehicles to be parked in it, as well as no issues with backing up, turning around or maneuvering in any manner to drive in or out of. It wasn't just long, it is very wide and very open by the house.

Thanks! I do enjoy the examination of what we do know and such :)
Angle on the father's death/suicide...

I can't let go of the shot to the eye, regarding vision.... it speaks, it screams to me.

Anyone recall where we got this "shot in the eye" information? MSM is presently referring to a "shot to the left side of the head" (which, of course is where a left eye is located but seems much less provocatively specific.)

Anybody know if Wayne Millard was left handed?
snip...<Peter Lowe showed up to the Bosma house on May 9. Lowe knew Bosma peripherally as a teenager and lost touch. When he saw the missing person sign on Facebook, he felt compelled to help out. He wouldn't leave for eight days.

He showed up in sweat pants and an old sweater with a pair of rubber boots and a laptop. Within minutes, Lowe was placed in charge of the Facebook page.

But the inside of the grand house was limited to family members. And Lowe didn't even know the family. He first met Sharlene when she came flying downstairs and yelled at everyone to get out. Everyone took off as Lowe fumbled with his power cord.

"You, stay!" Sharlene yelled, before lying down on the couch. Lowe set up his laptop on the kitchen table, where he would eventually work across from Bosma's sister, Michelle.>

Any thoughts on this? I thought this was super bizarre as well...not doubting DM as crime master...maybe bad reporting?? Just sounds so strange that a stranger who knew TB "peripherally" years prior...and just arrived, would be the only person SB didn't kick out?
Oh boy! I really don't like where this whole thing is going. *advertiser censored*, drugs, missing person, illegal confinement, theft, murder... if these are all true this is not just bad boy wanted to have fun. DM might be just a small fish in a big pond and that explains why LE's actions (or the lack of it). I am sure LE knows who they are looking for but it begins to smell like some bad fish on the bargain table.
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