Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #7 **ARREST**

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No links, many people were talking about it Saturday morning, I drove by the casino and there was a fire truck and a few other vehicles parked and by the tracks there was someone standing there with what looked like a sniffer dog, and some LE standing there and there was some police tape roping off the area. There was definitely something going on there.
You know I'm sitting here trying to piece this together like everyone else here and the other night I stood in the shower thinking if I was SB I would not know how I would cope. Regardless of the why, her husband is gone in a brutal and horrifying way. I cannot wrap my head around this. I believe in my mind I personally would be a f'n wreck. I don't know that I'd ever be able to stay in that home for fear someone would come looking for me next. I'd be watching everywhere I went. I don't think I'd want to live alone or be alone. Especially with a young child at home. The fact she is surrounded with support now is great. What happens when publication bans are in place, media circus is gone,people go back to normal lives and you're left alone. Ugh the thought makes me sick how innocent people's lives have been shattered. Nothing to add to this right now except condolences and extreme sadness. She said she has to be something like this it's not even something I can relate to.

Her strength comes from above canadiangirl and her focus is her little girl... she will breakdown, when she is alone but, she is not "in" the house alone, there is a person who is renting living in the basement... its in one of the news articles that talks about TB, the man, the father, the christian... she will never be alone and she won't live in fear. She is broken but, she will pick up the pieces and make a beautiful life and honor his memory.
I still can't help but think that the neighbors around DM's farm property were taking pics of the incinerator and trackhoe, etc....because they had reason to believe that someone "off" was taking place there. There was reportedly NO house on this property so maybe neighbors were noticing strange things like vehicles coming and going from there late/in the middle of the night, which would of course be odd. I don't feel these were just nosy old neighbors with too much time on their hands. I can't help but feel they felt that something was amiss (for reasons we're not aware of) and as such, they began to look around to try to figure it out. JMO.

Agreed..being a farmer...I know I'd be extremely curious if not downright concerned if someone from outside the area ie) Toronto or anyone I know bought a the land beside me...that only had a dilapidated barn and silo on it...that didn't have any livestock on it...and they rolled in a livestock incinerator...let alone one that said "The exterminator"...personally...I don't think my hands would stop shaking long enough to take the pictures and I would certainly be uneasy sleeping at night. A tractor or a wagon wouldn't bother me...the backhoe with a USA phone number digging in the winter...weird enough...the portable oven...insane. IMO
No links, many people were talking about it Saturday morning, I drove by the casino and there was a fire truck and a few other vehicles parked and by the tracks there was someone standing there with what looked like a sniffer dog, and some LE standing there and there was some police tape roping off the area. There was definitely something going on there.
Well, without a link, I'm afraid we can't discuss it here.
I have been from begging as well and I see that many posts are going in the same circle over and over and over again..
asked the same or in similar fashion just different wording..

many topics are re-hashed over and over again, not everyone is here at the time that it is originally posted. Some reply to a post when catching up on the thread. I do this all the time, as I am not on here 24/ if you see me post and you are tired of the topic....please, by all means, just move past it!
The act of murder and its immediate aftermath could have left bodily fluids of one sort or another on the seats. Hair and fibre evidence would be another reason to want to dispose of the seats. I haven't heard anything said of the other aspects of the vehicle interior: were the steering wheel and dashboard wiped down? Was the vehicle washed on the outside? Was the interior carpeting left intact?

What someone said a few posts back about the phone falling out while moving TB's body, that would make perfect sense if the phone were found on the roadway or a sidewalk. It would be dark in the industrial area and in a rush to get moving post-transfer, the perps wouldn't have time to look for the phone if they heard it hit the pavement. But if the phone was found in a bush or further from the road then I doubt the transfer theory.

Doesn't anyone else find it bizarre how that phone was found anyhow? Wildly random.
who would spend $20,000 for an incinerator to burn brush?

never heard of that before. Brush clearing doesn't involve an incinerator, maybe a wood chipper, chainsaws.

It didn't cost $20k, it was less than $7k.
The act of murder and its immediate aftermath could have left bodily fluids of one sort or another on the seats. Hair and fibre evidence would be another reason to want to dispose of the seats. I haven't heard anything said of the other aspects of the vehicle interior: were the steering wheel and dashboard wiped down? Was the vehicle washed on the outside? Was the interior carpeting left intact?

What someone said a few posts back about the phone falling out while moving TB's body, that would make perfect sense if the phone were found on the roadway or a sidewalk. It would be dark in the industrial area and in a rush to get moving post-transfer, the perps wouldn't have time to look for the phone if they heard it hit the pavement. But if the phone was found in a bush or further from the road then I doubt the transfer theory.

Have the police asked the public to search for the seats like they did with the Tori Stafford case? Unless they believe they were burned as well.

Has it actually been confirmed anywhere that the farm is, in fact, where TB's remains were found and further, has it been confirmed that the exterminator equipment was used in an effort to cremate him? Links to either fact would be helpful.

No, you are correct, it has not been definitively confirmed by LE that TB body was found AT the farm... and No, it has not been confirmed by LE that someone attempted to cremate him in the exterminator... and we probably will not get that information until trial.

There are however a number of reputable media outlets who have stated that LE personnel have confirmed that TB remains were found at the farm.
So anyway, here's a rather interesting co-incidence. FC, who is DM's mom's neighbor - the one who spoke to the media about his concerns for the truck in her driveway, owns a business located near the Ancaster fairgrounds. Not sure if it's ok to post a link. He's not a poi so far as I know, but he has been quoted in the media. Advice, please.

If it is an MSM link related to the case. We cannot sleuth people who are not named by LE
Sorry its late, wanted to respond but, I believe that your answer was in the final afternoon video from LE where they took questions from the Media, they specifically answered a lot of the "timeline" questions.

The video, I posted it about 2-3 pages back OR you can click on my name and get the post through that means as well. Apologies but, I am just about outa steam for the night.

My "thoughts" are that they had to "improvise" after having to kill TB in the truck, honestly, I don't think that was the plan.. as LE has stated, there was a "struggle" in the vehicle. That tells me there was something they found, maybe dents or scuffs that were obvious once they retrieved the truck from the mom's driveway.

DM has an employee living in Brantford.. SS
I don't think murder was planned, and this shows by the stupid moves after the fact. In their panic, they relied on certain human tendencies in a state of panic/shock.

If one is going to buy a used veh, you bring either a good friend for a second opinion or a mechanic,. They also knew what they were looking for and being picky.

The first thing that jumped at me, when the descriptions came out, was a hooded person.
What are some of the reasons to have a hood up:
A. Look cool
B. Raining/cold
C. Hide identity quickly.

Rule outs
A. Dark out, also harder to see walking down gravel road.
B. Wasn't cold or raining to warrant hood up.
C. Suspect didn't realize he knew Tb or sb, tiil the last minute and couldn't turn back. Obviously the link wasn't the truck or he risked being identified or was it the other veh, and they directly or indirectly knew tb or sb.

If the suspects id was blown, the rules all changed at that point and the id'ed suspect stupidly decided to kill him rather than calling it off. Maybe the unknown suspect blew it on the first stolen truck attempt and felt compelled to make this one worked.
That will be dm's defence as his intent was just a carjacking and the second suspect choose to kill Tb.
Doesn't anyone else find it bizarre how that phone was found anyhow? Wildly random.
Not really, there is a walking trail at the end of the dead end. Maybe her dog deficated and she went, oh look a phone.
I have been from begging as well and I see that many posts are going in the same circle over and over and over again..
asked the same or in similar fashion just different wording..

Respectfully, unfortunately some people are busy living and cannot spend much time here on this forum or they may be following other forums as well. This forum has moved extremely fast right out of the gate. If someone was to start at the beginning and read every post they would be here non stop for a week at least. Other people have their theories and yes maybe it has been repeated numerous times but it just might just be that that one person logs in and reads that one post which could be of huge significance.

I asked Kimster if we could have subforums to keep some of this information straight and she said possibly Monday as she is living life outside of WS this weekend. I am happy to hear that she is able to have some free time to enjoy her weekend. :cheers: Kimster! I have tried really hard to follow this case also and it moves so fast it's seems impossible to stay on top of all the information coming across this forum. Please excuse people for repeating theories, questions and answers. We are all here for the same purpose in trying to figure out if someone who seems to have such wealth and could be anywhere in the world, doing anything he desires, could kill a great guy with a new family. And if he didn't do it, who did? Please have patience. When you get 100+ posters we're are bound to get repeated information. HTH
The part i don't understand is how in the world did DM get at least 2 other people to agree to kill Tim? I have never heard of so many involved in a killing.

Money, drugs for starters. MOO
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