Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

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I’m very glad they’re free, but...Have we heard from Caitlin yet? When she does speak will she speak her own thoughts or Boyle’s? Four babies in five years would be hard on a woman even with good medical care. I don’t understand taking your wife into any part of Afghanistan pregnant, let alone bringing more babies into a terrible life in captivity and possible torture and death. I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around Mr Boyle’s agenda. I just don’t see an idealistic desire to help poor villagers or an innocent interest in beautiful Afghan scenery. Call me judgemental, but what I see is selfishness and possibly a form of spousal control and abuse. I’ll be very happy to be wrong. JMO

ITA. I watched a press conference (idk if that’s the right word, maybe interview) and Boyle gives me the creeps. I hope Caitlin does what’s best for her and her kids, which IMO may include moving to the US.
A U.S. military official said that a military hostage team had flown to Pakistan Wednesday prepared to fly the family out. The team did a preliminary health assessment and had a transport plane ready to go, but sometime after daybreak Thursday, as the family members were walking to the plane, Boyle said he did not want to board, the official said.

Boyle's father said his son did not want to board the plane because it was headed to Bagram Air Base and the family wanted to return directly to North America. Another U.S. official said Boyle was nervous about being in "custody" given his family ties.

He was once married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior al-Qaida financier. Her father, the late Ahmed Said Khadr, and the family stayed with Osama bin Laden briefly when Omar Khadr was a boy.

This Boyle guy knew exactly what he walking into---taking a pregnant wife to Iraq.

He reminds me very much of that AWOL soldier who walked away from his squadron and decided to try and meet up with the Taliban. He was naive and had no idea they would take him captive.

I think it is possible that he wanted to do a similar thing. JMO
I think that he just wanted to be a world player and was not. Attention seeking small man.
Boyle admits that they knew the risks, prayed about it and decided it was worth it.

"The fact that something is dangerous, for some people that's the end of the deal. ...That's not really how I look at the world," Boyle said.

He also says that coming home has not brought the happiness they expected because they realize their family is “broken.”

"We would really just ask the public to respect our grief right now and be sensitive and patient," he said.
Dude is creepy i expect more shenanigans from him in the future. Hopefully it won't involve the children.
Unless they were forced by the guards or something, I think it was an incredibly selfish move to bring 3 children into the world under those circumstances.

I really, really, hope Caitlin takes her kids and high tails to the US like yesterday. This guy is nuts. Even the interview he gave was creepy.

I have a feeling there is a LOT more to this story.
A U.S. military official said that a military hostage team had flown to Pakistan Wednesday prepared to fly the family out. The team did a preliminary health assessment and had a transport plane ready to go, but sometime after daybreak Thursday, as the family members were walking to the plane, Boyle said he did not want to board, the official said.

Boyle's father said his son did not want to board the plane because it was headed to Bagram Air Base and the family wanted to return directly to North America. Another U.S. official said Boyle was nervous about being in "custody" given his family ties.

He was once married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior al-Qaida financier. Her father, the late Ahmed Said Khadr, and the family stayed with Osama bin Laden briefly when Omar Khadr was a boy.

This Boyle guy knew exactly what he walking into---taking a pregnant wife to Iraq.

He reminds me very much of that AWOL soldier who walked away from his squadron and decided to try and meet up with the Taliban. He was naive and had no idea they would take him captive.

I think it is possible that he wanted to do a similar thing. JMO

Okay, so the guy didn't want to get on the USA plane after being rescued from captivity, fine. But why couldn't his wife and kids at least get on the plane and meet up with him later?!! He takes thoughtlessness to an entirely new level - a very low level.

Caitlan's father is VERY critical of Boyle as well.

I hope that his understandable criticism doesn’t cause her to dig in to defend him and prevent her from getting away if she needs to. I would tread very lightly if I were her father, but it’s probably too late. I expect Boyle is working hard to alienate her from her parents already. IMO He will never want to step foot in the U.S. for fear of real or imagined consequences. Will her parents be welcome to come see her in Canada?
Okay, so the guy didn't want to get on the USA plane after being rescued from captivity, fine. But why couldn't his wife and kids at least get on the plane and meet up with him later?!! He takes thoughtlessness to an entirely new level - a very low level.


There are a few versions of exactly what happened but we don't know that Caitlan wanted to get on that plane either. And no matter what, I don't think they would have agreed to get on separate planes. Having been held hostage for the past 5 years, being Canadian and having an ex-BIL that spent 10 years in Guantanamo Bay, I don't blame them for being cautious about things.
There are a few versions of exactly what happened but we don't know that Caitlan wanted to get on that plane either. And no matter what, I don't think they would have agreed to get on separate planes. Having been held hostage for the past 5 years, being Canadian and having an ex-BIL that spent 10 years in Guantanamo Bay, I don't blame them for being cautious about things.

We'll have to agree to disagree. I think a loving husband would put the needs of his family ahead of his own - and I don't understand why he wouldn't ensure that at least his wife and kids got on the plane and flew the heck outta there, even if he didn't want to board it.

I admit my opinion on this is very tainted because I think the guy is an all-around jerk.

We'll have to agree to disagree. I think a loving husband would put the needs of his family ahead of his own - and I don't understand why he wouldn't ensure that at least his wife and kids got on the plane and flew the heck outta there, even if he didn't want to board it.

I admit my opinion on this is very tainted because I think the guy is an all-around jerk.


I think the problem with “ensuring” that his wife and kids got on that plane is that they probably didn’t want to be separated from him. I certainly wouldn’t. How does he force them without causing further trauma? We’d be criticizing him for sending her off alone with three kids to handle and no emotional support. Do we want him to be controlling in this situation, but not in general?

I don’t have a good opinion of him either, but in the decision about which plane to take, I will cut him some slack. The U.S. plane was going to Bagram AFB, back to the country from which they had just been just been rescued. That would freak me out too even if I wasn’t worried about being held by the U.S. government for questioning or worse. He certainly wouldn’t want to put his wife and kids on that plane while he takes one to London. We’d be all over him for that IMO.
Article in defense of feeling sympathetic towards Boyle
Joshua Boyle on why he decided to have kids in captivity
TORONTO — Former hostage Joshua Boyle says he and his wife decided to have children in captivity because they always planned to have a big family and decided, “Hey, let’s make the best of this and at least go home with a larger start on our dream family.”

Boyle told The Associated Press in an email Monday that as hostages, they had a lot of time on their hands. He noted Coleman is in her 30s and they didn’t want to waste time.

That is ABSURD and the most selfish, narcissistic thing I've ever heard. Yeah, let's bring THREE children into this world while living in captivity basically in a dirt hole, where my wife is raped by guards, we are injected by ketamine. Didn't he say their first baby (the one Caitlin was pregnant with when they took off on their journey) was murdered by the Haqqani guards?

I am disgusted by this guy.
In the weeks, months and years after Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle went missing in Afghanistan, their families repeated the same story:

They were young adventurers, drawn off the beaten track. "They were interested in cultures that are under-developed," Caitlan's mother Lyn said in 2014. They didn't do things like stay in hotels or visit tourist traps. They were idealists, and also a little naive.

Soon after the pair married in 2011, they spent four months in Guatemala. And in the summer of 2012, they jetted off for Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Family members called it a backpacking trek. Afghanistan was not a part of the plan, at least not as far as anyone knew.

What happened next has become, by now, well-known. Coleman and Boyle did make their way to a remote area of Afghanistan outside Kabul, where they were kidnapped by the Taliban and imprisoned for five years before being rescued this week.

Why did Boyle and Coleman, seven months pregnant, decide to go to Kabul? What were they trying to accomplish? We don't have the full story yet. But in the past couple of days, we've gotten some clues.

After the 9/11 attacks, Boyle became consumed by questions of terrorism and Islam, studying up on the issue and even learning Arabic. A few years later, he got involved in an effort to get Omar Khadr, once the youngest detainee at the U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, released. Khadr pleaded guilty to killing a U.S. Special Forces medic. Boyle briefly married Khadr's sister.
That language he used in his little press conference was very strange, very manifesto-ish, I guess. Elevated language, sort of martyr language, trying to make himself seem important.

Definitely weird. It's kind of reminding me of Season 1 of Homeland.

I think it's also interesting the names given to the children, which seem a little Middle Eastern? Definitely not Westernized names. Considering all they say they went through during their captivity, I find it odd they would name their children such names like Najaeshi, Ma'idah, and Dhakwoen.

I'm not completely surprised they would have children in captivity, in general. They probably didn't have a lot of access to birth control or condoms, and probably connected in a physical manner. Hopefully that's not too TMI.
That language he used in his little press conference was very strange, very manifesto-ish, I guess. Elevated language, sort of martyr language, trying to make himself seem important.

Definitely weird. It's kind of reminding me of Season 1 of Homeland.

I think it's also interesting the names given to the children, which seem a little Middle Eastern? Definitely not Westernized names. Considering all they say they went through during their captivity, I find it odd they would name their children such names like Najaeshi, Ma'idah, and Dhakwoen.

I'm not completely surprised they would have children in captivity, in general. They probably didn't have a lot of access to birth control or condoms, and probably connected in a physical manner. Hopefully that's not too TMI.

I found the children's names interesting as well.

Regarding them having children in captivity, IMO based on his statement quoted above, they actively tried and planned for a family. There are ways to be intimate that do not result in pregnancy. It is beyond selfish and negligent to not do every single thing in your power to ensure you do not bring children into the world under those conditions. How was he so sure they were eventually going to be released unharmed? Who was to say the guards weren't planning on killing the parents and doing something nefarious with the children?

Those poor children are going to have a long road ahead of them, especially the older two.
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