Can't prosecute Patsy anymore Whats Left?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
To everybody on this forum:

My opinion: JonBenet's death was not a crime. It was an accident. The person responsible for the accident was a 9-year child. In Colorado, 9-year children cannot be charged with a crime -- and in fact -- are protected from even BEING NAMED as being responsible.

I believe that every level of the justice system, including the last Grand Jury, came to understand this. Thus, the Grand Jury refused to charge anyone.

The only loose end -- and it is considerable -- the TRUTH was never told to the public because the State of Colorado has laws which protect the identity of underage children.

Can we accept on faith that our justice system worked? There is no "intruder/murderer" on the loose. Nobody got away with murder. The Ramsey's made an extreme sacrifice to take it on themselves to destroy evidence and cover-up that their son was responsible. But I truly believe that they realized he did not intend to harm his sister. They forgave him and did everything they could (legal or otherwise) to protect him. Because of that, they heaped much rage onto themselves. It is possible they did the best they knew to do at the time. Who knows what anyone would do in that situation?

To their credit, if this is what happened, they were successful. Burke was never publicly accused or labeled as a murderer. They were able to continue within their family unit (what was left of it), without being separated from each other.

It is difficult to imagine the pain they experienced in losing their daughter (as beloved and dotted on, as she was), coupled with the pain of knowing what could be facing their son, whom obviously they loved very much.

There are lots of people who don't like the Ramseys, out of jealousy or intolerance. Maybe it is human nature for us to "want our pound of flesh."

When you sort it out, maybe what the public is angry about is the simple fact that we, concerned citizens, didn't get the satisfaction of learning what happened. We think it is our right because a crime was committed. Isn't that the problem?

Well, I am starting to accept the fact that there really wasn't a crime. It was an accident, and the family chose to take whatever drastic means they could to keep the details private. Was it their right to keep it private? I don't know, but it is my opinion that is why the public is still upset about it.

This is my opinion of what happened, and I am nearing the point where I am willing to let this go. Are you?
"Can we accept on faith that our justice system worked?"

Men like me don't have blind faith.
olive said:
Same thing Lacey lost with Karr. NO DNA LINK.
No DNA link, but stonger circumstantial evidence- the black shirt made in Israel that he was wearing that night- fibers from it were found in JB's genital area- that didn't come from a bath or the laundry- that came from John having incestuous relations with JB or wiping her down after, IMO!!!
LinasK, the DA, I presume, has the case file. Maybe she should try READING it!
i_dont_chat said:
To everybody on this forum:

My opinion: JonBenet's death was not a crime. It was an accident. The person responsible for the accident was a 9-year child. In Colorado, 9-year children cannot be charged with a crime -- and in fact -- are protected from even BEING NAMED as being responsible.

I believe that every level of the justice system, including the last Grand Jury, came to understand this. Thus, the Grand Jury refused to charge anyone.

The only loose end -- and it is considerable -- the TRUTH was never told to the public because the State of Colorado has laws which protect the identity of underage children.

Can we accept on faith that our justice system worked? There is no "intruder/murderer" on the loose. Nobody got away with murder. The Ramsey's made an extreme sacrifice to take it on themselves to destroy evidence and cover-up that their son was responsible. But I truly believe that they realized he did not intend to harm his sister. They forgave him and did everything they could (legal or otherwise) to protect him. Because of that, they heaped much rage onto themselves. It is possible they did the best they knew to do at the time. Who knows what anyone would do in that situation?

To their credit, if this is what happened, they were successful. Burke was never publicly accused or labeled as a murderer. They were able to continue within their family unit (what was left of it), without being separated from each other.

It is difficult to imagine the pain they experienced in losing their daughter (as beloved and dotted on, as she was), coupled with the pain of knowing what could be facing their son, whom obviously they loved very much.

There are lots of people who don't like the Ramseys, out of jealousy or intolerance. Maybe it is human nature for us to "want our pound of flesh."

When you sort it out, maybe what the public is angry about is the simple fact that we, concerned citizens, didn't get the satisfaction of learning what happened. We think it is our right because a crime was committed. Isn't that the problem?

Well, I am starting to accept the fact that there really wasn't a crime. It was an accident, and the family chose to take whatever drastic means they could to keep the details private. Was it their right to keep it private? I don't know, but it is my opinion that is why the public is still upset about it.

This is my opinion of what happened, and I am nearing the point where I am willing to let this go. Are you?
I believe it is a crime to bash in someone's head, manually strangle them, molest them, obstruct justice, and tamper with evidence. Even if Burke bashed, strangled and molested all because he was only 9 and didn't know what he was doing (which is WAY OUT THERE---9 year olds know that bashing, stangling and molesting lead to no good and are wrong unless they're psychopathic) and accidentally killed his sister (eye rolling emoticon here please) then it is still a crime. And his parents obstructed justice and tampered with evidence through staging, which is also a crime.
I am fascinated by the JDI theories and even by the molestation theories. For some reason I have always given him a pass on murder and abuse. Not cover-up, tho......very interesting.

If anyone has a JDI theory anyplace, please point me in the right direction. TIA.
Hello "I_don't_chat",

I think there is a problem here, but perhaps not...

First...what, exactly, do you thing was the accident?

Was it a bash on the head, then a staged strangulation when a 911 call might have been made to save the child's life (assuming the parents found JBR after the bash on the head)?

OR was the bash and strangulation the entire accident? A strangulation doesn't sound like an accident to me, not this kind at least. But are you thinking Burke, if he did this, didn't think a strangulation like this would kill his sister? Are you thinking it was Burke who tied those knots and created that a garotte?

Can you help me/us understand your theory?

s_finch said:
I believe it is a crime to bash in someone's head, manually strangle them, molest them, obstruct justice, and tamper with evidence. Even if Burke bashed, strangled and molested all because he was only 9 and didn't know what he was doing (which is WAY OUT THERE---9 year olds know that bashing, stangling and molesting lead to no good and are wrong unless they're psychopathic) and accidentally killed his sister (eye rolling emoticon here please) then it is still a crime. And his parents obstructed justice and tampered with evidence through staging, which is also a crime.

---->>>>Awww s_finch, you donut really believe that do you?
Insert me with a puzzled look about it 'being' an accident, I am actually rolling on the floor figuratively.

You my dear poster deserve an A for describing to us on WHAT a crime is, an dmost particularly a MURDER!!

Wonder IF IF our murderer is being an active psychopathic person somewhere in Geogia or in Boulder even as we speak?


If the DA's office believes that Burke is the one who accidently killed his sister...then why continue with the investigation??? Is she doing this to appease the Ramseys and especially Lin Wood? Did L Wood ask Mary Lacy to keep up the "charade" of finding JonBenet's killer?

John is an accomplice to murder and he can be charged with murder IMO.
LinasK said:
No DNA link, but stonger circumstantial evidence- the black shirt made in Israel that he was wearing that night- fibers from it were found in JB's genital area- that didn't come from a bath or the laundry- that came from John having incestuous relations with JB or wiping her down after, IMO!!!
Will somebody (anybody) please show me where in the record of evidence this can be found. All I can find is where LE "asked" John about fibers from his shirt, and John answered "I don't believe it. Prove it." And they never mentioned it again.

Is this one of these tricks LE tried on John to get him to talk -- and now it has become Urban Legend, or is this really in the evidence?

Please, someone help me with this.

Thanks so much.
Guy_in_Georgia said:
The Ramsey home has not been proven to have been where JonBenet was killed. Perhaps the child was killed elsewhere, then brought back home, placed in the wine cellar, then moved to the final location, where staging occurred.


The pineapple residue in JonBenet's stomach suggests she was still alive after returning home from the whites.

i_dont_chat said:
Will somebody (anybody) please show me where in the record of evidence this can be found. All I can find is where LE "asked" John about fibers from his shirt, and John answered "I don't believe it. Prove it." And they never mentioned it again.

Is this one of these tricks LE tried on John to get him to talk -- and now it has become Urban Legend, or is this really in the evidence?

Please, someone help me with this.

Thanks so much.
It seems that it takes far less than fibers, or the rumor of same, for some to fabricate it as gospel, and so the story continues to grow, strangely, almost eerily, synomonous with the amount of alleged evidence against the Ramseys. Therefore we have to continually forewarn the RDI's, that the only evidence that can be used in a court of law, is factual evidence, and not fabricated evidence, or allegations.
Guy_in_Georgia said:
Actually, it was probably 15 bullets. In any case, Det Arndt may actually have had an epiphany, a flash of realization that the killer may be right next to her. The subconcious is a powerful tool, especially for those who work on complex problems in their line of work, like policeman, muical masters, scientists, etc.. Some call it a sixth sense, a gut instinct, or intuition.

The same thing probably happened to Fleet White when he and John found the body of JonBenet.

Fleet had searched the home earlier that day, and I'm sure that he had looked in the same place that JonBenet was now found.

Perhaps the reason John was so distressed after returning from his mysterious absence was because he found JonBenet where his wife had hidden her (the wine cellar), this being the FIRST TIME he saw her dead.

It's very likely that Patsy had hidden JonBenet in the wine cellar in the early hours of Dec 26th, John discovered the body, may have noticed evidence that would point to a family member, decided to move the body to the final location, staged the scene.??? When he returned, Det Arndt noticed a marked difference in his demeanor.

The problem:


That's probably why Fleet became almost hysterical after they discovered JonBenet. Not necessarily because JonBenet was dead, but that her father may have had something to do with it.


Perhaps the reason John was so distressed after returning from his mysterious absence was because he found JonBenet where his wife had hidden her (the wine cellar), this being the FIRST TIME he saw her dead.
JonBenet may not have been hidden in the wine-cellar originally, Fleet White never saw her when he looked!

It may have been John who relocated her corpse, added the garrote, duct-tape, and wrist-loops etc?

That's probably why Fleet became almost hysterical after they discovered JonBenet. Not necessarily because JonBenet was dead, but that her father may have had something to do with it.
Fleet White recognized the crime-scene was faked, so much so he went back and took another look, spending minutes staring at the duct-tape, which he knew had been reused!

Camper said:
---->>>>Awww s_finch, you donut really believe that do you?
Insert me with a puzzled look about it 'being' an accident, I am actually rolling on the floor figuratively.

You my dear poster deserve an A for describing to us on WHAT a crime is, an dmost particularly a MURDER!!

Wonder IF IF our murderer is being an active psychopathic person somewhere in Geogia or in Boulder even as we speak?


:) What I believe is that there was a crime. Whether the age of the first perp (assuming BDI, which I don't much subscribe to, was involved) allows for prosecution does not mean that a crime(s) wasn't committed. An accidental blow to the head? That I can put in the category of "accident". Should a 9 yo be punished for an accidental blow that kills someone? No. However, in this case you have: a smashed skull, manual strangle, ligature strangle, molestation of either a body or corpse, staging............there's way more there than "accident". Somehow, somewhere, someone committed some crimes and no way a 9 yo did all of that.
Fleet White recognized the crime-scene was faked, so much so he went back and took another look, spending minutes staring at the duct-tape, which he knew had been reused!
How do you know/figure this about the tape? Not being contrary, just curious. TIA
It's very likely that Patsy had hidden JonBenet in the wine cellar in the early hours of Dec 26th, John discovered the body, may have noticed evidence that would point to a family member, decided to move the body to the final location, staged the scene. When he returned, Det Arndt noticed a marked difference in his demeanor.

The problem:


That's probably why Fleet became almost hysterical after they discovered JonBenet. Not necessarily because JonBenet was dead, but that her father may have had something to do with it.

Perhaps, only PERHAPS, if JR wasn't involved from the getgo, I believe he would have recognized a family member, named Patsy, had been involved immediately, upon reading the ransom note. imo which changes from time to time imm
s_finch said:
How do you know/figure this about the tape? Not being contrary, just curious. TIA

If an intruder did not bring the duct-tape with him and none was found in the house then it must have been sourced from an already used location?

Source: PMPT, pp20, PB, Schiller
After Arndt's 911 call, John Ramsey told the detective that no one knew about the wine-cellar in the basement and therefore his daughter's murder has to be an inside job.

Source: PMPT, pp20-21, PB, Schiller
Meanwhile, Fleet White decided to go back downstairs to the wine-cellar where her body had been found. He had looked into the same room early that morning when he made a quick search of the house. Now that there was a light on, he saw clearly for the first time a white blanket in the center of the cement floor. A piece of black duct-tape was lying on it. He picked up the tape, which felt sticky, and then placed it back on the blanket for the police.

Source: ITRMI, pp30, PB, Thomas
Arndt ordered Ramsey to put the body down on the floor near the front door and told Fleet White to guard the basement door. Instead, White ran back down to the little cellar room, picked up the black tape, and stared at it.

Picture: Duct-Tape on blanket

The roll of duct tape used in the murder was not found in the Ramsey house. So it may have originated from items left lying about or affixed to other household objects e.g. the duct-tape may have been used in xmas wrapping, picture-hanging, or been on a delivery box?

There were four fibers consistent with Patsy's jacket, which she wore the previous night, found under the duct tape over JB's mouth. Patsy claimed that when she laid over JB's body when John brought the body up that the fibers were probably transferred to JB - BUT John did not bring the duct tape up, it was left downstairs! There were more fibers from Patsy's jacket found in the "paint" box that the garotte was made from.

UKGuy said:

The pineapple residue in JonBenet's stomach suggests she was still alive after returning home from the whites.

Playing devil's advocate here (gee, DA could also stand for devil's advocate), maybe she had pineapple somewhere else and the bowl of pineapple on the table is another red herring????????? PR and JR said they stopped a two homes after leaving the White's and then went home. It's their word we have to go on. I wonder what Burke answered about the events between the Whites and arriving home.

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