Can't prosecute Patsy anymore Whats Left?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Maybe So said:
Boy, I wonder....wouldn't cadaver dogs have been a big help...??? could they have pinpointed everywhere the body had rested in the house? Could they have pinpointed if JBR had died upstairs in her room? by detecting odors there? or does it take a few hours for the cadaver smell go begin? Could a tracking dog have smelled the garotte or the baseball bat outside and been able to lead LE on a trail as to whether the person who last handled these items went outside and left or simply returned to the house and was one of the occupants?

------>>>The answer is yes. Can you spell ineptitude? One of the men on scene suggested they bring in a dog ASAP and the PD person in charge, cannot remember his name, said, "Nopey", so dogs were not brought.

I don't know where they would have come from, or how soon. BUT IF IF they had gotten them before the body was found, I am thinking there would have been fresh scents on the garrotte.

I am now wondering IF IF JR heard this 'PD dog conversation' and headed for the basement then ?, WE imop of course will never know now.

I haggled and brought up the first comment on WS thread years ago, about the garrotte issue of 'scents within the knot', and I worked that to death behind the scenes.

Denmark has equipment to STORE scents from crime scenes and IT IS ACCEPTED in their court system as evidence.

BPD brought in a known knot expert from the Royal Canadian Police, who spent several weeks in Boulder studying the garrotte knot issue.

The BPD 'nopey' person I sincerely hope is not in the field of LE today!!!

It has been said that our victim here did have a death odor.
and I do not remember finding information to know IF IF a tracking/scent dog could overcome that to track an individual BEFORE the body was contaminated by JR and Linda Arndt.

jubie said:

This is a great place to post and it's always nice to see more people talking about JonBenet.

I like all your ideas and I do agree Linda was out of her element and since I don't know her personally it's hard for me to understand alot of things she did that day.

Long before JonBenet is found all we hear about is the basement. Her bedroom, which is where she was supposedly last at, is all but forgotten about.

Jubie, I'm one of those that don't put much stock in JR starting his search in the basement.

The top floor was their bedroom. JBR's room was taped off. The main floor had tons of people in it. Why not start in the basement?

Also, I'm a real estate appraiser. In talking to other appraisers, it's funny how some of us always start an inspection in the lowest level; others, the main floor; and still others start at the top and work the way down.

I just don't put alot of stock in why he started his search in the basement.

I do wonder why he went directly to the train room that supposedly had boxes stacked in front of the door. And why he went from there directly to the windowless room. That just doesn't ring true to me.
"If Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter, or played a part in covering-up who did...well, she's dead now, and we don't have the satisfaction of knowing for sure what her punishment is."

That's the worst part of all.
UKGuy said:
There were four fibers consistent with Patsy's jacket, which she wore the previous night, found under the duct tape over JB's mouth. Patsy claimed that when she laid over JB's body when John brought the body up that the fibers were probably transferred to JB - BUT John did not bring the duct tape up, it was left downstairs

Was the white blanket from JB's bed? Because, if it was, couldn't the sweater fibers have gotten on the blanket when JB was put to bed the night before? JR pulled the duct tape from her mouth and left it on the blanket...FW picked the tape up from there, looked at it and dropped it on the blanket again...couldn't the fibers have adhered then? Were the fibers found ON the tape only or also on its sticky residue ON JB's mouth?
Was the white blanket from JB's bed? Because, if it was, couldn't the sweater fibers have gotten on the blanket when JB was put to bed the night before? JR pulled the duct tape from her mouth and left it on the blanket...FW picked the tape up from there, looked at it and dropped it on the blanket again...couldn't the fibers have adhered then? Were the fibers found ON the tape only or also on its sticky residue ON JB's mouth?
Hoffman-Pugh (the housekeeper), was sure the blanket had been in the dryer.

One of her three reasons for believing that there had been no intruder was that only she and Patsy would have known where to find that blanket.

If the blanket had been in the dryer, as the housekeeper said, Patsy would not have touched it while tucking JB in.

Lots of people have also commented on how the fibers from Patsy's sweater could have gotten onto JB's clothes through contamination from the dryer. That sweater and John's shirts were sent to the cleaners. They didn't mix with panties, blankets and sheets in any laundry room.
Guy_in_Georgia said:
GuruJosh, after reading posts that you have made to this forum, I can comfortably say that you are STONE COLD, no matter how your comments as noted above would lead us to believe.

JonBenet was BEATEN, STRANGLED, HER BODY SEXUALLY MOLESTED AND MURDERED. We don't know if she was alive when the *advertiser censored* penetrated her vagina with the paintbrush. Someone who had knowledge about that horrendous murder wrote the ransom note. One or more people kept the secret, or are still keeping it, and the truth must be told, and punishment handed down by a court of law.
I agree with you,and I sure have a problem with anyone saying this was an "accident".That's like saying you went to a fertility clinic but didn't mean to get pregnant.It just doesn't ring of an accident to me.Since when do accidents involve the above mentioned?An accident would be if JB tripped and fell.From the looks of the autopsy pics,it looks to me like she was severely beaten and thus =no accident.
Jolynna said:
Hoffman-Pugh (the housekeeper), was sure the blanket had been in the dryer.

One of her three reasons for believing that there had been no intruder was that only she and Patsy would have known where to find that blanket.

If the blanket had been in the dryer, as the housekeeper said, Patsy would not have touched it while tucking JB in.

Lots of people have also commented on how the fibers from Patsy's sweater could have gotten onto JB's clothes through contamination from the dryer. That sweater and John's shirts were sent to the cleaners. They didn't mix with panties, blankets and sheets in any laundry room.

At what point, though, was the blanket in the dryer? Patsy may have taken the blanket out of the dryer on Christmas Day--she was puttering around the house that day while the kids played with their toys. She was probably doing laundry, getting ready for the trip, so had to empty the dryer from a previous load. Was the housekeeper there on Christmas Day? I don't remember hearing that.

OR...maybe Patsy's statement of fiddling with JB's little red jumpsuit early on the morning of the 26th was her excuse for being in the laundry room, lest Burke remembers seeing the light on at that time, while in fact Patsy was taking the blanket from the dryer.
"Was the white blanket from JB's bed? Because, if it was, couldn't the sweater fibers have gotten on the blanket when JB was put to bed the night before?"

Pretty sure it wasn't.

"Patsy may have taken the blanket out of the dryer on Christmas Day--she was puttering around the house that day while the kids played with their toys. She was probably doing laundry, getting ready for the trip, so had to empty the dryer from a previous load. Was the housekeeper there on Christmas Day? I don't remember hearing that."

Patsy said she was never in the basement wearing that piece of clothing.
She could have been wearing it when she took the blanket from the dryer....

(I know, I know, like she'd be doing laundry in her party clothes...)
She could have been wearing it when she took the blanket from the dryer....

(I know, I know, like she'd be doing laundry in her party clothes...)
If Patsy did it, she WAS wearing her party clothes when she took the blanket from the dryer.

Before she took the blanket down to the basement to cover up her poor dead little girl. (JonBenet's bedding was done in the laundry room on the 2nd floor)

Which solves the mystery of how the fibers from got there.
Jolynna said:
If Patsy did it, she WAS wearing her party clothes when she took the blanket from the dryer.

Before she took the blanket down to the basement to cover up her poor dead little girl. (JonBenet's bedding was done in the laundry room on the 2nd floor)

Which solves the mystery of how the fibers from got there.

Well, yeah, I think so, too....

Just trying to think like a defense attorney here..... :sick:
JMO8778 said:
I agree with you,and I sure have a problem with anyone saying this was an "accident".That's like saying you went to a fertility clinic but didn't mean to get pregnant.It just doesn't ring of an accident to me.Since when do accidents involve the above mentioned?An accident would be if JB tripped and fell.From the looks of the autopsy pics,it looks to me like she was severely beaten and thus =no accident.
I am a believer that JBR was killed accidentally - that someone struck her in a fit of anger or fear...and then the rest of the assault was staging after the fact. I think the head blow was the first injury she sustained.

So when I say accident, I mean the person that caused the head blow was not intentionally trying to kill her.
southcitymom said:
I am a believer that JBR was killed accidentally - that someone struck her in a fit of anger or fear...and then the rest of the assault was staging after the fact. I think the head blow was the first injury she sustained.

So when I say accident, I mean the person that caused the head blow was not intentionally trying to kill her.

The part about this that has me mystified is, yes, I also think she was hurt accidentally, but if it were just a head injury, why not just put her at the bottom of the stairs and call 911? They could have said that's where they found her. Surely there could be someplace in that house where it would be possible for her to sustain a head injury like that, no question.

Why the elaborate ligature and ransom note?
The part about this that has me mystified is, yes, I also think she was hurt accidentally, but if it were just a head injury, why not just put her at the bottom of the stairs and call 911? They could have said that's where they found her. Surely there could be someplace in that house where it would be possible for her to sustain a head injury like that, no question.

I do not understand this either. Although I do feel the head blow came first and think the rest was staging. Henry Lee, among others, stated his belief that this was a domestic accident that was followed by a hurried and sloppy cover up.

The only thing that makes sense, to me, is that the experts who said JonBenet had been sexually abused prior to Dec. 26 were correct and the sexual part of the staging was to hide any damage from the abuse.

The sloppy scene with the ridiculous RN, the lack of a good entry and exit and with the Ramseys caught dead to rights over the pineapple (that had gone through two hours of digesting before JB's death) shouldn't have been enough to throw even the Reno 911 sheriff's department off track.
Betsy said:
The part about this that has me mystified is, yes, I also think she was hurt accidentally, but if it were just a head injury, why not just put her at the bottom of the stairs and call 911? They could have said that's where they found her. Surely there could be someplace in that house where it would be possible for her to sustain a head injury like that, no question.

Why the elaborate ligature and ransom note?
I think Patsy was ALL about appearances and drama...I believe her life revolved around these things. I believe Patsy was also narcissistic. She would much rather be the mother of a brutally, dramatically slain beauty queen than the mother of a girl who fell down some steps.

I think she freaked when she accidentally killed JBR and in her freaked out, cover-up, noone-must-ever-know mode, she went to a naturally (for her, at least) dramatic place. I believe she staged the aftermath of her daughter's death to resemble a sex crime AND a kidnapping - it's OVER-staging, very drama-queenish...

The ransom note is THE only piece of evidence that every one says WASN'T in the house when they went to bed but then WAS in the house when they woke it's the only indication that an outsider did this. Patsy had to have something that showed an outsider did this.

The garrote was not very elaborate at all - it was, according to most accounts, the sort of knot that a child could have made. I think this was added to make it seem like a sex crime.

All this makes sense to me given what I know about Patsy and the evidence of the crime.

The only thing my jury is out on is whether or not Patsy knew of or found out about JBR being sexually abused and staging the sex crime aspect of JBR's death to cover up THAT fact.
"(I know, I know, like she'd be doing laundry in her party clothes...)"

No kidding!

"The only thing that makes sense, to me, is that the experts who said JonBenet had been sexually abused prior to Dec. 26 were correct and the sexual part of the staging was to hide any damage from the abuse."

i think that's the best bet. 'Course, I'm no good at gambling. Last week, I went to the track. When they shot off the opening gun, they killed my horse!

"The sloppy scene with the ridiculous RN, the lack of a good entry and exit and with the Ramseys caught dead to rights over the pineapple (that had gone through two hours of digesting before JB's death) shouldn't have been enough to throw even the Reno 911 sheriff's department off track."

Yeah, Barney Fife couldn't screw this one up!

"I think Patsy was ALL about appearances and drama...I believe her life revolved around these things. I believe Patsy was also narcissistic. She would much rather be the mother of a brutally, dramatically slain beauty queen than the mother of a girl who fell down some steps."

Mike Kane agrees! he actually said "Patsy loves being the mother of a murdered beauty queen."

That's strong language!
I've also had the impression that Patsy loved the fact that her daughter was so well-known, even if the fame (or infamy) came from her having been murdered, and in suspicious circumstances.

I think Patsy reveled in the idea that her child was internationally known and beloved by so many, and I think she deeply needed the whole "angel" aspect - as if her daughter had transcended mere mortality and really was better off in Heaven, "bringing other people closer to the Lord."

I honestly believe Patsy got off on the attention, even when it was as negative as possible, because it balanced out by those who supported her and maintained her innocence.

I'm sorry she died before Captain Highpants was arrested - I would have loved to have heard what she had to say about him. She had such a flair with words and for drama.
Nuisanceposter said:
I've also had the impression that Patsy loved the fact that her daughter was so well-known, even if the fame (or infamy) came from her having been murdered, and in suspicious circumstances.

I think Patsy reveled in the idea that her child was internationally known and beloved by so many, and I think she deeply needed the whole "angel" aspect - as if her daughter had transcended mere mortality and really was better off in Heaven, "bringing other people closer to the Lord."

I honestly believe Patsy got off on the attention, even when it was as negative as possible, because it balanced out by those who supported her and maintained her innocence.

I'm sorry she died before Captain Highpants was arrested - I would have loved to have heard what she had to say about him. She had such a flair with words and for drama.

Captain Highpants???

That's what Glenn Beck calls him. It's pretty funny.
Yeah, it was only a matter of time before one of us called him that!

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