Car Seat in 98 Pontiac POLL ADDED

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Are the 3 car seats in post 88 the same?

  • 1 and 2 are the same

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • 1 and 3 are the same

    Votes: 11 9.9%
  • 2 and 3 are the same

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • All 3 are different

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • All 3 are the same

    Votes: 14 12.6%
  • Not enough detail to say for sure

    Votes: 31 27.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will try to make sense here, prolly wont succeed.

If CA did change out the carseat would her finger prints be on key places to install it in the car (as in the last person to do so) and maybe the same thing with mama doll?

I brought this over from Caylee's doll "mama" thread

Yes, if she didn't wear gloves. Which if she had the frame of mind to actually switch out the car seats then she would have also worn gloves. I'm of the frame of mind that one of the most important pieces of evidence (the car and what was in it) was grossly compromised by CA's attempted cover up.
Yes, if she didn't wear gloves. Which if she had the frame of mind to actually switch out the car seats then she would have also worn gloves. I'm of the frame of mind that one of the most important pieces of evidence (the car and what was in it) was grossly compromised by CA's attempted cover up.
Wouldn't her fingerprints likely be on most of Caylee's belongings anyway?
Wouldn't here fingerprints likely be on most of Caylee's belongings anyway?

Yes, but it wouldn't have made sense for CA's fingerprints to be on portions of the carseat that would only be there if she were installing the carseat. CA has maintained that only Casey used that carseat for Caylee. If CA did indeed remove Caylee's "real" carseat and disposed of it or hid it then she would have also been in the frame of mind to wear gloves while installing it BACK into the car.
Yes, but it wouldn't have made sense for CA's fingerprints to be on portions of the carseat that would only be there if she were installing the carseat. CA has maintained that only Casey used that carseat for Caylee. If CA did indeed remove Caylee's "real" carseat and disposed of it or hid it then she would have also been in the frame of mind to wear gloves while installing it BACK into the car.
Which is possible, since she claims it is black and white and can't remember the brand..
I don't think #2 is the same as #1 and #3..... the sides come up much higher (nothing to do with size of child in seat) than they do on the other two, which I believe are the same seat.... Plus #2 is missing the side dark grey/black insert (see my illustrated item #2 in both seats at post #236) that is in both pic #1 and pic #3.


I think #1 and #3 look like the same seat BUT they each have a different insert within them. See how in #1 it comes up and over the back of the carseat? In #3 it is laying within the seat.

Adding - nevermind, i just zoomed and #1 pad does not go over the back of the seat. It looks black whereas the pad in #3 looks grey and sits lower (due to the strap positioning or a different insert pad altogether?). I'm a big help!
Cindy noted in her depo that she lifted the carseat, so her prints would be expected on it -although maybe not in the areas you mentioned. She also said she moved mama doll and wiped the face, so again, fingerprints to be expected.

Well, unless she was wearing gloves.

I admit that it has been a while since I had a little one in a car seat but can someone please explain how you would go about "lifting the seat" to look under it if it is properly belted in?
Ya know - I bet if this becomes an "issue" with LE, they can check far and wide and find out what seats were purchased when and from where - and know how many - and if CA did a bad thing. In the meantime, the gnawing on this bone is interesting.
I admit that it has been a while since I had a little one in a car seat but can someone please explain how you would go about "lifting the seat" to look under it if it is properly belted in?
I have zero familiarity with car seats, but from reading on here and doing some research, I would guess she would have to unbuckle it. Good point.
I can not for the life of me, get the first part of Cindy's prosecution's deposition to post. Anyway, she stated that Casey and herself, only had 1 car seat each. They were the convertible type, to transition from infant to toddler.
Because of the inconsistencies in the angles, lighting, camera and grade of the pictures this is really hard to compare! I think we have to disregard all the red portions that are in photo #3 because they wouldn't be in sight because the angles of the other pictures don't show those same areas. The color is difficult because the hues will vary depending on camera, lighting and printing. The best way, I think, to compare the colors would be to compare the values not the hues. In other words to look at how the lightness/darkness (values) of each car seat contrasts to the interior of the car. (See how even the car interior "color" (hue) looks different in each picture? Well, the contrast between the car interior and the car seats look about the same to me . . . I don't think you can be very definite about it, though.
The only difference that interests me is the shoulder straps. They are either hidden in picture #3 or they are the wrong color. But I can't see where they go through the slots even when I magnify it to 400%. And as has already been pointed out, if they have been disconnected that means that the seat had been removed ~ which would be very suspicious!!
My observations are few and not enlightening enough for me to make a solid decision ~ but I've sure enjoyed this thread and all the work everyone has put into it!! Wish we could find more pictures for comparison.

Several people have mentioned the difference in the position of the harness straps. THAT I do see.

I am wondering . . .can we be positive the pic was taken by LE beforethey examined it? It seems everyone is expecting it to be in exactly the same position in the LE pic as KC left it. Perhaps it should be and is. However, one reason I think it's the same seat is because I was thinking LE visually and physically (hands on) inspected it before this pic was taken. Perhaps even removed it from the car which on would need to do to really inspect it.

Now, noticing how most of you think it would be suspicious for it to be moved/altered, I'm wondering about this. I don't know much about how LE would go about something like this. Is it possible this picture is shown after the car seat was examined?

Also, since Caylee was "missing" and we now know deceased :furious: , KC was driving around without Caylee in the car up until she abandoned it at Amscot. She could have moved it for any reason really. What do you'all think?
Who knows, at this point anything is possible with these folks and I don't put a thing past them. Do I think it is different carseats? Yes. Do I have proof? No. Just theorizing based on pictures and what I can see. This has been a great thread with fabulous opinions and research!
Several people have mentioned the difference in the position of the harness straps. THAT I do see.

I am wondering . . .can we be positive the pic was taken by LE beforethey examined it? It seems everyone is expecting it to be in exactly the same position in the LE pic as KC left it. Perhaps it should be and is. However, one reason I think it's the same seat is because I was thinking LE visually and physically (hands on) inspected it before this pic was taken. Perhaps even removed it from the car which on would need to do to really inspect it.

Now, noticing how most of you think it would be suspicious for it to be moved/altered, I'm wondering about this. I don't know much about how LE would go about something like this. Is it possible this picture is shown after the car seat was examined?

Also, since Caylee was "missing" and we now know deceased :furious: , KC was driving around without Caylee in the car up until she abandoned it at Amscot. She could have moved it for any reason really. What do you'all think?
It's marked Evidence... they wouldn't photograph it after they messed with it I would think.
I admit that it has been a while since I had a little one in a car seat but can someone please explain how you would go about "lifting the seat" to look under it if it is properly belted in?

Maybe cindy just threw that in incase she left her prints under the seat?
Just for fun here she is as an infant in her car seat.:)
Picture 3
is also another one of her in the most current car seat, but there are are no more details revealed in the photo.

Well I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt the picture that you have found and posted is nothing even similar to what the other pictures have been. So, this was apparantly Caylee's infant carseat that you have found the picture of.
FBI interview with Cindy-
at about 00:45 sec in she says 'we all have a carseat' ...if just she and Casey had carseats, wouldn't she say 'we both' not 'we all'?

IF GEORGE HAD ONE IN HIS BLACK HHR...Black and grey may have been a nice choice to match his interior..

[ame=""]YouTube - CINDY ANTHONY INTERVIEW PART 6[/ame]



Just bumping the pics up.
a view of the straps on chair1

FBI interview with Cindy-
at about 00:45 sec in she says 'we all have a carseat' ...if just she and Casey had carseats, wouldn't she say 'we both' not 'we all'?

IF GEORGE HAD ONE IN HIS BLACK HHR...Black and grey may have been a nice choice to match his interior..

So if there were 3 carseats, as Cindy suggests in this video, and Cindy's turns out to be brown and tan, I would guess that #3 seat is Georges. I wonder if they could find fibers from the bottom of the carseat from rubbing on the auto seat and match it to the correct car? I wonder if they have? Would we be privy to any further warrants to collect items such as Cindy's carseat or to inspect Georges or Cindy's car?
It's interesting in her depo she only talks about 2 carseats. "We all" doesn't signify is 3 or more to me.

In your lightened picture you really can see the color of the car seat.
So if there were 3 carseats, as Cindy suggests in this video, and Cindy's turns out to be brown and tan, I would guess that #3 seat is Georges. I wonder if they could find fibers from the bottom of the carseat from rubbing on the auto seat and match it to the correct car? I wonder if they have? Would we be privy to any further warrants to collect items such as Cindy's carseat or to inspect Georges or Cindy's car?
It's interesting in her depo she only talks about 2 carseats. "We all" doesn't signify is 3 or more to me.
Regarding the straps being too low in seat #3. December 2005-June 2006 George and Cindy separated.
Caylee was born August 9, 2005
So George left when Caylee was 4 months old. Perhaps they did buy all 3 carseats at the same time. 2 black and grey ones, 1 brown and tan. Perhaps the pic of the infant seat that JBean found was just used as a baby carrier and not a car seat. So Georges straps are set for an infant. It goes into storage at the A's when he leaves for 6-7 months during the separation. Perhaps it just stayed in the attic or wherever because he didn't ever really need it. When it comes out of storage, if used for the switch, the straps would still be set for Caylee age newborn-4 months.
They had plenty of opportunity to ditch Casey's carseat...they parked their vehicles in the garage..they could have snuck it out easily before LE came back for the car. What took Lee so long at Tony's that night? There is also some unexplained time unaccounted for there.
Cindy intentionally brings up the yard sale story..'getting rid of things that will just sit there and yellow and could be used by someone else' ..just in case LE knows about George having a seat... It will turn out to be an item 'sold' at the yard sale.. Crafty Cindy. Does she ever sleep?
Cindy depo Part 2 pgs 476-477
'Started selling items of Caylee's from the attic..around Caylee's 2nd birthday.' Yup. I'd say she knows or fears that LE found the purchase of 3 carseats in her financial records.

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