Carnival Ship Stranded in Gulf of Mexico

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I will never cruise. Ever. Dh went on one with friends when we were dating. He said it was horrible. And The guy snored so bad him and his roommates pushed his cot in the the hall!

He said it was claustrophobic and you could not escape people.

Not for me. I like Land.. Lots of Land...

These poor people. I can not believe they are still not home. I can only think this will cost Carnival way more than they think. ;)
I've been doing a lot of research on WWII. Ships with even more people on board took multiple torpedo and kamikaze hits and recovered faster than this one cruise ship.

This is bad management on top of bad maintenance!

Unless a ship is taken out of service for major repairs or renovation, most cruise ships sail at full capacity almost year-round. Cruiselines are reluctant to cancel voyages due to "minor" maintenance issues and try to rectify such problems while the ship is sailing (with passengers and full crew onboard), in port, and/or on turn-around day (end of one cruise with passengers disembarking and new passengers coming aboard). General maintenance like painting, varnishing, carpet cleaning, etc. takes place while the ship is in use.

Apparently the Triumph has had maintenance issues fairly recently that were determined to be corrected. After the fire and subsequent onboard power problems, this ship will now be out of service for a few months. No doubt many future passengers will have to make other vacation plans, and Carnival will be issuing refunds to most of them unless they can move them onto another vessel. The Triumph should have been taken out of service and the problems completely resolved before the ship ever set sail again. :moo:

I'm leaning (no pun intended :D) more and more in the direction of a land vacation next winter - maybe Aruba or Cancun that we've enjoyed in the past.
I never had an interest in cruises, because of this I guess. My gosh, can you imagine? And here I was reconsidering but it seems to be a nice way to visit several places in a short time and have a good time. But a chance of this? And to be stuck out there? I'd be freaking out.
I told my husband about this last night. He of coursed said why didn't they just go get them.

The truth is coming out from families of the passengers. One video I watched they talked about how they are relieving themselves in plastic baggies and placing them outside the doors. :/

I honestly would not be able to handle this stressful situation..

I almost booked a cruise with another family, but decided against it, cost more then flying to disney for a family of 4... I am glad I didn't.
This just confirms to me what I have always thought - that cruise ships cannot possibly be safe. 1000's of passengers in too small a space. And I have never felt safe in large crowds - you cannot trust that everyone will act responsibly in an emergency.

While in Hawaii, my DH and I watched a cruise ship dock and the passengers disembark just to get lunch at the hotel. It took at least a couple of hours to get the passengers off, so that they could walk into a hotel and get lunch. You don't see your destination in any real fashion and you aren't really traveling.
I was out for several hours this morning but am now listening/watching CNN coverage of the ongoing cruise ship disaster. Passengers on the phone with Ashley Banfield are saying that they can see land but have been told that they will not be able to disembark until late this evening.

I'm a very patient and tolerant person, but I think that I would be losing my cool by now. One thing that I would have done is go to the onboard shops (assuming they were open) and purchase snack foods that are available: chips, pretzels, candies, etc. It wouldn't be the healthiest diet, but at least I would have something to eat and not have to wait in line for hours for unappetizing foods. I always take bottled water and/or Perrier onboard, so I'd have my own water (and probably wine, too).

That said, it's ridiculous to go on vacation and feel that one has to pack food and water in the event that the ship loses power. We haven't heard the end of this sordid saga yet, and I'll be keeping tuned to the story throughout the day. Thoughts and prayers for the passengers and crew onboard.
I hope this doesn't break the rules. If it does I'll delete. This is the comment on the public FB page mentioned above:

We were on the Triumph Jan. 28 to Feb 2. We have pictures showing the ship running on only 1 engine. Our trip was cut short(no Cozumel) and had a 4 hour wait in line to get on the boat(a deep regret). Our cruise was rough, the crew rude, we were lied to, dumped off in Progresso, and made to get back on board early so we could be made to sit and wait onboard for parts. This pale by comparrison to the horrendous travisty visited upon this cruise. I wish we could have been more vocal so this possibly could have been prevented. I have been in contact with Carnival but their response time has been extremely slow. Carnival needs to be brought on the carpet for treating us like cattle, putting us in danger and not fulfilling contracts. They did give us a $15 dollar lunch allowance and a $50 dollar on board cruise credit (which they always get back as they charge you to do anything). I pray for all the people on board and again wish we could have been a buffer in not allowing this kind of degredation of facilities to continue.
Gosh, CNN is reporting that in order to dock in Mobile, the tugs have to keep the ship in a very narrow channel. If they can't, the ship will run aground.
I hate to sound negative, but I suspect that there will be mass chaos when the ship finally docks and passengers are eager to disembark the floating cesspool. I imagine that it will be very unruly with folks pushing, shoving, etc. trying to get off the ship. Disembarkation generally takes a couple of hours even when the ship hasn't been in a stressful situation. I'm sure that it will take a very long time to get passengers off the crippled Triumph. I hope that everyone onboard will be safe, and I wish them well in their forward journey.
After days stranded at sea, now comes the bus ride

3 hours ago

MOBILE, Ala. — After days stranded in the Gulf of Mexico in conditions some have described as dismal, most passengers aboard the disabled Carnival Triumph can look forward to an hours-long bus ride Thursday after they reach dry land.

The company announced its plan for passengers as the Triumph was being towed to a port in Mobile, Ala., with more than 4,000 people on board, some of whom have complained to relatives that they have limited access to food and bathrooms.

The passengers' stay in Alabama will be short. Carnival said in a statement late Wednesday that passengers were being given the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston, Texas, or Houston — a roughly seven-hour drive — or taking a two-hour bus ride to New Orleans, where the company said it booked 1,500 hotel rooms. Those staying in New Orleans will be flown Friday to Houston. Carnival said it will cover all the transportation costs...
Cruise ship nightmare nearing end

Triumph expected to dock Thursday evening

Author: By Michael Pearson and Ed Payne CNN

Published On: Feb 14 2013 03:52:54 AM EST Updated On: Feb 14 2013 01:55:23 PM EST

(CNN) -
It's almost, but not quite, over for the 4,229 passengers and crew stuck on a filthy cruise ship stricken by an engine room fire four days ago.

"I don't know how much more we could have took," passenger Larry Poret told CNN via cell phone as the Carnival Triumph limped toward Mobile, Alabama, Thursday afternoon. Poret was aboard with his 12-year-old daughter, Rebekah, who said the ordeal has been "really, really difficult."

Thanks to CNN cameras aboard a helicopter circling the crippled ship, Rebekah's mother, Mary Poret, was able to see her daughter for the first time in six days...
Oh, no. CNN just reported one of the tug boats broke down. :(
BEWARE you will get no info no matter what the problem/disaster is! I have personally experienced this fiasco and I paid for the penthouse suite! We had fog @ Galveston and that was not Carnival's fault, what was their fault was the total lack of info and their refusal to offer refunds since people were crammed into the terminal for 14 hours and WE MISSED OUR DESTINATION I didnt want to go to Progreso I wanted to go to Cozumel.
They gave us a big fat 40 dollar credit and refused to answer my ceritied letters so just remember if anything happens you are on your own. This was our 1st and last cruise. This company flies a false forien flag so as to avoid your lawsuits, go ahead and call a lawyer they wont take the case because they are the big boys and you are the little guy. You WILL NOT win and lawyers know this. Only if you are murdered or some huge case that gets national attention and even then Carnival will promise you X and then deliver nothing after the media goes home, just a warning you are own your own folks and the dangers are far too many to recite!
Good luck
Oh and dont listen to these cheerleaders on CNN or on the boards who will say Oh its not that bad. People act crazy on cruises and put them in this boat and I bet you dollars to donuts there were many fights and dangerous situations that Carnival will try their best to cover, they are experts at this since they have so many accidnet/crimes etc etc just a warning!

BTW, when I posted my review on a very big board the cheerleaders deleted it so I hit them hard with copies and my review wound up on a full page at this complaint board website dedicated soley to reporting accidents and crime and other problems on ships
Wow, I am so sorry to hear all of these horror stories about Carnival cruises. I will always have a great fondness in my heart for the Carnival cruise ship Sensation. I lived on that ship for 6 months with my late fiance when the cruise ship was used to house essential personnel (firefighters, police, emergency workers, etc) after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The staff was wonderful to us and our cabin steward Hector was just awesome.

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