Casey Actress in Movie?

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OK...did some more sleuthing and found the director's facebook page. A number of the actors listed in the movie are friends of hers...there is a Casey Anthony listed in her friends list that is definitely NOT KC.

I think the one of the theories LadyL and my_tee_mouse suggested may be spot on.

Sorry to get everybody worked up over this.
Casey the actress needs a stage name IMHO. Bless her heart.
The girl does resemble "the Casey Anthony" but they wear too many clothes for Casey's taste.
OK...did some more sleuthing and found the director's facebook page. A number of the actors listed in the movie are friends of hers...there is a Casey Anthony listed in her friends list that is definitely NOT KC.

I think the one of the theories LadyL and my_tee_mouse suggested may be spot on.

Sorry to get everybody worked up over this.
No worries. The same sort of thing happens to wiki articles all the time. That's the risk sites take when they leave loopholes allowing the public to add or modify material.
IMO Alyssa Milano and Jennifer Love Hewitt somewhat resemble KC and could pull off "the look"

IMO Alyssa Milano and Jennifer Love Hewitt somewhat resemble KC and could pull off "the look"

Alyssa to play the part when all of this happened, definitely (sorry, Alyssa!) JLH to play the part once this case finally gets tried, probably! (At the rate we are going, Liz Taylor would probably fit the part once this case finally goes to trial).

I don't think so, either-JLH's eyes are too narrow and KC's nose is more bulbous than Alyssa's-I would go with (seriously) Dakota Fanning-look is a bit more similar if you put a short dark haircut on Dakota. Ya need the bigger blue eyes...
Who would be a good pick to portray KC in her made for TV movie? I think Alyssa has a great shot. The Grinch could play Cindy.
All's I'm sayin is if she was ever in a movie, it went straight to DVD......the kind that you hide from the kids.

Hope this link works...but in some pics...AND some air brushing to make her look younger...I always thought she was pretty close to looking like KC.

ETA : Otherwise known as "Punky Brewster".....

Yeah, you're right. Soleil bares a closeness to ICA, maybe just a bit older than ICA but air brushing would make it a very close resemblance. The Alyssa Milano pic upthread is a good closeness, the smile and all. But I've always thought Shannen Doherty would be a good likeness. She was a bad girl type in her heyday, but might be good for when the trial actually begins. ICA would have aged a bit by the time they finally get it going, ha!
Yeah, you're right. Soleil bares a closeness to ICA, maybe just a bit older than ICA but air brushing would make it a very close resemblance. The Alyssa Milano pic upthread is a good closeness, the smile and all. But I've always thought Shannen Doherty would be a good likeness. She was a bad girl type in her heyday, but might be good for when the trial actually begins. ICA would have aged a bit by the time they finally get it going, ha!

I think Alanis Morissette looks a lot like Casey. I tried inserting her pic but it's not coming up.
Kind of OT, but I have a girl in one my of classes this semester who's last name is Anthony. And she kind of looks like Casey, but Casey isn't her first name (though her first name does start with a C). It freaks me out sometimes to look at her. But then I remind myself I'm in Oklahoma and Casey is in jail in Florida, and also that Casey would never really take a college class. So then I'm okay, lol.
Kind of o/t here too.
Remember when Dean Cain played scott peterson? Now when ever I see Dean Caine, I see sp.
and I used to think he was sooo cute too. :(
Why don't we ask Jim Lichtenstein if he has any actors in mind????

I hear Jessica Biel is the star of his current motion picture project

Lichtenstein, who said he hopes the filming of the movie would take place in Chicago, said production could take about 18 months. The movie, he said, could reach cinemas by 2011.
I loved this part at the end of the movie website, particularly the line I bolded:) :

ALL characters are fictional* and any similarity to

real persons is unintended and entirely coincidental

(*except for the occasional real persons playing themselves.)

HOWEVER, the environmental crisis portrayed is real

(except perhaps for some of the sexual health consequences.)

The cistern truck in the film is actually delivering water to

hundreds whose water supply has been damaged by

foreign developers in Costa Rica.

AND, the facts quoted about the Institution of Marriage

are factually, historically accurate.

ELSEWHERE, poetic license rules…

Filmed on location in Costa Rica, Russia, France

Dr. Coontz filmed at Olympia, Washington USA

No animals were harmed in the filming of this movie.
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