Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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I can't see this working EVER, but I really hope they try it just for fun.
I have never heard that about Roseanne Barr - really?

KING: She brought us one of the funniest shows in television history and she survived multiple personality disorder, abuse and shattered marriages to do it. After all that, what's next for Roseanne Barr? She'll tell you and she'll take your calls too next on LARRY KING LIVE.

She also published her autobiography, Roseanne: My Life as a Woman; a subsequent book, My Lives which alleged that she suffered from multiple personality disorder, was released in 1994.
Ive been in school for 3 years now studying Forensic Psychology. And in my personal opinion we will never see a MPD defense. I am waiting for Dr Kent Kiehl to show up on the visitors list. He is doing some fascinating work with Psychopaths and brain imaging scans in order to determine that it's a medical condition. He has testified at trials allready, so far no wins, thank goodness... But this is going to open up the door for a medical reason for a psychopath and in my own opinion it's only a matter of time before we see a win using his research.

I dont want a psychopathic killer walking the streets ever... but science is catching up and understanding them is evolving rapidly.
MPD isnt called that anymore. Its now Disassociative Disorder and its related to experiencing extreme trauma in her life (prior to Caylee missing), which I dont think has been shown. She clearly does not have this.....she knows what she is doing all the time, enough to plan out an explanation and is very manipulative and calculating....something that doesnt present in DD.
Surely the defense won't try for MPD since one of the personalities would have to admit to killing Caylee. They will have to come up with a reason for ignoring the smell in the vehicle and not reporting Caylee missing for a month though. They'll probably come up with past abuse and mental conditions that made Casey so traumatized that she can't remember what happened that afternoon.
ive been in school for 3 years now studying forensic psychology. And in my personal opinion we will never see a mpd defense. I am waiting for dr kent kiehl to show up on the visitors list. He is doing some fascinating work with psychopaths and brain imaging scans in order to determine that it's a medical condition. He has testified at trials allready, so far no wins, thank goodness... But this is going to open up the door for a medical reason for a psychopath and in my own opinion it's only a matter of time before we see a win using his research.

I dont want a psychopathic killer walking the streets ever... But science is catching up and understanding them is evolving rapidly.

I thought about the MPD defense, but still ended up thinking KC is simply a narcissist, evil, LIAR.
MPD presumes at least one other personality. Where the perp is concerned, still waiting...
You know I have spent a lot of time thinking this but not exactly how you are thinking. Have you ever seen the movie Hide and Seek? if not its about this little girl who lives with her dad and after her mom dies, the dad believes the girl is having a break down, because she is always talking about Charley this imaginary friend that plays with her but is very mean that no one else sees. They move away but the girl continues to get worse and these people start dieing. To make a long story short, Charley was her dad, he had split personalities and her dad didn't know he had splits, when he was "dad" he was normal dad who thought his daughter was having a break down after losing her mom, but actually Charley the dads other personality killed the mom after he caught her having an affair, but the little girl could not tell her dad because Charley would kill her and her dad (himself).
Anyway my theory was that they were going to say that Cindy is Zanny and Casey was protecting her family and that everything that Casey said is true.. That she would say that yes Cindy babysat Caylee and she is also the Zanny that KC speaks of in her texts and IM's. That everyone has been protecting Cindy including Casey, that they would claim Cindy has had mental problems for a long time and was seeing a Psychiatrist, that this is the family secret that they spoke about where Casey says she hasn't told anyone and so on... My mind has really put this whole thing together, but no I don't think that they will claim that Casey is MPD but that Cindy is, and Cindy is still playing the part with the I beleive Caylee is alive and her various personalities that we have seen.
Ive been in school for 3 years now studying Forensic Psychology. And in my personal opinion we will never see a MPD defense. I am waiting for Dr Kent Kiehl to show up on the visitors list. He is doing some fascinating work with Psychopaths and brain imaging scans in order to determine that it's a medical condition. He has testified at trials allready, so far no wins, thank goodness... But this is going to open up the door for a medical reason for a psychopath and in my own opinion it's only a matter of time before we see a win using his research.

I dont want a psychopathic killer walking the streets ever... but science is catching up and understanding them is evolving rapidly.

Welcome to WS!

I have a hard time seeing Casey allowing anyone on her defense team letting this guy (or anyone else for that matter) say she's a psychopath.
Anthony, 22, remains jailed and is scheduled to go to trial in January. Caylee was last seen in mid-June but was not reported missing until a month later.

Anthony has undergone two psychological evaluations, but the reports have been sealed by the judge who ordered the tests after Anthony's arrest in July.

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone interviewed Lake Mary psychiatrist Dr. Ryan Hall, who has not examined Anthony and could not comment to her specifically, but he has studied women who have killed and their motivations for the killings.

"You have to look at the motivation -- why they're doing -- why they think they have to (kill their own child)," Hall said.

Psychiatrists focus on five general reasons, Hall said.

Altruistic, which was explained as the person doing the child a favor.

Psychotic, when the killer is having hallucinations or delusions.

Accidental, which usually result from abuse.

Revenge, getting back at someone, usually a spouse or the child's parent.

Unwanted child.

Hall said that only in extreme cases can the killer be found not criminally responsible for the death.

"You have to have a severe mental illness, and two -- due to the severe mental illness -- you have to not realize what you were doing was wrong," Hall said.

Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who is in a psychiatric hospital after drowning her five children because she said she was battling Satan before calmly reporting the deaths to police, is an example of that type of person, Local 6 News reported.

Pipitone said the prosecution of Anthony thus far seems closer to that of Susan Smith, who let a car containing her two children roll into a lake, where they drowned. Smith blamed carjackers who never existed, and she's serving a life sentence in South Carolina.

"She was interested in an individual, (and) he said he didn't want to be with a single mother. She killed her two kids. There was concealment, it was planned out, she made false statements to police, she was trying to avoid detection (and) she knew what she'd done was wrong," Hall said.

Investigators believe Anthony is concealing the location of her daughter's body.

"No more lies. No more bull coming out of your mouth. We've been very respectful. We're taking our time and talking to you, but we're tired of all the lies. No more lies. What happened to Caylee?" Orange County sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich said in a July interview at Universal, where Anthony had said she worked.

"I don't know," Anthony said.

"You do know," Melich replied.

"I don't know," Anthony repeated.

"What happened to Caylee?" Melich asked.

"I don't know where she is. That's the God's honest truth," Anthony said.

If Anthony were delusional, she would really believe that she worked at Universal and left Caylee with an imaginary baby sitter, Pipitone said. The state claims that Anthony is lying.

Psychiatrists, like Hall, routinely determine whether someone is delusional or simply deceptive.

"You have to look at what the motivation is there. Is it that they don't want to admit they're really unemployed? Do they have to let people think they're greater than they are? So there could be personality factors, (a) need for narcissism, needs to seem greater than they are. Or they could be trying to hide embarrassment or shame," Hall said.

If Anthony has no severe mental illness, there's no way she can avoid prison, if convicted, Local 6 News reported.

"People found insane go to the state mental hospital, but that's reserved for truly psychotic people. Casey just doesn't seem to fit that bill," Pipitone said. "She's not been convicted of anything, but clearly she has issues that could lead to the death penalty being taken off the table or mitigate against a death sentence if she ever were convicted."

ICA's motivation was freedom from parental incubrances...she is more like Susan Smith than Andrea Yates...her motivation is the hatred/contempt she held towards her own mother and the fact her boyfriend du jour kidded with her and stated he'd want sons not daughters when he does marry and have children. Not being able to go with her friends on their Puerto Rican vacation is the other rage she held inside her.
There is no mental illness in ICA, IMO but a very rare breed of a raging narcisis who's only concern is ME, ME, ME....her only tears are tears for herself. She knew what happened to Caylee was wrong or she wouldn't have invented an abduction tale. Had it been an accident, one call to 911 and she would face no charges. Instead she invents a nanny, friends that don't exist, a job she doesn't hold and every word out of her mouth an elaborate lie. She lies just to lie...I don't think ICA has multiple personalites she's just evil...JMHO

Accidental, which usually result from abuse.

Revenge, getting back at someone, usually a spouse or the child's parent.

Unwanted child.

The above three was her motivation for freedom...she didn't want Caylee from the start, hid her pregnancy for 7 months...

Revenge against her mother, the hatred and contempt she holds for her...

Had Caylee died accidently due to ICA's neglect (the pool), I can see her coming up with this elaborate tale for she fears her mother, CA...she knows or thought she would never be forgiven, she mentions this to the officers during her interrogation...

I do hope the courts release her psych evaluation, I'd love to read it! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I believe KC's lawyers have backed her into a corner in regards to being able to submit any type of insanity plea, or to bring any psych problems up at sentencing-Since they cannot shut their mouths and continue to proclaim her innocence and accuse others, they have all but abandoned any hope of coming back later and admitting that it could have been KC but she was sick in the head-They have gone too far to retrieve any hope of softening the blow for her.
The following article is a very interesting read albeit long. I wonder if this just might be where the defense is headed with Casey...does she suffer from MPD? Could she possibly be Zanny, Juliette, Zach, etc. all rolled up into one Casey brain? Or is she possibly faking MPD?
I'm curious to hear your opinions about this and the possibility that Casey could possibly be suffering from MPD or the possibility that she and the defense are going to fake it.

Multiple Personalities: Crime and Defense

No, because they are alleging the body was placed after KC was in jail. There is no evidence of her having mpd. There is ample evidence of a sociopath and her mother was telling Ryan Paisley two years before the murder of this child, I believe.
Welcome to WS!

I have a hard time seeing Casey allowing anyone on her defense team letting this guy (or anyone else for that matter) say she's a psychopath.
And legally, her attorneys can't do anything WITHOUT her permission. So, in reality, her defense is Casey-driven.
The only problem is, all the personalities seem to know about one another, and that's particularly unusual in the case of MPD. It isn't until integration begins that a therapist starts to introduce the primary to the others.

Ain't washing for me, matter how obvious the crazy seems to seep from that particular gene pool.
After working for years in behavioral health, and also talking frankly with several excellent psychiatrists that have been in the field 30+ years, we have all come to the conclusion that we have NEVER seen a legitimate case of Dissociative Personality Disorder formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.

Off the record, they have indicated that it a diagnosis that was occasionally made years ago for (mostly) highly histrionic women often with borderline personality traits. This diagnosis afforded them secondary gains from their families, etc. because they were so "interesting". I.E. they wore the DPD tag proudly, often basking in the attention they received from it. There was a noticeable uptick in DPD diagnoses after the movie "Sybil" came out in 1976.

Sadly, many of the patients that were diagnosed years ago are now 20 to 30 years older, and so invested into their lifelong act that although it's utter silliness, they can't give up the charade now without looking foolish.

You know I have spent a lot of time thinking this but not exactly how you are thinking. Have you ever seen the movie Hide and Seek? if not its about this little girl who lives with her dad and after her mom dies, the dad believes the girl is having a break down, because she is always talking about Charley this imaginary friend that plays with her but is very mean that no one else sees. They move away but the girl continues to get worse and these people start dieing. To make a long story short, Charley was her dad, he had split personalities and her dad didn't know he had splits, when he was "dad" he was normal dad who thought his daughter was having a break down after losing her mom, but actually Charley the dads other personality killed the mom after he caught her having an affair, but the little girl could not tell her dad because Charley would kill her and her dad (himself).
Anyway my theory was that they were going to say that Cindy is Zanny and Casey was protecting her family and that everything that Casey said is true.. That she would say that yes Cindy babysat Caylee and she is also the Zanny that KC speaks of in her texts and IM's. That everyone has been protecting Cindy including Casey, that they would claim Cindy has had mental problems for a long time and was seeing a Psychiatrist, that this is the family secret that they spoke about where Casey says she hasn't told anyone and so on... My mind has really put this whole thing together, but no I don't think that they will claim that Casey is MPD but that Cindy is, and Cindy is still playing the part with the I beleive Caylee is alive and her various personalities that we have seen.

Great, Cindy sees this and we're going to see a whole new act from her. It's interesting, but I highly doubt it's true. Cindy has shown her true colors from the start. She can't fake anything to save her life. That family knows exactly who Cindy is and so do we. NO ONE in that family has multiple personalities. They are just narcissitic, evil liars. That's it.
Nobull, thanks so much for posting your comments. While as a younger woman watching the Three Faces Of Eve and being just fascinated by that whole concept, it still has never rung "true" for me. In more thoughtful moments, it seemed a great avenue of escape for those parts of our personality that we'd love to express but are socially conditioned to keep as "moderate".

But up thread, a poster mentioned Roseanne Barr and MPD. Now I gave up watching Roseanne years and many escapades ago, because her drama is just over the top drama for me - so much so it gets boring.

But Roseanne Barr + histrionics makes perfect sense.

For me, MPD and ICA just doesn't make sense. I see every move ICA makes as calculated and consciously manipulative. I know manipulative people, but have never been certain they know moment to moment they are being manipulative. I think Casey does.

All IMO and may not make sense to anyone but me!

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