Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Am I cuckoo or did we learn she ran track?

Interesting that is being mentioned. I think Casey Anthony may have been in the yearbook staff at her high school.

High School Activities Of Other Infamous Figures
Diane Downs-Unknown
Susan Smith-Math, Spanish, Red Cross, and Junior Civitan Club
Lori Drew-Choir, Acting, and Student Relations
Osama bin Laden-Unknown
Jerry Sandusky-Football, Baseball, Basketball, Film Projector, and Student Council
Fred Phelps-Boxer, Band, Eagle Scout, Hurdler For Track, and School Newspaper Reporter
Seung-Hui Cho-None
James Holmes-Cross Country and Soccer

Just saying.
Mod Note / Warning:

Whoa horsie!

We are NOT going to further defame George Anthony or insinuate that he could possibly be the father of Caylee WITHOUT SOME PROOF. We aren't going there folks. That story is nothing more than a defense fantasy. There is not the first bit of PROOF that Casey was ever a victim of incest. (Lest we forget Casey is a convicted felon for LYING.)

If anyone has info that they feel is PROOF, then feel free to PM me the info to review. If it is legit and not based on rumor or supposition, then we will open it up for discussion, Until then, consider it 86'd, not only in this thread but in this forum. :nono:

Have I told you today how much I love you? :blowkiss:
U guys see the new post by FL news saying Casey was the 1 searched suffocation? Not GA but wasn't allowed in court????
I stand by my opinion that Cindy knew Caylee had died from day 1. There is no GMA in the universe who, if they had FCA as a daughter, would NOT have called their own car in stolen to make sure there grandchild was well and cared for. The car was in the parents' name. LE would have located the both of them immediately...Cindy did no such thing. She didn't even talk to FCA for two weeks. She knew. GA suspected she killed the baby. GA checked out years ago and is more than happy to let CA handle everything including his life, FCA's life, the baby's life and all the money. He is a total co-dependent....and is addicted to the drama.

Cindy told GA to go to work and she would handle the situation with the car. She scrubbed it like there was no tomorrow. She even managed to clean up every maggot in the trunk and only overlooked ONE hair.

Cindy and her daughter will always be together. There is no force that can keep them apart. They will always be together as they are enmeshed. IOW, they feed off each other and give each other validation.

I never thought GA would survive this...that still surprises me. I pegged him for having a heart attack before this was over.
Agreed. Let's not forget her message that she left on myspace. I can't remember why it was determined to be "inadmissable" but inadmissable or not she wrote it. She knew what was going on.
I think we forgot some of the things fca wrote. Didn't she have "American Psycho" on her myspace or fb page? fca knows something is terribly wrong with herself and she is very dark...her pics show us her dark side. She is macabre like.

I'm sure her mother knew it too. Her malignant narcissism is scary and dangerous.
I always wondered what happened to the girl who did well in school, who seemed to be this good person and then suddenly changed. What changed her? I've thought about this because it is like she was this late bloomer when it comes to being rebellious. Usually when teens hit Junior High everything is changing, we want Independence, etc, but it doesn't seem like that with Casey.

It's like this sudden change in the 12th grade. What made her sudden;y so narcissistic and become this big fat liar who relies on imaginary friends? Did she take too many hits of LSD? I just don't get it.
I always wondered what happened to the girl who did well in school, who seemed to be this good person and then suddenly changed. What changed her? I've thought about this because it is like she was this late bloomer when it comes to being rebellious. Usually when teens hit Junior High everything is changing, we want Independence, etc, but it doesn't seem like that with Casey.

It's like this sudden change in the 12th grade. What made her sudden;y so narcissistic and become this big fat liar who relies on imaginary friends? Did she take too many hits of LSD? I just don't get it.

IIRC, sociopathy/psychopathic personality disorders do not tend to manifest themselves until the late teen years...but someone will rapidly correct me if I am wrong.
IIRC, sociopathy/psychopathic personality disorders do not tend to manifest themselves until the late teen years...but someone will rapidly correct me if I am wrong.

Yeah, your wrong.
Yeah, your wrong.

I certainly don't know the answer to Just Jayla's post but I was respectfully wondering if you could explain why she is wrong as I guess I've never thought about when it would show up so prominently as it did with FCA?
So it just shows up suddenly and was just lieing dormant? To me she is a narcissistic sociopath. But trying to understand how it just suddenly turns on makes no sense.

Unless one day she seen she could manipulate and then never stopped from the get go and never seen and still doesn't) the consequences of her actions. Probably learned most of that from Cindy. Only she took it the edge and never looked back.
I always wondered what happened to the girl who did well in school, who seemed to be this good person and then suddenly changed. What changed her? I've thought about this because it is like she was this late bloomer when it comes to being rebellious. Usually when teens hit Junior High everything is changing, we want Independence, etc, but it doesn't seem like that with Casey.

It's like this sudden change in the 12th grade. What made her sudden;y so narcissistic and become this big fat liar who relies on imaginary friends? Did she take too many hits of LSD? I just don't get it.

Well, we have only her parents' word that she was so normal. I'm not willing to take their word for it.
^True. Everyone covers for and everyone lies about it, so you're right.
To correct myself-Onset can be early, Dx comes after 18 (mods, this does not appear to be a blog, but an article, so I hope it's okay to link!):

'The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is not given to individuals under the age of 18 and is only given if there is a history of some symptoms of conduct disorder before age 15.'

There are a lot of links to peruse upon Googling onset of psycopathy, ASPD, etc. "Early Onset" is within the lexicon, so I tend to think that while you may be born with it, it does not manifest itself typically until puberty.
To correct myself-Onset can be early, Dx comes after 18 (mods, this does not appear to be a blog, but an article, so I hope it's okay to link!):

'The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is not given to individuals under the age of 18 and is only given if there is a history of some symptoms of conduct disorder before age 15.'

There are a lot of links to peruse upon Googling onset of psycopathy, ASPD, etc. "Early Onset" is within the lexicon, so I tend to think that while you may be born with it, it does not manifest itself typically until puberty.

It's always there. The psychopath never develops a conscience. Their life is all about getting their wants and needs met by any means necessary.

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To correct myself-Onset can be early, Dx comes after 18 (mods, this does not appear to be a blog, but an article, so I hope it's okay to link!):

'The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is not given to individuals under the age of 18 and is only given if there is a history of some symptoms of conduct disorder before age 15.'

There are a lot of links to peruse upon Googling onset of psycopathy, ASPD, etc. "Early Onset" is within the lexicon, so I tend to think that while you may be born with it, it does not manifest itself typically until puberty.

ETA as it pertains to Casey-We may never know if Casey displayed symptoms as a child. Her family is in lala land and you would never get a straight answer on that front. They proved that when it came time to discuss Casey's issues in High School (Lee, Kio and Brittany shed more light than CA/GA would), the theft of money from Lee that was glossed over, the bizarre response about virginity that Cindy gave her brother when he asked about Casey's very apparent bun in the oven...Who would know if Casey was displaying symptoms and when? Her family and doctors, and they aren't telling.
ETA as it pertains to Casey-We may never know if Casey displayed symptoms as a child. Her family is in lala land and you would never get a straight answer on that front. They proved that when it came time to discuss Casey's issues in High School (Lee, Kio and Brittany shed more light than CA/GA would), the theft of money from Lee that was glossed over, the bizarre response about virginity that Cindy gave her brother when he asked about Casey's very apparent bun in the oven...Who would know if Casey was displaying symptoms and when? Her family and doctors, and they aren't telling.

I'm sure when Casey was little she got whatever she wanted. Holding her accountable for bad behavior, very very rare in that family. It probably wasn't even an issue until she started hearing, "no" ... That's when it became necessary to lie, steal and kill to get what she wanted.

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IIRC, sociopathy/psychopathic personality disorders do not tend to manifest themselves until the late teen years...but someone will rapidly correct me if I am wrong.

You are not totally wrong. I work in the mental health/social work field. Sociopathy (anti-social) and psychopathy cannot and will not be diagnosed in a minor as it is "too early to tell". Many of our kids had "anti-social tendencies " but were not diagnosed (and would not be as its unacceptable) with a personality disorder.

The tendencies were definitely there and manifesting themselves, but since our brains are not done developing until we are 26 it is not ethical to formally diagnose a 14 year old with antisocial personality disorder. They will however diagnose after 18 which is totally arbitrary anyway, since that age marker comes from hundreds of years ago when we were an argrarian society and has very little to do with actual social and brain development.

Environment also has A LOT to do with whether or not the sociopathic tendencies will continue and worsen or stop all together. Not many people know this, but that actually happens in some cases. Clearly not in Casey's.

One kid in our program said that had anti-social tendencies used to watch the show " I almost got away with it" to LEARN. That is how they think. .And the charming personality thing? They were ALWAYS the most charming kids in the program. Always.
You are not totally wrong. I work in the mental health/social work field. Sociopathy (anti-social) and psychopathy cannot and will not be diagnosed in a minor as it is "too early to tell". Many of our kids had "anti-social tendencies " but were not diagnosed (and would not be as its unacceptable) with a personality disorder.

The tendencies were definitely there and manifesting themselves, but since our brains are not done developing until we are 26 it is not ethical to formally diagnose a 14 year old with antisocial personality disorder. They will however diagnose after 18 which is totally arbitrary anyway, since that age marker comes from hundreds of years ago when we were an argrarian society and has very little to do with actual social and brain development.

Environment also has A LOT to do with whether or not the sociopathic tendencies will continue and worsen or stop all together. Not many people know this, but that actually happens in some cases. Clearly not in Casey's.

One kid in our program said that had anti-social tendencies used to watch the show " I almost got away with it" to LEARN. That is how they think. .And the charming personality thing? They were ALWAYS the most charming kids in the program. Always.

Diagnose and manifest are two different things.

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