Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Given the current mental state, or perceived mental state of ICA, how do you believe a conviction will effect her mental state?

Prison, especially in protective status can drive a person deeper into their mental disorder or personality disorder given the seclusion of 23 hours per day.

Regardless of the potential conviction, LWOP or DP, 10 yrs 20 yrs... ICA will be secluded for her sentence given the reality of the case.

IMO, any sentence for ICA will result in a very unstable individual driven deeper into her fantasy world...

Do you believe ICA will deteriorate mentally if convicted to the point everyone can recognize it (obviously delusional)?

Or do you beleive she has no personality disorders and will do just fine whatever the sentence in prison may be?
I ask this due to my DH (has not followed the case, but believes ICA is a Susan Smith redo) that also knows folks who have served time that state those in protective custody become a larger version of themselves after times in isolation.
Does anyone know if Susan Smith is, or has been, in protective custody? I too imagine Casey's situation will be similar to Susan Smith's.

In terms of how Casey will psychologically adapt to prison, I don't believe she actually lives in a fantasy world. I think she's a pathological liar who will continue to lie in prison to gain what she wants. She seems like the type who will try to join any kind of group she can, to have a sense of belonging. And she'll want to have a position of high status, or be perceived as having one. But she won't put any effort into getting one. So basically, she'll be the same as she's always been, in my opinion.
I ask this due to my DH (has not followed the case, but believes ICA is a Susan Smith redo) that also knows folks who have served time that state those in protective custody become a larger version of themselves after times in isolation.

I would have to agree with you on that one. Seems Susan Smith was/is having a good time - enough so that she was found having sex with a captain.


I hear Peterson is doing well, and Westerfield spends most of his time alone suffering from Parkinson's Disease. Seems to me that women are treated differently then men in prisons - don't know why I feel that way. Gosh, I can't remember her name, but she is in prison for having 2 of her students kill her husband? She was sending sexy photos from jail. egads - now I remember. Pamela Smart.

In 2003, after pictures of a scantily-clad Smart were published in the National Enquirer; she was placed in solitary confinement. Smart sued, claiming the punishment was unfair treatment, but her lawsuit was dismissed.[15] In 2004, Smart and fellow inmate Carolyn Warmus sued officials of Bedford Hills, claiming sexual harassment, and also sexual assault by a guard, whom she also claimed coerced her into posing for the suggestive pictures published of her in 2003 Per WIKI.

She was also beaten too, but that was because she was a jailhouse snitch.

Anyway, I think the inmate CA will do just fine. Seems the more high profile females get more inflated - but I can only speculate.


I definitely believe there are severe personality disorders at play here.. Deep, strong holding, and severe personality disorders that mimic that of a full blown narcissistic sociopath.. She is and has and always will be her own worst enemy.. Her own worst nightmare..All of these things Casey is herself..

I believe that Casey would be further Affected by the 23 hour per day solitude.. IMO even the strongest, healthiest, and the most stable of mental states.. Even those would be affected and rocked to the core with this mind numbing solitude that one faces with sentences such as these..

But as far as Casey having a break through point of just mentally breaking in the exhaustion both physically and mentally from the weight of all Of the lies. Responsibility, and undue blame she has heaved upon the innocent.. Her literally just break one day from the overwhelming weight and exhaustion from all the pain amd anguish she has caused amd will continue to cause.. That just will not happen..

I think she feels no weight nor exhaustion that most feel when in much less tragic of situations than what Casey has caused.. She feels entitlement and bitter anger at the world for blaming her for that twit kid of hers that she did want to give birth to her in the beginning and certainly not to keep and raise.. If she'd had it her way then none if these things wouldve had to occur. They made me do it(they being Cindy and George)!! If they hadnt made me keep Caylee and even worse you guys Loved her more than me.. Well, then Caylee wouldn't have had to die and I wouldn't be here stuck behind bars!!!

Casey will always be the victim. She will always be the one who has had the short end of the stick..

And IMO Casey will become an even colder, darker,filled with of hate/anger along with bitterness.. And she will whittle away doing, saying, and being just who it is she needs to be in order to adapt to her surroundings. With each appeal she will have the delusional thinking that she'e going home acquitted with each appeal until they are all played out!

Of course this is all jmo but I think Casey will continue to be the never ending victim who has been used, abused, wronged, framed, and IMO one day even ousted from her own family.. So she'll have abandonment to put on Her list of wrongdoings against her..

Please forgive typos, errors, etc .. Posting via mobile..and lastly that all in all this is just my opinion..
As one of her ex BF's (J. Grund?) depicted ICA ~ She is a chameleon. IMHO that does sort of fits her. I can also envision her as a black widow spider who eagerly waited to spin her web for her next unsuspecting victim. She adapted to any situation which did not require too much effort from her. No give and take, just take, take take suited her feelings of entitlement.
I hope she is reassigned to her new prison soon. She probably won't be free to mingle and play "So what! I'm famous!" because she is so infamous the other prison gals would ensure some payback for Caylee Marie. For her own safety, ICA will end up being confined to a life of hell in a solitary cell - which is more than she deserves. She has probably kept busy composing a series of BS letters for her next future pen pal.
If she gets the death penalty she'll be secluded and continue to live blaming her family, telling lies about others, and concocting plots where she's the victim. She'll probably harm herself in some way to get sent to the infirmary. If she's in general population she'll get threatened or worse for awhile until she cons a few friends into accepting her, probably with bribes from money her family will send. Then, she'll pretend to be helpful, steal anything she can, do her prison job well, lie and turn inmates against other inmates, and will still make herself a victim somehow. There will be jealousy and she'll pick someone out to be the scapegoat over the years. She'll yap and whine about how her dad molested and set her up. She hasn't changed now and she'll never change. It's hard to imagine her in gen. pop. of some tough gang filled prison. She's in for a rude awakening if she doesn't get death. Maybe some guard will leave his wife and children for her, and have a prison wedding. Either that, or some silly penpal will be devoted to her and her innocence. She's a con artist.
If it is 10 to 20 years then she would have been found not guilty and will be able to have an "I told you so" attitude and I don't think, in that case, she would be in general population.

She has hardened up so much in the last three years, she seems to be coping well with solitary (I could never live with myself for that long without going insane lol)
Not meant to minimize the importance of the question you pose, because I have given it some thought...but I cannot bring myself to care what happens with her mental health. May be interesting from a clinical study POV, but to me, the only mental breakdown I expect to hear about is the one she has on her way to the chamber.
I think she will continue to make her parents' and brother's lives a living hell unless they cut off all contact with her. She will probably tell her father and brother "abuse" angle was her attorney's idea and she only went along with it because they made her.
Ok, I'll bite.

I wouldn't wish a personality disorder on my worst enemy. Her behaviors are her own, fine punish her for that but her illness happened to her.. she didn't ask for this. Help should be available if a person, no matter what they have done, asks for it and is willing to work for it. The ONLY people who should decide if a person is beyond hope is the professional working with them and even they are wrong sometimes. We all deserve a chance to be, to feel normal- even if it can only happen in prison.

I hope she gets help and I hope that it wakes her up in ways she never thought possible.. I hope she can learn how to feel and that she someday is able to realize how horrendous her actions have been and takes responsibility for them. WE have our opinions about what's wrong with this girl but none of us knows and until a mental health professional (who has worked with her, not watched her on TV) says she can't be fixed, we have no business assuming she (or anyone for that matter) is beyond hope.

uh huh, I know.. I should just go away.:bang: lol
Some people have compared KC to Scott Peterson. I don't know if this (,,20271730,00.html) article's been brought up but he seems to be doing well in jail. I suspect even if KC gets the DP she'll end up coping quite well, just as Scott Peterson has. Judging by all the attention her case has received I don't doubt she'll continue to receive cheques in the mail from male admirers to fund her commissary account.

Even on death row it seems KC will have 2 decades of breath left before she faces that needle. That's 40 years more than Caylee ever had.
The problem is that most personality disordered individuals do not think there is anything wrong with them. It is everyone else who "causes" them to do or say things etc. they rarely ask for help or have a desire to change because in their mind they don't have a do! So, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for her to reach out for mental help. By definition, personality disorders are ingrained ways of behaving not transient states of being. Very dificult to change, especially when the individual has no desire to do so.

I would never say it is impossible to change a personality disorder just very difficult and the person has to be willing and able to look at themselves honestly and without delusions. Then take the long road to recovery.

We don't know exactly what her diagnosis is but from all indicators she is deeply disturbed and she shows no signs of wanting to take responsiblity for her actions which is a prerequiste to change of any kind. Who knows maybe prison will be the catalyst for her "awakening" however, I have my doubts that conscience, empathy and compassion can be learned. MOO
Ok, I'll bite.

I wouldn't wish a personality disorder on my worst enemy. Her behaviors are her own, fine punish her for that but her illness happened to her.. she didn't ask for this. Help should be available if a person, no matter what they have done, asks for it and is willing to work for it. The ONLY people who should decide if a person is beyond hope is the professional working with them and even they are wrong sometimes. We all deserve a chance to be, to feel normal- even if it can only happen in prison.

I hope she gets help and I hope that it wakes her up in ways she never thought possible.. I hope she can learn how to feel and that she someday is able to realize how horrendous her actions have been and takes responsibility for them. WE have our opinions about what's wrong with this girl but none of us knows and until a mental health professional (who has worked with her, not watched her on TV) says she can't be fixed, we have no business assuming she (or anyone for that matter) is beyond hope.

uh huh, I know.. I should just go away.:bang: lol

Yes, but she has to ask for that help. And when she has been evaluated in the past by a psychologist, she has been found to have no personality disorders from my understanding. She won't ask for help, she's perfectly normal in her eyes. IMO
Ok, I'll bite.

I wouldn't wish a personality disorder on my worst enemy. Her behaviors are her own, fine punish her for that but her illness happened to her.. she didn't ask for this. Help should be available if a person, no matter what they have done, asks for it and is willing to work for it. The ONLY people who should decide if a person is beyond hope is the professional working with them and even they are wrong sometimes. We all deserve a chance to be, to feel normal- even if it can only happen in prison.

I hope she gets help and I hope that it wakes her up in ways she never thought possible.. I hope she can learn how to feel and that she someday is able to realize how horrendous her actions have been and takes responsibility for them. WE have our opinions about what's wrong with this girl but none of us knows and until a mental health professional (who has worked with her, not watched her on TV) says she can't be fixed, we have no business assuming she (or anyone for that matter) is beyond hope.

uh huh, I know.. I should just go away.:bang: lol

Not your worst enemy OLG and not a beloved family member of mine either. The thought that my family member suffers from this and may never completely know what it is to live life and to experience life without the veil of personality disorder is excrutiating for us.

To me, IMHO this would be H3ll on earth. To live like this and not know that the reality and the thoughts and behaviors exhibited are not what the general population enjoys. To not know love, deep- profound- abiding -dedicated and unremitting love. To not know the sense of commitment and the knowledge of oneself that brings to a person.

To alienate everyone that is in one's and a part of one's life, and if left untreated or have the inability to reach for help, to be able to have some clarity of mind even for the briefest of moments in order to reach out for help is a life sentence in pure h3ll IMHO.

To live a life completely devoid of all important emotional milestones that we as the nonpersonality disordered live---is a life not well lived. An empty life. A ghost of an existance.

I don't feel sorry for KC for the crimes she has commited but I look at her and I do feel pity for the life she will never have -ever- even behind bars because of her personality disorder. If she doesn't discover for herself that she needs help. It's a shame. A shame for her, a shame for her daughter especially and a shame for all that love and care for what they believe her to be.

all JMHO.
People with Personality Disorders(PDs) are very good at playing "normal" when they need to and can be very convincing. Part of the problem of diagnosing someone with a PD is that the behaviors or characteristics of PDs are in many ways "normal behaviors" what makes them abnormal is that they are taken to an unhealthy level. (hope I am making sense here). So, it is no surprise to me that she could get thru an interview or two with a psychologist and be seen as normal. I doubt she would be able to escape a diagnosis if they observed her on a more regular basis. MOO
If it is 10 to 20 years then she would have been found not guilty and will be able to have an "I told you so" attitude and I don't think, in that case, she would be in general population.

She has hardened up so much in the last three years, she seems to be coping well with solitary (I could never live with myself for that long without going insane lol)


Remember, ICA is spending time with her one true love.
Not your worst enemy OLG and not a beloved family member of mine either. The thought that my family member suffers from this and may never completely know what it is to live life and to experience life without the veil of personality disorder is excrutiating for us.

To me, IMHO this would be H3ll on earth. To live like this and not know that the reality and the thoughts and behaviors exhibited are not what the general population enjoys. To not know love, deep- profound- abiding -dedicated and unremitting love. To not know the sense of commitment and the knowledge of oneself that brings to a person.

To alienate everyone that is in one's and a part of one's life, and if left untreated or have the inability to reach for help, to be able to have some clarity of mind even for the briefest of moments in order to reach out for help is a life sentence in pure h3ll IMHO.

To live a life completely devoid of all important emotional milestones that we as the nonpersonality disordered live---is a life not well lived. An empty life. A ghost of an existance.

I don't feel sorry for KC for the crimes she has commited but I look at her and I do feel pity for the life she will never have -ever- even behind bars because of her personality disorder. If she doesn't discover for herself that she needs help. It's a shame. A shame for her, a shame for her daughter especially and a shame for all that love and care for what they believe her to be.

all JMHO.

ITA, but don't forget -- you can't miss what you've never had. It's all a matter of perspective. ICA doesn't know what empathy or conscience is any more than a person born blind understands sight.
Not your worst enemy OLG and not a beloved family member of mine either. The thought that my family member suffers from this and may never completely know what it is to live life and to experience life without the veil of personality disorder is excrutiating for us.

To me, IMHO this would be H3ll on earth. To live like this and not know that the reality and the thoughts and behaviors exhibited are not what the general population enjoys. To not know love, deep- profound- abiding -dedicated and unremitting love. To not know the sense of commitment and the knowledge of oneself that brings to a person.

To alienate everyone that is in one's and a part of one's life, and if left untreated or have the inability to reach for help, to be able to have some clarity of mind even for the briefest of moments in order to reach out for help is a life sentence in pure h3ll IMHO.

To live a life completely devoid of all important emotional milestones that we as the nonpersonality disordered live---is a life not well lived. An empty life. A ghost of an existance.

I don't feel sorry for KC for the crimes she has commited but I look at her and I do feel pity for the life she will never have -ever- even behind bars because of her personality disorder. If she doesn't discover for herself that she needs help. It's a shame. A shame for her, a shame for her daughter especially and a shame for all that love and care for what they believe her to be.

all JMHO.

ITA, but don't forget -- you can't miss what you've never had. It's all a matter of perspective. ICA doesn't know what empathy or conscience is any more than a person born blind understands sight.

ICA has power. She has all the power right now she ever desired. She has attention. Both negative and positive. Negative from Jeff, Linda, Frank and HHJP. Positive attention from her entire legal team and those legal groupies who hop willingly next to her during sidebars. She gets attention from the letters she receives, the piddling small bucks sent to her commissary account from strangers. She gets attention from her cell mates locked away. She gets attention from JB and Simms. Just wait until Finnell gets to take over.

She is on a power trip so high that she will ride it as long as she lives. In her mind she has reinvented herself. She has morphed from a nobody to a sensationalist. And all it took to get there was murdering a child. Her child, Caylee Marie. Caylee was only a means to an end. To end the jealousy of Caylee being more important than her. To extract pain upon CA for being the hard a$$ CA is. To extract the pain of even birthing Caylee. She has more to gain by NOT confessing in her mind. Ted Bundy had similar mind sets until the very end when faced with the long walk down the hallway to met God. Will ICA do similar. Who knows. Do I care, not really.

These are words from Shirley, who KNOWS ICA better than anyone, "Casey hated Cindy, more than she loved Caylee". Sums it up perfectly.
Casey should be held fully accountable for what she has done, no matter what the mental diagnosis. However, I also believe her parents had a hand in creating this horrible situation. By all accounts Casey wanted to give the baby up for adoption. Why on earth would they force her to keep Caylee when her parents knew full well that she was not mother material, nor capable of raising a child. If I remember correctly, Cindy even once described her daughter as a sociopath. They knew full well Casey had issues but they didn't want to acknowledge them because then they would have to deal with them...Better to just ignore it and pretend it isn't there. Just like they did with her pregnancy. Denial is how they lived and were able to maintain the image of a happy family with no problems.

IMO, her parents were all about "keeping up appearances" regardless of the cost. They did what was best for them at that time not what was best for caylee and casey. They had delusions that she was suddenly going to become responsible, and mature just because she had a baby. It makes no sense. Cindy only wanted to see what Cindy wanted to see and not reality. Similar to her daughter living in her own fantasy world.

Seems to me there was plenty of dysfunction to go around in that house. There is no doubt that there was constant turmoil between mother and daughter, and a power struggle over Caylee. The saddest part of this whole thing is that a beautiful, innocent little girl paid the ultimate price for all this turmoil with her life.

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