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I think it is prudent to remember that Tony and KC dated OVER 2 years ago. Much can change in two years regarding your relationships. If in fact Caylee was not in the apartment in the two weeks prior to her death I would applaud him for taking a firm position that it was not a suitable environment for toddlers. many college guys want a kid hanging around?? I had a roomie that let her boyfriend stay over ALL THE TIME. I took issue with it. Perhaps the roomies assume that KC would stop hanging out so much if Caylee wasn't allowed to be a permanent fixture.

His stance did not contribute to Caylee's death.

Just because Tony enjoyed a "sure thing" in Orlando does not mean that he was anti family and anti kids. He was a student, young, and planning for a future in music...not shopping for a spouse or sugar daddy.

If he chooses to date a woman with a child now that is his choice. WHY is he being judged for that???


Let's be careful not to blame him for what someone else did. Really.

Tony spoke with affection regarding Caylee.....never once did we see a text from him referring to her as a snothead. Can't say that about KC.


His comment on wanting sons and not daughters when he decides to have children, was all that ICA needed to push her over that edge, IMO...It's not his fault, not at's the mind of ICA who twisted his words and in her mind, if she were childfree, she and TonyL would ride off in the sunset and live happily ever after! It's all she needed to justify her thoughts and actions.

His other remark when being questioned by LE, she just started shacking up with me...she basically wanted out of her parents home, she thought TonyL would welcome her and Caylee in his world, which is why she latched onto him. His not wanting Caylee around his apartment was due to that open door policy, the pot smoking and it wasn't an environment for a toddler to be in. That was very mature decision and I applauded him then and I applaud him now...I'm hoping he is happy with his newfound relationship and so very glad that he wasn't dissuaded that his new GF has a child. He'd make a fine dad, IMO for he has the childs best interest in mind...JMHO

I wonder if ICA got wind of it and how angry she must be to hear that. Not one friend stands by her, not one...although, she really never had friends for you don't live life in lies....why no one confronted her on her lies is beyond me. If I'm friends with someone and every word uttered is a lie, I'd not be a friend for long...JMHO

Then I think about TonyL on the witness stand...oh boy, will those lips purse and those eyes flutter and she'll probably write notes furiously at her attorneys to question whatever.....I can't wait for this trail...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I don't think TL had anything to do with KC's decision. She had already been looking for information on the internet prior to ever meeting him. There are two people in this world who know why Caylee died. One is KC and the other is CA. No one else should feel responsible to "putting her over the edge", no one. jmo
His comment on wanting sons and not daughters when he decides to have children, was all that ICA needed to push her over that edge, IMO...It's not his fault, not at's the mind of ICA who twisted his words and in her mind, if she were childfree, she and TonyL would ride off in the sunset and live happily ever after! It's all she needed to justify her thoughts and actions.
BBM. Susan Smith used the same justification to kill her sons...
BBM. Susan Smith used the same justification to kill her sons...

She did indeed...but we also have to remember that KC was flirting with/having sex with more than just Tony, demonstrating that she wasn't exactly desiring that he sweep her off her feet into a monogamous relationship...and KC was talking about Zanny and doing internet searches about household weapons and chloroform long before Tony.
IMO, KC was so upset about TL staying in New York because she would lose out on a place to smoke-up and crash for free.
Are we even POSITIVE that facebook with the cute baby girl picture is his? Has anyone confirmed that for sure? I remember something on his twitter from New Year's this year, that he wanted a girlfriend not like his psycho ex.

If he IS involved with a woman with a young daughter, so what. Let him be. I don't think he needs to "send a message" to Casey. He's made it very clear he wants to move forward with his life, the poor thing is only involved in this because he wanted to have sex with somebody he THOUGHT was somebody entirely different (he found her on facebook because she'd posted that she was a Valencia college student... lie from the get-go). Their whole relationship was more than 2 years ago, and was only over the course of two months at best. I'd hate to think anybody judged any move I made based on somebody I knew for a few weeks a bunch of years ago.

NO, I do not think so...IMO this is someone entirely different..

The facebook account being posted about here with the cute baby is IMO NOT Anthony L(ex of Casey)...but one of many, many Anthony/Tony Lazzaro's in the world that have a Facebook account.

I have searched Facebook and Anthony Lazzaro (ex-boyfriend of Casey) does have an account with HIS picture as the profile pic..and his profile is set to private
Just my personal opinion here ... We should leave Tony L alone and not discuss his current life. Since his facebook profile is set to private, surely we can all honor his request to keep his life private after ICA and not be speculating on his life now. And in my opinion, whatever he is doing now is NOT related to the case.

I do send well wishes for Tony L and hope his life takes him to exciting places and things to do.
Just my personal opinion here ... We should leave Tony L alone and not discuss his current life. Since his facebook profile is set to private, surely we can all honor his request to keep his life private after ICA and not be speculating on his life now. And in my opinion, whatever he is doing now is NOT related to the case.

I do send well wishes for Tony L and hope his life takes him to exciting places and things to do.

I agree.

I remember the days following Casey's arrest..he was avoiding the media but we would see on local news that the media was following him to wherever he was going and run after him for an interview...
Now that we have seen TL's trial testimony (at least some of it) we all must realize how wrong we were about this young man. He seemed honest and sincere.
Just an opinion here. I don't think KC planned to off her parents. I think that KC kept Amy on the hook about moving in so that Amy would transfer all her mail to Hopespring and KC could assume her identity and bolt.

Wasn't there a resume in her car that belonged to Amy???

wowsa. Gonna have to give that idea some thought. It never occurred to me. Hmmm. I feel very strongly that the internet searches were about her parents "untimely demise" but I had never considered this option.

Again, hmm
I think she considered offing her parents....searches for "neck breaking" "self defense", etc. - this is overkill if she was thinking about defenseless little Caylee. I think she wanted to "inherit" what her parents had, and started on this course in March. However, when talking about this to one of her friends who lives in the real world, they probably asked her reasonable questions like "Wow, can you really afford a house on your own being a single mom? Won't that be hard?" She was probably sad to find out that just because someone signs a house over to you or dies and leaves you the house, you still have to pay the mortgage! She realizes that she can't off Cindy, the breadwinner, which makes it pointless to try to kill George, since as long as Cindy is there, she's not getting squat. The only options she has are 1) Leaving with Caylee who she can't support on her own, and who takes way too much time away from her social life, or leaving Caylee with Cindy, which she can't do because of her own insane jealousy. Which is how option 3 came about IMHO :( :(

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