Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #151

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Anchorwoman is saying Cindy acting peculiar.
Jose came over to the house to explain to Cindy why the police did what they did, and why the police are not looking for Caylee.

"We are all disgusted by this display."

"We all deserve at our darkest moment to have our attorney stand by you. And if the evidence shows you're guilty, then you're guilty."

And now Cindy is talking right over Baez. Baez just shut her up. Apparently she was kissing her cross and looking to the heavens (per announcer) and hugging Jose.

Baez has facts he's not disclosing - there is a very compelling reason for Casey's actions.
"Trust me when I tell you there is a very compelling reason for her [Casey's] actions."

He says there is information he has not disclosed at this time because it is not the right time and he believes in the justice system...etc..
I would LOVE to know who and where Casey was talking to/surfing while on the computer..........

Let's hope reading here at WS, I am in "the hills" at my dad's house, grandkids hogging the T.V. and computer and when this came on Greta I yelled I think my family is thinking I've gone over the
JB says he knew before. LE says he didn't. Who do you believe? I'll go with LE....jb has been proven quite the liar today with the immunity deal stuff. IMOO

How could he know before when LE stated that they just got the arrest warrant this evening?
Lets face it sleuthers....Baez and Casey do NOT WANT LE TO FIND CAYLEE!!!

And he can't sugar coat that fact.
They were saying that wheels were in motion already to revoke her bond. Jose was told this evening and said that LE made a spectacle and that they were grandstanding by arresting her tonight. Homicide arrested her instead of ecomnomic crime
Beaz knew at 5:30 and was told then that LE had no intention of arresting her. DNA experts tell him that you can't tell whether a person was alive or dead when the DNA was left. Beaz is steamed, he is making a stand against LE. THis might not be the right path. Blaming LE for not finding CAylee.

Baez is blowing smoke. No one is claiming to use DNA to determine alive or dead. They can tell that Caylee was dead when the hair was left in the trunk due to the traces of decomp left from the follicle on the root of the hair. DNA simply confirms it was her. Baez knows that, he's just hoping potential jurors don't get it.

IM SORRY BUT!!! i am glad what le did they are showing her that they are in control NOT CASEY!!!!!!!!!!!! she's been playing head games from day one now there showing her how they can play as well......SO HATS OFF TO LE YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Casey has been spending her time on the 'puter', hmmm

Not tonight! :D
I am not attacking you, so note that this is in reference to specific statements in your post.

IMHO, any parent, and their nuclear support team, that has gone to these lengths to prevent the discovery of and proper burial of, an little tiny, Toddler, need no defense or excuse.

I might be entirely, absolutely and utterly wrong, but I do not believe that anyone outside of this house has behaved more inherently 'wrong' than in comparison to anyone inside of this house?

Not sure, and this is not fact, but I just haven't read a single validated, supported statement yet from within the house that would lead LE or TES or anyone else to Caylee?

I don't have to give 'them' anything - nor does anyone else.

99% of the (nasty) rhetoric will dial down IF someone steps up to find and properly attend to Caylee's remains.

People SEEM to be protesting the Anthony's specifically, but if you look deeper, read, research and understand, what they are REALLY protesting is inadequate laws.

You can't change the facts, nor the results, of this case.

Nor can you alter the impact of what we're witnessing now in regards to current laws.

What you can do, is channel your ire into researching and lobbying for changes to existing laws.

Personally, MY efforts will go towards preventing POI involved in potential Child Murders to obtain bond.

You can work your own magic to defend the family.

quid pro quou.

I DO NOT defend the family in any way... I am simply agree that I do not feel that the protest was misplaced and that if LE AND her family AND LP AND BH could not get KC to talk... people standing outside her house yelling rude things at her are not going to get it done. The media have a job to do... that is why they are there... we are respectfully watching from our computers and monitoring what is going on... but to be on her doorstep, virtually with pitchforks and torches flaming... is... IMO... wrong
I want to know WTH she does on the computer all day too besides emailing 12 year olds.
The only reason I can see for these arrests is for LE to get Casey in a room alone for a while to try to get her to talk. She will get out again on bond, so otherwise these arrests are fairly pointless.
I know it didn't bring Caylee home, but I have to say I'm happier than my puppy with a new chew toy that Casey will not be spending the night playing on her laptop and sleeping in her own bed.

And Baez is just trying his defense tactics early on the media. If that's all he has, I'd get another attorney. JMO
Look, Jose! We all weren't born yesterday. If your client was innocent and you had the evidence to prove it, show it. Saying you are going to wait for your opening statement is BULL POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So either poop or get off the pot. The same mindless, baseless rhetoric you keep spewing has gotten you no where. You are spinning no one. You are fooling no one except your client who still thinks, somehow, she has a chance to get off of these charges. So please, do the public a little something and shut the heck up with the lies and bull crap. If you and your client really wanted to go look for Caylee, you would have already done so. You would have openly talked with police. The only one you are snowing is you and your client.
Jose on the phone w/Greta. He's mad because the police ignored his fax volunteering to surrender Casey.

And Officer Allen told him they weren't planning any action tonight? Must have had his fingers crossed.

"All they care about is making her look bad."

Sorry, Jose, there is no way humanly possible to paint that monster in a worse light than she does herself.

How come he doesn't get that mad about Casey's lies...

Maybe LE can blame it on their receptionist Zanny that no one has ever seen... yup, I bet zanny the receptionist was supposed to call JB and tell him they were coming for Casey. Maybe she did call but called the mysterious missing phone.

Maybe she called and Juliette LEwis answered.

Maybe Jose's phone was disconnected randomly....
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