Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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Could it be something as simple as there was an accident. Casey found Caylee deceased and was frightened. Also, she was at the beginning of a new relationship and didn't want the inconvenience or embarrassment of an investigation into the death. Especially since an investigation would not bring Caylee back and would only take up time she could be investing in her new relationship?

I know this sounds too crazy to be likely, but nothing makes sense about this. Actually, I feel like a jerk for even suggesting it.
I could maybe buy that. :) And crazy is when you say "no no, someone else's body was in the back of the trunk"
From the thread that QuickAttack posted about the 2 Texas cold case detectives think about the case here:http://

"As homicide detectives, we have smelled hundreds of dead bodies. We can tell you that the smell of a dead body is unmistakable. Once you’ve smelled it, you know it’s not a decaying animal or "rotten pizza." Death's smell is unique and unforgettable. "

I just wanted to share that a woman had committed suicide in the apartment located next to my aunt's. My Mom and I visited my aunt, and I can't even begin to describe the smell (they had not discovered the corpse yet). My aunt thought it was some rotten meat that had somehow gotten into her refridgerator, so the maintenance men came and replaced it. I remember it was unlike any other smell I have ever encountered. Not anything like a dead animal, and certainly not anything like any food rotting.
Does anyone think that Estes may have bonded Casey out again and they will sneak her out to either a safe house or home? It still says bond pending and those other 3 charges are still gone which makes no sense. Its like those 3 charges never happened. No one is reporting on why the jail doesn't show the charges and says 'bond pending'. Is bond pending for the lesser charges?? I don't think so because it shows al estes as the bond agent (same one as before). Would he be doing the bond on his own now? I have a feel if he is bonding her out it will be done in secret and they will hide her. I am shocked the jail still have the same faulty info. They claim its updated every 30 minutes but hers has been the same all day.
Possible. Or I have considered that it was an accident, but maybe she had to call mom and dad first to make sure that if she alerted 911 they wouldn't also arrest her for the check thing with GGMA. It all breaks down for me after that, though. Accident? I'm just not feeling it...

She was hiding out in her own way by ducking. Her petrified was also equated to who will be 1st to turn me in on thefts catching up to her.
I look at that box next to the pool and wonder if a 3 year old could climb it and access the pool.

If it was an accidect , that has anything to do with the pool my take is casey and Caylee were in the pool , casey got out and Caylee drowned.
But JMHO i don't think it was an accident.
Originally Posted by bunnyphoenix1
I am with you 100% on that. I am not convicting her of murder at all...I think few people are doing that at this point here at WS. But I think if she tries to say the car was moved and someone else put a body in the trunk, and coincidentally her daughter is still missing, no reasonable juror will buy that. IMOO

I think you have seriously misunderstood my post. I basically said, if Caylee doesn't turn up, there is no way a juror will believe that coincidentally a different body found it's way into that trunk. I never said they need a body, ever! Nor do I think they do. And of course I won't be saying someone poured cadaver fluid in the trunk? Where did you get that from???

I know after I reread it , I realized that. I am really sorry.
Does anyone think that Estes may have bonded Casey out again and they will sneak her out to either a safe house or home? It still says bond pending and those other 3 charges are still gone which makes no sense. Its like those 3 charges never happened. No one is reporting on why the jail doesn't show the charges and says 'bond pending'. Is bond pending for the lesser charges?? I don't think so because it shows al estes as the bond agent (same one as before). Would he be doing the bond on his own now? I have a feel if he is bonding her out it will be done in secret and they will hide her. I am shocked the jail still have the same faulty info. They claim its updated every 30 minutes but hers has been the same all day.

It was another co Bond guy or something like that for the 3000. Only way out is if, someone else decides they want to cover what Padilla's did with Estes.
Could it be something as simple as there was an accident. Casey found Caylee deceased and was frightened. Also, she was at the beginning of a new relationship and didn't want the inconvenience or embarrassment of an investigation into the death. Especially since an investigation would not bring Caylee back and would only take up time she could be investing in her new relationship?

I know this sounds too crazy to be likely, but nothing makes sense about this. Actually, I feel like a jerk for even suggesting it.

Up until about yesterday, that's exactly what I thought happened. But, there MAY be some evidence consistent with pre-planning. Plus, if she had a decent lawyer, and if it was an accident, I would think she would have filled police in on the details by now. But because she has JB, not so sure what is going on. He's certainly making it look like murder by not letting his client talk...if it was an accident, you would think he would want her to talk. IMOO
If it was an accidect , that has anything to do with the pool my take is casey and Caylee were in the pool , casey got out and Caylee drowned.
But JMHO i don't think it was an accident.

Maybe Caylee climbed on the playhouse fell and hit her head.
I don't think it was an accident anymore. I think Caylee tied Casey to her mother and she resented that. It's almost like she became 18 and was all set to live the party life--La Bella Vida--and *bam* she's restricted again. I think she resented Caylee a great deal. Cindy seems to be very aggressive and controlling, and she probably used Caylee to control Casey. Just look at the pure joy on Casey's face in those clubbing photos--it looks like she just won the lottery. I am so sad for that beautiful little girl--I don't think she was ever considered to be a separate human being--only extensions of the Grandma & mother. JMO
Up until about yesterday, that's exactly what I thought happened. But, there MAY be some evidence consistent with pre-planning. Plus, if she had a decent lawyer, and if it was an accident, I would think she would have filled police in on the details by now. But because she has JB, not so sure what is going on. He's certainly making it look like murder by not letting his client talk...if it was an accident, you would think he would want her to talk. IMOO

Yes, I think you are right.
Does anyone think that Estes may have bonded Casey out again and they will sneak her out to either a safe house or home? It still says bond pending and those other 3 charges are still gone which makes no sense. Its like those 3 charges never happened. No one is reporting on why the jail doesn't show the charges and says 'bond pending'. Is bond pending for the lesser charges?? I don't think so because it shows al estes as the bond agent (same one as before). Would he be doing the bond on his own now? I have a feel if he is bonding her out it will be done in secret and they will hide her. I am shocked the jail still have the same faulty info. They claim its updated every 30 minutes but hers has been the same all day.
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to bond her out again. If they send her to a safe house, someone has to pay for that. I bet the site is only updated every 30 minutes on the weekdays. Or the pile is so big that every 30 minutes only one or two people can be updated.
Up until about yesterday, that's exactly what I thought happened. But, there MAY be some evidence consistent with pre-planning. Plus, if she had a decent lawyer, and if it was an accident, I would think she would have filled police in on the details by now. But because she has JB, not so sure what is going on. He's certainly making it look like murder by not letting his client talk...if it was an accident, you would think he would want her to talk. IMOO

Agreed! IMO Casey hasn't talked because she knows the body will show how she died. And I'm guessing it was no accident.
Hi fellow sleuthers...just stopping in to say hi and to add a few comments. I think of Tim Miller using all his resources and money to mount a huge search for this baby, and all the detectives were on the ground to help out today, then Beth Holloway shows up because she remembers how many people helped her search for Natalee....and George and Cindy and LEE dont even bother.

I really am sick and tired of hearing about they wont help because they want to search for a 'live' Caylee.

The fact remains that NOBODY in that family is standing up for this little girl.

I don't care if they are in denial....when someone brings all their organization to aid YOUR FAMILY and you sit on your rear end, yelling at everyone else to are truly horrible human beings.

Either they dont want her found becasue they are complicit in hiding her body.

Or they dont want her found because Casey would yell at them (a la the first jail call).

But in no way are they not searching becasue they are optomistic and believe Caylee is alive.

Heck, even if they did, this would certainly rule out a lot of things!

What is wrong with these people? They are takers and not givers and they are like that in every area of their sorry lives.

Somebody needs to tell them to step up to the plate and act like GRANDPARENTS!

Thanks..I needed that.
We think alike on this one. In fact, I do believe that might have several repercussions

a. Caylee did climb on the box and got into the pool
b. explanation for moving the bush without moving the box was another 'uh-oh' moment in the fibs

And again I have to agree with you. Wonder what was in the box...if Caylee was now getting into things what would they've had in the box? No chemicals..hose maybe brushes...things that aren't that heavy so the box could've been moved very easily. So why not move the box the same day the bush was moved?

Because the bush was never there to begin with. The box by the pool and nothing where they said the bush was. IIRC there is also a window there.:eek:
Hi all!

Does anyone know where Lee is in all of this? I haven't heard his name in a while... just wondering if he is around or has spoken? I may just have overlooked it, but figured someone here would know! Thanks!
Hi all!

Does anyone know where Lee is in all of this? I haven't heard his name in a while... just wondering if he is around or has spoken? I may just have overlooked it, but figured someone here would know! Thanks!

Havent seen him but do know he is not helping Tim Miller. Shame...
Up until about yesterday, that's exactly what I thought happened. But, there MAY be some evidence consistent with pre-planning. Plus, if she had a decent lawyer, and if it was an accident, I would think she would have filled police in on the details by now. But because she has JB, not so sure what is going on. He's certainly making it look like murder by not letting his client talk...if it was an accident, you would think he would want her to talk. IMOO

I think her behavior after the fact indicates preplanning. Someone who accidently kills their child and panics, dumps the body, is not out looking at apts with Tony, ordering pizza, dancing in clubs, enjoying the honeymoon phase of her relationship. She went to his apt that night and was upset about nothing. That is the behaviour of someone that wanted the child out of her life.
Casey isn't normal imo. An accident and all she could think is that her mom will never let her forget it. So she panicked and did the cover-up. Now she's too deep in it to get out of it.

Can you imagine WHAT Cindy would do to Casey if she thought Casey let an accident happen? This family is into BLAME.

But I think that if it was an accident, she would be relieved that she was free of the responsibility. Casey doesn't care about consequences--she sat in jail for a month, then went home and said nothing to her parents.

And she could play the grieving mother for sympathy for herself. Then she would be free to move on, sleep with lots of men and party. No matter what the consequences she would have to endure--she would be free.

Caylee tied her to her mother--she could not support Caylee with no job and no prospects. She knew that--she knew that she would be dependent and restricted by her mother for the next decade. I don't think she was interested in actually working--she found it easier to leech and steal from her drinking buddies.
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