Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #158

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I doubt that when the Anthony's purchased the car they made sure it had room for a full sized spare, just in case they needed to hide a childs body in it.

Many times they are just that way on the lot because the dealer ordered them that way. I haven't seen anything which indicated they bought the car brand new.
If TES is working with LE that clears it up for me. Also, the idea that it is high profile and there is no family cooperation also makes sense as well. Just overall it's been bugging me that of all the *gin joints* to pick this one has had me scratching my head. I'm all for it because I want Caylee found. It's for the good of the investigation because if they find her it's one step closer to CA being locked away forever, and it's good for the organization as a whole because it will heighten their profile and they do great work.

Let's face it, Cindy called them under pressure and I believe she was disengenuous when she did finally make the call. I just think of all the worthy lower profile families who are suffering greatly with no attention put on their plight.

Thanks for your responses. I'm new here.
Unless you believe that she put the body in the trunk on the 18th (I think the day her car was seen backed in the driveway) and stole the gas cans some time between 6/18 and 6/23, used the gas to put in the car to take her somewhere to dump the body and showed up at her parents on the 24th without the body because she just dumped it. Or, another thing I thought of, what if the reason she freaked out so badly when her dad wanted to look in her trunk wasn't just the gas cans but because the body was in there, maybe wrapped up and buried beneath a bunch of stuff? And she grabbed the cans before he could have a good look. He was probably so upset about finding the gas cans that he didn't look at anything else.

Then after all that time I would think that it would have smelled. Taking it one step futher. If GA is not telling the truth and he smelled something on 6.24 then why did he even bother going to the tow yard with Cindy to pick the car up and bring the car into play. If Caylee was in the trunk she would have had to been just recently placed in there. The one big problem I see is that the LE has is that the tow yard was in possesion of the car from 6.30-7.15 and the guy said he noticed the smell before GA got there and when GA got there and no calls to the cops where made. It makes a plausabile, if far fetched reason for a loop for Casey to wiggle through.
The dog handler testified at the bond hearing.

Yes he did and he said that the dog hit on the trunk, not two dogs. I watched the bond hearing over and over to make sure i was hearing it right. There was only one dog mentionedin regards to the hits on the trunk. Two dogs in the backyard. Believe me, I could have sworn it was two dogs that hit on the trunk but all of the official information that I could find only said one dog on the trunk, two in the backyard.
Many times they are just that way on the lot because the dealer ordered them that way. I haven't seen anything which indicated they bought the car brand new.

Lee had the car before Casey started using it , so it's possible it was purchased new when Lee had it!
Anyone think the judge might put a *no bail* on CA now? And is there a chance for a total gag order on all these characters? This whole thing is a travesty.
That's what I remember "Attorney/friend" from way back. If I also remember this attorney was setting up some sort of trust account for donations to find Caylee. OH, please don't ask me for a link because I believe this was on TV. And if it was before August 14th, I didn't own a Flip Video! I plead innocent!

I would be interested to know if this was someone who practiced family law . . . perhaps someone they had consulted about custody of Caylee?
Two dogs were used. Only ONE dog detected.
I heard different at the bond hearing 2nd dog being, dogs verified hits. Once you get one dog the 2nd is for verification of the 1st dog. First dog alerted by in two manners. How is anyone interpreting this as only one dog. It may be due to LE language during testimony. If this were the case of only one hit, Baez would have been on it in the bond hearing and he did not bring a second dog missing on the car up or did he?
I lay odds there is a misunderstanding on the Officers lang. during testimony. If I'm wrong no problem. :)
IF Caylee were in the car after 2 weeks, she would be substantially liquified by that time and the stench would have been smelled for quite a ways. No way she could have been in the car when they opened it at the towyard. Maybe that's not what you are saying..I am so tired :)

Actually, Caylee would have been deceased for 4 weeks when the smell was noticed in the car.
Excellent info on decomposing body

"There are a lot of factors that can affect how a body decomposes, but we found that the major two are climate and insects. When a person dies, the body begins to decay immediately and the enzymes in the digestive system begin to eat the tissue. You putrefy, and this gives off a smell. Up until about two and a half weeks, one of the best ways to tell how long a body is dead is to look at the insect activity. The first of the critters to be attracted to a decaying body are the blowflies. They come along and lay their eggs, which hatch into maggots. The maggots then eat the decaying tissue in a fairly predictable way." Measuring and recording this information, along with climatic variables such as temperature and humidity, gave the facility its raison d'être.

a scientist can determine how long a body was lying in a particular spot, or whether it was placed somewhere and then moved—and when that occurred.
Yes he did and he said that the dog hit on the trunk, not two dogs. I watched the bond hearing over and over to make sure i was hearing it right. There was only one dog mentionedin regards to the hits on the trunk. Two dogs in the backyard. Believe me, I could have sworn it was two dogs that hit on the trunk but all of the official information that I could find only said one dog on the trunk, two in the backyard.

I'm not the one questioning which dog hit where, only stated there were two dogs.
Lanie, sorry I don't tab everything to point you to that information.
Casey left Amy's checkbook at TL's apartment, and her own on the passenger seat in her/GP's car.

Do you at least have a general idea where this info came from, like an interview with someone, or the documents. I have been looking for outside verification, other than Cindy, that the purse was even left in the car for over a week now, and am coming up empty.
Thanks if you can help.
THANK YOU, SLEUTHMOMMY. I have argued this here a few times.
One dog was used on the car. Then, two dogs in the yard. The same dog that hit the trunk hit the yard. However, that dog was "inconsistent" -not just according to Cindy. The other dog did not detect a mark.

Sorry- now I'm confused. What was "inconsistent" about the dog? What does that mean?

Did both dogs smell the yard and the car but only one hit on the car? Also, in reference to the car- was it the backseat ever or just the trunk?
Yes he did and he said that the dog hit on the trunk, not two dogs. I watched the bond hearing over and over to make sure i was hearing it right. There was only one dog mentionedin regards to the hits on the trunk. Two dogs in the backyard. Believe me, I could have sworn it was two dogs that hit on the trunk but all of the official information that I could find only said one dog on the trunk, two in the backyard.

I thought I heard that one dog hit on the trunk so they brought in another dog from somewhere else and that dog also hit on the trunk.
Lee had the car before Casey started using it , so it's possible it was purchased new when Lee had it!

Anything is possible..........and I do remember them saying they gave Lee's car to Casey...........but since she never had a driver's license how could they do that?

That would be child endangerment letting Casey drive around in their car with no license and Caylee.
That explains it then.. is that dog from a country that doesn't like the United States?

That would explain the dog "hitting" -- it was doing it out of spite.

Oh no ~ you just made me spit my beer everywhere!!
then why is the prosecutors office sitting on their hineys? Gosh, I really hope you're right and they have enough to put her away.

They are sitting on their hineys cause, 'THEY CAN' The End! :D
Well, the man from the impound lot who was with George said it smelled exactly the same as the one they had which had a man in it for 4 or 5 weeks that committed suicide.

IIRC, it was 4 or 5 days. As soon as my doc finishes uploading I will look it up to be sure.
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