Casey Anthony VS Hacking, Peterson and others

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I agree with 99% of what you've said so well Leila, with one exception.
I think once the SA knew about the duct tape, the death penalty was there on the table to stay.
If the SA had offered a deal early on, and expected ICA and Baez to accept it, I think it would have been conditional to recovering Caylee's body. Once Dr. G inspected the body and reported her findings, I think any deal re no death penalty would have been lifted off the table so fast, Baez's head would still be spinning. The SA and the OCSD were very very upset with their findings.

You bring up a good point about finding the duct tape, and the death penalty being put back on the table.

Considering the time frame..........late August 2008, had Casey confessed and given LE the location of Caylee's body, Caylee's remains would have been recovered 3 and 1/2 months earlier than they eventually were. This might have made a difference in the medical examiner being able to determine the cause of death too. There would have been a lot more in the way of forensic evidence, possibly DNA and fingerprints.
w/ susan smith, iirc she was rejected by a ( hope to be boyfriend) who among other things said there were things in her life that werent suited to him, specifically her children( didnt want a 'ready made family')- i remeber reading that as the first page on the for susan smith case) he wrote her that dear john letter...i think that is what made her snap, IMO.
KC too freaked out w/ tony didnt want girls, and when they found the paper w/ "casey lazzaro, mrs tony lazzaro, ect" doodled( like a school girl fantasy of what her name would be if she married her love) is what made the connection between susan and KC in my mind..again just my opinion...

See, I don't think Casey killing Caylee had anything to do with Tony L. or any man for that matter. Casey always had another man waiting in the wings for her. She was still spending the night with Ricardo while seeing Tony and she was courting, IMO, Mark in California. She kept in contact with Jesse.

I don't think Casey would have had a hard time leaving Caylee with her parents to persue a relationship. She had been doing it for years.

I believe Caylee is dead because Casey hates her mother. Her murdering Caylee had nothing to do with love, but hate. Shirley said it best, Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee.
What do you mean by "amoral upbringing"?
if I may, I think means that there is no accountability for the children - they are "enabled" in every way and are never taught to accept responsibility for their actions.
I think another commonality between Casey and Scott Peterson is that they truly believe they are smarter than anyone else and that there's no way they will be convicted.

This, of course, in addition to parents who believe every lie out of their children's mouths. I think Cindy has adopted Jackie Peterson's "deny deny deny" It didn't help Scott's case and it won't help Casey's imo
I also recently read about the Diane Downs case and found what I believe speaks to that way of thinking/speaking.

When Diane brought her kids into the ER she was quoted as having said "Do you mean the bullet missed his heart? Gee whiz!" when told one of her children didn't die from his injuries.

Downs was really concerned with calling the married man she was obsessed with at the time. Her attitude was also very suspicious because she was very calm and collected just like Casey Anthony.

She even commented to the ER nurse how embarassed she was because she was out in public with no make up on (I'm not making this up).

Additionally, Diane's ex-husband when asked if he thought she could harm the kids. He said no way, but obviously he was wrong.

Here is a link to the 20/20 episode about Diane
I think that Casey was obsessed with Tony and don't think that her playing around with other men proves otherwise.

Diane Down's craziness over the mail carrier that didn't want kids (called Lew in Ann Rule's book) didn't prevent Ms. Downs from sleeping with other men. She slept with men right and left in addition to the male carrier she called the love of her life. Like Casey, Ms. Downs always had back burners going. It is my opinion that Casey overlapped her men because of "man neediness" (which has little to do with sex and everything to do with needing to be in a relationship for identity and self-esteem). In that regard Casey and Diane Downs are two pears in the same pod. As Susan Smith drowned her kids to be more appealling to a man and is now on an online site for male "pen pals", I'd say she was and is still also "man needy".

Before Tony, Casey could get out of the house and take Caylee with her if Cindy couldn't babysit. Not so, after Tony. Caylee wasn't welcome to "sleep over" in Tony's apartment. I agree with Tony and his roommates that that apartment was no place for a "man-needy" Casey in the throes of desire (and seeing other men didn't mean Casey wasn't overflowing with desire)...not being in her lover's arms because of Caylee was a definite fly in the ointment. From reading the discovery transcripts it doesn't sound like Casey had any REAL babysitting options to watch Caylee at night other than her immediate family.

I've never thought that Casey chloroformed Caylee or tossed her in the Pontiac trunk before June 16. Casey was able to take Caylee WITH her overnight before Tony. It looks like she could con Cindy into watching Caylee sometimes although Casey probably had to return home before dawn broke. After Casey met Tony, according to Casey's cell phone pings, Casey was eventually in the Anthony home after EVERY date (EVERY one of them) with Tony UNTIL the night of JUNE 16. Not ONCE did Casey and Tony have a whole night together. Until after June 16.

Yes, there were signs of plenty of conflict between Cindy and Casey. Every single time Casey was with Tony into the wee hours somebody from the Anthony house SUMMONED Casey home. Casey's cell phone records show calls to Casey at 3 a.m. from the Anthony house while Casey was at Tony's apartment. And immediately after those calls Casey's cell pings follow her home to the Anthony house. Every single night when Casey did stay home with Caylee & Cindy, after Tony entered the picture, Casey's computer and phone records show she was texting, calling or on the computer with Tony...which probably was an irritant to Cindy who might have thought Casey should be assisting more with "mother duties". Even on Cindy's birthday, the records show Casey spending most of that entire night communicating with her new man.

I think Tony was one of the reasons that Caylee was murdered, both because of the added tension his relationship with Casey brought into Casey's relationship with her mother AND because needy Casey was at the highest point of relationship lust--those early week relationship highs can be as addictive as any drug.

I think that Casey was obsessed with Tony and don't think that her playing around with other men proves otherwise.

Diane Down's craziness over the mail carrier that didn't want kids (called Lew in Ann Rule's book) didn't prevent Ms. Downs from sleeping with other men. She slept with men right and left in addition to the male carrier she called the love of her life. Like Casey, Ms. Downs always had back burners going. It is my opinion that Casey overlapped her men because of "man neediness" (which has little to do with sex and everything to do with needing to be in a relationship for identity and self-esteem). In that regard Casey and Diane Downs are two pears in the same pod. As Susan Smith drowned her kids to be more appealling to a man and is now on an online site for male "pen pals", I'd say she was and is still also "man needy".

Before Tony, Casey could get out of the house and take Caylee with her if Cindy couldn't babysit. Not so, after Tony. Caylee wasn't welcome to "sleep over" in Tony's apartment. I agree with Tony and his roommates that that apartment was no place for a "man-needy" Casey in the throes of desire (and seeing other men didn't mean Casey wasn't overflowing with desire)...not being in her lover's arms because of Caylee was a definite fly in the ointment. From reading the discovery transcripts it doesn't sound like Casey had any REAL babysitting options to watch Caylee at night other than her immediate family.

I've never thought that Casey chloroformed Caylee or tossed her in the Pontiac trunk before June 16. Casey was able to take Caylee WITH her overnight before Tony. It looks like she could con Cindy into watching Caylee sometimes although Casey probably had to return home before dawn broke. After Casey met Tony, according to Casey's cell phone pings, Casey was eventually in the Anthony home after EVERY date (EVERY one of them) with Tony UNTIL the night of JUNE 16. Not ONCE did Casey and Tony have a whole night together. Until after June 16.

Yes, there were signs of plenty of conflict between Cindy and Casey. Every single time Casey was with Tony into the wee hours somebody from the Anthony house SUMMONED Casey home. Casey's cell phone records show calls to Casey at 3 a.m. from the Anthony house while Casey was at Tony's apartment. And immediately after those calls Casey's cell pings follow her home to the Anthony house. Every single night when Casey did stay home with Caylee & Cindy, after Tony entered the picture, Casey's computer and phone records show she was texting, calling or on the computer with Tony...which probably was an irritant to Cindy who might have thought Casey should be assisting more with "mother duties". Even on Cindy's birthday, the records show Casey spending most of that entire night communicating with her new man.

I think Tony was one of the reasons that Caylee was murdered, both because of the added tension his relationship with Casey brought into Casey's relationship with her mother AND because needy Casey was at the highest point of relationship lust--those early week relationship highs can be as addictive as any drug.


I think all your points when pulled together like that are excellent - I hadn't actually thought about it like that.

I also think Tony was not at all obsessed with ICA.
What Shaquan Duley & 5 Other Mothers Who Killed Their Kids Can Teach Us


1. Casey Anthony: The Party Mom

On Friday, December 19, 2008, investigators identified the remains of 3-year-old Caylee Anthony. The cause of the child's death was listed in the autopsy report as "homicide by undetermined means." The outline of a heart-shaped sticker could be seen on the duct tape covering the mouth area of her skull.

In the preceding six months, Caylee's grandmother made repeated calls to 911, saying in one: "I found my daughter's car today and it smelled like there's been a dead body in the damn car."

In the meantime, when asked about her missing daughter, Casey Anthony told police she had not seen her daughter for 31 days. A seemingly carefree Casey was also photographed drinking, clubbing, and partying -- taking a page from the O.J. school of forensics.

It's impossible to discern the reason for Casey's smiles in the photographs taken after her daughter's "disappearance." From the looks of it, the 22 year-old mother was either too young and immature to understand the gravity of the situation ... or quite simply a sociopath.

Casey Anthony is currently in jail, arrested on first-degree murder charges with a trial slated for May 2011.

This is a great thread, I thought someone might find this article interesting.
Ok, this my first post on websleuth. I've been reading about this case for days. At first I thought that Casey killed her child because she was watching everyone else have fun, and she just felt terrible that she coudn't play, too.

Then I thought maybe it was an accident, and she was covering it up, and told lie after lie it just snowballed.

Now, after reading the reaction of her mother when she placed a 911 call and how she instantly changed her tune after talking to Casey, I now believe that Casey may have gotten mixed up with some very bad people that killed her daughter to shut her up, and will kill more of her loved ones if she talks.

Just maybe she's saving more lives by not talking. I do not know. I just think it's strange how her mom changed her tune so quickly. I think it's fear that's driving them to act so strangly and awckwardly.

I'm really thinking there is WAY more to this madness. The only thing that makes me believe that I may be wrong and my first theory is correct is what she said in her diary about being happier than she's ever been and that she felt she made the right decision, but this could just be a cover up to make it seem like she may have done it.

Without knowing what she is hiding, we don't know if she's like any of these other people.
Ok, this my first post on websleuth. I've been reading about this case for days. At first I thought that Casey killed her child because she was watching everyone else have fun, and she just felt terrible that she coudn't play, too.

Then I thought maybe it was an accident, and she was covering it up, and told lie after lie it just snowballed.

Now, after reading the reaction of her mother when she placed a 911 call and how she instantly changed her tune after talking to Casey, I now believe that Casey may have gotten mixed up with some very bad people that killed her daughter to shut her up, and will kill more of her loved ones if she talks.

Just maybe she's saving more lives by not talking. I do not know. I just think it's strange how her mom changed her tune so quickly. I think it's fear that's driving them to act so strangly and awckwardly.

I'm really thinking there is WAY more to this madness. The only thing that makes me believe that I may be wrong and my first theory is correct is what she said in her diary about being happier than she's ever been and that she felt she made the right decision, but this could just be a cover up to make it seem like she may have done it.

Without knowing what she is hiding, we don't know if she's like any of these other people.

I'm pretty sure this is what Cindy would want people to believe too, but I think the real reason that Cindy changed her tune is because she wanted to believe her daughter wasn't responsible for the death of Caylee, and could live with the idea that someone else did it. However, as time went by - and more evidence was revealed that pointed directly towards Casey - I think Cindy realised that Casey's story about protecting the family was just another elaborate lie, but ended up sticking to this story (publicly at least) in order to try and protect Casey.

On the diary entry, I think that was written in 2003, and is a bit of a red herring in this case...

I think Casey's hiding what she did, not what anyone else did. None of the names she put forward as responsible for taking Caylee matched anyone who actually existed, all her stories were looked into an easily found to be lies.

Sad and tragic to be sure, but this case is as simple as it looks...Casey is responsible, you were right the first time IMO.

OH ... and a BIG ....


Great to have you here!
I'm pretty sure this is what Cindy would want people to believe too, but I think the real reason that Cindy changed her tune is because she wanted to believe her daughter wasn't responsible for the death of Caylee, and could live with the idea that someone else did it. However, as time went by - and more evidence was revealed that pointed directly towards Casey - I think Cindy realised that Casey's story about protecting the family was just another elaborate lie, but ended up sticking to this story (publicly at least) in order to try and protect Casey.

On the diary entry, I think that was written in 2003, and is a bit of a red herring in this case...

I think Casey's hiding what she did, not what anyone else did. None of the names she put forward as responsible for taking Caylee matched anyone who actually existed, all her stories were looked into an easily found to be lies.

Sad and tragic to be sure, but this case is as simple as it looks...Casey is responsible, you were right the first time IMO.

OH ... and a BIG ....


Great to have you here!

Bravo! :blowkiss:
I think that Casey was obsessed with Tony and don't think that her playing around with other men proves otherwise.

Diane Down's craziness over the mail carrier that didn't want kids (called Lew in Ann Rule's book) didn't prevent Ms. Downs from sleeping with other men. She slept with men right and left in addition to the male carrier she called the love of her life. Like Casey, Ms. Downs always had back burners going. It is my opinion that Casey overlapped her men because of "man neediness" (which has little to do with sex and everything to do with needing to be in a relationship for identity and self-esteem). In that regard Casey and Diane Downs are two pears in the same pod. As Susan Smith drowned her kids to be more appealling to a man and is now on an online site for male "pen pals", I'd say she was and is still also "man needy".

Before Tony, Casey could get out of the house and take Caylee with her if Cindy couldn't babysit. Not so, after Tony. Caylee wasn't welcome to "sleep over" in Tony's apartment. I agree with Tony and his roommates that that apartment was no place for a "man-needy" Casey in the throes of desire (and seeing other men didn't mean Casey wasn't overflowing with desire)...not being in her lover's arms because of Caylee was a definite fly in the ointment. From reading the discovery transcripts it doesn't sound like Casey had any REAL babysitting options to watch Caylee at night other than her immediate family.

I've never thought that Casey chloroformed Caylee or tossed her in the Pontiac trunk before June 16. Casey was able to take Caylee WITH her overnight before Tony. It looks like she could con Cindy into watching Caylee sometimes although Casey probably had to return home before dawn broke. After Casey met Tony, according to Casey's cell phone pings, Casey was eventually in the Anthony home after EVERY date (EVERY one of them) with Tony UNTIL the night of JUNE 16. Not ONCE did Casey and Tony have a whole night together. Until after June 16.

Yes, there were signs of plenty of conflict between Cindy and Casey. Every single time Casey was with Tony into the wee hours somebody from the Anthony house SUMMONED Casey home. Casey's cell phone records show calls to Casey at 3 a.m. from the Anthony house while Casey was at Tony's apartment. And immediately after those calls Casey's cell pings follow her home to the Anthony house. Every single night when Casey did stay home with Caylee & Cindy, after Tony entered the picture, Casey's computer and phone records show she was texting, calling or on the computer with Tony...which probably was an irritant to Cindy who might have thought Casey should be assisting more with "mother duties". Even on Cindy's birthday, the records show Casey spending most of that entire night communicating with her new man.

I think Tony was one of the reasons that Caylee was murdered, both because of the added tension his relationship with Casey brought into Casey's relationship with her mother AND because needy Casey was at the highest point of relationship lust--those early week relationship highs can be as addictive as any drug.


i thought there was something similiar to diane to KC and that is it~thank you!
i too think tony was a factor, but imo, that new relationship despair( he was talking about moving back home> NY? and she flew into tears. the comment about not wanting girls( but yet iirc, people said he liked caylee too, cutest thing to have around ,ect...if given a chance, im SURE caylee would have grown on him so much he'd change his mind/welcome her as a "step daughter" but sadly we will never know that) that, and the night of the choking fight w/ cindy that fatefull last night( was it over stealing the grandparents nursing home funds? WHAT were they fighting about?!?:waitasec: )-the hated CA more than she loved caylee, that resentment and desparation(about tony) =the fight was the tip of the explosive iceburg that trigged and blew up, resulting in caylees loss of life) again just IMO
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