Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies (Peacock Documentary) Discussion

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Also it looks to me that George decided to "forgive her" right after he got in a serious accident. Maybe he was feeling extremely vulnerable at the time. I doubt he's happy with her right now
Did you listen to the clip? He says, "I wanted to just tell her, 'I'm sorry.'" He also says, "I need to be forgiven by her, my son, and other family members, friends I care so much about."

He literally says, "FORGIVE FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE."

Cindy interrupts him to say, "You didn't do anything. It was an accident."
There is no reason to believe Casey Anthony, a known liar, who has repeatedly been proven to be a liar, about anything, ever.

She's such a good liar, she's convinced herself of a lot of it.
Yeah I don’t think Caylee’s death was remotely accidental. I think she purposefully killed her and then decided to try to make it look like an accidental drowning. But then decided not to because she was afraid of what might be found in or on Caylee to point toward murder - like chloroform or signs of suffocation, etc.

Casey was the queen and the princess of her family. She stole from that family. They covered for her.

Caylee replaced her. And that bothered her. Then she began lying about working so she could leave Caylee with her parents. Over and over she lied. “Oh I’ve been called into work. Etc.”

There were a ton of arguments and tension between her and her parents in the weeks leading up to Caylee’s death. Her mom threatened to get a guardianship of Caylee because she was being dumped on the grandparents so much.

A crucial part of the motivation, in my mind, is that the guy Casey was seeing stated, according to what she told a friend, that he said he didn’t want Caylee around. His place wasn’t for children. And that he didn’t want kids but if he had one he would want a boy.

He wasn’t asked about that much during trial and he did seem to indicate he liked Caylee and didn’t mind her around. But any young man wouldn’t want to think they’re the motivation for a toddler’s death.

The bottom line is that computer records show someone was looking up “fool proof suffocation” the day Caylee went missing, on the family computer. It was searched using the browser that Casey favored. Right after that search, the browser visited MySpace. Casey used that social media. Her father did not.

Someone also looked up “how to make chloroform” in the days leading up to Caylee’s disappearance. Casey’s mom testified that she herself did it, mistakenly misspelling “chlorophyll”. And if anyone believes that, I have a bridge to sell them.

Casey drove around in a car that smelled of death. For weeks. Caylee’s remains were found to have high levels of chloroform.

Casey came up with inexplicable lies in response to her parents and friends constant questioning about where Caylee was. She made up email addresses and fake communications from bosses to excuse why she wasn’t there. She made a fake babysitter. Her lies were elaborate and repeated. Of course lies alone don’t equal murder. But as I am showing, there was much more.

Her interactions with her father post arrest were mostly positive. He seemed to plead with her in a jail call that they would watch Caylee whenever she wanted them to. I felt like her parents knew deep down that she had killed their grandchild because she wanted to be free of the burden, but they held onto a sliver of hope - “Give us another chance and we will do whatever you want.”

At the funeral, the guilt about pressing Casey, trying to hold her accountable, refusing to be her unpaid babysitter while she enjoyed her youth- that bubbled to the surface, IMO. They knew it was the cause of Caylee’s death. I’m sure they would do anything to reverse it and give Casey whatever she wanted. (Side note, I’m dealing with something slightly similar with the mother of a nephew of mine. Everyone wants to force her to spend time with the baby and care for him. I am arguing that forcing that can backfire spectacularly: “People kill their kids sometime when they don’t want to care for them”.)

Something causes a person to become personality disordered and I think Casey is. That can be abuse. But I believe her mother was a devouring narcissist who demanded that her children mirror her and behave perfectly, while defending them vigorously and angrily when anyone outside the house ever made any claims that they behaved badly. That can also cause a personality disorder.

From what I recall, her mother was both demanding and hyper critical of her children while also absolutely refusing to admit they could do anything wrong to others. She made excuse after excuse for Casey in particular.

The sense I got is that dad was more of a spoiler when they were young but got angry with Casey when she got older and started dumping Caylee on them while stealing from family. It was then that her lies became something they could not ignore or deny.

There’s is no evidence of repeated calls between Casey and her father during the time Caylee was missing. Nothing to indicate he was guiding her lies as she suggests. She was not home during that time. Her whereabouts during that time were pretty much accounted for, from what I recall.

The fact that she has the support of her defense team does not convince me of her innocence. She was their meal ticket. She caused them riches. They owe her a lot, in a sense.

The story she is coming up with now is far fetched and there is no basis in fact or evidence to support it, IMO.

But she’s a practiced liar. I’m not surprised that she’s convincing people with her crocodile tears.
You are so right IMO manipulative people can be very convincing, all evidence compounded im not buying it.
Did you listen to the clip? He says, "I wanted to just tell her, 'I'm sorry.'" He also says, "I need to be forgiven by her, my son, and other family members, friends I care so much about."

He literally says, "FORGIVE FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE."

Cindy interrupts him to say, "You didn't do anything. It was an accident."
I took that to mean the accident or possibly his previous suicide attempt.

There were a ton of arguments and tension between her and her parents in the weeks leading up to Caylee’s death. Her mom threatened to get a guardianship of Caylee because she was being dumped on the grandparents so much.

The bottom line is that computer records show someone was looking up “fool proof suffocation” the day Caylee went missing, on the family computer. It was searched using the browser that Casey favored. Right after that search, the browser visited MySpace. Casey used that social media. Her father did not.

Someone also looked up “how to make chloroform” in the days leading up to Caylee’s disappearance. Casey’s mom testified that she herself did it, mistakenly misspelling “chlorophyll”.

Casey drove around in a car that smelled of death. For weeks. Caylee’s remains were found to have high levels of chloroform ...
Where were the document threats of Cindy trying to get a guardianship of Caylee?

Did computer records show "full proof suffocation? It wasn't presented in court. How do we know it's true? It came out in the media. How reliable is that?

The "chlorophyl" search wasn't "days leading up to Caylee's disappearance." It was months.

Where is the evidence that Caylee had chloroform in her?

There's evidence that Casey told her boyfriend at the time of abuse from the father. There's also evidence that she told her ex about abuse from the brother.

In the end, she was found not guilty.

I still think O.J. Simpson is guilty. I still think Scott Peterson is guilty. Casey Anthony, however, I now question her guilt. What the series puts forward is plausible. Casey can still be a massive liar and manipulated by her father into silence. The police and media at the time could have taken a very one-dimensional approach to her (liar = murderer). But, there are examples of fathers sexually abusing their daughters and manipulating them into submission (David Brown comes to mind). George was never seriously looked at as a suspect. And her former best friend still doesn't question what kind of mother she was despite everything.
Did you listen to the clip? He says, "I wanted to just tell her, 'I'm sorry.'" He also says, "I need to be forgiven by her, my son, and other family members, friends I care so much about."

He literally says, "FORGIVE FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE."

Cindy interrupts him to say, "You didn't do anything. It was an accident."
Did you watch the whole interview? Oz asks him what should he be forgiven for? He goes on to elaborate. He clearly thinks she resents him and needs to be forgiven for her grievances with him

He also says he needs to forgive Casey. Oz asks him for what? He says for what she put them through and for Caylee not being here.
Did computer records show "full proof suffocation? It wasn't presented in court. How do we know it's true? It came out in the media. How reliable is that?
Yes, it was real evidence. Baez discussed it in his book. He saw had it from discovery, thought it was devastating, and was shocked it never came in. That's why the media reported on it. It existed, but a technical blunder by the prosecution caused them to miss it. If I recall correctly it had something to do with two browsers. Casey used two different browsers and I think they only provided the evidence for one or something like that.
Where were the document threats of Cindy trying to get a guardianship of Caylee?

Did computer records show "full proof suffocation? It wasn't presented in court. How do we know it's true? It came out in the media. How reliable is that?

The "chlorophyl" search wasn't "days leading up to Caylee's disappearance." It was months.

Where is the evidence that Caylee had chloroform in her?

There's evidence that Casey told her boyfriend at the time of abuse from the father. There's also evidence that she told her ex about abuse from the brother.

In the end, she was found not guilty.

I still think O.J. Simpson is guilty. I still think Scott Peterson is guilty. Casey Anthony, however, I now question her guilt. What the series puts forward is plausible. Casey can still be a massive liar and manipulated by her father into silence. The police and media at the time could have taken a very one-dimensional approach to her (liar = murderer). But, there are examples of fathers sexually abusing their daughters and manipulating them into submission (David Brown comes to mind). George was never seriously looked at as a suspect. And her former best friend still doesn't question what kind of mother she was despite everything.
Information about Cindy threatening to take custody of Caylee came from Cindy’s brother. Rick.pdf

Of course that didn’t come out in trial because Cindy was covering for her daughter.

Yes, the search on the computer for chloroform was three months before Caylee disappeared. Which was 12 weeks prior. It was not for chlorophyll. It’s was for chloroform. It was also for "alcohol," "acetone," "peroxide" and "inhalation” and “neck breaking.”

Cindy on the stand surprised the state by trying to take responsibility for most of those searches with a bunch of far-fetched explanations that made no sense.

The information about the computer searches was not presented to the jury because the sheriff’s department and the state simply missed it. But it was among the evidence regardless. They just didn’t present it. One of our own websleuthers found it (she’s an attorney) while reviewing the evidence. It made the news. It’s accurate and not some made up stuff. It has been verified by the state and the sheriff’s department.

Authorities didn't know about 'foolproof suffocation' search before Casey Anthony trial

Casey Anthony detectives overlooked Google search for "fool-proof" suffocation methods, sheriff says

You’re right. Caylee’s remains did not show chloroform. The trunk of Casey’s car did. I got that wrong.

And yes, there’s evidence Casey told people her dad molested her. And that her brother molested her. And that she was raped at a party. And that she worked at Universal. And that she would get her friends free tickets to universal. And that her child was with the nanny.
Casey said a lot of things to her friends. She’s an admitted, pathological liar.

And if her dad molested her, why on earth would she leave Caylee alone with her parents? With her dad? Because she did. All. The. Time.

Her friends were young. They saw Casey smiling at Caylee. Caring for her normally. So to them that means she was a great parent. Their experience was limited.

But even if she was, that doesn’t mean she didn’t kill her. Perhaps she wasn’t a terrible parent until that moment she killed Caylee. (Although I do remember the very detached and eerie videos she took of her daughter, not interacting with the baby at all, while Caylee desperately tried to get a response or reaction).

Frankly, I don’t think Casey hated Caylee. I think she hated her life and hated her parents. And they adored Caylee. Getting rid of Caylee made her free and punished her parents at the same time. Win win for Casey.
Did you listen to the clip? He says, "I wanted to just tell her, 'I'm sorry.'" He also says, "I need to be forgiven by her, my son, and other family members, friends I care so much about."

He literally says, "FORGIVE FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE."

Cindy interrupts him to say, "You didn't do anything. It was an accident."
I don't think he was talking about what happened to Caylee when he said that. George had issues with losing large amounts of money and lying in the past.

Anyway the article also said:

"Now things are different, and Anthony says that he forgives his daughter "for what she has put her mom, me, my son, and not having Caylee here anymore. I would forgive her for all this stuff."
He adds, "I've come to understand is the only way I'm going to get past a lot of things in my life. I have to forgive. I'll never forget, but I need to forgive.".

Sounds to me like he was just really feeling his mortality after being in a bad accident.
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There's evidence that Casey told her boyfriend at the time of abuse from the father. There's also evidence that she told her ex about abuse from the brother.

She told her boyfriend that Lee tried to talk her into having sex with him once. She never said anything about George. Even Casey herself claims she didn't "remember George sexually abusing" her until she was in jail.
Frankly, I don’t think Casey hated Caylee. I think she hated her life and hated her parents. And they adored Caylee. Getting rid of Caylee made her free and punished her parents at the same time. Win win for Casey.
I absolutely agree with this. The type of things she lied about tells you a lot about her. She lied about having a fabulous job she was unqualified to have. She even made up this fantasy work life with work friends. She lied about college or at least registering for college. She lied about even graduating high school. She lied about having not a babysitter, but a nanny.

In reality, society would look at Casey as a bit of loser. She had no high school diploma and I don't recall her even attempting to get a GED. She was unemployed and living at home. She was a teenage single mom. She didn't really have many close relationships, which in fairness was probably more due to her issues and not her friends. Yet, even best friend Annie saw her as an exaggerator and BS artist. She was aimless and rudderless. She had nothing really going for her except a beautiful daughter which is not something she accomplished.

In fairness I think society views young people like pre- June 16, 2008 Casey too harshly. Except for the stealing. That was always loser behavior. I was similar to Casey at her age with no job and being aimless. I also know the feelings of inadequacy and feeling society feels like you are a loser. I wished I had a wonderful life, too, but I didn't know how to achieve those things at 22.

The difference is I had mental illnesses which I got help for and I was able to achieve my goals and becomd like my peers, just on a later time table. I was also never a criminal. Casey was apparently mentally healthy (oddly enough) and didn't really seem interested in taking the reigns of her own life into her hands. Maybe she didn't know how or didn't want to. I don't know, but it appears she just thought to get rid of an obstacle and it temporarily gave her a life she wanted. Of course she didn't think it through. She wasn't going to exist off of stealing alone and her friends wouldn't put up with a freeloader and thief. Classic dumb Casey. That's kind of the shame of it all. Casey can't even say it was worth other than I guess she doesn't have a child. She didn't get the life she desired even if she got away with it.
I have a subscription because my mom with early onset Alzheimer's likes to watch Downton Abbey and its the only streaming service that has the episodes on it. Anyways I decided to check out the documentary. I might be the only one here but is anyone else watching? I just started episode 1. It's so weird seeing her.

I have a subscription because my mom with early onset Alzheimer's likes to watch Downton Abbey and its the only streaming service that has the episodes on it. Anyways I decided to check out the documentary. I might be the only one here but is anyone else watching? I just started episode 1. It's so weird seeing her.

Rosie O'Donnell says she believes her
Casey Anthony is a master manipulator. What other case does the defense team literally give money to the defendant and house them after the case is over. Mind boggling.
It's ridiculous to even think George got rid of Caylees body. Being he was a xcop he would clearly dispose of her body in a much harder place so she isn't found. The way and where she was dumped shows a young stupid person in a hurry not to get caught. George could have held Cindy off from calling the cops by saying he seen Caylee if he needed more time to get rid of the body. He had 31 days.... a xcop has the knowledge to hide a body to never be found. He clearly did not dump her. Casey just lies so well that she is convincing and makes people forget about the facts and all her wrong doings. I hope everyone that watches this goes back and rereads the case threads to clear their mind of the Casey kool-aid. Rant over
Oh for the love of God.
I wish George would sue her for slander, and he could. But he and his family would face another national new's trial nightmare. They have gone through enough. She knows that, so she can say anything she wants. And we all know that she is a pathological liar. I wish George had the strength to sue her, but I understand why he doeesn't.
I wish George would sue her for slander, and he could. But he and his family would face another national new's trial nightmare. They have gone through enough. She knows that, so she can say anything she wants. And we all know that she is a pathological liar. I wish George had the strength to sue her, but I understand why he doeesn't.
I wish he would, too, and refuse to settle. Get her on the stand.
I watched this very closely at the time and there's no doubt in my mind that she planned and murdered Caylee. If her mouth is moving, she's lying. I believe her pursuit in making her dad the fall guy is because she had a lot of peer pressure about why she's not looking to find who killed Caylee if it wasn't her and this takes the heat off her from having to look like she's looking. Also, she used her dad as the fall guy in court and some perceived him to know more than he was letting on. My take on that at the time was not that he was involved but because he was trying to save his daughter from the death penalty. I think in her mind she justifies wrongly blaming her dad because he didn't always have her back like her mom did after the trial in interviews and statements. She should consider herself very fortunate that she got away with murder and know enough to just go away, especially if she's just going to continue to lie and hurt others.
I'm so sorry for what she has and continues to put her dad through, I hope he's able to stay strong!

Casey quote: "Everyone Lies, Everyone Dies".
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It's ridiculous to even think George got rid of Caylees body. Being he was a xcop he would clearly dispose of her body in a much harder place so she isn't found. The way and where she was dumped shows a young stupid person in a hurry not to get caught. George could have held Cindy off from calling the cops by saying he seen Caylee if he needed more time to get rid of the body. He had 31 days.... a xcop has the knowledge to hide a body to never be found. He clearly did not dump her. Casey just lies so well that she is convincing and makes people forget about the facts and all her wrong doings. I hope everyone that watches this goes back and rereads the case threads to clear their mind of the Casey kool-aid. Rant over
Good point about how she was dumped. The whole story is ridiculous and sounds as elaborate as the rest of the lies Casey told.

“My dad AND my brother molested me. But I didn’t remember it. However I guarded Caylee against my dad by sleeping with my back against the door. Although I left Caylee with my mom and/or dad alone, on MULTIPLE occasions while I partied. Then my dad got ahold of Caylee while I was home, and somehow not guarding her. And he abused her. Then he killed her to somehow cover it up. Because that makes sense. It’s easier to cover up the murder of a three year old than the molestation of a three year old. Even though he somehow covered up his molestation of me for years.
After that, he took her body and left. But I thought she was still alive. My car started to smell like a dead body though, like something had been in the trunk for days. And I was driving that car around at the time.
I didn’t know where Caylee was but my dad kept telling me she was okay. And although he’s a molester, I believed him. So I partied. Danced on tables. Screwed my boyfriend. Stayed at his house. Lied to everyone. Made up a nanny. Kept avoiding my mom.

But the car really, really smelled. Super bad. So I finally decided to abandon it. That’s when my mom called the cops. And I went home. And lied to my mom. Lied to my brother. And lied to the cops, LARPING a position with my own office at Universal. I did all of this, not knowing where my precious daughter was but wanting to protect her and my molester.

I kept this up for months. Even after I was arrested for child neglect. Even after I was bailed out and awaiting trial. And staying with my abusive father. Even after I was arrested again.”

Her story is ridiculous.

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