Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

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There were no phone records for the 17th and I didn't notice any online presence on the 17th when looking through the myspace and facebook postings. I'm wondering why so quiet on this day.
I don't believe that he saw Casey on the 24th, because all other reports state that they had not seen Casey since the 16th. And, you know, if I had been him, I certainly would have asked her at that moment, "Where is Caylee?"

My holding her feet over the fire would have begun at that moment. Why they waited "31 days" to be concerned about the welfare of this child who had lived all her 3 years in their home is the huge question to me.

I think it's possible that she was trying to sneak the gas cans back into the shed. After that date, she avoided them until Cindy found Amy's number in the car (indicating that she probably didn't have that number before) and asked got Amy to take her to Casey. IIRC, until that date Casey kept giving them the runaround on the phone.

IMO, Cindy had a hunch that something was off when her services as a live-in babysitter were no longer required.'s interesting that forensics came and picked up the gas cans recently. Wonder if they have the same questions.

I don't believe that he saw Casey on the 24th, because all other reports state that they had not seen Casey since the 16th. And, you know, if I had been him, I certainly would have asked her at that moment, "Where is Caylee?"

My holding her feet over the fire would have begun at that moment. Why they waited "31 days" to be concerned about the welfare of this child who had lived all her 3 years in their home is the huge question to me.
I think they said from the very beginning that george saw her once after the 16th.

Just to play devil's advocate, maybe they weren't concerned about caylee's welfare because they felt casey was a good mother and didn't imagine that casey wouldn't tell them if something was wrong with Caylee. I just still don't think George and Cindy ever imagined that anything bad happened to Caylee until the day of that 911 call. I've said before you can hear the light go on in Cindy's voice..she realizes at that moment that Caylee is gone, gone.
There were no phone records for the 17th and I didn't notice any online presence on the 17th when looking through the myspace and facebook postings. I'm wondering why so quiet on this day.
If that is the case,I think that is the most telling thing of all. Now there were no phone records at all? or they don;t have them? or they are not releasing them?

Remember Lee said there are some interesting things on the cell records. So far they are not so interesting imo.
There is online record for the 17th! To Amy!

6-17 Casey posts to Amy at 3:15pm: cheer up me lady! i love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in
If that is the case,I think that is the most telling thing of all. Now there were no phone records at all? or they don;t have them? or they are not releasing them?

Remember Lee said there are some interesting things on the cell records. So far they are not so interesting imo.

The news media (Greta) couldn't get any reports for the 17th for some reason. Nobody has said there were no records - to the best of my knowledge.
There is online record for the 17th! To Amy!

6-17 Casey posts to Amy at 3:15pm: cheer up me lady! i love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in

We are both posting on two threads...LOL..but like I said...I think Casey was trying to cheer up Amy.
If that is the case,I think that is the most telling thing of all. Now there were no phone records at all? or they don;t have them? or they are not releasing them?

Remember Lee said there are some interesting things on the cell records. So far they are not so interesting imo.

My guess would be that those records are very important to the investigation and they aren't releasing them.
My guess would be that those records are very important to the investigation and they aren't releasing them.

I would guess so too. It is very intriguing though why they didn't get the records from that date. But the 16th and the 18th have seemed to be more "key" because they are the last confirmed sighting of Caylee and the day the shovel was borrowed. Nobody has really mentioned anything on the 17th. So perhaps whoever requested the records only asked for those dates? Or maybe they only released the records that showed a "flurry" of phone calls.
That's what I want to know.
That's the day I'm watching.

I am about to watch Nancy Grace - I missed it earlier. Another thread says that NG said that LE was now saying that the shovel was borrowed on June 17! And that the car was backed up in the driveway on June 18th! Interesting.
That backpack story always seemed kind of odd to me....

Supposedly they were moving out..... but with backpacks????

People who move pack suitcases... they don't tote their possessions in small backpacks.

People who move remember to take a child's FAVORITE toy.

I am not sure that they were moving out at that moment? BUT. . .

I'm 36 years old, I have 5 kids and I've moved 39 times in my life. I could see myself packing a backpack, not a suitcase. Actually, this last time (2 weeks ago) I packed in a black trash bag. Something even funnier is that my sister packs for trips in Aldi's

I don't find the backpack thing very curious. It's sooo much easier to keep a watch on a child when you have two hands free. (Of course, we're talking about someone who wants to watch their child.)

I assure you, there's something not right with all of this, so please don't think for a moment I would defend her!
I can't help but think......

Was the shovel really used to BURY something....?

17th....KC borrowed the shovel to break into the shed for the gas cans
hense no fingerprints found by the LE on the lock.
This is why her car was backed up to house. This is when she
actually physically took the gas cans for her own use.

Caylee still alive at this point but NOT with her.

24th....Dad reports the gas cans stolen to LE. Thinks it is someone out
for gas with gas prices being so high and has taken to stealing
gas, even if it is a few gallons at a time. It is the principle of the
thievery and he want to report it.

Mom gets wind of this and calls KC on her own as she suspects it is
her lying, theivin', horrible daughter whom she knows all to well.
Tells her that Dad HAS already made a report with the police and
is serious about this action and prosecuting whoever did it. She
warns her if she doesn't want any legal problems she better return
the gas cans before the police stop her and find them in her
possession. ***Gads, who would want their precious daughter to
go to jail for such a stupid thing.***

KC does return them at 2. Dad doesn't suspect she has them in
her car. Talks with her about rotating her tires and goes to the
trunk to either
get the jack or check on her 5th wheel/spare tire and discovers the
gas cans. He DOESN'T cancel the police report because he would
look like an idiot if he reports that his own daughter took it.
Anyways, he did get his property back sans gas. QUESTION:
Were the cans full or empty?

24th...Something happens to CAYLEE AFTER the cans were returned.
Wanted to go out with BF but baby was in the way to her plans.
Either it was an accident OR intentional but Caylee passes on this
day. The greatest question at this point is WHERE did she put
Caylee on or around the 26th.
A day or two in the car
and she has some serious smell
problem going on and leaves the car abandoned with the purse in it as bait
(and the smelly clothes that she didn't care to take because they
reeked like death as bait) for some poor soul to steal. Bet with the stench that was
already permeating it outside no one was interested. She was
banking on the person who took it as a person she could throw
blame for killing her daughter......she would be off the hook and
like Scott Peterson have the whole world drying her FAKE tears.
As a Narcissist, she fantasized of the fame she would bring on
herself. She figured the car would be found stolen and in someone
else's possession. So she partied the time away until her
parents got her "smelly" car and started to demand to see the

I pray for sweet Caylee to come back soon. I pray alive but with the
intensity of this case and the lies, smokescreens, and weird scenerios given out by KC and her family, my heavy heart says she is no longer with us.
I still find it very interesting that there were no fingerprints on the door handles which houses the lock.

Even if Casey broke the handles with the shovel, there would have to have been fingerprints on the handles just from normal going in and out of the shed at some point.

But NO fingerprints at all ... nope that makes no sense. At least George's fingerprints should have been on there as he uses this shed.

Are they all that tidy in the household where they wipes down the door handles after each use?
I'm sure there were prints, just incomplete and/or unusable.
And since the Anthonys live there, their prints don't really tell anything new.
Just curious.... Is it common practice to dust for fingerprints for stolen property of that small of value? Of everyone who has reported something stolen, that I know of, there have never been fingerprint dusting. My parents have had items thrown at there business windows to break in and they never had the police dusting? Or is it that they dusted after Caylee was reported missing? Which still wouldn't make sense because they already knew Casey took the gas. Anyways, unrelated to the actual case, what is up with the fingerprinting?
Just curious.... Is it common practice to dust for fingerprints for stolen property of that small of value? Of everyone who has reported something stolen, that I know of, there have never been fingerprint dusting. My parents have had items thrown at there business windows to break in and they never had the police dusting? Or is it that they dusted after Caylee was reported missing? Which still wouldn't make sense because they already knew Casey took the gas. Anyways, unrelated to the actual case, what is up with the fingerprinting?

George wanted to pursue charges against the person that stole the gas cans, so they would need some sort of fingerprints in order to see if the "robber" who stole the gas cans has some sort of criminal record.

But to have NO fingerprints on the door handles or shed, not possible since George goes in and out of that shed as it houses all the lawn equipment.

Unless they are so neat, that they wipe down the door handles each and every entry and exit! :crazy:
Did I hear on Greta that neighbors heard the Anthonys arguing the night of Father's Day? Loud fighting . . .
Personally, I don't think Casey used the shovel to break into the shed.

I found a great photo of the shed and there isn't a "lock" on the shed, but a locking seen in the photos listed on the webpages below...I don't even see any scratches on the door. I don't think the shed was locked...I think Geo. may have said it was locked because the last time HE used it HE locked it, but he isn't the only one who lived there. What I find interesting about the borrowed shovel is that Casey would have to borrow one...the Anthony's property is landscaped...I wonder why they wouldn't have a shovel of their own if not simply to maintain the yard/grounds. I have a shovel and I think most homeowners who have landscaped yards do too.

site/page to photos, shed is towards the bottom- there is also a great photo of the shed's location on the property...
I feel that once she realized that Caylee was dead, Casey then used the shovel to pre-dig the grave, and then returned on the next day to bury her.

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