Casey as CEO

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
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George said that Casey is the "CEO" of her own Conglomerate. Do you think she would make a good CEO? How about after she gets her GED? :eek:
That whole conversation is bizzare. I actually thought George was kinda normal until I heard he lost money in an internet scam:eek:(he was in LE right?,would he not have more sense?)and then on Larry King agreed with CA that the car odor was caused by old pizza:bang:
That is when I lost respect, as I thought at one time he was stepping up to do the right thing.I have a feeling this has been the whole family pattern with Casey calling the shots.
Just listen to the evil one stating how she has not been mad at all during her jail time. But NOW her parents are causing her to loose it!Kinda like "SEE WHAT U R DOING! IT IS YOUR FAULT!!"
And then they start the "sweetheart " and you are in charge statements trying to placate her!
You can tell this is the way they have handled her all their life!
"lets not piss off Casey!" Can u imagine what has transpired in that household when the evil one has let loose??Those parents are on eggshells.
My dream would be to have Casey on the stand and one of the prosecuters questioning her ,pushing her buttons and she looses it screaming "you can't handle the truth!"(ala Nicholson!):clap:
That was an unbelievable statement from George. KC hadn't worked in years and he had a very sketchy work record. Why would be make such a stupid statement. Did he have high hopes for himself that he had the chance of an executive position in the job that he was then holding? Is he working now? Anyone know? As for KC, she might be put in charge of the bathroom clean-up detail at the prison. That's kind of a CEO I would think.
CEO of stupidy and Evil maybe...
George said that Casey is the "CEO" of her own Conglomerate. Do you think she would make a good CEO? How about after she gets her GED? :eek:

KC?? CEO??? Maybee for :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:
Yea...I think I like the analogy of the Hand and Five Fingers better!
George said that Casey is the "CEO" of her own Conglomerate. Do you think she would make a good CEO? How about after she gets her GED? :eek:

If I typed out what I thought of George when he said this statement I'd be permanently banned.

It's just another example (in my opinion) of the depth of brown-nosing he'll do to Casey in order to try and get information from her or get her to talk to someone other than her attorney (i.e., "You're in control; you call the shots! You tell Jose what you want him to do!").
KC says: Nobody listens to what I'm saying, let me talk.

Okay KC, tell us where we might hunt for Caylee

KC says: I have nothing to say

Yep, just like a CEO.
That whole conversation is bizzare. I actually thought George was kinda normal until I heard he lost money in an internet scam:eek:(he was in LE right?,would he not have more sense?)and then on Larry King agreed with CA that the car odor was caused by old pizza:bang:
That is when I lost respect, as I thought at one time he was stepping up to do the right thing.I have a feeling this has been the whole family pattern with Casey calling the shots.
Just listen to the evil one stating how she has not been mad at all during her jail time. But NOW her parents are causing her to loose it!Kinda like "SEE WHAT U R DOING! IT IS YOUR FAULT!!"
And then they start the "sweetheart " and you are in charge statements trying to placate her!
You can tell this is the way they have handled her all their life!
"lets not piss off Casey!" Can u imagine what has transpired in that household when the evil one has let loose??Those parents are on eggshells.
My dream would be to have Casey on the stand and one of the prosecuters questioning her ,pushing her buttons and she looses it screaming "you can't handle the truth!"(ala Nicholson!):clap:

Not to contradict you; but, if you can find the emails that CA's mother wrote, she made mentioned that and made a statement like "KC ran up the tab", but GA had to cover the debt...possibly online gambling.

You're right, the A's bend over backward trying not pi$$ little KC off. That "you're the boss" and "everyone works for you" was an attempt to build up her need for self-importance. Hopefully, to get her to tell them something useful about where they might look for Caylee. Obviously, that didn't work since KC needs to do the investigation herself:

"I don't even have internet access here" (i.e., I need access to MySpace so I can send out some more Fusion invitations hoping I can get the usual suspects to show up and tell me where Caylee is--maybe Zanny will even show up).

"I can't use the phone" (translation: I want to talk to TonE and also send some Test messages inviting people to Fusion).

I could see the hopeless frustration in CA and at that time felt incredibly sorry for her. After the useless conversations, I think CA eventually realized
Caylee is never coming home and played the "Caylee is Alive" game. I believe the A's have known for a long, long time that Caylee was dead.

KC used this entire jail visitation to make her parents feel guilty for not getting her out out of she could find Caylee. She is beyond evil! IMHO
George said that Casey is the "CEO" of her own Conglomerate. Do you think she would make a good CEO? How about after she gets her GED? :eek:
she graduated from high school and has a diploma..revealed in the doc dumps.

I think George was trying to break it down into some sort of terms that would make her feel powerful. Perhaps ,this was his stab at some 2 bit psychology that would make her feel in charge and not controlled even though she was in jail. At THAT point they were still trying to find a live Caylee. Alienating her from them would probably not have been wise, so George was trying to work his way into KC's confidence. JMHO of course.
What do you think would have happened if he had just said, "you're the one with the power to stop all this", instead of hinting at it? Frankly, I don't think that would have worked either.
That whole conversation is bizzare. I actually thought George was kinda normal until I heard he lost money in an internet scam:eek:(he was in LE right?,would he not have more sense?)and then on Larry King agreed with CA that the car odor was caused by old pizza:bang:
That is when I lost respect, as I thought at one time he was stepping up to do the right thing.I have a feeling this has been the whole family pattern with Casey calling the shots.
Just listen to the evil one stating how she has not been mad at all during her jail time. But NOW her parents are causing her to loose it!Kinda like "SEE WHAT U R DOING! IT IS YOUR FAULT!!"
And then they start the "sweetheart " and you are in charge statements trying to placate her!
You can tell this is the way they have handled her all their life!
"lets not piss off Casey!" Can u imagine what has transpired in that household when the evil one has let loose??Those parents are on eggshells.
My dream would be to have Casey on the stand and one of the prosecuters questioning her ,pushing her buttons and she looses it screaming "you can't handle the truth!"(ala Nicholson!):clap:

I never believed he lost the money in a scam...I think it was just a case of another A wanting to play the victim when he said that. It sounds a lot better than losing the family's money gambling or on women. This way people feel sorry for poor George for having his money stolen. And he wants to have a job with a non-profit? How crazy can this be???
George said that Casey is the "CEO" of her own Conglomerate. Do you think she would make a good CEO? How about after she gets her GED? :eek:

George likes to use stupid analogies but what he was trying to do was get her to take some responsibility and to take leadership in the search for Caylee but she refused. She is hostile whenever she is asked to take a responsibility role. She wants THEM to do it and to do everything. She likes to scheme behind the scenes.
she graduated from high school and has a diploma..revealed in the doc dumps.

I think George was trying to break it down into some sort of terms that would make her feel powerful. Perhaps ,this was his stab at some 2 bit psychology that would make her feel in charge and not controlled even though she was in jail. At THAT point they were still trying to find a live Caylee. Alienating her from them would probably not have been wise, so George was trying to work his way into KC's confidence. JMHO of course.
I agree with JBean. Iirc, closer to the end of the visit, George started trying to tell KC something to the effect of how lucky...or special she was because not everyone got to stay in the part of the jail that she was staying in. She quickly shot him down.

On making a good CEO....not KC per say....but from some links I read from the psychology thread, people with personality disorders, such as the ones KC seems to have, make good CEOs, according to the authors of said sites, papers....whatever!
George likes to use stupid analogies but what he was trying to do was get her to take some responsibility and to take leadership in the search for Caylee but she refused. She is hostile whenever she is asked to take a responsibility role. She wants THEM to do it and to do everything. She likes to scheme behind the scenes.

Look at it this way - the A's have two different parenting styles - Cindy is in your face, want the facts, sort of a bully I would say

George is the nicer of the two, maybe the pushover of the two I should say - he puts things into stories - maybe it's a way to communicate because this is how Casey had always responded to him - he THINKS he got the truth in the past - when he didn't

When an older child lies to a parent - it's a way to divert attention - for instance, Casey says 'I know' a lot to them - I did that also to my parents - my Mom would be 'okay well then you understand' but my Dad would be 'if you know than why do it!' - it was easier to talk to my Mom than my Dad when I screwed up or I needed something

So Casey most likely went to her Dad for things rather than her Mom - it's normal HEY something normal in this family! LOL

Casey found it easier to lie, why bother telling the truth if it constantly disappoints - soon the lies became truth to Casey and she couldn't differantiate between the two - the fantasy became reality - Caylee was realilty which confronted her fantasy

Does that make sense?
What do you think would have happened if he had just said, "you're the one with the power to stop all this", instead of hinting at it? Frankly, I don't think that would have worked either.
I would bet he did at some point. But George leans towards thse analogies and imo he was talking down to her like she was a child all the while telling her she was the boss.
I talked to my children like this when they were very young. You have the power to go outside and play just as soon as you go clean your room. You are in charge of your destiny :)
Look at it this way - the A's have two different parenting styles - Cindy is in your face, want the facts, sort of a bully I would say

George is the nicer of the two, maybe the pushover of the two I should say - he puts things into stories - maybe it's a way to communicate because this is how Casey had always responded to him - he THINKS he got the truth in the past - when he didn't

When an older child lies to a parent - it's a way to divert attention - for instance, Casey says 'I know' a lot to them - I did that also to my parents - my Mom would be 'okay well then you understand' but my Dad would be 'if you know than why do it!' - it was easier to talk to my Mom than my Dad when I screwed up or I needed something

So Casey most likely went to her Dad for things rather than her Mom - it's normal HEY something normal in this family! LOL

Casey found it easier to lie, why bother telling the truth if it constantly disappoints - soon the lies became truth to Casey and she couldn't differantiate between the two - the fantasy became reality - Caylee was realilty which confronted her fantasy

Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense to me.

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