Casey, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything.."

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I don't believe George ever saw Casey and Caylee that morning. But he was locked into that story. I believe he might have been thinking of another day or just made it up. But I don't think he ever saw Casey on that date.

I don't either...
Oh my dear Lord In heaven I believe my brain is just mush after listening continually for the last 2 hours of Casey Anthony jailhouse video/audio.. Any and all that I could track down of her and brother, Lee.. Aarrgghh!!! My brain hurts from listening to all the bs and Lee is trying so desperately to be some type of positive figure searching for the truth in the midst of the nightmare.. Of course as we all know these videos were from very very very early on(as in all PRE-discovery of Caylee's remains).. So therefor lee was still very much hooked in on Casey's big ol' fishing line of nothing but utter and complete BS!!! Again Aarrgghh!!

Searching thru all of that tape and still have yet to find the one little clip of which I am desperately in search of.. The "was it like the last time" question from Lee to Casey video clip to see it in it's full and original context... But nothing.. Nada.. No luck whatsoever that out of all the crud I just watched and listened to none of it was what I was looking for.. Aargghh!!!!

Anyone who can help please point me in the right direction of where I might find this clip and/or a transcript of this clip.. I'm on a And currently my brain is at stage mush from all the carp that I have loaded into it in the last coupla hours.. Help please!!!!! :)
The conversation that is quoted ^above^ (yes, the infamous Casey frustrated why won't anyone let me talk convo)is a completely different and separate conversation than the convo being discussed in this thread..

The words are indeed just as what have been quoted throughout the thread and are contained in the threads Title and OP.. They are not the words quoted ^above^ during Casey's frustrated phone shaking convo.. Again, that conversation is not the one that is the topic at hand but yet is a different and separate conversation..
RBM. Yes, she most certainly did. Today 07:23 PM

OK, before everybody jumps on the defence, please share with me exactly what video Casey said "Don't worry, I didn't say anything" in & who it was with because I've watched/listened to everyone of them over and over and I can't remember hearing this for the life of me....not saying I'm not wrong, because I could very well be & I'll be the first one to admit it.

Casey's talk with her family was just Casey talking in circles like Casey does so she can avoid the questions about Caylee that the family was trying to get out of her....again, not saying there wasn't a conspiracy, i put nothing past these people..Cindy & Lee proved that in court!
The conversation that is quoted ^above^ (yes, the infamous Casey frustrated why won't anyone let me talk convo)is a completely different and separate conversation than the convo being discussed in this thread..

The words are indeed just as what have been quoted throughout the thread and are contained in the threads Title and OP.. They are not the words quoted ^above^ during Casey's frustrated phone shaking convo.. Again, that conversation is not the one that is the topic at hand but yet is a different and separate conversation..
RBM. Yes, she most certainly did. Today 07:23 PM

OK, before everybody jumps on the defence, please share with me exactly what video Casey said "Don't worry, I didn't say anything" in & who it was with because I've watched/listened to everyone of them over and over and I can't remember hearing this for the life of me....not saying I'm not wrong, because I could very well be & I'll be the first one to admit it.

Casey's talk with her family was just Casey talking in circles like Casey does so she can avoid the questions about Caylee that the family was trying to get out of her....again, not saying there wasn't a conspiracy, i put nothing past these people..Cindy & Lee proved that in court!

Here's the link to the video where she says this. It's the very first jailhouse visit after she is arrested the first time. Casey says it at right about 00.50:
I personally do not think that the mother or father had any involvement in Caylees death. I read that very detailed timeline someone posted and they were ringing her constantly asking where the child was and why would the mum phone the police and say her granddaughter is missing and bring up the smell in the car....purely and simply, they were worried!
If it was an accident and dad was involved, which I also dont beleive, why would he and casey not come up with something other than the stupid nanny story she told.

No I think what she said has nothing to do with the death but more about the fight and that mum had hit her or something to that effect, and I beleive it was said to hurt her dont worry it wont be known you were an awful mother who hit her daughter.

I have lived with a chronic liar and stealer (such a word!!) and it is unbeleivable the extent they go to. Unless you really know them, they get away with so much. I didnt beleive the first 5 or so stories I was spun and sometimes never was quite sure I ever got the truth. Casey was worse than this!!!! I think she was purely a spoilt little brat that also was a chronic theif and liar, I feel sorry for her parents getting dragged into this.

I also beleive the only reason they did is because no matter what they loved her and were scared she would get the death penalty.
Here's the link to the video where she says this. It's the very first jailhouse visit after she is arrested the first time. Casey says it at right about 00.50:

I remember that one now, at the very beginning of this fiasco. It's hard to know if Casey is actually "saying" something of importance or if she's just throwing it out there at random like she's so good at doing. The girl's quick on her feet though, the minute Cindy begins to tell her they forgive her, all of a sudden she goes into the "speaker phone being too loud" and dodges that question!
I thought ICA was texting Tony L all night the night of the 15th. How does this fit in? Was that the usual texting habit for them?
Do we know what the text conversation was? Or just pings?
I guess ICA could have left very late with Caylee already being dead and just parked around the corner on Suburban all night.
CA said she heard the girls breathing through the door the next morning (the 16th) before she left for work. Um, that screams of BS. Also, since CA is no shrinking violet, her soothing, calm demeanor to ICA on the taped jail visits make more sense now. She didn't want ICA to become "frushtrated" and blurt anything about the fight out on tape. It never made sense that she didn't lay into her, but now it does. Also explains why she didn't want LP or TM talking to her when she was released and why everyone was walking on eggshells around ICA. Because she had something incriminating on the whole family that was equally as incriminating to herself.
What could have been said during the fight that was bad enough to make CA so protective of it? I can't even imagine what she could have said that would have made her feel guilty enough to be responsible for Caylee's murder. Anyone? Speculations? Scenarios?

Thanks to everyone for refreshing my memory on this quote! The mind is one of the first things to go, right? The day of the fight. This was during the time that Cindy was seeing a 'therapist' as I recall & according to the lady she worked with this therapist had told Cindy she needed to kick Casey to the curb & get custody of Caylee. The very thought of doing this, I'm sure, made Cindy go into a frenzy because she has to have her daily dose of Casey!

So, maybe Cindy had a bad day at work & kept thinking about what the therapist told her, then finds out from her Mother that Casey had been stealing money from them...which probably made her livid! Casey comes home, wants Mom to babysit, & everything erupts from that? Also, wasn't it the Hawkins guy who said in his interview that Casey would take Caylee away when she was mad at Cindy as a punishment type thing & wouldn't let her see her until she got good and ready? Please correct me if I'm wrong, you know my mind's not good after all this
Most likely Cindy and Casey got into an argument over Caylee, and who should put her to bed, it escalated to the point of Cindy telling Casey to leave, but also telling her she would be leaving Caylee behind. Then Casey said something along the lines of I'll kill her before I let you have her, and that's when Cindy may have lunged at Casey, and choked her. George probably broke up the fight.

A fight like that would explain a lot about Cindy's ongoing behavior up and through the end of the trial.
Most likely Cindy and Casey got into an argument over Caylee, and who should put her to bed, it escalated to the point of Cindy telling Casey to leave, but also telling her she would be leaving Caylee. Then Casey said something along the lines of I'll kill her before I let you have her, and that's when Cindy may have lunged at Casey, and choked her. George probably broke up the fight.

A fight like that would explain a lot about all the Anthonys' behavior all along, and all the way through the trial.

It would explain a lot, but unfortunately, not to the jury...wish they could have known about the fight and all of the other problems in the house, maybe they would have seen the motive more clearly...
The police couldn't get any of the Anthony's to admit to it. LA told Jesse Grund but that would have been considered hearsay in court.

Isn't it frustrating that the SA team had to deliver their case within laws that stopped them telling the true story? They couldn't mention any of the real events that show motive. All the theft from CA and her Grandparents, the fight, the real relationship between CA and ICA. It was all there but ICA was protected by law.

Then the defence team was allowed, within law, to use the piece of theatre they did to defend ICA. The truth was never allowed to be shown.


I, SO MUCH, agree with what you just said. It doesn't seem right or fair, especially when you don't have a jury who is willing to "dig in" and do the work necessary.
I, SO MUCH, agree with what you just said. It doesn't seem right or fair, especially when you don't have a jury who is willing to "dig in" and do the work necessary.

Absolutely 10000000% correct. This has been what was wrong with all of this, right down to the jury selection being so narrowed down to only people who had no media exposure, therefore no bias. But in a case this huge, what kind of person knows virtually nothing about it? Certainly not by chance. I'm not judging anyone from the jury, there's a lot of high profile stories i know little or nothing about, but they arent happening next door. Just saying.
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