Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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Has anyone discovered whether or not Casey had severe postpartum depression and never formed an attachment to Caylee? I think the severe kind doesn't go away unless treated.
Has anyone discovered whether or not Casey had severe postpartum depression and never formed an attachment to Caylee? I think the severe kind doesn't go away unless treated.

I don't know about PPD ... but I don't think that psycopaths/sociopaths generally bond with anyone ... including and maybe especially their children.

Dr. Robert Hare writes, 'Indifference to the welfare of children—their own as well as those of the man or woman they happen to be living with at the time—is a common theme in our files of psychopaths. (He prefers the term 'psychopaths.') Psychopaths see children as an inconvenience.'
Very interesting reading! Thanks to all of the posters.
I also feel that she is suffering from several personality disorders. Histrionic Personality Disorder somtimes goes hand in hand with the NPD and would not be surprised if she had this one as well.
Very interesting reading! Thanks to all of the posters.
I also feel that she is suffering from several personality disorders. Histrionic Personality Disorder somtimes goes hand in hand with the NPD and would not be surprised if she had this one as well.

yes, but if she were histrionic, wouldn't we be seeing a lot more dramatic overreactions, lots of crying and yelling and "scenes"? she seems to have no reaction to all of this.
I was watching TV the other day and a program came on about the study of people who
liars brains and how they are so different from people who tell the truth.
there is a link to just one study of this. Its pretty interesting.

wow - thanks for posting this! I have oft wondered about the lying aspect of all of it since the case started.
yes, but if she were histrionic, wouldn't we be seeing a lot more dramatic overreactions, lots of crying and yelling and "scenes"? she seems to have no reaction to all of this.

My impression is that histrionics are calculatingly used as anything else, as a tool in her box of tricks to get what she wants or out of a jam, or as her calculation as to how another person might act to blend into the range of human emotions. Aside from her own tendencies, one wonders what she learned from G & CA about "normal" or acceptable behavior as she was growing up.

Her friends have described her as being overly dramatic, a "drama queen', said one, IIRC. Her first phone conversation with mother & Kristina gives a glimpse of what she could be like in freely expressing herself. I wonder what was happening during that argument neighbors heard.

There's an often-shown video loop that shows her being guided into the courtroom in July, I think at her first appearance. She barely-- maybe -- trips over something, and reacts with annoyance, even anger, to it for the briefest moment before she lets the mask come over her face again -- a micro-expression that just about needs a frame-by-frame. As if she calculates, "Will this help me? No, not now." As if her need to be stoic, expressionless, and beyond the reach of pain trumped her more dramatic side.

She reminds me of one of the models (especially the blue eyed one, who has an especially cold look) used in Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" video -- they were described as mannequins.

Histrionic: ... intense, unstable emotions and distorted self-images; self-esteem depends on the approval of others and does not arise from a true feeling of self-worth; overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately (seductively) to get attention.

Does she "need" anyone's approval? No... though perhaps she desperately deep inside does... or maybe that's MY desire for her ... which is how others get dragged in and manipulated! This is so sad!
Has anyone discovered whether or not Casey had severe postpartum depression and never formed an attachment to Caylee? I think the severe kind doesn't go away unless treated.

It's quite obvious she isn't depressed in the least.. let alone severely. Depression does not look like this, trust me.
Just watched her first court appearance to see if i could spot her stumble (didnt see it) but what i did notice was how she seemed to be in agreement of what the judge was saying about her! I think any "normal" (non disordered) person would be saying 'No judge please, I love my daughter and I did not hurt her!" instead, she just stands there and listens calmly, although she did seem to be a annoyed at the beginning of the proceedings.

It is weird to watch her in action. I was cheering for the judge when he listed the reasons why he denied the bail. It was odd the way she just had zero reaction to what he was saying. All part of her pathology I suppose.
I found a great site that explains sociopaths. She certainly fits all the criteria for being diagnosed as one. Will it be used as a defense if she ever goes to trial?

I think she definitely fits the criteria for any sociopathy/psychopathy checklist. I see her as a psychopath, a classification generally regarded as a more organized and narcissistically-guided version of sociopathy. The personality disorders discussed in this thread won't be used as a legal defense. If anything, this kind of diagnosis is a liability to the defense. Legal insanity means you don't know the difference between right and wrong. Antisocial/Sociopath/Psychopath means you know the difference and willfully ignore it or use it to your advantage.

I posted some of the following in the Rosary Bead necklace thread, but wanted to add to it here-- I've listened to the interrogation audio a few times and I can't get over the sarcastic drone of her voice and the circularity of her answers. I wonder if the "script" the kidnappers gave her was actually the personality disorders section of the DSM IV. That's a joke, but I do find her psych profile fascinating, so I thought I'd post some of my thoughts in this thread.

I think Casey derives tremendous pleasure from all the attention and speculation surrounding everything she does. She loves planting red herrings and watching everyone chase their tails (i.e. the two different stories about Caylee's "abduction") etc.
I wonder if the rosary beads were her way of communicating/sending signals to her "audience."

1. Recently, the criminologist who called Casey a "dark damsel" profiled her and stated that women with her psychopathology would likely "find religion" right before they were ready to confess...

"Dr. Schurman-Kauflin said that there are signs to look for, which could signify Anthony is getting ready to talk.
'Look for her to turn to religion and either attempt to or speak of fleeing. When she gets to that point, she is most likely to talk about what really happened.'"

Maybe this is her way of taunting people who hold their breath in hopes that she'll break.

2. There's also been a lot of random speculation and discussion about incest being a factor in this investigation. It's on just about every discussion board and blog related to this case. LP made strong insinuations on NG. There's basically no way Casey and family would have missed this and it's probably really disturbing to them. The movie Cruel Intentions centers around incestuous siblings bonded by manipulation and deceit. The sister character is a cunning seductress who wears a rosary as a necklace. The rosary necklace is a big deal during the movie and is very easily associated with the character. (google "cruel intentions and rosary" and you'll see how many young girls want their own rosary necklace because of the movie.) It's also a pretty popular movie. I wonder if she's wearing the rosary to thumb her nose at the incest speculation. Or to feed it because she loves watching all the theories unfold.

I also think there's something interesting in the revelation that 'Zanny the Nanny' is a character in a children's book. I think it's pretty clear that Cindy Anthony did not know the name of Caylee's "nanny" until after police were called, despite her statements that Casey had talked about Zanny for years. If she did, Cindy would have opened her second 911 call with "ZFG kidnapped my grandchild! Find ZFG!" I think Casey consciously or unconsciously chose the name "Zanny the Nanny" because it would be easy to convince others they had heard the name long before Caylee's disappearance.
1. it rhymes, so people could process it as familiar. i.e., "I thought she only said nanny but I bet it was Zanny? Yeah, I've heard of Zanny the Nanny for years."
2. it's possible Cindy read the Zanny the Nanny book to Casey or Caylee. Casey could have said "zanny the nanny" because it popped into her mind easily since she once read the book. Or she could have been more cunning, supplying Cindy with the name 'Zanny the Nanny" because she knew her mom had read the book and her memory was primed to recognize "zanny the nanny" as a familiar name. She could have relied on priming to sell Cindy on the lie, or simply because it was amusing to Casey to see her mom fall for such a contrived lie.

Casey's second story about Caylee being abducted in Blanchard Park introduced a new and unverifiable character-- ZFG's "sister sam"-- . There's also a tv show called My Sister Sam. It was once really popular and is still discussed in popular media because one of the stars was murdered by an obsessed fan. Again, I think Casey could have blurted out "sister sam" because she wanted to divine a new character and this popped into her mind because she'd seen or read about "My Sister Sam." Or again, she could have supplied the "sister sam" because it's amusing to her to not only supply false information, but to craft little inside jokes for herself.

The book/tv connections could be random coincidences and she could just have worn rosary beads to appear more sympathetic. However I'm inclined to think she gets major pleasure out of crafting strange riddles and inside jokes with herself. You know it has to kill her to be unable to react or lash out to all the current scrutiny. She clearly gets to a point where she can't help herself and has to say or do something (ie creating the new strange Blanchard Park abduction tale to impress Rob; posting the infamous and baiting "Diary of Days" blog entry weeks after Caylee had disappeared) I think we should all look for strange quirks or behaviors the longer this drags on because I think there will be some.
Nancy B, I agree with everything you have said, especially about the crafty little riddles and jokes. IMHO, she just doesnt get that we know exactly what she is doing. She sees the jokes as proof that she is smarter than the rest of the world and that we dont "get" the funnies. She woefully underestimates the intelligence and capabilities of LE and the FBI and the rest of us are just the dense audience at the Its All About KC Show.

I will be very suprised if the tattoo on her shoulder doesnt have some significance to where she left or disposed of Caylee. Very suprised indeed. I think it would be the ultimate joke to her, we are all frantically searching and the answer is right under our noses in plain view! She would find that extremely amusing and once again, PROOF POSITIVE of her superior intellect.

I don't think Caylees body will ever be found. I am sure she distroyed her completely. Caylee was symbolic of her (KC's) relationship with her mother? By killing Caylee she was killing all her ties to her mother and perhaps even a symbolic distruction of CA herself? She certainly achieved that on an emotional level but perhaps KC was acting out on Caylee what she actually would like to do to her mother.

I also think that KC felt a deep shame over becoming a single mother with no father for her child. Maybe on some level she blamed Caylee for proving to the world that she (KC) could not "keep" a man (deep seated feelings of rejection, abandonment, not being worthy), or, "get" a man after Caylee was born (feelings of not fitting in with her peers, failed relationship with RM and knowing she was not really welcome at TL's). Wiping Caylee off the face of the earth, in her mind may have been tantamount to obliterating the above mentioned resentments (ETA- or revenge for Caylee being the cause of those feelings).
Hence, the celebratory nights in Fusion etc. I honestly dread to think of what she did to Caylee to ensure that no-one would ever find her. As far as we know she was not even concerned that someone would randomly find Caylee. I wonder if she went to "check" on the body at all? If KC had left remains of Caylee, chances are that she would go back to the place to reassure herself that nothing was disturbed, or to gloat and relive the event. Also, she said that Caylee was "close". If there is something left of Caylee, she could be in a place that KC passes by frequently. Somewhere that she can revisit with people noticing. Alot of women who kill their children place them somewhere reminisant of the womb and even put them in the fetal position. I dont see KC doing that however. Her demeanor reminds me of Dianne Downes. Nothing caring or motherly about her at all :(
Obviously she thought her lies were so convincing that she'd be able to tell her story about Zanny the nanny taking Caylee away & everyone would believe her! I wonder what she's thinking now...I love the tapes, the officer who is questioning her was awesome, she couldn't even respond toward the end. I wonder if she's sorry for what she's done to Caylee now.
Obviously she thought her lies were so convincing that she'd be able to tell her story about Zanny the nanny taking Caylee away & everyone would believe her! I wonder what she's thinking now...I love the tapes, the officer who is questioning her was awesome, she couldn't even respond toward the end. I wonder if she's sorry for what she's done to Caylee now.

She's a narrcissistic sociopath, even her own Mother warned people what she was. So the only person she is sorry for is Casey. :mad:
People DO believe her! That is part of the problem here. People actually are buying into her story of a kidnapping yada yada yada. As long as Baez and her family are willing to perpetuate her lies then this charade will continue indefinitely.
People DO believe her! That is part of the problem here. People actually are buying into her story of a kidnapping yada yada yada. As long as Baez and her family are willing to perpetuate her lies then this charade will continue indefinitely.

I don't believe her. The only thing I believe was her 911 call last night. Even tho she did not mention that her mom had a baseball bat.
I doubt very seriously she is sorry,Unbelievable.......
She's not sorry, if she were, she would have told where her baby is long ago so Caylee could have a proper goodbye.

My daughter and I listened to the tapes together. We both wondered how the poor LE managed to go home that night and not return to the station bald and newly drug addicted. Talk about a frustrating B*tch!

Loved the 911 operator who remained so calm and professional when you could almost "hear" her head was ready to explode with the wild tale she was hearing. 'I haven't seen my daughter in 31 days and couldn't be bothered to notify the police.' :doh: LE deserves tons of kudos for the restrain they exhibit. I would have been screaming "WTF????" and several other expletives as I beat the liar senseless. :furious:

Is she remorseful? She'll only be truly remorseful when she is convicted. Remorseful that she was caught and has to pay.
She has antisocial personality disorder. She has all of the traits from pathological lying, to stealing, to being irresponsible with money, not being unable to hold down a job, not being able to take on parental responsibility, having no remorse, having no regard for the life and safety of others.
She needs treatment and medication, not handholding as Baez is doing.
Her parents knew that she had these sociopathic traits and they did not help her. Instead they enabled her.
Baez has no defense. Insanity hardly ever works, and with antisocial personality disorder, she still knows right from wrong. He took on the case because of the notoriety. All he can do is try to argue that there was not really a dead body in the car and try to show she was a good mother. She has lied in the affadavit and over and over and there is no way to defend her. Every time she opens her mouth she tells another lie
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