Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

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I thought it was going to be that the two incidents didn't have anything to do with one another---that she simply didn't want to split the inheritance or something...

Yea Me! I'm not doooooomed.

We have done this before and this is just an on-line "quiz" it's not real. So don't worry!
This thread reminded me of a email I recieved a few days ago. Not a sociopath, but a psychopath test.

Psychopath Test

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the
bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No
one I know has gotten it right.

While at the funeral of her own mother, a woman met a man who she did not
know. She thought he was 'amazing'. She believed him to be her dream partner
so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his
number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What was her motive for killing her sister?

Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below.


She was hoping the guy would appear again at her sister's funeral. If you
answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test
developed by a famous American psychologist, used to test if one has the
same mentality as a killer.

Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you.

If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off my
e-mail list.

Beffie, Im quite embarrassed and disturbed... I answered it correctly. :waitasec: But I am by no means a psychopath, have never killed anyone and never would. It just seemed the logical answer knowing how twisted some people in society are. :eek:

(someone else please tell me they knew the answer too?) :/
Wow, that's one chilling summary of what a sociopath is. AND it fits Casey to a "T"!

Sadly, it also fits my half sister to a T. But, she'd seen a shrink years ago that had labeled her bi-polar. Honestly, everyone's thought it was a lot more than that for years. I'm just glad I live 2000 miles away from her.
Beffie, Im quite embarrassed and disturbed... I answered it correctly. :waitasec: But I am by no means a psychopath, have never killed anyone and never would. It just seemed the logical answer knowing how twisted some people in society are. :eek:

(someone else please tell me they knew the answer too?) :/

Maybe it also could mean you're a born profiler!
I am curious to read info about how Sociopaths are diagnosed, discovered, live under the radar.....etc. Do Sociopathic parents create sociopathic children, etc.

I would welcome experts to post to this thread as well as anecdotal experiences. Thank you.

Psychopath and Sociopath are no longer terms that are used in the DSM.. it's all lumped together now as Anti-social personality disorder. Not everyone agrees that it should be this way but it is. You can find the diagnostic criteria here .

Also here is an article written by Hare some may find of interest.

If you read this thread from the beginning you will also find quite a bit of information of interest.
Beffie, Im quite embarrassed and disturbed... I answered it correctly. :waitasec: But I am by no means a psychopath, have never killed anyone and never would. It just seemed the logical answer knowing how twisted some people in society are. :eek:

(someone else please tell me they knew the answer too?) :/

It is just the logical answer based on what we know about these types of people. As I said, don't worry it isn't real. It's like one of those quizzes they have that people put on their MySpace profiles!

That's fascinating!

Larry King did a show a couple of years ago about everyday sociopaths. There were doctors on saying that roughly 2% of the population are sociopaths.

Most of them may never break the law, but they'll do all these things with zero guilt:
*sleep with their best friend's wife/husband and justify it
*are CEOs who clean out employee retirement accounts
*are bullying bosses
*lie to get a promotion at someone else's expense

...etc., etc., etc.
The severity of symptoms of most personality disorders are on a continium sociopathy and psychopathy are are the extreme end of the scale and murders at the most extreme. Yes - I believe its like being pregnant - you either are or you arent They have been doing studies of inmates in prisons and have found that sociopaths brains do not operate as other normal people but the debate of which came first will rage for years . I personally believe its due to their misuse of it - if you limp for decades eventually your normal leg is no longer going to look or act normally . Once you have been a victim of one of these wingnuts its easy to spot them but for the uninformed they rarely realize what they are up against until much too late . They are good at projecting an image - their survival depends upon it and they have been doing it since they were toddlers. None of KC friends believed she was capable of doing the things we know she has done and were stunned by the depth of the deceptions . A common occurance They rack up a long line of victims by the end of their lives no one is safe and they have no regret or accept any responsibility for the damage and heartache they inflict . Be very wary of people who are pounding on your sympathy buttons with a sledge hammer every wingnut I know has a sad sob story which they " share " with you . Some even have a kernel of truth to them but never let someones sad tale excuse their awful behavior towards you . Build and enforce strong boundaries is your best defense.
Hmm, I figured the sister was also interested in the man but she got his name and a date with him and because the sister had always came out ahead on everything, she was killed as a result of out of control sibling rivalry . Then I thought maybe the killer believed her sister to be the cause of mom's death. The real answer - kill the sister in expectation that the stranger will attend the funeral - never crossed my mind because it defies logic.

So, if the sociopath's motive for murder defies logic, where does that leave us with KC? Being free to be with TonE makes some logical sense as a motive ( a la Susan Smith), getting back at mom and dad makes some logical sense (vindictive). Are we are all perhaps trying to find logical reasoning where there is none?

I do not know where to put this, but I have to ask. Is there any update on the female jogger murdered in Jay Blanchard Park on June 9th? Any leads in the case? Any chloroform in the toxicology reports? My mind is wandering around the Park connection and June 9th (the first date reported to have been the last day to see Caylee and which was cemented in CA and KC's mind for some reason). Surely just a brain cramp. I will get over it.
The purpose of this big newstory is ultimately to give authorities more power to deal with sociopaths, before they commit a crime, which is futuristic, Orwellian thinking.

Orwell wrote "1984" so we wouldn't do those kinds of things.

What if the story backfires and Casey is proven innocent of killing her child?

Casey loved Caylee and Jesse wanted her to be adopted. Jesse managed to get his way. Casey told police she was willing to provide another home for Caylee. What did she mean? Why did she say that? What was she trying to accomplish in that conversation, since Casey nor anyone has mentioned adoption? Why did she say she was willing to provide Caylee with another home?

Now that this adoption has gone bad, if this theory is true, Casey is afraid to say anything that might put Caylee in danger from the people who have her and who weren't supposed to disappear.

This is all big intrique that involves an adoption, which was then used to make it look like the sociopath Casey killed her daughter. The ultimate purpose is, authorities want to be able to pass laws to put anyone they don't believe is perfectly normal away.

That is scary.
The purpose of this big newstory is ultimately to give authorities more power to deal with sociopaths, before they commit a crime, which is futuristic, Orwellian thinking.

Orwell wrote "1984" so we wouldn't do those kinds of things.

What if the story backfires, and Casey is proven innocent of killing her child?

Casey loved Caylee and Jesse wanted her to be adopted. Jesse managed to get his way. Casey told police she was willing to provide another home for Caylee. What did she mean? Why did she say that? What was she trying to accomplish in that conversation, since Casey nor anyone has mentioned adoption? Why did she say she was willing to provide Caylee with another home?

Now that this adoption has gone bad, if this theory is true, Casey is afraid to say anything that might put Caylee in danger from the people who have her and who weren't supposed to disappear.

This is all big intrique that involves an adoption, which was then used to make it look like the sociopath Casey killed her daughter. The authorities want to be able to pass laws to put anyone they don't believe is perfectly normal away.

That is scary.

Totally ludicrious.
Why have they given up and quit talking?

Why did Casey keep saying she is afraid for Caylee?

Why did Casey say she was willing to provide another home for Caylee?
Sadly, it also fits my half sister to a T. But, she'd seen a shrink years ago that had labeled her bi-polar. Honestly, everyone's thought it was a lot more than that for years. I'm just glad I live 2000 miles away from her.

While in a mania a person with Bipolar can seem to have Psychopathic tendencies. I know I did... I cared about nobody but myself, I stole, lied, cheated, engaged in risky sexual behavior, I have been arrested countless times, lost my drivers license then drove on a suspended license. I could go on but I think you get the point. These behaviors are only present while manic though and it is even brought up in the diagnostic criteria that it doesn't "count" if it only happens during a manic phase.

BTW, I have been in treatment for 6 years and have had none of these symptoms in this time.
This thread reminded me of a email I recieved a few days ago. Not a sociopath, but a psychopath test.

Psychopath Test

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the
bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No
one I know has gotten it right.

While at the funeral of her own mother, a woman met a man who she did not
know. She thought he was 'amazing'. She believed him to be her dream partner
so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his
number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What was her motive for killing her sister?

Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below.


She was hoping the guy would appear again at her sister's funeral. If you
answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test
developed by a famous American psychologist, used to test if one has the
same mentality as a killer.

Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you.

If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off my
e-mail list.

Well I answered it correctly in about 1/8 of a second. :poke:

But since I have had to deal with a person with splitting BPD.....I guess I have gotten pretty good at knowing what she is up to. :banghead:

What I found that was interesting is the professionals told me that my 1/2 sister is not a psychopath. I guess some of the overlapping traits from one to the other makes it difficult even for the qualified to state a cut and dried diagnosis. :smiliescale:

It also may mean that I am able to apply critical thinking to a scenario and come up with answer that best fits the premis of the question and has no bearing on any mental disorders. :laughbounce:
I answered it correctly in about 1/8 second, too; then I thought, "Too risky. Why would he necessarily show up at the second funeral?"

OneLost Grl said: "I cared about nobody but myself, I stole, lied, cheated, engaged in risky sexual behavior, I have been arrested countless times, lost my drivers license then drove on a suspended license. I could go on..."

Actually, what you did is just stupid. The point of everything is to make yourself happy, and the best way is to make other people happy in the process. Casey was very smart and did both. But she did it with no limitations, so you call her evil.

But the bottom line will be she didn't kill or neglect her daughter, who she loves.
Well I answered it correctly in about 1/8 of a second. :poke:

But since I have had to deal with a person with splitting BPD.....I guess I have gotten pretty good at knowing what she is up to. :banghead:

What I found that was interesting is the professionals told me that my 1/2 sister is not a psychopath. I guess some of the overlapping traits from one to the other makes it difficult even for the qualified to state a cut and dried diagnosis. :smiliescale:

It also may mean that I am able to apply critical thinking to a scenario and come up with answer that best fits the premis of the question and has no bearing on any mental disorders. :laughbounce:

True- very true.
Beffie, Im quite embarrassed and disturbed... I answered it correctly. :waitasec: But I am by no means a psychopath, have never killed anyone and never would. It just seemed the logical answer knowing how twisted some people in society are. :eek:

(someone else please tell me they knew the answer too?) :/

Misfit, my daughter answered this correctly too, (not the one who has BPD, the one who is "normal" as far as we know!) she is extremely bright and creative. No fears!!
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