Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

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Just my "lurking" opinion...

I believe KC is enjoying her time in the sun, that she somehow believes she's a celebrity.

She even SAID so, She once said, "I didn't mean to become a celebrity.":eek:
This mays sound crazy. But could KC have "Split Personality Disorder".

Multiple personality:

very rare psychological disorder in which a person has two or more distinct personalities, each with its own thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior. The personalities often are direct opposites and dominate at different times, with abrupt transitions triggered by distressful events or memories. Each may be entirely unaware of the other but aware of unexplained gaps in remembered time. In psychiatry the condition is known as dissociative identity disorder. The term “split personality,” denoting schizophrenia, refers to an unrelated disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Didnt Kiomarie and others state that KC couldnt remember from one day to the next, things she had told them.

Maybe, when she was around Caylee she referred to herself as the Nanny since she had already disassociated herself with being a mother and didnt want to keep Caylee in the beginning. But at Night time she was KC.
Maybe KC is Zanny since she can relate to her so well, and place her places that KC wanted to be, like New York or living in her own apartment at Sawgrass.Maybe the two personalites clashed and thats when Caylees life was taken.


Nope. No fugues (large chunks of lost time), no identifyable personality changes, since childhood.
I am sure they are looking at this or at least researched it as a possible defense.

It is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder if you want to look up some of the case studies.

That dx has lost a lot of traction. It was WAY over- diagnosed, back in the 80s.
i don't think that'll work.
they already did it in primal fear and edward norton put on a far more convincing performance.

Ken Bianchi TRIED to put on a convincing performance ;-)
Nope. Don't think you're jaded. His cry was too fake to me, too.

I saw a further full version of that interview and the "father" was nearly in convulsions with crying. Maybe he is not in on it after all? By the way....I saw there is a thread here about the case.
Just my "lurking" opinion...

I believe KC is enjoying her time in the sun, that she somehow believes she's a celebrity.
I agree. She enjoys seeing news clips about herself on tv, and enjoys the celebrity she feels 'she holds'. Yeah, she's a legend in her own mind! lol!

I wonder if she realizes she's infamous, as is Charlie Manson and Ted Bundy, and all those other 'fine folks'!
How can the a's live in that house? Caylee would be haunting me!!! IMO
Do the a's watch all the tv shows about them?
Do they ever leave their house?
Does LA still work?
Interesting about how their lives have changed from shouting at the camera to complete isolation.
I agree. She enjoys seeing news clips about herself on tv, and enjoys the celebrity she feels 'she holds'. Yeah, she's a legend in her own mind! lol!

I wonder if she realizes she's infamous, as is Charlie Manson and Ted Bundy, and all those other 'fine folks'!

She only "enjoys" what JB lets her see, hear or read. Her exposure to the real world is controlled by him. Except for what a guard may say to her or some inmate may shout at her-JB is the Master of her world! Obviously, we know that she knows Caylee has been found-she signed the papers to release her remains.
It would be truly interesting to know if she is sinking deeper into her alternate reality where she is probably more comfortable-or-if JB is trying to get her more mentally prepared for the strain of her trial, where she will have to hear her family an friends on the witness stand and she will see the prosecutions evidence and not be able to speak!!!:furious:
Perhaps Brini or OLG might be able to answer my question..
I have been spending the day reading up on PD's Narcissitic mainly (since I have to deal with one in my ex and we have a child) and I am confused.
ACOA display some similar issues that a BPD suffers from just not the Severity they experience. Is it possible this is a multigenerational addicted family.
Do PD's come from an alcoholic family( which I come from) ? Are they biological? CA Just screams addict In my humble opinion and BPD can be found in Addicts( Not all addicts are BPd) and did this create the Narcissist KC OR?
I don't believe LA is untouched by some PD either.......
Any insight is helpful Thanks
Very possible - Cindy has issues and borderlines often raise narcissists
they are both cluster b's Axis II disorders

BPD - I hate you dont leave me -

NPD - come close so I can slap you

they both have abandonment issues they just act them out differently

Alot of addicts also have PD's . Families blame the alcohol/ drugs but its the PD that is driving the addiction and the bad behavior, its a shock
when they become sober but are still irrational and family is still
walking on eggshells.
What about this Kelly guy? Kelly/Caylee? The "family friend" that GA said could be the ONE person that KC would confide in? Recently, I've read elsewhere that there were rumors that this "friend" had an affair with CA? YUCK. Everything we read and hear and talk about gets worse and worse in this CASE and nothing ever surprises!???

Perhaps Brini or OLG might be able to answer my question..
I have been spending the day reading up on PD's Narcissitic mainly (since I have to deal with one in my ex and we have a child) and I am confused.
ACOA display some similar issues that a BPD suffers from just not the Severity they experience. Is it possible this is a multigenerational addicted family.
Do PD's come from an alcoholic family( which I come from) ? Are they biological? CA Just screams addict In my humble opinion and BPD can be found in Addicts( Not all addicts are BPd) and did this create the Narcissist KC OR?
I don't believe LA is untouched by some PD either.......
Any insight is helpful Thanks

Very possible - Cindy has issues and borderlines often raise narcissists
they are both cluster b's Axis II disorders

BPD - I hate you dont leave me -

NPD - come close so I can slap you

they both have abandonment issues they just act them out differently

Alot of addicts also have PD's . Families blame the alcohol/ drugs but its the PD that is driving the addiction and the bad behavior, its a shock
when they become sober but are still irrational and family is still
walking on eggshells.

Great answer sharpar- ITA!

Sadly you will often find that an addict is mentally ill and what they are doing is self-medicating. Growing up with an addicted parent is very much like growing up with a personality disorderd parent (my mother was both). The behaviors are the same. The chaos, denial, anger, unpredictablility and constant worry of what will happen next teaches us the same defense mechanisms so we end up with the same issues as one another. Fear of abandonment, lack of trust in others, feeling unloveable.. you name it, they probably share it. Each set of parents were just as unavailable to the child- they just had different reasons.. regardless of the reasons, it effects the children in the same manner.

I also believe that some of the behaviors that go with certain mental illnesses can and often are addictive in nature. I will use myself as an example here- While manic I get a literal RUSH from my reckless behaviors, I crave whatever it may be. I tell myself not to, remind myself of the damage the behaviors cause, I know they are not healthy for me but sometimes I do them anyway because it makes me feel good, it fills that void in me.. I can feel it just as real as if I'd popped a handful of pills. It gives me a buzz. I know, strange, but it's the best way I can try to explain it.

They have 12 step programs for the mentally ill which I think is a wonderful idea because many of the behaviors of a mentally ill person are the same as an addict's behaviors. We share addictive personalities.

Gosh, you are so right about what people want to believe.. they try to find anything "reaL" (incest, rape, bipolar, ppd, psychosis) to blame it on because they just cannot comprehend that a person, a pretty little thing at that, could just be evil.

I get most resentful when people say Casey may be psychotic and that may be why she did what she did. It makes me want to take those people by the hand and escort them to a locked psych ward and have them spend the day.. going to groups with and spending time with people who are in fact psychotic. I bet by the end of the day their minds would be changed about Casey. Ya know?

There is illness and then there is evil and society needs to learn the difference. You are a kind soul, Brini- your posts always make so much sense and are informative..I thank you for that and your kindness toward me as well :)

LOL about the christmas party- we had a blast- my husbands boss always goes all out and they are all a bunch of lushes so it's always entertaining!

OLG, Please don't ever stop doing what you do here, to the nay sayers...well you know you will find them everywhere. To everyone else, you are doing a service to educate on a subject that truly needs to be better understood. And who better to do this?

I can tell you what it feels like to live with a narcissist, who has some very disturbing sociopathic tendencies. How it feels to question your own sanity, because being told often enough by the person who loves and treasures you above all others (except himself), you are the problem, you begin to see yourself this way too.

I can tell you how living this led to a deep depression, that at times I thought would never lift. About being so beaten down emotionally that a numbness settled in. Sometimes I thought physical abuse would have been easier to live with, because so many people won't believe in wounds or scars they can't see, so they don't believe in abusers who don't leave a bruise. It took me becoming depressed to realize the extent of the abuse that I had endured for years.

I can tell you what it's like to go through a divorce from a person who no longer wants to live with you, but wants to make sure they look like they have been victimized. (And how it feels to walk away feeling like a winner, no matter how badly you lost in court.)

I can tell you how it feels to raise 3 children by yourself, (after their father "dumped them on me" his words) while he literally lived a few blocks away. (how does a father "dump his children" on their mother? that is something I couldn't explain in a million years) Why it was easier to work 60 hours a week to keep a roof over their heads and food in their tummy's, then to keep taking the ex back to court to collect child support. (He quit his job so he didn't have to pay child support and it worked!) I can also tell you about my pride in each of my kids as they grew into adults; the love and respect I get from them for the choices I made concerning them and their welfare. And how I'd do it all again for any of them in a heartbeat.

I can tell you all about the heartbreak of watching my first born change from someone I loved and admired, to someone I don't know. My adult/child who I have cherished since the moment of conception, but despise the way she lives. The pain of knowing I can't "fix" her and the hope that someday she will want to fix herself. The wall I have put up to protect myself from her illness, so I won't get sucked into that cycle again. All the while loving her as much as I did the day she was born.

Like many other people I know a little about living with mental illness too, while neither of us asked for this, most of my experience with mental illness revolved around choice and becoming strong enough to walk away. While your experience revolves around you choosing to be strong enough to endure that which you can't walk away from.

OLG, the strength needed to face your own illness is admirable, the way you have risen above your own issues to be the best you can be for the sake of your child puts you at a level very few people reach, I hope you give yourself kudos on a daily basis, you deserve it. Sorry if this got too personal, or OT. There has been so much negativity on WS lately, I just really felt the need to point out someone really trying to do some good.
What about this Kelly guy? Kelly/Caylee? The "family friend" that GA said could be the ONE person that KC would confide in? Recently, I've read elsewhere that there were rumors that this "friend" had an affair with CA? YUCK. Everything we read and hear and talk about gets worse and worse in this CASE and nothing ever surprises!???


When was Kelly introduced into the fruit salad? Lee is the only person I remember C&G of endorsing as KC's confidant...

Is this a family friend meaning originally friends with G&C? Now rumored to have been overly friendly with KC? :yuck: and :yuck: :yuck: is right, and :shakehead: :censored: :ashamed0005: tossed in for good measure.

LE states to GA that she had a sudden personality change post high school, or post 20, I can't remember which, but I think something happened her senior year that changed her. If she was raped by a male relative, and she told her mom, and her mom didn't believe her, could something like this cause this behavior? Verbal abuse, stealing, lying to parents, especially her mom?
Not bonding with her daughter but pretending to, even to the point of murder?
just questions. No matter what happened if anything did, she had the control to give Caylee away when she was born, before she was born even, or anytime after, even when she was two. There is no excuse for what she did, but I do have questions as to what, if anything happened to cause Casey's personality change. Her grandma SP said she didn't know this Casey, so she wasn't always a monster. Something happened.And what if Caylee's father is a male relative, and GA was referring to it, and so the whole family was in on the "secret"? I have to go back and see Cindy's facial reaction to GA saying that. This could also explain CA's overreaction to JG on Casey's bed when they were already engaged at the time. jmo
One thing is certain, CA and Casey's relationship is strange. The only time we see possible real tears from Casey is when she is being referred to as someone's child, or when her mom was on the stand and publicly loves her daughter.
I really don't know if any of this means anything or not. I have no professional training on the subject of this thread.

The police didn't say she had a sudden personality change. They asked if anything had happened to her in the past 2 years.

Yeah, something did happen and it isn't that difficult to pin-point, IMO. Casey had a baby and was no longer the center of the universe. She was expected to grow up, to be a mother, to work and be responsible. She had no desire to settle down, that is obvious! She blew off her job, wanted to hang out with her friends all the time (lied about having a job at the sporting store so she could hang out with friends when she was supposed to be "working") and party.. she wanted to meet men, spend the night at boyfriends houses and she couldn't, because of Caylee or if she did then mommy would call and make her come home. Casey wanted to continue living her life on her terms, for her, not for her child.

Having a baby and being expected to care for that baby changed everything...IMO that's the "something" that happened!
This mays sound crazy. But could KC have "Split Personality Disorder".

Multiple personality:

very rare psychological disorder in which a person has two or more distinct personalities, each with its own thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior. The personalities often are direct opposites and dominate at different times, with abrupt transitions triggered by distressful events or memories. Each may be entirely unaware of the other but aware of unexplained gaps in remembered time. In psychiatry the condition is known as dissociative identity disorder. The term “split personality,” denoting schizophrenia, refers to an unrelated disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Didnt Kiomarie and others state that KC couldnt remember from one day to the next, things she had told them.

Maybe, when she was around Caylee she referred to herself as the Nanny since she had already disassociated herself with being a mother and didnt want to keep Caylee in the beginning. But at Night time she was KC.
Maybe KC is Zanny since she can relate to her so well, and place her places that KC wanted to be, like New York or living in her own apartment at Sawgrass.Maybe the two personalites clashed and thats when Caylees life was taken.


Bolding above is mine.
I know I'm a bit late with my reponse to this post but it is bordering on my thought process through this whole Caylee crisis.

I love everyones' input.....fascinating!
I love the links especially that of Dr. Mitchell!

But the MPD aspect has been in the back of my mind for a long time and now that the defense hasn't much to go on unless Casey decides to take a deal -plead to lessor, I have been thinking about it more and more.

What if *follow along like you are interested even though you might think I might be talking out of my hat. lol*
What if "When it all comes out in court you will all be surprised/know the whole story" turns out to be "Casey has had a deep dark secret for years that she has been afraid to tell anyone. That secret is that Casey loses time. She can't remember what she did an hour ago sometimes. As an example; She will be going along just fine and suddenly find herself in her car driving but doesn't know where she was supposed to be going".

Maybe not MPD but something else, something that started happening maybe in Jr. or Sr. high?
Could there be an illness, much like alchoholics black out and don't remember what they did, where Casey blacked out or lost time and her repeated words to LE, family and anyone who'd listen were "I don't know where Caylee is" is the truth?

NOT that I am defending Casey in any way but I guess my mind can't wrap around any of the facts...that a mom, with all she had going for her, would kill a precious baby like Caylee. I'm trying to make some sense of it all...even bought the book 'Erased' by Marilee Strong in hopes of helping me come to grips with what has happened.

I'm just wondering if there isn't some medical condition that Casey has that she has been keeping secret...the whole 'perfect impression of the family' and all that she's been taught, to keep it hidden.

In my own family, when a family member finally came clean and told the family about her bipolar, the family changed the subject.
Most of the family said there is no way there could be mental illness in the family and didn't believe family member, the other members refused to discuss it with the bipolar family member and a few won't speak to bipolar family member saying she is 'sick' and 'could kill someone at any moment'.
I'm telling this because maybe Casey knew darn well what would happen if she told any family member about her losing time or not remembering instances weeks, days or even hours ago. I can imagine her family and what they would say/do!

So in Casey's family, maybe Casey would be afraid to tell anyone in her family that she was losing time and in fact really doesn't remember what happened to Caylee...especially if her family is anything like mine when it comes to sweeping things under the rug and keeping up all appearances no matter the cost.

OK, don't hit me with a wet noodle :)...I'm just rambling...trying to make some sense of it all.
:blowkiss:to you all!! Your posts have been helpful beyond words!:blowkiss:
OLG, Please don't ever stop doing what you do here, to the nay sayers...well you know you will find them everywhere. To everyone else, you are doing a service to educate on a subject that truly needs to be better understood. And who better to do this?

I can tell you what it feels like to live with a narcissist, who has some very disturbing sociopathic tendencies. How it feels to question your own sanity, because being told often enough by the person who loves and treasures you above all others (except himself), you are the problem, you begin to see yourself this way too.

I can tell you how living this led to a deep depression, that at times I thought would never lift. About being so beaten down emotionally that a numbness settled in. Sometimes I thought physical abuse would have been easier to live with, because so many people won't believe in wounds or scars they can't see, so they don't believe in abusers who don't leave a bruise. It took me becoming depressed to realize the extent of the abuse that I had endured for years.

I can tell you what it's like to go through a divorce from a person who no longer wants to live with you, but wants to make sure they look like they have been victimized. (And how it feels to walk away feeling like a winner, no matter how badly you lost in court.)

I can tell you how it feels to raise 3 children by yourself, (after their father "dumped them on me" his words) while he literally lived a few blocks away. (how does a father "dump his children" on their mother? that is something I couldn't explain in a million years) Why it was easier to work 60 hours a week to keep a roof over their heads and food in their tummy's, then to keep taking the ex back to court to collect child support. (He quit his job so he didn't have to pay child support and it worked!) I can also tell you about my pride in each of my kids as they grew into adults; the love and respect I get from them for the choices I made concerning them and their welfare. And how I'd do it all again for any of them in a heartbeat.

I can tell you all about the heartbreak of watching my first born change from someone I loved and admired, to someone I don't know. My adult/child who I have cherished since the moment of conception, but despise the way she lives. The pain of knowing I can't "fix" her and the hope that someday she will want to fix herself. The wall I have put up to protect myself from her illness, so I won't get sucked into that cycle again. All the while loving her as much as I did the day she was born.

Like many other people I know a little about living with mental illness too, while neither of us asked for this, most of my experience with mental illness revolved around choice and becoming strong enough to walk away. While your experience revolves around you choosing to be strong enough to endure that which you can't walk away from.

OLG, the strength needed to face your own illness is admirable, the way you have risen above your own issues to be the best you can be for the sake of your child puts you at a level very few people reach, I hope you give yourself kudos on a daily basis, you deserve it. Sorry if this got too personal, or OT. There has been so much negativity on WS lately, I just really felt the need to point out someone really trying to do some good.

Thank you, that's really sweet of you!
YOUR strength is admirable, woman! I don't know if I could make it in a situation like yours, for real!! :blowkiss:

Please don't ever feel guilty (or allow her to make you feel guilty) for protecting yourself against what your daughter has allowed herself to become. You are doing the right thing! I pray she will see what she is doing to herself and get help, sooner rather than later! :blowkiss:
Bolding above is mine.
I know I'm a bit late with my reponse to this post but it is bordering on my thought process through this whole Caylee crisis.

I love everyones' input.....fascinating!
I love the links especially that of Dr. Mitchell!

But the MPD aspect has been in the back of my mind for a long time and now that the defense hasn't much to go on unless Casey decides to take a deal -plead to lessor, I have been thinking about it more and more.

What if *follow along like you are interested even though you might think I might be talking out of my hat. lol*
What if "When it all comes out in court you will all be surprised/know the whole story" turns out to be "Casey has had a deep dark secret for years that she has been afraid to tell anyone. That secret is that Casey loses time. She can't remember what she did an hour ago sometimes. As an example; She will be going along just fine and suddenly find herself in her car driving but doesn't know where she was supposed to be going".

Maybe not MPD but something else, something that started happening maybe in Jr. or Sr. high?
Could there be an illness, much like alcholics black out and don't remember what they did, where Casey blacked out or lost time and her repeated words to LE, family and anyone who'd listen were "I don't know where Caylee is" is the truth?

NOT that I am defending Casey in any way but I guess my mind can't wrap around any of the facts...that a mom, with all she had going for her, would kill a precious baby like Caylee. I'm trying to make some sense of it all...even bought the book 'Erased' by Marilee Strong in hopes of helping me come to grips with what has happened.

I'm just wondering if there isn't some medical condition that Casey has that she has been keeping secret...the whole 'perfect impression of the family' and all that she's been taught, to keep it hidden.

In my own family, when a family member finally came clean and told the family about her bipolar, the family changed the subject.
Most of the family said there is no way there could be mental illness in the family and didn't believe family member, the other members refused to discuss it with the bipolar family member and a few won't speak to bipolar family member saying they are 'sick' and 'could kill someone at any moment'.

So in Casey's family, maybe Casey would be afraid to tell anyone in her family that she was losing time and in fact really doesn't remember what happened to Caylee...especially if her family is anything like mine when it comes to sweeping things under the rug and keeping up all appearances no matter the cost.

OK, don't hit me with a wet noodle :)...I'm just rambling...trying to make some sense of it all.

People would notice- you can't keep "losing time" a secret. Also, I can't imagine she would choose life in prison for the murder of her daughter over simply telling people she looses time- no matter how messed up she is. I mean, she has already shattered the "'perfect impression of the family", I'd think in comparison her parents would be happy all she was doing was "losing time", not killing her daughter.
Not trying in any way shapes of form to defend anything KC has done, but as a person with a siezure disorder I have lost long periods of time. I consealed it for 5 years until I was driving with a friend to my sisters house and half way there I forgot where I was, who I was with and where I was going. I did not have an accident she alerted me something was wrong. I had many tests and mri of brain and was found to be epileptic. I no longer drive and my siezure have become worse, but in the begining I would just space out and not remember anything.

It has been said that KC has had at least one siezure, it is entirely possible that she is in the begining stages of full blown epilespys. It took 5 years for mine to develope to that stage. It was a result of falling on ice.
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