Casey & Family Psychological Profile #4

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I have an unwritten rule I follow in my life-- "Never trust a person who doesn't have pictures, artwork or something hanging on their walls."

Throughout my life, the people I have met who I later found out suffered from mental illness or personality disorders always had empty or nearly empty walls in their apartment/home.

I had my own experience with a sociopath. He was married and lived in my coop apartment building with his wife (and bare walls!). He stole $40,000 from our troubled co-op association and had most of the owners believing the story he came up with to cover up his lies (he was an investment banker who was getting a loan so our building could pay our back taxes.

He made up stories about how wealthy he was, his background, childhood, etc. His wife even believed him (they had been married a couple of years), although both the co-op apartment and his new BMW were in her name (she was a schoolteacher.) His sham was eventually revealed, and I later found he had a history of conning/stealing money off of people and companies who thought they were making investments. He also was abusive to his wife, and she eventually took out a restraining order on him and then divorced him. He charmed his way into other women's lives and talked one into leasing a car for him. Currently he is in jail, serving time for extortion.

I can recognize these types pretty quickly now, but at the time in my life that this happened, I was totally bamboozled for a few months. Once you realize that a person is a sociopath and everything they have told you is a lie-- well, it's pretty scary and creepy. When my friend and I hired a lawyer to prove he had stolen the $$ from our co-op., he used to follow me to the train station in the morning and stand there to try to intimidate me and get me to fire my lawyer. I would not give in, and eventually he left me alone, but would make menacing gestures when I would see him in the hallways of the co-op building.

Wow. it's amazing how some people can do this. I'm sorry for what you and others have gone through, but in an odd way it makes me feel a little better knowing that I wasn't the only one who was fooled by someone.

The weird thing about my situation is that he did have pictures. They just weren't of people he actually knew. He had pictures everywhere, even emails from his fake family. Amazing.
My late husband, a Native American Traditional Healer, did not have a University degree, but always said he had earned a PhD from the Elders who taught him and from his life experiences -- and he was the smartest, most educated person and most compassionate man I have ever known.

The way I see it, the people like myself (and, it seems, all Websleuthers) who have been through these experiences, have gained incredible knowledge through our loss, fear and pain. I am 50 now, and as the years go by I am beginning to relate to what my parents said about learning through experience and "someday you will understand." I understand all too well, now, and can sometimes see the outcome before anything happens.

That old saying "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger" is true! And, hopefully, it makes us wiser.
Interesting thing ...KC seems to be changing her signature, morphing it to a little more like Jose's signature, quite flamboyant amd flourished, signing only certain letters. It can be seen here, on her waiver to appear in court Fri., pg. 2. Jose's sig. is on the same page:

Kind of reminds me of the press conference where she started dressing like a law clerk, with pin-striped pants, white collared shirt, and studious glasses.

Anyway, thought I'd bring it over here, to see what opinions there were from the psych. pt. of view. She seems to be signing CAY, now. A kind of shortened "Casey", but more interesting is that it seems like more of Caylee's name.

I think this type of analysis is fascinating. Perhaps KC is unconsciously trying to identify with Caylee, who is of course, the true victim in all this. By putting on the Caylee mask, she becomes the innocent and persecuted. I'd love to see her psychological evaluations, especially from the beginning of her incarcerations as compared to now.
So now we know what she does in her "dorm" all day in between commissary snacks. Reminds me of when she practiced writing her name as Casey "L".

This is just another side of Casey the chameleon. She fancies herself as a member of the legal team now and needs a suitable signature. It bolsters her sense of self-importance.

Chameleon people are so scarey. I knew a man like that, but sooner than later the spots don't change on the leopard. What sort of bothers me, is kc is who ever some one wants her to be. When hanging out with Fusion gang
the man that had 'kill' on his fingers......and kc got into more tatoos, she had an appt. on Sat for another, would it be a morbid one next? Just a thought.
kc had shamrock (Irish) flower (?) beautiful life (in Italian) next one? ??
Do you really think time and money has been spent to do a complete psychological evaluation on Casey? I have my doubts. Maybe a cursory one, though. Unfortunately, from my experience in life, she appears to me to be a sociopath. Her own mother described her as one to a friend, remember? And I agree that Cindy fits the narcissist, as well.
What is the technical term for someone who molds themselves to be like whoever they are with? Borderline is the closest I can come, but I don't know if that is what I am looking for.
I've had way too much experience with pathological/compulsive liars in my lifetime. Narcissists, check, bi-polar, check, borderline, check, but I don't think I've ever been around a sociopath, except maybe in passing.
Was there a thread in the parking lot about people's experiences with others with these disorders? My MIL is probably the worst liar I have ever met in my life. I have pretty much cut her out of my life, but last week she extended an olive branch. (Sympathy card for the death of my brother, he died the week before Christmas. Nice of her to think about me a month later... and wish she hadn't bothered.) I don't want her back in my life, and so far have not responded at all, but was wondering if the best approach is to ignore, or respond with leave me the he!! alone.

No contact is the only way to ensure they dont re enter your life.
The card was the way for her to get her foot back in the door.
If you had answered she would call, stop by and the whole game
begins again like nothing ever happened.
If you consistently fail to respond they eventually quit trying.
The tactic is called hoovering - where they try and suck you back in
Your instincts are right on the money .
I think this type of analysis is fascinating. Perhaps KC is unconsciously trying to identify with Caylee, who is of course, the true victim in all this. By putting on the Caylee mask, she becomes the innocent and persecuted. I'd love to see her psychological evaluations, especially from the beginning of her incarcerations as compared to now.

It's interesting, isn't it? I think we're aware of KC's chameleon-like characteristics, blending in to whoever she's with, and that may be all that the new siggy is. But this signature makes me wonder. Is it just KC chameleon-ing like Jose, or is she doing more here? Incorporating Caylee into herself, i.e. taking "posession" of her.
I just read this article and thought it offered a lot of insight into the mind of Casey as well as her parents actions toward her.

From the article, in regards to Casey:

Some of the behavior traits of malignant narcissists according to Dr. Sam Vaknin:

* Feels entitled. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her unreasonable expectations for special and favorable priority treatment;

* Is “impersonally exploitative”, i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends;

* Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with, acknowledge, or accept the feelings, needs, preferences, priorities, and choices of others;

* Constantly envious of others and seeks to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration. Suffers from persecutory (paranoid) delusions as he or she believes that they feel the same about him or her and are likely to act similarly;

* Behaves arrogantly and haughtily. Feels superior, omnipotent, omniscient, invincible, immune, “above the law”, and omnipresent (magical thinking). Rages when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people he or she considers inferior to him or her and unworthy.

It's a pretty long article, but well worth the read...
Very interesting indeed... I have read and researched alot of information regarding malignant narcissism. I thought I may add that Dr. Sam Vaknin is an excellent author and is also a self proclaimed narcissist as well (he provides a lot of information regarding the subject).

Regarding the persecutory delusions..I was wondering if this may be what KC may be now suffering from since her confinement in protective custody. It is known that if a narcissist is confined in solitude away from their "source of narcissitic supply" (friends, loved ones) of which they receive in order to maintain their image that they have of themselves, then they begin to falter and wither. They have to have others "mirror their image" back to them, and they will do whatever they can, and whatever it takes in order to have that happen. If that doesn't happen they can begin to have paranoia and think that others are thinking bad thoughts of them or about them and their image.

She is not mentally ill, but personality disordered. She needs to be locked away for life in solitary. That would really do her in.
At some point, when "the pieces" stop fitting together, my friend backs off. She is very accustomed to people questioning and accusing her, and she internalizes her thoughts when she gets "busted". She seems much more comfortable in relating things to new people--I honestly have not witnessed what happens when one of the dillusions confronts the outside world. Others have been privy to these occurrences, but since I know her, I would not pursue those avenues.

All that aside, I have a I correct that a person with a psychopathic personality is a person with a mental disorder? What's your opinion of a person with a mental disorder being held up to the public in the manner that is occuring with this case? I think this whole scenario is making the general public appear to be very cold and callous--behaviors that resemble the accusations being thrown KC's way. I feel that psychiatric conditions, like medical conditions, should be treated with as much confidentiality as possible. When there are indications of that a mental illness is involved, it seems that the opportunity for microscopic analysis of behavior by total strangers is a violation of privacy, even though this is a murder charge. Most people don't ask to have personality disorders...

Most people with personality disorders-- even most sociiopaths-- don't murder two-year olds. either.

Once that felony line is crossed, it's a public issue.

Also, sociopathy is not treatable, at this time.

Sociopaths KNOW right from wrong.. they just don't care.

If KC got off, there's an excellent chance that she would get pregnant and kill another child. Or, she could kill a husband with a big life insurance policy, if she wanted the money.
Very interesting indeed... I have read and researched alot of information regarding malignant narcissism. I thought I may add that Dr. Sam Vaknin is an excellent author and is also a self proclaimed narcissist as well (he provides a lot of information regarding the subject).

Regarding the persecutory delusions..I was wondering if this may be what KC may be now suffering from since her confinement in protective custody. It is known that if a narcissist is confined in solitude away from their "source of narcissitic supply" (friends, loved ones) of which they receive in order to maintain their image that they have of themselves, then they begin to falter and wither. They have to have others "mirror their image" back to them, and they will do whatever they can, and whatever it takes in order to have that happen. If that doesn't happen they can begin to have paranoia and think that others are thinking bad thoughts of them or about them and their image.

She is not mentally ill, but personality disordered. She needs to be locked away for life in solitary. That would really do her in.

This says it all!:clap::clap:
What is the technical term for someone who molds themselves to be like whoever they are with? Borderline is the closest I can come, but I don't know if that is what I am looking for.
I've had way too much experience with pathological/compulsive liars in my lifetime. Narcissists, check, bi-polar, check, borderline, check, but I don't think I've ever been around a sociopath, except maybe in passing.
Was there a thread in the parking lot about people's experiences with others with these disorders? My MIL is probably the worst liar I have ever met in my life. I have pretty much cut her out of my life, but last week she extended an olive branch. (Sympathy card for the death of my brother, he died the week before Christmas. Nice of her to think about me a month later... and wish she hadn't bothered.) I don't want her back in my life, and so far have not responded at all, but was wondering if the best approach is to ignore, or respond with leave me the he!! alone.


A response is attention. Attention is an invitation, to these people.

Save yourself a lot of pain. :blowkiss:
Or she would've appeared confused. She would've shown a visible change of emotion or state of mind that the detectives would've noted. But she didn't skip a beat. As another poster once wrote, she simply ran out of hall.

Do you really think time and money has been spent to do a complete psychological evaluation on Casey? I have my doubts. Maybe a cursory one, though. Unfortunately, from my experience in life, she appears to me to be a sociopath. Her own mother described her as one to a friend, remember? And I agree that Cindy fits the narcissist, as well.

I dont know how complete but they have to determine she is
legally competent to stand trial. That she is capable of assisting
in her defense.
Do you really think time and money has been spent to do a complete psychological evaluation on Casey? I have my doubts. Maybe a cursory one, though. Unfortunately, from my experience in life, she appears to me to be a sociopath. Her own mother described her as one to a friend, remember? And I agree that Cindy fits the narcissist, as well.

She is one for the books alright! And I did notice that about her writing too, and her clothes changing depending on the situation.

There would be so much to learn from her, I hope when she dies, they put her brain under a super duper microscope and disect and bisect every single molecule of her entire pathetic existence.
There are. She's a sociopath. They do not bond. Children are often killed by sociopathic mothers.

Sociopathy is called "characterological." Meaning that it's a character disorder. Delusion is not an issue.

And. yes, I have experienced people who are delusional. I'm a psychiatric nurse.

She knew she didn't work at Universal. If she was delusional, she would have taken them to what she thought was her office.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Great post.
Interesting thing ...KC seems to be changing her signature, morphing it to a little more like Jose's signature, quite flamboyant amd flourished, signing only certain letters. It can be seen here, on her waiver to appear in court Fri., pg. 2. Jose's sig. is on the same page:

Kind of reminds me of the press conference where she started dressing like a law clerk, with pin-striped pants, white collared shirt, and studious glasses.

Anyway, thought I'd bring it over here, to see what opinions there were from the psych. pt. of view. She seems to be signing CAY, now. A kind of shortened "Casey", but more interesting is that it seems like more of Caylee's name.
I noticed the similarity as well. This seems to be her "pattern" with men, sort of like she is shaping herself to be more likeable to them by copying their interests, behaviors, etc...JB must be the replacement in her mind for TL and JG. Who's it going to be when they ship her off to prison ? I probably shouldn't have asked that question...:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I don't know if they administer the MMPI in jail Psychology assessments, but if they did with KC wouldn't the test pick up on any "feigning" of symptoms related to psychiatric disorders ?
I don't know if they administer the MMPI in jail Psychology assessments, but if they did with KC wouldn't the test pick up on any "feigning" of symptoms related to psychiatric disorders ?

The MMPI has internal controls which show whether a person is "faking poorly" to be something the person is really not; i.e., more sympathetic, more compassionate, more apathetic, etc. It does not test for psychiatric disorders. It tests for consistency of thought and choice making. In short, it is a measure of your personality.
I have an unwritten rule I follow in my life-- "Never trust a person who doesn't have pictures, artwork or something hanging on their walls."

Throughout my life, the people I have met who I later found out suffered from mental illness or personality disorders always had empty or nearly empty walls in their apartment/home.

Oh, no, my mother is mentally ill! :) She doesn't like to hang stuff on the walls because it damages the walls.
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