Casey & Family Psychological Profile #4

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My read on the Universal trip:
Casey's a pathological liar and her constellation of personality disorders allows her to lie without being inhibited by fear or conscience. (IMO part of her psychopathic personality)

When LE took Casey to Universal and asked to see her office, they called Casey's bluff. Casey tried to call their bluff by continuing to walk down the hall-- then she couldn't think of a way to sidestep the obvious and just fessed up.


I agree here. Also, it seems she's used to people believing her lies. Her parents believed some of her most outrageous stuff. I'm sure she thought the police would too.
Interesting thing ...KC seems to be changing her signature, morphing it to a little more like Jose's signature, quite flamboyant amd flourished, signing only certain letters. It can be seen here, on her waiver to appear in court Fri., pg. 2. Jose's sig. is on the same page:

Kind of reminds me of the press conference where she started dressing like a law clerk, with pin-striped pants, white collared shirt, and studious glasses.

Anyway, thought I'd bring it over here, to see what opinions there were from the psych. pt. of view. She seems to be signing CAY, now. A kind of shortened "Casey", but more interesting is that it seems like more of Caylee's name.

Wow! Good catch! That is very interesting. She has a history of morphing herself to fit more with her boyfriends. JB is her new "boyfriend", so to speak, and one of the very few people she's still able to associate with.
I think this type of analysis is fascinating. Perhaps KC is unconsciously trying to identify with Caylee, who is of course, the true victim in all this. By putting on the Caylee mask, she becomes the innocent and persecuted. I'd love to see her psychological evaluations, especially from the beginning of her incarcerations as compared to now.

The signature doesn't look like a CAY to me. It looks more like a CAP or something. It seems to me she's channeling JB with the signature more than Caylee.
The signature doesn't look like a CAY to me. It looks more like a CAP or something. It seems to me she's channeling JB with the signature more than Caylee.

Yeah! She's doing that reaching out crap no doubt, her and Lee talked about. I used to do it when I was drunk at the bar and wanted a ride home.
Oh, no, my mother is mentally ill! :) She doesn't like to hang stuff on the walls because it damages the walls.

Don't worry BuzzieCat-- it's just a theory. Please don't fret... your Mom must be the exception!
At some point, when "the pieces" stop fitting together, my friend backs off. She is very accustomed to people questioning and accusing her, and she internalizes her thoughts when she gets "busted". She seems much more comfortable in relating things to new people--I honestly have not witnessed what happens when one of the dillusions confronts the outside world. Others have been privy to these occurrences, but since I know her, I would not pursue those avenues.

Her behavior isn't surprising. It shows that she is a aware that her beliefs are not the "norm", and she starts surpressing and internalizing them-- to fit in socially. She likely hasn't stopped believing them at all, but realizes that she should express them more privately. That's why her closer friends know more about her delusions than others. It's likely also that her conviction toward her delusions or the primary delusion at a given time, ebbs and flows depending on her stress level, medication, and enviromental stimuli. Sometimes coming up in similar themes and constellations when similar conditions arise.

It's clear she's not a sociopath, because she needs and values friends. Being delusional is a lonely business-- either you have to surpress expressing your thoughts entirely, or express them and risk confrontations, rejection and ostrasization. Like any place where you have the minority opinion, you have to choose your battles-- lest you lose the war.

It may be hard to see a distinction between the two of these at first glance, but here's a nuance that might help you understand:

To a delusional person, their false beliefs are the most important thing to them. They'll go to extraordinary lengths to try and prove them, express them, get other people to believe them, etc-- often at huge costs to themselves.

To a sociopath/pathological liar, the lies are just a means to an end. They will discard them when they no longer do service to them. Just like "friends" or "loved ones".
She is one for the books alright! And I did notice that about her writing too, and her clothes changing depending on the situation.

There would be so much to learn from her, I hope when she dies, they put her brain under a super duper microscope and disect and bisect every single molecule of her entire pathetic existence.

Just look at her mother- that's all the answer you need!

And now with George wanting to kill himself.. and the stuff I read about from Starks blog - (I 100% believe it btw) Just shows more and more how alike mother and daughter are..
The signature doesn't look like a CAY to me. It looks more like a CAP or something. It seems to me she's channeling JB with the signature more than Caylee.

I saw no Caylee connection in it either. I Just see lazy in it... now that life in jail is getting to be the norm.
Her behavior isn't surprising. It shows that she is a aware that her beliefs are not the "norm", and she starts surpressing and internalizing them-- to fit in socially. She likely hasn't stopped believing them at all, but realizes that she should express them more privately. That's why her closer friends know more about her delusions than others. It's likely also that her conviction toward her delusions or the primary delusion at a given time, ebbs and flows depending on her stress level, medication, and enviromental stimuli. Sometimes coming up in similar themes and constellations when similar conditions arise.

It's clear she's not a sociopath, because she needs and values friends. Being delusional is a lonely business-- either you have to surpress expressing your thoughts entirely, or express them and risk confrontations, rejection and ostrasization. Like any place where you have the minority opinion, you have to choose your battles-- lest you lose the war.

It may be hard to see a distinction between the two of these at first glance, but here's a nuance that might help you understand:

To a delusional person, their false beliefs are the most important thing to them. They'll go to extraordinary lengths to try and prove them, express them, get other people to believe them, etc-- often at huge costs to themselves.

To a sociopath/pathological liar, the lies are just a means to an end. They will discard them when they no longer do service to them. Just like "friends" or "loved ones".

great post!
I have an unwritten rule I follow in my life-- "Never trust a person who doesn't have pictures, artwork or something hanging on their walls."

Throughout my life, the people I have met who I later found out suffered from mental illness or personality disorders always had empty or nearly empty walls in their apartment/home.

I had my own experience with a sociopath. He was married and lived in my coop apartment building with his wife (and bare walls!). He stole $40,000 from our troubled co-op association and had most of the owners believing the story he came up with to cover up his lies (he was an investment banker who was getting a loan so our building could pay our back taxes.

He made up stories about how wealthy he was, his background, childhood, etc. His wife even believed him (they had been married a couple of years), although both the co-op apartment and his new BMW were in her name (she was a schoolteacher.) His sham was eventually revealed, and I later found he had a history of conning/stealing money off of people and companies who thought they were making investments. He also was abusive to his wife, and she eventually took out a restraining order on him and then divorced him. He charmed his way into other women's lives and talked one into leasing a car for him. Currently he is in jail, serving time for extortion.

I can recognize these types pretty quickly now, but at the time in my life that this happened, I was totally bamboozled for a few months. Once you realize that a person is a sociopath and everything they have told you is a lie-- well, it's pretty scary and creepy. When my friend and I hired a lawyer to prove he had stolen the $$ from our co-op., he used to follow me to the train station in the morning and stand there to try to intimidate me and get me to fire my lawyer. I would not give in, and eventually he left me alone, but would make menacing gestures when I would see him in the hallways of the co-op building.

hmm. interesting. come inside this mentall ill womans home.. I have pictures everywhere!!
Do you really think time and money has been spent to do a complete psychological evaluation on Casey? I have my doubts. Maybe a cursory one, though. Unfortunately, from my experience in life, she appears to me to be a sociopath. Her own mother described her as one to a friend, remember? And I agree that Cindy fits the narcissist, as well.

I agree. I think she was only evaluated as to her safety and "sanity". That has been my experience every time I was jailed. you don't get like a full work up, Dx and therapy in jail LOL. Lucky if ya get the meds you were on before going there!
Won't KC have some sort of psychological workup prior to the trial by both the defense and the state?
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone, except debs and OLG, including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo

No contact is the only way to ensure they dont re enter your life.
The card was the way for her to get her foot back in the door.
If you had answered she would call, stop by and the whole game
begins again like nothing ever happened.
If you consistently fail to respond they eventually quit trying.
The tactic is called hoovering - where they try and suck you back in
Your instincts are right on the money .

Bolded by me.

LMAO! That's funny. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. If I want drama in my life, I'll go see a play.
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo

I've never considered her a sociopath. What an easy fix for explaining behaviors that are anti-social. There is a difference between the two, however. A sociopath doesn't care about whether she's caught or not. It's the game. Casey cares a great deal about getting caught lying and stealing and whatever else. Just because she's defiant and in your face when she is caught isn't a matter of sociopathy. It's got everything to do with childish behavior. Someone with a retarded (meant as shortened or not nurtured) personality which calls for her to feel like she has to steal what others have in order to feel like they are, even down to "stealing" their mannerisms and likes and dislikes, means she's suffering a developmental problem.

Left unchecked, Casey has become someone who is very good at blending in and stealing a person blind. She's very good at keeping her friends separate. She's an expert at manipulating her family. But she isn't a sociopath. She's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a thief. And now she's accused of killing Caylee. All the pictures taken of her with Caylee show a loving relationship. We can pick apart grimaces and facial expressions in some pictures (like the one where she has the T-Rex grin leaning in toward Caylee.......y'all know exactly which one I mean) and decide it is the picture of evil, but it really isn't. There are some videos that disturb me personally, but only because of the lack of interaction of the camera person and Caylee, but frankly we cannot attribute those videos to Casey.
Casey's personality is such that she has NO base personality. She molds herself to the person she's with so that they're exactly alike. The other person cannot reject her if she's just like them, right? That isn't normal thinking. That's co-dependency in its heightened state. Sociopaths are not co-dependent. They don't CARE. Casey cares a great deal about being wanted and loved and part of the group. Whether she took that to the ultimate degree and decided that killing Caylee would help her be a part of that group is definitely a possibility. However, it is not a sign of a sociopath. It is a sign of a very very very bad decision by a very very very stunted young woman. Caylee may very well have died to free up her mother's life. But that does not put Casey into the sociopath category.
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo
Not a psychologist here, but I do lean towards her not being a sociopath, unless there are degrees to it. The relationship she has with Cindy doesn't seem to fit with all I have read on this disorder. IMUHO, she seems to have a major mother fixation.
hmm. interesting. come inside this mentall ill womans home.. I have pictures everywhere!!

Uh oh-- guess I am going to have to go back and rethink my unwritten rule. Let me see-- should I qualify it by saying it probably applies more to males than females?? Nope, let me try again. That it applies to the experiences I have had with people in my life and should not be extrapolated out to include everyone? Yeah, I think that's better.

Thank you, Websleuthers, for helping me to be more open-minded. I don't mean to offend, just to share what I have observed and experienced throughout my life!
Even though Casey is diagnosed as sociopath by everyone, except debs, including her own mother - I have never put her in that all too often star-studded group. The way the media handles this - it is too classy. I think she has an Oppositional Disorder and is just mean with it. I have always thought she was oppositional. imoo

smartypants. :smoochiesmilie:
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