Casey & Family Psychological Profile #5

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I knew she was with the very first on camera interview. The whole topic of her interview was about HER lack of sleep, how tired SHE WAS, how the child would never be found unless SHE found her. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME
Borderline Personality Disorder poster girl. :hand:

Right around the time that she announced:
"I am a nurse of decomposition". :laughbig::floorlaugh:
Right around the time that she announced:
"I am a nurse of decomposition". :laughbig::floorlaugh:

:doh: I missed that one??? when did she say that?

I didn't know there was such a thing? so she is both a degreed RN, DN?:floorlaugh: I thought she worked in ortho? or as a case manager?:D
Did anyone see Oprah a couple days ago?

The guest was a man, Kent Whitaker, who was shot, along with his wife and two sons. His wife and one son died. He's written a book, "Murder by Family," about forgiving the surviving son, who was the mastermind behind the murders.

His son is a sociopath. Apparently, his son has written a portion of the book about what it is like to be him. The son basically said he is a shell of a person and feels nothing on the inside.

This son had lied for years. When the family was shot, they were returning from a celebration of his college graduation. Turns out, he hadn't even finished freshman year.

I thought a lot about Casey Anthony and her lies. I thought about what it would be like to be a parent of a child who tells fantastic lie after fantastic lie. It must be heartbreaking to find out your child is empty.

The Hacking family faced reality with Mark and he was very similar to Casey in many ways. They survived.
I saw this. It was very sad. I also thought that the father had a hard time saying anything bad about his son, even though he killed his wife and other son. He also wouldn't say he really noticed anything wrong with his son when he was growing up. It seems to be that parents of sociopaths defend their children, even when they know they've done wrong. Scott Peterson's mom, Casey's parents, etc. I think they feel guilt for what their child has become, and they deal with it by sticking up for them. Just my :twocents:

My step daughter is a sociopath. She is now 25 years old. My husband and I have been together for 12 years. He swears up and down that she too was "normal" as a child. I keep asking him how he could have been so blind??!! He keeps saying that she was the sweetest most thoughtful child he knew. So maybe it doesn't come out until they are teens?? She started showing signs of it at 15.

We have had to cut her completely out of our lives. She was so jealous of my youngest daughter that she would have killed her. I could write a book on what she put us thru!!

Funny, she just got all three of her kids taken away by the state. All three are under 5. She told me on the phone as that is the only contact we will allow that she is not going to feel bad for it. Because she knows it isn't HER fault!! Can you believe that??!! That cannot take any blame for anything!! That would require a concience and KC and my step daughter don't have one!!!

Dangerous people they are. I have no sympathy for Cindy as she wasn't strong enough to stop the madness. Even Caylee didn't mean enough to her to protect her from that monster of a daughter!!

Even though it killed my husband to give up his daughter, he saw how dangerous she was to us and how all she wanted to do was destroy everyone and everything she came into contact with!!

I have constantly been praying for those poor babies and I know it was God's will to save them from her. I guess we'll see if she can play Family services game long enough to get her kids back.
Did anyone see Oprah a couple days ago?

The guest was a man, Kent Whitaker, who was shot, along with his wife and two sons. His wife and one son died. He's written a book, "Murder by Family," about forgiving the surviving son, who was the mastermind behind the murders.

His son is a sociopath. Apparently, his son has written a portion of the book about what it is like to be him. The son basically said he is a shell of a person and feels nothing on the inside.

This son had lied for years. When the family was shot, they were returning from a celebration of his college graduation. Turns out, he hadn't even finished freshman year.

I thought a lot about Casey Anthony and her lies. I thought about what it would be like to be a parent of a child who tells fantastic lie after fantastic lie. It must be heartbreaking to find out your child is empty.

I also saw the show and thought about Casey through the whole thing, and how she is exactly like this son! The only difference being she didn't kill all the members of her ENTIRE family, just the smallest most innocent one.

The other thing that I kept wondering, is how did these families raise such human MONSTERS, yet also raise relatively normal children?? I just don't get that, unless it really is a Nature over Nurture thing.
You are so absolutely correct. Wait until KC goes to trial, I bet she wont be able to not interfere with the jury. A completely out of control woman.
A completely out of control woman who wants to control EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY
I saw this. It was very sad. I also thought that the father had a hard time saying anything bad about his son, even though he killed his wife and other son. He also wouldn't say he really noticed anything wrong with his son when he was growing up. It seems to be that parents of sociopaths defend their children, even when they know they've done wrong. Scott Peterson's mom, Casey's parents, etc. I think they feel guilt for what their child has become, and they deal with it by sticking up for them. Just my :twocents:

My daughter was Dx'd with Boarderline Personality Disorder when she was 23. I think one of the reasons it was so difficult was she was such an exceptional
child. When she was 5 she wanted to donate her favorite doll to a family who had lost everything in a fire, she didn't know the family, this was just the way she was.

Her behavior started to change when she was 21 and the last 8 years have been difficult. But I made a decision a few years ago, I will not be manipulated by her. I can completely understand how CA got where she is today, but the fact that she allows it to continue is beyond me.

I'm sure their lives were h*ll long before 6-16, but where it has lead them all to, none of us should ever imagine.
My daughter was Dx'd with Boarderline Personality Disorder when she was 23. I think one of the reasons it was so difficult was she was such an exceptional
child. When she was 5 she wanted to donate her favorite doll to a family who had lost everything in a fire, she didn't know the family, this was just the way she was.

Her behavior started to change when she was 21 and the last 8 years have been difficult. But I made a decision a few years ago, I will not be manipulated by her. I can completely understand how CA got where she is today, but the fact that she allows it to continue is beyond me.

I'm sure their lives were h*ll long before 6-16, but where it has lead them all to, none of us should ever imagine.

I am sorry you have to go through that. Luckily, I have no experience with anyone with BPD, and I only go off of what I see and read. It is very brave that you have chosen not to be manipulated. It's really sad to see all these cases where people just keep letting the manipulating and lying happen without doing anything. CA did the right thing when she called 911, but since then, she has continued to defend Casey and her actions. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I did live in a family like that (two borderline personality family members). One thing they cannot get enough of is drama. They create and thrive on drama like someone dying of thirst needs water. I would imagine Casey's request to privately search for Caylee is driven by a need for more headlines. Why do you think Cindy runs out in the yard to fight with the protesters....drama!

My BPD mother referred to her husband of 55 years as "the corpse" five minutes after he had passed away. Love? Nope. They cannot love. She resented the attention his death was drawing. It had to be about HER. Caylee's plight had to be ABOUT HER. :banghead:

Borderline Personality disorder is just that...a personality disorder. They are not insane but they can make you feel like you are insane as you try to unravel their lies and manipulations. Black is white, up is down and you will always end up feeling like the bad guy.

I can only imagine the confusion you felt growing up with this as your reality. I applause the inner strength you must have developed as a very young child.:blowkiss:
I hope at the trial, CA is asked just what a "nurse of decomposition" actually does.
You know what i think?

I don't think CA brought any of this upon herself , yes she's as mad as a hatter . hell i'd be round the bend with a daughter like hers , yes she spoiled her daughter but don't all rich Floridians do that? , yes she buried her head in the sand , and still is , but does that make her as guilty as her daughter so obviously allegedly is?

No it does not! and i think a little empathy for CA (grandmother) would go a long way right now.


If i'd lost my grandchild in this manner i'd be in a straight jacket right now.
Cindy is trying to play the "grieving Grandmother" but In my opinion she should be charged with obstructing justice & withholding evidence for the following reasons

I believe Cindy lied to LE about the events leading up to Casey leaving the Anthony home on June 15th

I believe Cindy lied about Casey needing the shovel to remove Bamboo June 18th

I believe Cindy lied when she told the media that the car had "No Odor" until after it was towed

I believe Cindy knowingly destroyed evidence related to Caylee's disappearance on July 15th

I believe Cindy lied under oath during the bond hearing when she said ...."after Casey graduated high school"

I believe Cindy is encouraging LE to pursue Jessie Grund as a suspect when she knows he is innocent

I believe Cindy is deliberately embellishing false sightings of Caylee

I believe Cindy is deliberately withholding additional information from LE that is vital to this case

I couldn't agree more! I think Cindy is the force to be reckoned with in this case. Cindy has done whatever she felt necessary to derail or obstruct the LE investigation. I think both George and Lee had to go along or endure the wraith of Cindy. I have the impression that's the way it's always been in the Anthony family.
I knew she was with the very first on camera interview. The whole topic of her interview was about HER lack of sleep, how tired SHE WAS, how the child would never be found unless SHE found her. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME
Borderline Personality Disorder poster girl. :hand:

Or perhaps a mother/grandmother who was just so exhausted and in so much pain she didn't know what she was saying.
It's easier to be a 'friend' than a 'parent'

There is a common thread between Cindy and Casey - phone calls in prison Casey said that everyone was all thinking about Caylee and not her - what was it 'oh my god, what a waste to call you guys, everyone just wants to find Caylee' AND then Cindy - how tired she is, how she's not eating, what about her????

No one seems to be frantic finding this little baby - I'd be sick!

I agree I find the entire family self centered period.
Members have been warned time and time again that there is to be NO NAME Calling of ANYONE involved in this case. It is ok to talk about mental illness but the name calling is going to stop here and now. Any post that has to be deleted the member will be given a timeout. There will be no further warnings given.
You know what i think?

I don't think CA brought any of this upon herself , yes she's as mad as a hatter . hell i'd be round the bend with a daughter like hers , yes she spoiled her daughter but don't all rich Floridians do that? , yes she buried her head in the sand , and still is , but does that make her as guilty as her daughter so obviously allegedly is?

No it does not! and i think a little empathy for CA (grandmother) would go a long way right now.


If i'd lost my grandchild in this manner i'd be in a straight jacket right now.
i agree with some of this post and some i dont ..cindy knows between right and wrong and although she is protecting casey .. she isnt helping her granddaughter . i stuck up alot for cindy before and part of me still does(because i know she loved caylee you can see it ) but you know when christine rudy was killed by shaun rudy his mother turned him in and it broke her heart to do so . i know her and shaun personally . but she said even though he is my son and i love him he had no right to take another life and i will not protect him for that .and beleive me it broke her heart to do it would have to know her to understand if she can do it cindy sure can . i do respect your post though and i certainly hope you arnt offended i dont mean it that way
I agree with you in a sense. Cindy, as disordered as she is loved her grandchild to the best of her ability and is obviously having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that it's quite possible that her daughter, who she also loves to the best of her ability killed her. I think if and or when Cindy does accept this she is goiong to break down and it's going to be a very sad event that I don't wish on anyone.

For now, IMO Cindy is (knowingly or not) staying angry at others and unwilling to accept the truth due to necessity.

I agree OLG ;)

These people NEVER expected this to happen in their life.. I'm sure if we met Cindy before all this happened, I bet we would like her. If you listen to her 911 tape, you can hear the fear and anguish her voice.. You can tell she is distraught. That to me is the real Cindy. Then on top of that, her daugther is the one who is telling her lies about all of it. Her very own flesh and blood. Now she has to deal with all of that, too.

Their lives have now become a public display. Things that should have been kept secret, are now for anyone to view. I'd go crazy if I were in her shoes... I'd probably be on drugs ... I really do believe that she is really angry at Casey but maybe afraid to show it at this time. Heck, Casey has enough enemies now so maybe her family feels the need to stick by her. They are, after all, FAMILY!
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