Casey & Family Psychological Profile #5

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Believe me, I am the LAST person to ever defend Cindy, but in her "backward" way of speaking (must run in the family!), I think she injected the I'm a nurse part into the middle of her sentence as an aside or an fyi:

"I've smelled an odor before....I'm a nurse....of decomposition"

verrry slurred tho...did ya notice? and several other words too...
You know what i think?

I don't think CA brought any of this upon herself , yes she's as mad as a hatter . hell i'd be round the bend with a daughter like hers , yes she spoiled her daughter but don't all rich Floridians do that? , yes she buried her head in the sand , and still is , but does that make her as guilty as her daughter so obviously allegedly is?

No it does not! and i think a little empathy for CA (grandmother) would go a long way right now.


If i'd lost my grandchild in this manner i'd be in a straight jacket right now.

Me too. I think it's wrong to judge a person's mental stability in such an unstabling situation. As far as enabling children, I don't think we always know that's what we're doing. They forgot to give me the instruction manual when I left the hospital at the age of 20, when my oldest was born.
I also know what it's like to have a child that lies and is incredibly manipulative. With work and bills and two other kids to take care of I missed some of the signs. I took what she told me at face value, as I wasn't a liar and therefore didn't understand how I had raised one. OMG, my kid was sneaky! She's pregnant and due to have a baby boy on her 18th birthday which is the last thing I wanted for my first born who is, despite her flaws, very intelligent. I love little boys but I tease my daughter that she DESERVES a girl.
Oddly enough, the 911 call is what got my hinky meter vibrating - badly. There was just something not right about it, it sounded fake to me. Since then I've been VERY skeptical of CA and I believe her actions have proven me right.

My opinion only

Really, could you elaborate a little more about this. The 911 tapes were the last time I felt CA was completely honest. Every statement she's made after those calls have been questionable to me.
I think that Cindy is out of the loop and she does not like it. She has been in control for so long in all of their lives that she will be the first one to crack. She can no longer dictate what is going to be. So this has to be just maddening for her.That was the whole purpose for her to get Casey out of jail, to have control of the situation. I feel that she just crack at some point, but it won't be about Caylee, it will be about Casey and that is sad. She will cry for the wrong person.
Yes, it's very obvious that's what she did. But that's no fun. :banghead:

Chilly, do you know anybody that's completely normal ?
I've been racking my brain and can't think of one person I know that doesn't have some kind of issue.
You know what i think?

I don't think CA brought any of this upon herself , yes she's as mad as a hatter . hell i'd be round the bend with a daughter like hers , yes she spoiled her daughter but don't all rich Floridians do that? , yes she buried her head in the sand , and still is , but does that make her as guilty as her daughter so obviously allegedly is?

No it does not! and i think a little empathy for CA (grandmother) would go a long way right now.


If i'd lost my grandchild in this manner i'd be in a straight jacket right now.

I might feel different about her if she weren't stormtrooping through all of this and expecting us to believe all of this absurdity...I can see a parents knee-jerk response...but we are WAY beyond that..this crap she is trying to shove down everyone's throats is unbelievable, abnormal and a HUGE red flag to her basic mental processes...enough is enough. Cindy, like Casey, can't see reality that the rest of us see. These two are a matched set.
Cindy maybe acting out in ways we don't like, but I still think she is greiving. This is her way of doing it I guess. I think she is trying so hard to get the public to believe her story and it simply isn't working. She is only making herself look bad. I do feel for her.. I really do. Who wants to believe that your own daughter is a killer. Who wants to believe that your daugher killed your grandchild.. Casey has told so many lies that it must be heartbreaking to her parents to hear. Everything Casey has done in the past year is now on public display. I'm sure her parents are not to happy with what is out there about their daughter. I'm sure deep in her heart she is really angry at Casey. I think she is misplacing this anger.

This whole familys life has been turned upside down all because of ONE PERSON.. THEIR DAUGHTER/SISTER who is trying her hardest to protect her own *advertiser censored* and could care less about who she is dragging into it.. :banghead:

I used to think half of what Cindy said was out of grief, dis belief. I no longer feel that way. After hearing her interviews with LE, I now believe her soul purpose is to lie, create doubt & control the situation. I look at when she stood up to look over LE shoulder as he was doing the time line. Was she really looking to be "helpful, job her memory" OR was she looking to see what he already had on it from other witness's. To make her story fit with KC's. When she said she didnt want to turn over her cell for text, after all, didnt they have KC's text. Did that catch her off guard & she needed to get her story straight before turning it many times did you hear her ask for a copy of the text msg's they had recovered from KC's phone as it would "help jog her memory." IMO she is doing nothing but trying to strengthen KC's story. We would ALL like to believe our own child would not harm their own children. I would also demand all leads be followed, I would pound on every door but I would NOT lie. A lie does nothing to bring Caylee home. I would fess up to what I knew, tell the truth & encourage everyone else to do the same. Cindy may think she is helping KC but she is/has really hurt her case. What on earth will it look like to a jury when they not only prove all KC's lies but also Cindy's? Wouldn't it be better, as an attorney for KC to look at the jury & say how this mother offered up the truth, no matter how bad it made her daughter look but still believes her daughter would not hurt this child. I can't see that happening now.
You're right. We all know that. I thought it was hilarious.

I loved it when the reporters finally got frustrated with her and tried to talk to GA over her babblings, and he finally tried to tell her to SHUT IT...but is she capable of that? Ohhh no, not our Cindy! She was running off at the mouth even as he grabbed her by the arm and was forcibly dragging her away. And yes, slurring every 3rd word!
I loved it when the reporters finally got frustrated with her and tried to talk to GA over her babblings, and he finally tried to tell her to SHUT IT...but is she capable of that? Ohhh no, not our Cindy! She was running off at the mouth even as he grabbed her by the arm and was forcibly dragging her away. And yes, slurring every 3rd word!

I wouldn't be surprised if GA had to take her to the bar to fortify her for the trip home.
:doh: I missed that one??? when did she say that?

I didn't know there was such a thing? so she is both a degreed RN, DN?:floorlaugh: I thought she worked in ortho? or as a case manager?:D

:doh: :eek:
A nurse of decomp? Oh my, does that mean most of her patients now have their "wings?" Dang, talk about a real run of bad luck!:eek:
Chilly, do you know anybody that's completely normal ?
I've been racking my brain and can't think of one person I know that doesn't have some kind of issue.

Why Chicana, I was thinking you are. Am I wrong? :D

Honestly, I wouldn't know what normal is if it jumped up and bit me on the hiney, but then that's never happened so....? Everyone has issues and everyone has different ways of dealing with stress. Everyone also has different parenting styles. One family might overindulge and coddle a child (too much, in the opinion of others) and that child grows up to be a secure, independent, productive member of society. Another child raised the same way becomes a lying, thieving murderer.

When my middle son was born he had to remain in the hospital because he was sick. We were told he'd be hospitalized for at least ten days. On the second day, when we were getting ready to go visit, a nurse called and said to bring his 'going home' clothes with us. Of course we were stunned - "but he's too sick, he can't come home." The nurses response: "Well, the child is disrupting the nursery, and he's not THAT sick."

He stayed disruptive (but cute as all get out) for the next 18 years. There was nothing I could do about it although, trust me, I tried. He was just born to be a little bugger. I think Casey was born to be what she is and all the love and discipline in the world wasn't going to change that.
I loved it when the reporters finally got frustrated with her and tried to talk to GA over her babblings, and he finally tried to tell her to SHUT IT...but is she capable of that? Ohhh no, not our Cindy! She was running off at the mouth even as he grabbed her by the arm and was forcibly dragging her away. And yes, slurring every 3rd word!

You described this scene so well!:clap::crazy:
You know what i think?

I don't think CA brought any of this upon herself , yes she's as mad as a hatter . hell i'd be round the bend with a daughter like hers , yes she spoiled her daughter but don't all rich Floridians do that? , yes she buried her head in the sand , and still is , but does that make her as guilty as her daughter so obviously allegedly is?

No it does not! and i think a little empathy for CA (grandmother) would go a long way right now.


If i'd lost my grandchild in this manner i'd be in a straight jacket right now.

But it is so darn hard to have any sympathy for her when she has done nothing to find Caylee. When she tells lie after lie to LE, throws up smoke screens, it doesn't do a gosh darn thing to find that baby. I would have tons of sympathy for her if she would just shoot straight with LE. I do feel for anyone who has lost a child or grandchild, I am a mom & a grandma but I can not have sympathy for anyone who puts road blocks in LE way. All that matters is finding Caylee. If that means it paints KC in a negative lite, so be it. :banghead:
Really, could you elaborate a little more about this. The 911 tapes were the last time I felt CA was completely honest. Every statement she's made after those calls have been questionable to me.

I have 2 sociopathic children and I've seen and heard it all before - the tears, the terror, the horror, the need - the acting.

My opinion only.
My step daughter is a sociopath. She is now 25 years old. My husband and I have been together for 12 years. He swears up and down that she too was "normal" as a child. I keep asking him how he could have been so blind??!! He keeps saying that she was the sweetest most thoughtful child he knew. So maybe it doesn't come out until they are teens?? She started showing signs of it at 15.

We have had to cut her completely out of our lives. She was so jealous of my youngest daughter that she would have killed her. I could write a book on what she put us thru!!

Funny, she just got all three of her kids taken away by the state. All three are under 5. She told me on the phone as that is the only contact we will allow that she is not going to feel bad for it. Because she knows it isn't HER fault!! Can you believe that??!! That cannot take any blame for anything!! That would require a concience and KC and my step daughter don't have one!!!

Dangerous people they are. I have no sympathy for Cindy as she wasn't strong enough to stop the madness. Even Caylee didn't mean enough to her to protect her from that monster of a daughter!!

Even though it killed my husband to give up his daughter, he saw how dangerous she was to us and how all she wanted to do was destroy everyone and everything she came into contact with!!

I have constantly been praying for those poor babies and I know it was God's will to save them from her. I guess we'll see if she can play Family services game long enough to get her kids back.

IMO you are correct, I think it begins to emerge when puberty hits... Hormone changes.

I cannot imagine what your life must have been like raising your step-daughter! My step-father was diagnosed Anti-social and it was hell but I can't imagine if I had had to have been his "authority" figure. I imagine your skin is very thick now! :)
another bulletin ! wtf? wow its about caylee sites now .. ill paste it here but only if the mods give me permission its for at 6:55 pm today
I was actually embarrassed for her when she kept on and on about her lack of sleep and lack of eating and how exhausted SHE was when IMO anyone watching could have cared less about such things.
Those first interviews she started doing that's the first things she would say. It was all about CA grandma. "I'm tired, I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I can't think straight" over and over on every interview and even during her interview with LE she said that. She sounds so much like her daughter, honestly...I see what KC is the way she is. She a carbon copy of her mom. As I was reading AH police reports about the check KC cashed at the bank I was thinking that the money CA took out of KC's wallet wasn't hers to take. It was most likely AH's.
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