Casey & Family Psychological Profile #6

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I believe Casey is bipolar with at least some delusions, but also a sociopath and not insane. If the defense can find some other people like me they may have a chance of avoiding the death penalty or LWOP. I'm no expert on trials, but surely the defense can work in any diagnosis or symptoms into the trial with expert witnesses without going for the insanity plea.
i sniped a part that i think would keep kc from being insane.....she said she was lieing to LE about where she last seen caylee.....

[edit] Knowledge that the act was wrong
"Wrong" here means legally rather than morally wrong. The defendant must be functionally unaware that his actions are legally wrong at the time of the offence to satisfy this requirement. In Windle 1952 2QB 826; 1952 2 All ER 1 246, the defendant killed his wife with an overdose of aspirin; he telephoned the police and said, "I suppose I'll hang for this." It was held that this was sufficient to show that although the defendant was suffering from a mental illness, he was aware that his act was wrong, and the defense was not allowed.
Being mentally ill does not diminish culpability. I do believe Casey suffers from a level of mental illness, and I still think she ought to be held responsible for the murder of Caylee.

Can she adequately use the insanity defense? I don't think so. However if she does have a diagnosed mental illness then yes, that can (and should) be used as part of her defense. Baez really needs to think this through, because if it isn't used as part of her defense, I can see Casey appealing her sentence (yes, she will be sentenced) on the grounds of inadequate counsel.
Even if she were insane legally, she would be criminally insane.
I dont see where this type of defense will even be attempted, as Casey does not want
to do the time. She would do hard time even if they won an insanity plea- its not like its a get-out-of-jail-free card.
I believe Casey is bipolar with at least some delusions, but also a sociopath and not insane. If the defense can find some other people like me they may have a chance of avoiding the death penalty or LWOP. I'm no expert on trials, but surely the defense can work in any diagnosis or symptoms into the trial with expert witnesses without going for the insanity plea.
I do not believe that KC is bipolar or delusional. No way will I ever believe that she is insane either.
She is not mentally ill - she is not insane. She is just a person who was sick of her kid and decided to get rid of her problem. She did not love Caylee, never did IMO. She is full of herself and very selfish, not insane at all, unlees being a cold lying sack of crap - means that you are insane.

Now there was a mother a few years back who cut her baby girl's arms off in a paranoid state then tried to put them back. THAT IS INSANE.
Please keep the discussion focused on the legalities of an insanity plea. We have a psych profile thread.

The threads can co-exist just keep the topics focused even though they may cross from time to time.

The legal standard for insanity is the M'Naughten Rule.

M'Naughten Rule n. a traditional "right and wrong" test of legal insanity in criminal prosecutions. Under M'Naughten (its name comes from the trial of a notorious English assassin in the early 1800s), a defendant is legally insane if he/she cannot distinguish between right and wrong in regard to the crime with which he/she is charged. If the judge or the jury finds that the accused could not tell the difference, then there could not be criminal intent.

Casey's behavior to cover-up her crime would rule out an insanity defense.
I believe the legal system should revisit this standard in light of our current understanding of mental illness as compared to the early 1800's.
Here is more information on this:'Naghten_Rules
There is no insanity plea for Secondary/Nuerotic sociopaths even if an MRI shows alot of gray matter in the right side of the brain in these individuals. Personality disorder yes, but that doesn't make KC insane.
My link didn't work but can be googled for the definition of Secondary/Nuerotic Sciopath which to date describes KC.
interesting test. but by this standard, if andrea yates called the cops, then she DID know what she did was wrong, right? and someone could argue that by not calling the cops, casey showed that she wasn't even aware there was a problem. now, not saying i believe this, but just sayin'...there are issues with this rule.

Re my bold, I think the "loophole" here is that Andrea completely believed at the time that she was doing right for her children by drowning them, even though she knew her actions were against the law. Knowing that, she then called the police afterward to turn herself in, but she still believed she'd "saved" her children.
Agreed, for the most part. I think she was living in fantasyland and they lying carried over into normal aspects of her life.

You and I are not the attorney's involved in the case. A flat out "not guilty" plea is where she is at now, and even if it is Casey making that decision, her dream team is negligent if they aren't trying to sway her to an insanity case.

I agree, and there is no way that Casey can ever say:
Someone took Caylee and for 31 days I could not tell anyone and I lost my phone so I have no contact information, and as far as the things you all have pointing to me, all that is circumstantial.

Any SANE attorney should be sitting her down and telling her that insanity is her defense.
and while it is not a get out of Jail "Free" card it may be better then the alternative.
I am sure with proper evaluation they can tell us for sure that this girl is not "Normal"
mothers who kill their children are not always evil some are deeply damaged people.
but "normal" they can not be.

If Casey is going to say that she was protecting Caylee from Cindy which is something that
has been suggested. Then you will begin to see signs of insane.
I see eyes that are hollow, and an empty shell.
IMHO Caylee became of age to talk; things that Casey wanted to keep covering up.
Life for Casey was about getting approval, and attention she needed that at any expense.
I do not think she ever bonded with caylee, nor was she capable of bonding with her.
I read TL's article on Casey and Filicide. I disagree with putting Andrea Y. in the same category as Susan S. and Casey A. I think Andrea is one of the few murderer's that I have seen who clearly falls under the definition of "legally insane", Casey and Susan DO NOT, IMO.
It is more than clear from the legal team and forensic experts that Baez is assembling that Casey is going to plead innocent and the defense will argue that someone else did this. Clearly, based on all the forensic experts hired and Linda Baden being a part of the defense team, a great deal of the handling of this case will be in questioning and attempting to demolish the forensic evidence. In addition, Linda Baden has openly said that the Casey Anthony is similar to the Sam Shepard and all of the attorneys for the defense have stated in the press that Casey Anthony is innocent.
I'm not so sure any personality disorder or documentable mental illness would be used as a insanity defense - she is clearly not legally insane according to the definitions being referenced.

However, the defense might want to use either a dissociative disorder or PTSD, etc. with which to explain her odd, cover up behavior for 31 days IF they are basing their defense on accidental death. Since the ME could not establish COD the defense may take that as an opportunity to go with accidental death, a coverup to look like kidnapping, and a dissociate state that allowed her to party incessantly and engage in other risky behavior. Other than the searches for chloroform, household weapons etc (which they might explain away as interest in a particular TV show or book) nothing about the crime scene definitively indicates it was not an accidental death. jmo
Casey plotted, planned, research, created the perfect moment, covered up her tracks (or so she thought), believed she could fool EVERYONE, and lied, lied lied. She's pure evil, not insane. She needs to be locked away from society so that she will never harm another innocent person ever again! No way can she say she was insane (temp.or not). She REALLY needs lethal injection or the electric chair (whatever Florida's law requires). Thanks for letting me share.
Casey plotted, planned, research, created the perfect moment, covered up her tracks (or so she thought), believed she could fool EVERYONE, and lied, lied lied. She's pure evil, not insane. She needs to be locked away from society so that she will never harm another innocent person ever again! No way can she say she was insane (temp.or not). She REALLY needs lethal injection or the electric chair (whatever Florida's law requires). Thanks for letting me share.

Couldn't have said it better myself! :clap:
What bearing does the 30 page document have on the case now? I believe the Death Penalty Atty really does believe she is mentally ill, due to her lack of emotions, but this was filed before the body was found.

I have believed she is mentally unstable, from the time I watched her, wearing the blue hooded sweatshirt, that she bought with Amy's money, being led into custody, with such a deranged wide-eyed look on her face. Everytime I see it I have the same feeling......Detached & Deranged, it makes my blood run cold!

bolded by me
I believe anyone who could commit this type of horrible crime would have to be mentally ill, but still guilty. I agree with your post (detached & deranged)------> also excited. To me she looked to have a gleam in her eyes like..."here we go..." SICK :mad:
lets see...

lazy ?? uhhhhhh YEA pretending to have a job but really didnt

stupid ?? ohhhh YEA isnt it obvious by the incredulous lies which she assumed people would lick up like a lizard

self centered ?? clear as day

selfish ?? say it aint so...

evil ?? still up in the air but im leaning that way

mentally ill ?? nawwww..........see all of above
I'v been wondering for about 3 months if Kc could use "Temporary Mental Derangement as a defense. Two members posted this might be able to be used by defense. I found two sites that explain this defense and wonder what others think about this. First site I found by googling is from the Cyclopedia of La and the other site is "Forensic Psychology & Neuropsychology for criminal & civil cases" I hope this link works and if it doesn't can someone help in posting these articles? Thanks, Lets start the debate!
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