Casey & Family Psychological Profile #6

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I guarantee the defense could find a hundred "experts" to testify otherwise.

Then, there's the problem of common sense, among the jury. And, the fact that the judge will be instructing the jury in the legal definition of insanity-- though most people already know it.

She isn't legally insane.
OMG, that is too funny (cuckoo for cocoa puffs) LOL. I really think they could change the plea. I still say her best defense would have been accidental death. At this point it would still be better than the nanny defense. She could say she did all those horrible things because she was scared. Yes, duct tape included - when she got scared, she tried to make it look like an abduction.

Geez, it looks like I'm for KC, which I am not. I just think she is not getting the best defense. Sticking with the "Nanny" theory is sure suicide.


I agree-- accidental is her best defense. Unless the forensics contradict that.
Wow, this is the best explanation I've seen in laymen terms.

My wish is that someone would figure out how this happens. It would be of great benefit to society, families, etc.

You know how there is right and left side to the brain? Maybe there is an "others box" that somehow does not get checked. My dad had a stroke and we took him in for tests to see the part/parts of the brain that were most affected.

Also how does one measure selfishness, narcissism, etc. against sociopathic person? A lot of youngsters are selfish "all about me".

Maybe there should be a test. Person falls down right in front of you, bleeding from the ears - do you step over him and smile?

There ARE some differences in neural wiring. But, JBean reminded us that that's another thread. So, I won't go into detail. There's a lot of work being done with MRIs and sociopaths.
This is what the insanity plea looks like to me.

Let's pretend -

I'm the same me as I've always been, no criminal record. Upon entering my own home, I find someone holding my child hostage or molesting him/her. Before I can think of what to do, I pull out my gun and shoot him dead.

I would then plead, "guilty by means of insanity".

In a lot of temporary insanity cases, the perp kills, immediately regrets it, sits down and cries. They often call the cops, themselves.

However, I'd call your scenario justifyable homicide. Protecting your kid.
I've been thinking for a few days KCs' defense will be multiple personalities, and Zanny will be the one who killed Caylee.

Won't fly. No fugues. She's never awakened to find that she has driven to Phoenix.
There ARE some differences in neural wiring. But, JBean reminded us that that's another thread. So, I won't go into detail. There's a lot of work being done with MRIs and sociopaths.
The conversations kept crossing, so the insanity plea and the psych profile discussion are combined in this thread now.
A different slant, perhaps, but when I see that clip, of KC wearing the grifted blue hoody, in court, in cuffs, I see that wide-eyed look as aroused, like she just been eyeing up some hot cop, never mind she's in cuffs. I see predatory female in that face, more than deranged.

I've NEVER seen her look deranged. Being a psych nurse, I know what that looks like. So does OLG.

I've seen her bored, or "cat that ate the canary," or rude, or flirtacious. I've seen her disinterested.
IMO, they are working on this as I post. They are going to say she has an alternate ego and her family is laying the groundwork for it. If this case goes to trial...I know she does not fit the legal criteria for "insanity", but I still think her defense will bring a form of it to the court to think about, at least in the sentencing phase.

She has no history of DID. It doesn't conveniently start in adulthood-- it starts very early on. It's also controversial, because many shrinks think it's iatrogenic (caused by the treator).

Ken Bianchi tried that one. Nobody bought it.
I agree, and there is no way that Casey can ever say:
Someone took Caylee and for 31 days I could not tell anyone and I lost my phone so I have no contact information, and as far as the things you all have pointing to me, all that is circumstantial.

Any SANE attorney should be sitting her down and telling her that insanity is her defense.
and while it is not a get out of Jail "Free" card it may be better then the alternative.
I am sure with proper evaluation they can tell us for sure that this girl is not "Normal"
mothers who kill their children are not always evil some are deeply damaged people.
but "normal" they can not be.

If Casey is going to say that she was protecting Caylee from Cindy which is something that
has been suggested. Then you will begin to see signs of insane.
I see eyes that are hollow, and an empty shell.
IMHO Caylee became of age to talk; things that Casey wanted to keep covering up.
Life for Casey was about getting approval, and attention she needed that at any expense.
I do not think she ever bonded with caylee, nor was she capable of bonding with her.

Quite a chunk of the population is superficial, sensation-seeking, narcissistic, approval-seeking and mendacious. Few are murderers

In fact the overwhelming majority of personality disordered individuals are not criminals. They are just unhappy people.

It won't fly.
It is more than clear from the legal team and forensic experts that Baez is assembling that Casey is going to plead innocent and the defense will argue that someone else did this. Clearly, based on all the forensic experts hired and Linda Baden being a part of the defense team, a great deal of the handling of this case will be in questioning and attempting to demolish the forensic evidence. In addition, Linda Baden has openly said that the Casey Anthony is similar to the Sam Shepard and all of the attorneys for the defense have stated in the press that Casey Anthony is innocent.

Yeah, they'll use the SODDI defense.

In Sam Shepherd's day, we didn't have sophisticated DNA, and other forensic tests. That's the difference.
I'm not so sure any personality disorder or documentable mental illness would be used as a insanity defense - she is clearly not legally insane according to the definitions being referenced.

However, the defense might want to use either a dissociative disorder or PTSD, etc. with which to explain her odd, cover up behavior for 31 days IF they are basing their defense on accidental death. Since the ME could not establish COD the defense may take that as an opportunity to go with accidental death, a coverup to look like kidnapping, and a dissociate state that allowed her to party incessantly and engage in other risky behavior. Other than the searches for chloroform, household weapons etc (which they might explain away as interest in a particular TV show or book) nothing about the crime scene definitively indicates it was not an accidental death. jmo

No history of DID. No fugue.

PTSD? Millions of people, including many war veterans, and most crime victims have PTSD. Few kill their kids.
Casey plotted, planned, research, created the perfect moment, covered up her tracks (or so she thought), believed she could fool EVERYONE, and lied, lied lied. She's pure evil, not insane. She needs to be locked away from society so that she will never harm another innocent person ever again! No way can she say she was insane (temp.or not). She REALLY needs lethal injection or the electric chair (whatever Florida's law requires). Thanks for letting me share.

THAT'S exactly why she wouldn't get away with an insanity plea.
Andrea Yates was also floridly delusional. Didn't she believe she was sending her children to heaven? Looney as a tune, poor woman.
She wasn't merely delusional, she was hallucinatory---she was flagrantly psychotic, and had been, intermittently, for years. (ETA: Sorry-not jumping on you; this is a case that has frustrated me since its inception; I know AY's psychiatrist, and the whole horrible ordeal could have--and should have--been completely avoided. Personally, I believe her ex-husband belongs in prison. But I digress...)

Not unless the jury is delusional.

The evidence seems to indicate that the motives were: 1) spite against CA, after a big fight, and 2) she wanted to party, and having to take care of a kid got in the way. Also, her then boyfriend told her he didn't want a daughter. It happens a lot, unfortunately. Mothers do kill their kids.

She isn't delusional. She lies to make herself look better. She lied about having a job, but she knew she didn't REALLY have a job. She does that with everything.

She planned and covered up from the time of the crime to the present. She did and does know what she did.

There's no basis for legal insanity.
While sociopaths can have comorbidities---can lapse into delusion or even psychosis--you've hit the nail on the head. The crux of it is that Casey's active long-term coverup, during which she consistently maintained the same story (showing an organized thought pattern), completely wipes out any chance of even a momentary entertainment of the notion of applying an insanity defense.
She wasn't merely delusional, she was hallucinatory---she was flagrantly psychotic, and had been, intermittently, for years. (ETA: Sorry-not jumping on you; this is a case that has frustrated me since its inception; I know AY's psychiatrist, and the whole horrible ordeal could have--and should have--been completely avoided. Personally, I believe her ex-husband belongs in prison. But I digress...)

While sociopaths can have comorbidities---can lapse into delusion or even psychosis--you've hit the nail on the head. The crux of it is that Casey's active long-term coverup, during which she consistently maintained the same story (showing an organized thought pattern), completely wipes out any chance of even a momentary entertainment of the notion of applying an insanity defense.

Betsy, you nailed it on every point!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
Back in the late 70's I saw two people go down hill fast because of their addiction to coke. They became shells of themselves and cared only about the drug. No children were involved thank God.

They had that vacant look in their eyes.

I'm not convinced that KC had not found some pleasure drug (some version of speed) that was taking her over. Not an excuse but could be a factor.

I'm puzzled regarding the call that was made from the jail to a drug connection that they say was her cellmate using KC's pin.:waitasec: She was desparate for her drug and probably put him to the task.
I truly believe that CA is going to be thrown under the bus as the cause for KCs psychosis. I think CA and GA are going to be sadly suprised come the time of trial. It is so obvious to me. I think they are purposefully being mislead down the ZFG defense road.
Back in the late 70's I saw two people go down hill fast because of their addiction to coke. They became shells of themselves and cared only about the drug. No children were involved thank God.

They had that vacant look in their eyes.

I'm not convinced that KC had not found some pleasure drug (some version of speed) that was taking her over. Not an excuse but could be a factor.

I'm puzzled regarding the call that was made from the jail to a drug connection that they say was her cellmate using KC's pin.:waitasec: She was desparate for her drug and probably put him to the task.

Well, she apparently has not been treated for drug withdrawal, during incarceration. I've also never seen an addict to uppers behave so calmly, for so long at a stretch. Also, addicts often stop taking care of their appearance.

I think she prolly dabbled. I doubt that she was Jonesing.
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