Casey & Family Psychological Profile #6

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I truly believe that CA is going to be thrown under the bus as the cause for KCs psychosis. I think CA and GA are going to be sadly suprised come the time of trial. It is so obvious to me. I think they are purposefully being mislead down the ZFG defense road.

I think they'll be thrown under the bus for lying and for changing their stories.
Well, she apparently has not been treated for drug withdrawal, during incarceration. I've also never seen an addict to uppers behave so calmly, for so long at a stretch. Also, addicts often stop taking care of their appearance.

I think she prolly dabbled. I doubt that she was Jonesing.

You're right about the drugs, I'm sure. This case would be so much easier to understand if she were some crack-addled or meth-headed mom desperate a fix. Then a drug-induced psychosis would be logical, if still horrendous. But nothing released so far indicates addiction. She didn't even seem to be much of a user either. Still dabbling with the so-called "gateway" drug, marijuana.

So again we are left with the diagnosis of sociopath, yet still sane. And all that legally entails.
You're right about the drugs, I'm sure. This case would be so much easier to understand if she were some crack-addled or meth-headed mom desperate a fix. Then a drug-induced psychosis would be logical, if still horrendous. But nothing released so far indicates addiction. She didn't even seem to be much of a user either. Still dabbling with the so-called "gateway" drug, marijuana.

So again we are left with the diagnosis of sociopath, yet still sane. And all that legally entails.

Yes, and it's the hardest syndrome for normal. evolved, feeling people to understand. That's why all the puzzlement. Most people cannot comprehend that some people are just empty boxes.

A cop would spot it in a NY minute! Or a social worker, shrink, or other EXPERIENCED medical professional. But, especially a seasoned cop.
Well, she apparently has not been treated for drug withdrawal, during incarceration. I've also never seen an addict to uppers behave so calmly, for so long at a stretch. Also, addicts often stop taking care of their appearance.

I think she prolly dabbled. I doubt that she was Jonesing.

If any of what I said is true, I don't think she was at it that long to have developed a true physical addiction (Jonesing as you say). She liked being thin and the feeling the drug was giving her. She was very thin upon her arrest. Obviously I'm theorizing.

I'm not suggesting that there are not other contributing factors to why KC is the way she is but drug use could have contributed to her neglect of Caylee. Her friends all seem to testify that she had changed or withdrew from them recently.
I asked this question on another thread, but I should have asked it here. Cindy, in the depo, gets angry when they show her interview with LE, why would that be ? Does she see her interview as we do and is she embarrassed ? If so, I would think she would try to change the behavior that is so despicable to everyone else.
My guess is resentment. CA resents this civil case. She holds out hope that there is more evidence to come that will prove that KC did not kill Caylee. She said she has faith and hope.

IMO CA is not embarrassed. She feels threatened by the fact that everyone has decided the outcome of her daughter's fate and feels ganged up on. She is going through h*ll and feels alone which must be very, very scary. Defensiveness masks fear I think.

For some reason my heart went out to her today. I cannot imagine being in her shoes. I know a lot of bossy women but they don't end up in a situation like the one CA is going through.
Do you think there is any particular psychological reason for why the A's, GA in particular, refer to Casey and Caylee as "my daughter" and "my granddaughter" instead of just using their names?

I've wondered if it's to fill up the silence with more words, more syllables, or if they think it sounds "fancier" or more formal somehow.
Do you think there is any particular psychological reason for why the A's, GA in particular, refer to Casey and Caylee as "my daughter" and "my granddaughter" instead of just using their names?

I've wondered if it's to fill up the silence with more words, more syllables, or if they think it sounds "fancier" or more formal somehow.
I think it's a form of detachment, saying the names makes it more personal, IMO.
I think it is because nobody, not even the grandparents, can keep the names straight, since the first syllable sound (Cay-) is the same in both names.
My guess is resentment. CA resents this civil case. She holds out hope that there is more evidence to come that will prove that KC did not kill Caylee. She said she has faith and hope.

IMO CA is not embarrassed. She feels threatened by the fact that everyone has decided the outcome of her daughter's fate and feels ganged up on. She is going through h*ll and feels alone which must be very, very scary. Defensiveness masks fear I think.

For some reason my heart went out to her today. I cannot imagine being in her shoes. I know a lot of bossy women but they don't end up in a situation like the one CA is going through.
I think that this is where nurse good mom Cindy gets to look stupid. I do not think any MOM out there can see how Casey did not work for 2 years and her parents had no clue.
WHAT GRANDMA has never met the Nanny especially when the grandchild has lived with her?
What Grandma has no phone numbers for the nanny?
I can not imagine being in her shoes either, but what Grandma does not follow a lier that is dragging around a baby?
No wonder Cindy is so outraged, and hostile she really does not want this civil case that is making them ask her all these questions.I do not live with my grandkids but I know the nanny and have her phone number too.
I respect your opinion, but I can give you some facts because I have a severely bipolar daughter.
THEY DO lie and cover up a lot of things even thing they do not need to lie about at all. I read a lot about this. It seems to be proven to be part of the illness.
It is very hard for the family to understand sometimes, why they do what they do. As a mom, therapists have told me that I am highly perceptive and see things more clearly then many.
IMO it is because a Mom should have a 6th sense about her kids.
Cindy should have seen this imbalance long ago.

I agree with you. I've wondered from the start WHY Cindy never got help for her? Was it total denial or shame? She wanted to believe she had the perfect daughter?

Cindy has been in denial over Casey's mental health for years and years and since SHE, Cindy, is the one in the health care profession, it would have been easy for the rest of the family to just leave things up to her to handle, which of course she didn't.
Yes, and it's the hardest syndrome for normal. evolved, feeling people to understand. That's why all the puzzlement. Most people cannot comprehend that some people are just empty boxes.

A cop would spot it in a NY minute! Or a social worker, shrink, or other EXPERIENCED medical professional. But, especially a seasoned cop.
One thing that struck me during the depositions is that CA seems very much into appearances, on all levels. I think the reason she did not divorce GA is because of his appearance. CA may not think of herself as a 10 so I wonder if she put appearances above other qualities when bringing up her children. To praise them or enable them just because they are attractive could have made KC and LA grow up off-kilter. In KC's case, it seems to me that she did not feel self-worth unless she was portraying herself as sexy or beautiful. Even her father says "hi, beautiful" or "hi, gorgeous" when he addresses his daughter. It could be that her looks have been the focus of her life for a very long time.

Caylee was a beautiful child, but perhaps not beautiful enough to make her worthy, in KC's eyes, of attention, time, love -- life. To me, Caylee looked more like CA than KC at the tender age of barely three. Perhaps she did not fit in with KCs image of the beautiful life.

CA and GA were keeping up appearances in their personal lives: nice clothes, hair styled, lawn manicured, house decorated. A shell-game marriage. And as long as KC kept up the appearance of having a job, no questions asked. I t think that's why CA is so angry about the depositions: they unmask or attempt to unmask the appearances of her life.

My father-in-law once berated my husband for not having as much money in the bank as his dad. He made my husband feel unworthy based on material things and that made me so angry. I told my f-i-l that I'd rather die poor with my loving family around me than alone but with money in the bank.

The same thoughts are with me now when I hear CA tell ZG that she's no ten. As if your "attractiveness number" pegs you in life as who you are, what your worthiness is, what your privileges should be. Because who has those thoughts in their mind except for shallow people? CA could have just said that ZG's physical appearance did not match KC's description of ZFG in KC's statement (in CA's opinion), and left it at that. But she didn't. She had to throw in her own assessment of ZG's physical appearance by giving it a non-number. Not a ten. Zanny the nanny was a ten. So it's OK to be a non-existent nanny as long as you're a ten, perhaps? No need to wonder how this person is caring for your granddaughter, no need to test phone numbers, drive by addresses, investigate the person who's so involved with the granddaughter you love beyond life itself? No need to -- she's a ten for goodness sake!

CA may have loved her family in her own way, but in my opinion, her constant attention to appearances created some very "empty boxes" in her household, including herself. Watching her sidle up to BC was so KC-like, so insidious, so sickening.

GA seems to be struggling against CA's grain, but it may be a struggle he'll never win unless he leaves her. Does he have any worth in CA's world except to be the handsome husband who allows her to run his life? Did KC have any worth in CA's world beyond being CA's "beautiful" daughter? Does Lee? They all seem to be trinkets on the shelves of the CA showcase.
I agree that Cindy and George, and the rest of them, are shallow, place too much importance on appearances, but I took the "10" comment to be something else too. I thought it was definitely a blow to this woman who had brought them there to be asked the questions they didn't feel they should have to answer. I think they are both so mad at this Zenaida with their holier than thou attitude, how dare she, commoner that she is, call THEM out ! Their arrogance shines through once again.
I think that this is where nurse good mom Cindy gets to look stupid. I do not think any MOM out there can see how Casey did not work for 2 years and her parents had no clue.
WHAT GRANDMA has never met the Nanny especially when the grandchild has lived with her?
What Grandma has no phone numbers for the nanny?
I can not imagine being in her shoes either, but what Grandma does not follow a lier that is dragging around a baby?
No wonder Cindy is so outraged, and hostile she really does not want this civil case that is making them ask her all these questions.I do not live with my grandkids but I know the nanny and have her phone number too.

What "good nurse" takes no notice of her 7 months preggo daughter marching around the house (in Florida heat) likely wearing flimsy little numbers with her bellybutton poking out and well...not notice!? And when the pregnancy is called to her attention by her family does the deny, deny, deny route?
One thing that struck me during the depositions is that CA seems very much into appearances, on all levels. I think the reason she did not divorce GA is because of his appearance. CA may not think of herself as a 10 so I wonder if she put appearances above other qualities when bringing up her children. To praise them or enable them just because they are attractive could have made KC and LA grow up off-kilter. In KC's case, it seems to me that she did not feel self-worth unless she was portraying herself as sexy or beautiful. Even her father says "hi, beautiful" or "hi, gorgeous" when he addresses his daughter. It could be that her looks have been the focus of her life for a very long time.

Caylee was a beautiful child, but perhaps not beautiful enough to make her worthy, in KC's eyes, of attention, time, love -- life. To me, Caylee looked more like CA than KC at the tender age of barely three. Perhaps she did not fit in with KCs image of the beautiful life.

CA and GA were keeping up appearances in their personal lives: nice clothes, hair styled, lawn manicured, house decorated. A shell-game marriage. And as long as KC kept up the appearance of having a job, no questions asked. I t think that's why CA is so angry about the depositions: they unmask or attempt to unmask the appearances of her life.

My father-in-law once berated my husband for not having as much money in the bank as his dad. He made my husband feel unworthy based on material things and that made me so angry. I told my f-i-l that I'd rather die poor with my loving family around me than alone but with money in the bank.

The same thoughts are with me now when I hear CA tell ZG that she's no ten. As if your "attractiveness number" pegs you in life as who you are, what your worthiness is, what your privileges should be. Because who has those thoughts in their mind except for shallow people? CA could have just said that ZG's physical appearance did not match KC's description of ZFG in KC's statement (in CA's opinion), and left it at that. But she didn't. She had to throw in her own assessment of ZG's physical appearance by giving it a non-number. Not a ten. Zanny the nanny was a ten. So it's OK to be a non-existent nanny as long as you're a ten, perhaps? No need to wonder how this person is caring for your granddaughter, no need to test phone numbers, drive by addresses, investigate the person who's so involved with the granddaughter you love beyond life itself? No need to -- she's a ten for goodness sake!

CA may have loved her family in her own way, but in my opinion, her constant attention to appearances created some very "empty boxes" in her household, including herself. Watching her sidle up to BC was so KC-like, so insidious, so sickening.

GA seems to be struggling against CA's grain, but it may be a struggle he'll never win unless he leaves her. Does he have any worth in CA's world except to be the handsome husband who allows her to run his life? Did KC have any worth in CA's world beyond being CA's "beautiful" daughter? Does Lee? They all seem to be trinkets on the shelves of the CA showcase.

This is one of the most insightful posts I have read.
Casey has a personality disorder, and not a mental illness (clinically insane). She knows full well what she did was wrong and knew it all along. She tried to cover up her crimes from "day one" and continues to blame EVERYONE and ANYONE except herself.
Cindy has a polarizing affect on everyone. The only people who put up with it is her immediate family. I suggest they do because they are benefiting in some way...i.e, free housing, money, food, clean laundry. There are no friends or relatives that put up with it. They have been a closed home for a very long time. The parents, brothers, sisters of George and Cindy must not like them either.

Their children were never taught independence. Cindy needs them around her for adornment and they are dependent on her. She is not the type that can fly alone. She needs an audience. The drama inside that house is frightening but the family is used to it and to them it is secure. Well, Cindy has managed to stir the pot again. She needed to get outside her house to do it...she did well. I bet they are sitting around much happier now, than before they gave depos. KC has undoubtedly viewed them by now and is proud of her parents once again. and they are more than happy to please their daughter. Wasn't this the reason for the performance they gave?
Hoping I am not too far off-topic here. Remembering the case of Diane Downs several years ago. Before she tried to kill her three children (two survived) her behaviour too was manic. Realizing that her children stood in the way of the life and the man she wanted, she calmly put them in her car and executed her plan to murder them and obtain her freedom. You may recall the book "Small Sacrifices" and the subsequent movie with Farah Fawcett. Here is an excerpt regarding Diane being up for parole (You can see a few passages that fall in line with the Anthony case...) - especially her father's reaction....

EUGENE, Ore., - On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs pulled her car to the side of a rural road in Springfield and shot her three children ages 3, 7, and 8.

The 7-year-old, Cheryl, died and 8-year-old Christie survived. The youngest child, Danny, was paralyzed. Downs was pregnant with a fourth child.;topic=17222.0%20-%2048k%20-
Hoping I am not too far off-topic here. Remembering the case of Diane Downs several years ago. Before she tried to kill her three children (two survived) her behaviour too was manic. Realizing that her children stood in the way of the life and the man she wanted, she calmly put them in her car and executed her plan to murder them and obtain her freedom. You may recall the book "Small Sacrifices" and the subsequent movie with Farah Fawcett. Here is an excerpt regarding Diane being up for parole (You can see a few passages that fall in line with the Anthony case...) - especially her father's reaction....

EUGENE, Ore., - On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs pulled her car to the side of a rural road in Springfield and shot her three children ages 3, 7, and 8.

Hi CCC: Can you please add a link to your post?
Also, here is a thread you might find interesting:
Personally I don't think any of the Anthony's are capable of loving/respecting anyone but themselves. They are a family of malignant narcissists IMO.

Narcissists cannot be satisfied and do a tremendous amount of damage to their children and partners in their relentless demand for a perfect outer appearance to reflect the perfect inner image that obsesses them.
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