Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

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Wonder how many network CEO's have sat back and thought to themselves that by paying KC for an interview they're basically sending a message it's okay to be responsible for the death of your child and get away with it.

As I said the story is not KC. The story is why this case got as big as it did otherwise it is doomed to happen again. jmo

This kind of protest is growing daily.
If we didn't know beforehand that they were going to the Bahamas, people would criticize them for sneaking around! If we don't know beforehand about anything they do, they're going to be accused of trying to avert the public! If they sat in their house and never moved, they'd be slammed for that!

I think you may be correct but only for a few. I think the majority of people would forget about them if their atty would let us. If they had issued a simple statement like the one I authored then most people would give them space and support. But they willfully chose not to and their atty is stirring the pot to keep them from slipping back into normality, whatever bit of normality they might want. They chose their paths and their in your face approach has upset many, that was their choice. I look at many parents of accused murderers and do not see the blatent behavior. The Anthonys choose their actions just as we each do.
I think you may be correct but only for a few. I think the majority of people would forget about them if their atty would let us. If they had issued a simple statement like the one I authored then most people would give them space and support. But they willfully chose not to and their atty is stirring the pot to keep them from slipping back into normality, whatever bit of normality they might want. They chose their paths and their in your face approach has upset many, that was their choice. I look at many parents of accused murderers and do not see the blatent behavior. The Anthonys choose their actions just as we each do.

I respect your opinion but I continue to disagree. The pot stirrers are people like us, who watch their every move. Well, I'm not watching their every move. I elected not to watch the Home Depot video, where we wouldn't have known they took a trip to Home Depot if cameras weren't there. The A's simply can't do anything without being criticized.
Maybe the whole family will end up millionaires..The networks are banking on high ratings but I will not be contributing any time or money to the A family. The problem I have with the whole mess is the behaviour of this family from the start. I remember how CA loved to get in front of the camera despite the fact their lawyers were telling them to stop. It almost seemed like she was enjoying all the attention. Everyone was witness as the facts along with all the lies started to emerge and yet CA was still talking. It was turned into a media circus from the beginning. I remember how they treated Tim Miller when all he wanted was to help find Caylee. I can't say I'm a big fan of LP and his media stunts but I believe we did find some useful information when Tracy was interview on Dr. D and reported that FICA said she was the ONLY one that knows what happened. I can remember when LP hired divers at Blanchard park and GA & CA showed up and how upset CA was. I can remember how many days I checked the news and this site to see if they had found Caylee and how my heart sank and the tears that flowed from everyone when she was found and the condition and location they found her and still CA continued to talk. IMO this case took a huge turn when the A's went from concerned grandparents to focusing all their time and attention on damage control. The damage they created by talking. Defending the one person who was the ONLY one that knows what happened. The lies that have been told by everyone involved in this case are mind boggleing and their STILL talking. I guess for me it doesn't really matter how much money anyone makes. It's just money! You can't replace the first day of kindergarten, buying your daughter her first bra, taking them to their first dance, graduations, concerts. Money can't replace someone you loved. There is an expiration date on their ability to make money and the public has a real affect on how much they make. My opinions on this family are based on their behaviour. Telling the truth only to cover it up with a lies some of which they were called on and most we will never know what the truth is. Actions always speak louder than words and IMO they should be ashamed of their actions. Their history has only proven to me that the truth will never be told. I'm not interested in any interviews by anyone, nor books and my money will be donated to organizations I trust...JMO
$1,500,000.00 Payment

- $495,000.00 JB Attorney/Management Fee - 33%
- $20,000.00 JB - Misc. Travel, Per Diem, Document Fees
- $579,000.00 Taxable income at 38.6%
- $150,000.00 Consultant / Broker Fee - 10%
- $150,000.00 Accountant fee - 10%

- $1,394,000.00 Subtotal

$106,000.00 Balance

Then add in the costs to keep her hidden for the past few weeks...and there's FCA's pesky past due tax lien bill of $68K.

FCA won't walk away a rich person, and neither will her parents. All their "handlers" will grab their slices first, and then cut them loose when the pie has been eaten and there's nothing left.

As Whitney Houston says "Show me the receipts", thankfully KC can put her High School diploma to good use and figure this out - oooops.
I have an idea - once KC's story comes out , which wil be on Fox IMO - only ONE person should watch it... load it up to youtube.. then everyone else can watch it from there, that way, fox (or whatever station) gets less ratings..
$1,500,000.00 Payment

- $495,000.00 JB Attorney/Management Fee - 33%
- $20,000.00 JB - Misc. Travel, Per Diem, Document Fees
- $579,000.00 Taxable income at 38.6%
- $150,000.00 Consultant / Broker Fee - 10%
- $150,000.00 Accountant fee - 10%

- $1,394,000.00 Subtotal

$106,000.00 Balance

Then add in the costs to keep her hidden for the past few weeks...

FCA won't walk away a rich person, and neither will her parents. All their "handlers" will grabs their slices first, and then cut them loose when the pie has been eaten and there's nothing left.

As Whitney Houston says "Show me the receipts", thankfully KC can put her High School diploma to good use and figure this out - oooops.

As funny as this is ^^^^, I don't see anyone paying that amount anyway.

What is there to hear? It would be the shortest interview ever, what is there to ask a 20 something that just got out of jail for stealing, lying and murdering?

Also, no one would believe it if she talked about the alleged abuse by GA and LA.

So, why pay for a bunch of nothing??? KWIM?
ITA. The A's can't blink without getting criticized for it.

Yes they certinaly shot themselves in the foot so to speak, and squandered all the good wishes of a large part of the nation, if not the world with their actions before and to some extent, during the trial.
If we didn't know beforehand that they were going to the Bahamas, people would criticize them for sneaking around! If we don't know beforehand about anything they do, they're going to be accused of trying to avert the public! If they sat in their house and never moved, they'd be slammed for that!

You're right. They will be critized until the day they die, and rightfully so, until they issue a public apology for their wrongful deeds. And even if they should (which I highly doubt), they will still be hounded forever. So what's your point? From our revolutionary days, that's what our society does to liars and grifters. They shun them, and villify them.
If we didn't know beforehand that they were going to the Bahamas, people would criticize them for sneaking around! If we don't know beforehand about anything they do, they're going to be accused of trying to avert the public! If they sat in their house and never moved, they'd be slammed for that!

You say that as if you knew it to be the truth. Unfortunatly, they have seldom, if ever... done things the calm, quiet way, so we have no way of really knowing. They usually take the "hammer in hand" way of handeling things.:waitasec:
Just thinking... we are all contributing to the Anthony's fame... we LOVE to hate them and what they do - so we tune in and listen to people like Vinny and the others, follow their tweets ect ect... they will continue talking about her or Cindy/George.. their network HLN gets the ratings, because we love to hate them.

I know I pretty much click on every link that is posted in here, an update on Cindy and George, or pics of Cindy and George shopping - ect ect.... so I guess I am showing the networks that KC IS worth $$$$$$ for an interview...

How can people work their way around this????
I have an idea - once KC's story comes out , which wil be on Fox IMO - only ONE person should watch it... load it up to youtube.. then everyone else can watch it from there, that way, fox (or whatever station) gets less ratings..

If FOX was to air a KC interview and if it got uploaded on YouTube, they would take down the upload right away. FOX has gotten tough in the past two years with their shows or even clips of their shows being up on YouTube. For a long time auditions clips of contestants American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance were on YouTube. Back in 2009 FOX told YT to remove all AI clips. Then last year they finally cracked down on So You Think You Can Dance clips after numerous sites had links to a Glee star's SYTCD footage. FOX pretty much monitors YT closely to take down clips of their shows. I could see them taking down a KC interview upload.

If KC interviewed aired on NBC or ABC, it could be uploaded and neither network would ask for it to be taken down right away and both networks aren't too strict about Dateline, 20/20 or similar programs being on YT. The 2008 Dateline episode on Casey is on YT but it was uploaded three months ago and there was a previous upload of that episode that stayed on YT for at least 2 years. I have seen Diane Sawyer interviews from several years back on YT. I think the 2002 interview she did with Susan Atkins is still there.
Just thinking... we are all contributing to the Anthony's fame... we LOVE to hate them and what they do - so we tune in and listen to people like Vinny and the others, follow their tweets ect ect... they will continue talking about her or Cindy/George.. their network HLN gets the ratings, because we love to hate them.

I know I pretty much click on every link that is posted in here, an update on Cindy and George, or pics of Cindy and George shopping - ect ect.... so I guess I am showing the networks that KC IS worth $$$$$$ for an interview...

How can people work their way around this????

Wendy, that's true, but already the Anthony saga has moved to the back pages for most of the country. We know more, because we look for it, and don't tune it out. I have faith the world will continue on, and the nasty Anthonys will soon be old news, even if some networks give them or their murderess daughter an interview. It actually makes me ashamed how much attention I have paid to all of them, when there are horrible crises happening all over the planet that are actually important.
I just cannot see FCA freely discussing what happened to Caylee. Her version or the real version. I would imagine there is a lot of coaxing happening on Baez's end.
Right after the verdict, I could not believe that one of the three big networks would pay money for anything they had to say - because it could never be the truth, and nobody wanted to hear about FCA's new life after the trial.

But now, after some time has passed, something tells me that hardly anyone is expecting the truth anymore - just more of a freak show, sort of like a alien or sasquatch sighting; its weird and completely unbelievable, but you still have to look.
I don't think anyone would tune in expecting a confession; people who would want to watch, like myself, might want to just see her mannerisms, her thought process and choice of phrases, etc...I know I would watch, and would also watch the parents or Lee for the same reason, if they turn up on TV.
I can't help but think Casey Anthony must be so pleased with herself.

She has successfully managed to create for herself a great money making opportunity as well as celebrity status. Plus she is free of her daughter and her parents.

I'm sure she never expected chloroform to be so useful and lucrative to her.

As Jesse Grund said, Casey now has everything she ever wanted.

I wonder if she will be sending out 12 special thank-you notes.
I don't think anyone would tune in expecting a confession; people who would want to watch, like myself, might want to just see her mannerisms, her thought process and choice of phrases, etc...I know I would watch, and would also watch the parents or Lee for the same reason, if they turn up on TV.

right. so would a LOT of other americans, just out of curiosity.

now, this is just my opinion, but i'm willing to bet my dog that there are a LOT more americans willing to watch a Casey interview than not, regardless of the fact that she would be getting paid.
right. so would a LOT of other americans, just out of curiosity.

now, this is just my opinion, but i'm willing to bet my dog that there are a LOT more americans willing to watch a Casey interview than not, regardless of the fact that she would be getting paid.
Awwwww, you shouldn't bet your dog away... it's too cute for you to lose!!!
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