Casey Lazzzarrro writings

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nobody wants to say it b/c it seems small and petty and as if you missed the whole point of the post in the first place, yet i feel strongly that it must be said ... and also i can blame having said it on a fever as i already posted that i have the flu and am therefore covered.

that girls handwriting is bloody atrocious. my 7yr old has neater cursive and substantially better bubble writing FFS!!!!
Casey was probably practicing how she would sign more bogus checks at stores once she got hold of Tony's checkbook!


I'm not jumping on this, but I was wondering about the segue. Is buying a lot of toys and clothes a sign of needing psychiatric help, or is it a sign that a person hasn't finished with their metamorphosis into the real world?

I know that I put off manicures and clothes for myself so I can [over]indulge my boys. People would probably look at their closet and think I have issues, but I like being able to put them in something adorable when we go out. I prefer to buy good quality clothes at consignment stores than K-Mart stuff new, so I can get three outfits for the price of one. They have more toys than they'd ever need, and I plan to donate them as they outgrow them.

I just keep seeing that sentiment in every other thread here, and as much as I look for signs of derangement in KC and CA, I never stop taking some small amount of offense to it. They're only little once, and soon they'll want to pick out their own clothes. If I want to have 20 different patterns of sweater vests, that's my perogative, and if people think I'm nuts, so be it. I'm not spending that money on cigarettes and beer.

Maybe I'm personalizing it a bit, but there are so many things out there to point to in terms of dysfunction with the As. All I see with the clothes/toys is that they loved and pampered this child. Or at least CA and GA did. I'm not their biggest fans despite having met them, but I don't doubt they would have given Caylee anything.

*my bold.
BINGO! the sky is blue, the grass is green, and grandparents spoil their grandchildren.
i can understand why you would feel upset, it took me a very long time to have children and i give them more than i think is average too, probably b/c it took so long but maybe i would have been the same under any circumstances. i never actually spoil them though, i'm aware of what a mistake that would be and make sure i don't cross that line. i'm willing to bet you're the same.
people are so very angry w/ casey that from time to time we (i do it too) among other displays of anger let our disdain spill out into over judging things in the most critical fashion we can muster. were it anyone other than casey anthony people would just think that this child was clearly the apple of someones eye. i have a sneaking suspicion that cindy saw caylee as more than a grandchild, perhaps a God-sent little girl to make up for her 'defective' one? for my part, i just wonder how cindy paid for it all.
my children too have always adored to be outside regardless of the weather .... which is fortunate as we live in England! it's very sad to me that caylee had no little friends, no play-dates, no world beyond the anthony house and a car seat. w/o these things, i believe that all the toys and clothes are worthless.

MomofBoys said:
On topic? I keep thinking that Casey is probably more embarassed and chagrined about these pages getting out than she is about killing her own daughter.

agreed, that is if casey ever feels shame about anything.

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