Casey on Piers Morgan

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Agree..:floorlaugh: And obviously she is now going to publish her journals...obviously so we can understand who she is now and blah blah blah .....and obviously it will be about as exciting as her letters to Cookie were....:banghead:

Wonder what it is going to take for this woman to "get it" ....

Nothing LG...She faced the DP and that didn't even faze her in the least.
Nothing LG...She faced the DP and that didn't even faze her in the least.

Oh I think she already knows no one wants to hear from her and that she is the most hated woman in America. She's hoping it wouldn't last - but I do think she'll discover it will - and she'll be able to tell by how much money she didn't make.
....Where's Smoochie?:please:

Probably living happily with whoever the owner actually is - don't think the puppy ever really belonged to her but probably belonged to the preacher's family or someone else living on the church land.

I think Smoochie is just fine. It's FCA that has had to move on.
I hope this is a repeat of the OJ finale, I dont mean the crime, I mean the karma. For some reason, I think at some point in her life, she will wish the jury put her away instead of what is yet to come. No one is giving her any substancial money, each time the networks touch her they lose viewers. The only reason Dr. Phil got away with it was because he had the parents on and claimed the money was going to the foundation. I just think that God has something else in store for her because no one is exempt from karma and it's won't be decided by a jury. OJ, in the end, didn't get away with killing his wife, it took years but it happened in an unrelated crime. Is it worse for her to be in prison than to never be able to walk the streets freely? People will NEVER forget this, so if it's time she's counting on, don't hold your breath FCA.
....Where's Smoochie?:please:

You always make me smile Whisperer with all your questions and worrying about poor Smoochie!!

I wonder whatever happened to him too, poor little fella, keep asking, we need answers!
You always make me smile Whisperer with all your questions and worrying about poor Smoochie!!

I wonder whatever happened to him too, poor little fella, keep asking, we need answers!

Pray for Smooch......I think he went to stay with Jeffrey was Zanny's sister Samantha........oh.....I am so was Eric wait, he is dead......

Poor Smooch.......

Pray for Smooch......I think he went to stay with Jeffrey was Zanny's sister Samantha........oh.....I am so was Eric wait, he is dead......

Poor Smooch.......


:floorlaugh: Score one for Smooch:rocker: He made it very quickly on to SNL! This dog, in 1 night, got more positive attention than 'her'-lol!
He got the Bella Vita nationwide:floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: I forgot about Smoochie on SNL...

I hope this is a repeat of the OJ finale, I dont mean the crime, I mean the karma. For some reason, I think at some point in her life, she will wish the jury put her away instead of what is yet to come. No one is giving her any substancial money, each time the networks touch her they lose viewers. The only reason Dr. Phil got away with it was because he had the parents on and claimed the money was going to the foundation. I just think that God has something else in store for her because no one is exempt from karma and it's won't be decided by a jury. OJ, in the end, didn't get away with killing his wife, it took years but it happened in an unrelated crime. Is it worse for her to be in prison than to never be able to walk the streets freely? People will NEVER forget this, so if it's time she's counting on, don't hold your breath FCA.

Namaste Oldsoul & Quote Respect :blowkiss:
The work you did during the case and trial meant much to me. Your posts are always on a vibration that I can relate to and appreciate. Thank you.

My intuition is telling me the same. That if she had been convicted, she could have been a martyr, along with the whole Anthony clan. She probably would have been able to sell her story.

But this way, she is being ignored. Which I think is her personal hell. It is imho a big part of why she murdered Caylee. She felt she had lost attention.

And, I have been pleasantly surprised by several facebook pages where folks are asking other folks to boycott anything being sold by or for Casey Anthony. I too think of OJ and how his book did not sell and now he is in jail. Karma, yes.

Maybe jail was too good for Casey Anthony? As some Websleuths stated before the trial (and some experts agreed)- as a sociopath, Casey would thrive in jail. All her needs taken care of, her flirting helping her to get her way. We saw how the guards(etc)spoke of her in glowing terms during their testimony.

Gross. "Model inmate" "Always friendly and smiling." Barf. (It all still makes me so sick.) The way so many were so willing to help this woman get away with killing her baby girl. I still do not understand, except for what Oldsoul is saying: there is a reason and that reason is a more perfect justice.

For some reason, I think at some point in her life, she will wish the jury put her away instead of what is yet to come. :yes:

IMHO: This is a battle of reality. Casey thinks she can make this world bend to fit her idea of reality. When she won that case, it is part of what made me so sick-seemed like her version won. But she will not win in the end, because

Only Love Prevails. Casey does not know that because she does not have love and that is why she was able to murder Caylee and do all that she has done. Really, there is no where to run to. The world is really a very small place and we are all connected. I do think she is waiting for people to forget but again she does not understand love-she does not understand that people's love for Caylee is not something that CAN go away. Ever. Casey does not understand forever love because she is empty of that kind of love.

Those who can grieve for the loss of all that Caylee was and could have been, are full of that kind of love. That is why it hurts so much.

Thanks for letting me share my random :twocents: Websleuths!
Namaste Oldsoul & Quote Respect :blowkiss:
The work you did during the case and trial meant much to me. Your posts are always on a vibration that I can relate to and appreciate. Thank you.

My intuition is telling me the same. That if she had been convicted, she could have been a martyr, along with the whole Anthony clan. She probably would have been able to sell her story.

But this way, she is being ignored. Which I think is her personal hell. It is imho a big part of why she murdered Caylee. She felt she had lost attention.

And, I have been pleasantly surprised by several facebook pages where folks are asking other folks to boycott anything being sold by or for Casey Anthony. I too think of OJ and how his book did not sell and now he is in jail. Karma, yes.

Maybe jail was too good for Casey Anthony? As some Websleuths stated before the trial (and some experts agreed)- as a sociopath, Casey would thrive in jail. All her needs taken care of, her flirting helping her to get her way. We saw how the guards(etc)spoke of her in glowing terms during their testimony.

Gross. "Model inmate" "Always friendly and smiling." Barf. (It all still makes me so sick.) The way so many were so willing to help this woman get away with killing her baby girl. I still do not understand, except for what Oldsoul is saying: there is a reason and that reason is a more perfect justice.

For some reason, I think at some point in her life, she will wish the jury put her away instead of what is yet to come. :yes:

IMHO: This is a battle of reality. Casey thinks she can make this world bend to fit her idea of reality. When she won that case, it is part of what made me so sick-seemed like her version won. But she will not win in the end, because

Only Love Prevails. Casey does not know that because she does not have love and that is why she was able to murder Caylee and do all that she has done. Really, there is no where to run to. The world is really a very small place and we are all connected. I do think she is waiting for people to forget but again she does not understand love-she does not understand that people's love for Caylee is not something that CAN go away. Ever. Casey does not understand forever love because she is empty of that kind of love.

Those who can grieve for the loss of all that Caylee was and could have been, are full of that kind of love. That is why it hurts so much.

Thanks for letting me share my random :twocents: Websleuths!

When the money runs out, she will reoffend. It's only a matter of time. There is a probation threat over her head now. Once that is lifted she will go on "business as usual". She can't help herself. If she pulls her victims in now it's "shame on them" because they know what she is capable of. jmo
When the money runs out, she will reoffend. It's only a matter of time. There is a probation threat over her head now. Once that is lifted she will go on "business as usual". She can't help herself. If she pulls her victims in now it's "shame on them" because they know what she is capable of. jmo

Hey ya LambChop :blowkiss: Respectfully Quoted as I totally agree.

IMHO, Money was a huge motivation for why Caylee was murdered and how the whole family behaved after, telling lie after lie. Cindy and Casey worship at the altar of the almighty dollar. Cindy seems better at handling it except she "allowed?" Casey to get away with taking money. George too, so really she isn't very good either.

I think as Cindy bought items for Caylee's birth, Casey began adding it all up and thought about how it could be for her. As Caylee got older, more money would be spent on her and Casey might (some day) be expected to earn money and spend it on her daughter. Uh uh. :no: Not happening.

Maybe Cindy has gotten wise and that's what the visits to the Islands are for? It would be crazy to think Casey could be so sly as to get her hands on THAT money... :what:

Rumor has it that Piers Morgan will have JB on tomorrow. Don't know if it is true...just issuing a warning.

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