Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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Interesting article on Comcast's home page this AM:

Security experts: Casey Anthony needs a safe house
6 hours ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — Online and elsewhere, Casey Anthony has been vilified, and security experts say if her lawyers are smart, they'll arrange for her to be in a house protected by bodyguards for maybe weeks in case one of those who have threatened tries to make good on a death threat.

Anthony's legal team said Friday it received an emailed death threat with a doctored photo of the 25-year-old woman with a bullet hole through her forehead. The threat was forwarded to authorities.

One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

This does have an AP byline - is one of those reporters the one going in from the AP?

I think the bolded and underlined scares me more - CM is packing? Oh my. Please don't let this get too ugly.

I wouldn't pass the defense to make this up so that the OC has to pay for her protection. apparently they would maintain police protection if a valid threat is confirmed :banghead:
The state of Florida better do nothing special for this lying monster. No more money for CA. It is not fair to the rest of the taxpayers. There are lots of people that have restraining orders on a person they fear or who have threatened their life. They get no protection and they are innocents!!! The protection only comes after dialing 911.

I am sick of the media and the count down to her release. It makes me want to vomit. They keep talking and talking if someone will harm her. Who cares. If she dies, she dies like the rest of us. She brought this on herself. If she gets protection at the taxpayers expense everyone in the state that has a restraining order against someone they fear deserves the same! Equal treatment for all. Not just the pretty lying child killers who has the media wrapped around her lil pinky.
A NO FLY ZONE? FGS, the world has gone mad. For a child killer!

ITA who is she to get extra protection? There are people in this country who have restraining orders against their abusers that are NEVER enforced, yet they use tax payer money to protect ICA.

I think it's shameful! JMHO:twocents:
I wouldn't pass the defense to make this up so that the OC has to pay for her protection. apparently they would maintain police protection if a valid threat is confirmed :banghead:

Like when Lippman said GA and CA were getting "FAXED" Death Threats!!!

<respectfully snipped for space>

As for Casey getting a job eventually. First of all, the three years Casey spent in jail, she did not even get her GED which is readily available to inmates... on our dime. She is stuck in the category of high school drop out at 25-years-old. It is extremely hard to get a job with a college degree and she doesn't even have a high school diploma. And who would hire her? She is a liar... convicted liar. She is a thief... a convicted thief. She is a murderer... not convicted, but most people know she got away with murder. People hate her... more than they ever hated OJ Simpson. So who would hire her? A strip club? I don't even know if they would hire her as she is a liability to the safety of everyone who steps foot in the building.


She has zero inner initiative to do the right thing(s). She will not lift a finger to better herself if it's "hard" or "difficult" or "not fun". She is a schemer, scammer and con artist from a long ways back who was enabled by her equally conniving mother.

One might have thought she would have fallen all over herself to obtain her G.E.D., if for no other reason than to keep herself occupied during the 3 years she was locked up! Twenty three hours a day in a tiny cell, most people would jump at the chance to have any kind of diversion. But not her. She wants the perks of an education without expending an iota of effort. That can be applied to many other areas in her life, IMO. She liked the atta-girls for being a "good" mother, yet never concerned herself with trying to actually BE one.

She is lazy, does not like putting in the work to achieve goals. She apparently thinks she can still fake her way though life. "Who, me? I don't need to work my azz off to get XYZ. I'm Casey Anthony, the special snowflake"!

The other thing that leaps out at me is she did not expect to be acquitted and saw no real benefit to herself to obtain her G.E.D. "What's a G.E.D. going to do for me in jail? Or if I'm dead by the needle?" We all saw her reaction, and she did not fake that one. She was surprised as all get-out she is walking out of there in a few days!

Casey Anthony only does things she thinks will benefit herself in the short term, and only if it's not "too hard". MOO
OK, so I understand photographers who make their living selling pictures of this kind of stuff, but other than that, why would anyone chase these cars where ever they are going.. I mean really, who cares? I don't get it.
Hopefully like a snowflake she will dry up and disappear forever !
BBM Good question--one that I have been wondering about myself. Body guards are a must have. I hear BG's charge approximately $200.00 an hour. How in the heck will she pay? Maybe some good samaritans have come to her rescue.

I'm a good Samaritan, and I wouldn't pee on her if she was on fire.
Like when Lippman said GA and CA were getting "FAXED" Death Threats!!!


NO kidding. :lol:

I'm surprised they haven't said they'd been receiving 'Candygrams'*, for crying out loud.

*Dating myself with that one. :blushing:
OK, so I understand photographers who make their living selling pictures of this kind of stuff, but other than that, why would anyone chase these cars where ever they are going.. I mean really, who cares? I don't get it.

same reason. it's like winning the jackpot to get the story of where she is at. money is a huge motivator. I will be shocked if we don't know immediately where she is at with pictures of her from far away. she can try to run but doubt she can go too far. This kind of persecution is the kind that makes movie starts lash out at the paparazzi. she is in for a treat!
OFGS Cheney packing. Like they are going to let him into the jail with a firearm. I really hope he doesn't shoot himself by accident because he is a senior citizen and part of a protected class, it would be a felony case when he had to bring charges against himself. :silly: :lol:


Thanks for the chuckle! I have to admit when I read that, my imagination went right to Mason in cowboy boots and big ole cowboy hat with six shooters in a studded holster holding up his stomach !! Big Bad Cheney ... LMAO
I was under the impression that people on probation were not allowed to drink alcohol or be in bars at all. I also was under the impression that convicted felons were not allowed to fraternize with other convicted felons.

Well, in that case, as Hamlet says to Ophelia, "Get thee to a nunnery!"
People just need to leave Casey alone, if someone(s) kill her they are no better than her.

I really don't care what Casey does from this point one because In My World Casey does not exist.

I'm sure we will still hear about her
It is all about her. ME. Me. Me!!! I wanna talk about me.
Her favorite song.
[ame=""]&#x202a;Casey&#39;s Favorite Song&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube[/ame]
If she changes her name it should be something like...

Fibian Banks
Larceny Redrum
Melony Felony


I want this bs to just stop. I'm tired of turning on TV and still seeing all this coverage. Screw her!!! It';s over!!! Let her OTD like any other felon!!!
People just need to leave Casey alone, if someone(s) kill her they are no better than her.

I really don't care what Casey does from this point one because In My World Casey does not exist.

I'm sure we will still hear about her

you just reminded me of how "hated" Brittany Spears became in the media for negligent things she did with her kids and her reckless behavior. And that Brittney fan taped that youtube video "leave Brittany alone!".
Imagine how persecuted FCA will be who is much more hated than Brittney ever was and really has zero talents.
A lot of good it will do her to get a new hair do, hair color and fake teeth. If she poses for a 'magazine', she'll want all the boys to know who she is. :D

"My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and they're like,
its better than yours...."
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