Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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On page two of the article it also says: published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.
I almost missed the second page. But Lippman has denied Geo said it.

Translation: CA raised holy heck when she heard about this and demanded GA retract his statement!
Casey has been locked up for a long time. It won't take much for her to be happy in the short run. Think about it. They take her to a suite in a fancy hotel under an assumed name. She basks in long showers and baths and sleep in high threadcount sheets. Orders room service cockstails. She can get up on all that television she missed. She'll order pay per view movies by the dozen. They'll bring in a stylist for hair and clothing. She'll be able to surf the net and pass time in chatrooms because she can make up any persona she wants. I'm sure someone will help out with her pent up sexual energy. She will enjoy all of these things to the hilt. At least for awhile.

The pretense of putting her in a "treatment center" is BS. They will say that she has threats against her and it would be better to keep her protected and "bring in" professional help. She'll flirt and laugh and enjoy it all.


Casey is only 25 years old. She'll tire of being kept in a golden cage after awhile. Taxes and lawsuits will eat at her earnings. Her team can't stay with her forever as they have their own fortune to cash in on. They will drift away and Casey will surround herself with a new group of hangers on.

And in a few years, one of three things will happen.

..Someone will kill her

...She will fade from the publics memory and float through life remembering the good ole days of fame and fortune. Slipping down and down on the ladder of societal fringe. By default, she'll start surrounding herself with misfits and criminals. By the time she is 40, a tabloid photo of her will appear every once in awhile, mocking her appearance and circumstance. She will struggle to survive.

....She will somehow luck into a rich guy. Marry him and breed. It won't last of course, but she'll get enough in alimony and child support to keep her comfortable for the rest of her miserable life.

I'm hoping for number one or two myself...


Wherever she goes, there are people waiting; that call to TMZ or National Enquirer is going to be worth a lot of money to 'out' her.
I wouldn't want to be in her shoes - she thinks she is going to be free but nothing could be further from the truth...
Interesting article on Comcast's home page this AM:

Security experts: Casey Anthony needs a safe house
6 hours ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — Online and elsewhere, Casey Anthony has been vilified, and security experts say if her lawyers are smart, they'll arrange for her to be in a house protected by bodyguards for maybe weeks in case one of those who have threatened tries to make good on a death threat.

Anthony's legal team said Friday it received an emailed death threat with a doctored photo of the 25-year-old woman with a bullet hole through her forehead. The threat was forwarded to authorities.

One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

This does have an AP byline - is one of those reporters the one going in from the AP?

I think the bolded and underlined scares me more - CM is packing? Oh my. Please don't let this get too ugly.

wait could he be related to dick cheney? if so guys, we may have this covered...please oh please take her quail hunting!!!!
Lets face it, getting a picture of ICA is going to be worth big bucks to one of the tabloids. When she walks out of the jail tomorrow, even in the early am, I would not be surprised if some organization like TMZ will have helicopters following her "entourage." They did it with OJ. I still remember pictures of the white bronco going down the highway in LA.

I don't think there is any place that they can take her that some of these fortune hunting photogs won't be able to find.

I brought this link over from another thread that has Bill Shaeffer's sentiments about KC at the end-which reflect mine to a T!!
I don't care where KC goes and I will NEVER forget Caylee or stop praying for some kind of karma justice for her!
That said, I will be at work when KC is whisked away to some secure "treatment facility" and if I could send her and her team off in a fashion that reflects my feelings of this 3 year nightmare that KC & Co. has provided-it would be something like this!
[ame=""]‪Na na na Hey Hey Goodbye‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
How do we know she isn't already out?
Having the reporters there at a certain time toight could just be a rouse .
Essies ..I LOVE that pic in your AV ..Cracks me up everytime I see it
One thing we know for sure- she won't be babysitting Dorothy Clay Sims' grandkids... I don't think she'll be hidden from the media for long. She is too infamous now. Too many people with cellphones & tTwitter etc.

One of my hopes is that when Casey is whisked away to her secret location that she is given a laptop and I hope she looks up the videos of her DT on different shows and I hope she sees Dottie's struggles on Joy Behar about answering the questions if she would let Casey babysit. Dottie never answered Joy's question with a yes or no and she answered with a very nervous tone in her voice.

I'm sure Casey will realize that Dottie really isn't her friend and that Dottie doesn't really think the world of her.
I personally think Casey Anthony, no matter what kind of money she gets, will be broke in a year. She has no concept of money. She just spends, spends, spends. She has never paid an actual bill, with her own money, in her life. We have to remember that Casey was an adult when she entered jail in 2008. Most 22-year-old women are about to graduate college. Have had bank accounts since they were in their teens. Have had car payments. Rent. Utilities. Cell phone bills. Casey has never had to do these things on her own and she isn't about to start doing it now. She is one of the most self entitled people I have ever seen in my life.

There is no way that her lawyers are going to coddle her through life. No way Cheney Mason or Jose Baez's wives allow them to have much more to do with her other than an exclusive interview that lines the lawyers pockets. These men have their own families, their own wives, and their own lives to live outside of Casey Anthony. Not many lawyers continue a relationship with their clients after an aquittal. They simply wait for the next call from that client when they mess up again.

Hopefully, people are really serious about boycotting anything Casey Anthony. If we, the consumer, do not buy what she is selling, the suits will drop her. People will not put money into a product that won't sell.

As for Casey getting a job eventually. First of all, the three years Casey spent in jail, she did not even get her GED which is readily available to inmates... on our dime. She is stuck in the category of high school drop out at 25-years-old. It is extremely hard to get a job with a college degree and she doesn't even have a high school diploma. And who would hire her? She is a liar... convicted liar. She is a thief... a convicted thief. She is a murderer... not convicted, but most people know she got away with murder. People hate her... more than they ever hated OJ Simpson. So who would hire her? A strip club? I don't even know if they would hire her as she is a liability to the safety of everyone who steps foot in the building.

Casey can't run back to her parents when she is broke. They will be broke too. I've just witnessed them in a brand new jeep... no jobs.... no money. They have always lived outside their means and just like Casey, they will be broke. We know that they couldn't even pay their morgage, but treated themselves to tattoo's, a cruise, etc...

Actually, I believe with all my heart that Casey will make it very hard for her parents to make any money off of her or Caylee. She hates her parents. She even hates her own mother... no matter how much Cindy lied for her. That hate is still there and Casey is going to make their lives miserable.

In the end... Casey will need to do something to gain the amount of attention she had when she murdered Caylee three years ago. She will end right back up where she was on July 16th, 2008. She will kill again. She will steal again. She will lie again. That is all this monster knows. She may be able to temporarily hide from society, but she can not hide from herself and what she is. EVIL.
I personally think Casey Anthony, no matter what kind of money she gets, will be broke in a year. She has no concept of money. She just spends, spends, spends. She has never paid an actual bill, with her own money, in her life. We have to remember that Casey was an adult when she entered jail in 2008. Most 22-year-old women are about to graduate college. Have had bank accounts since they were in their teens. Have had car payments. Rent. Utilities. Cell phone bills. Casey has never had to do these things on her own and she isn't about to start doing it now. She is one of the most self entitled people I have ever seen in my life.

There is no way that her lawyers are going to coddle her through life. No way Cheney Mason or Jose Baez's wives allow them to have much more to do with her other than an exclusive interview that lines the lawyers pockets. These men have their own families, their own wives, and their own lives to live outside of Casey Anthony. Not many lawyers continue a relationship with their clients after an aquittal. They simply wait for the next call from that client when they mess up again.

Hopefully, people are really serious about boycotting anything Casey Anthony. If we, the consumer, do not buy what she is selling, the suits will drop her. People will not put money into a product that won't sell.

As for Casey getting a job eventually. First of all, the three years Casey spent in jail, she did not even get her GED which is readily available to inmates... on our dime. She is stuck in the category of high school drop out at 25-years-old. It is extremely hard to get a job with a college degree and she doesn't even have a high school diploma. And who would hire her? She is a liar... convicted liar. She is a thief... a convicted thief. She is a murderer... not convicted, but most people know she got away with murder. People hate her... more than they ever hated OJ Simpson. So who would hire her? A strip club? I don't even know if they would hire her as she is a liability to the safety of everyone who steps foot in the building.

Casey can't run back to her parents when she is broke. They will be broke too. I've just witnessed them in a brand new jeep... no jobs.... no money. They have always lived outside their means and just like Casey, they will be broke. We know that they couldn't even pay their morgage, but treated themselves to tattoo's, a cruise, etc...

Actually, I believe with all my heart that Casey will make it very hard for her parents to make any money off of her or Caylee. She hates her parents. She even hates her own mother... no matter how much Cindy lied for her. That hate is still there and Casey is going to make their lives miserable.

In the end... Casey will need to do something to gain the amount of attention she had when she murdered Caylee three years ago. She will end right back up where she was on July 16th, 2008. She will kill again. She will steal again. She will lie again. That is all this monster knows. She may be able to temporarily hide from society, but she can not hide from herself and what she is. EVIL.

I agree with your entire post. Casey does lack a lot of life skills like you mentioned. She always knew that and she knew that it would be look bad and that is why she lied to her friends about having a job and a nanny. She knew that most of her friends who were in college or had jobs might look down on her.

I also don't see Baez or Mason coddling her for the rest of her life. Mason has implie interviews that any help he will Casey would be temporary. I have Baez has gotten way too close with Casey and I think will use his common sense later on to move on from her.

I think Casey will end up committing some crime like you mentioned. If she does get any money she won't manage wisely. Also she doesn't have the education or skills to enter the job market. Her last real job was snapping simple pictures of people going down amusement park rides. I also laughed when someone here mentioned that Andrea Lyon said something about helping Casey get into law school. I think that is a joke. Casey wouldn't be able to afford to even get a bachelor's degree. I might be wrong but I heard somewhere that people with convictions can't receive financial aid.

I also don't see Baez, Mason of Sims paying for a college education for Casey. I don't think Casey would even last in a college setting.
I think Casey will end up committing some crime like you mentioned. If she does get any money she won't manage wisely. Also she doesn't have the education or skills to enter the job market. Her last real job was snapping simple pictures of people going down amusement park rides. I also laughed when someone here mentioned that Andrea Lyon said something about helping Casey get into law school. I think that is a joke. Casey wouldn't be able to afford to even get a bachelor's degree. I might be wrong but I heard somewhere that people with convictions can't receive financial aid.

I also don't see Baez, Mason of Sims paying for a college education for Casey. I don't think Casey would even last in a college setting.

Can a felon be a lawyer?
Cheney armed..that is the funniest thing ever..he wont be able to hear an elephant walking towards him...i would pay to see cheney try to defend anyone or anything... that would be a great comedy.
One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

Is this real? With what? His middle finger? Hairspray? What makes a man want to impress, so openly, a young woman that tosses her child? Did he accidentally turn around three times, get dizzy and confused and see himself dressed as superman? I actually thought I was on the bloopers thread.:floorlaugh::sick::floorlaugh:
They keep saying there will be several black SUVs with dark tinted windows and one will contain the killer. Why can't a different reporter follow each one?
In the end... Casey will need to do something to gain the amount of attention she had when she murdered Caylee three years ago. She will end right back up where she was on July 16th, 2008. She will kill again. She will steal again. She will lie again. That is all this monster knows. She may be able to temporarily hide from society, but she can not hide from herself and what she is. EVIL.

:goldcrown: :highfive:
Any of our Florida pals know if there is a heli pad at the jail? Seems to me that would be the option they would take to get her out fast with no followers,IMO
They keep saying there will be several black SUVs with dark tinted windows and one will contain the killer. Why can't a different reporter follow each one?

I would think they would. We will have 5 to 7 split screens, all giving an OJesque Bronco ride.
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