Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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bobkealing bob kealing
#cheneymason says Anthonys refusal to be decoys during release is furthur reason for them not to expect to see #CaseyAnthony.

Appears to me the DT is trying to stir things up between the Anthonys and Casey or it is all lies and they are all together right now.

Well then it is being said that the Anthony's are trying with all their might to talk to Casey with no luck. I think they have talked myself.

How they would want to talk to a daughter that killed their grandchild, accused George of molesting her etc. etc what is their to say to her?
She will never tell anyone the truth.
bobkealing bob kealing
#cheneymason says Anthonys refusal to be decoys during release is furthur reason for them not to expect to see #CaseyAnthony.

Appears to me the DT is trying to stir things up between the Anthonys and Casey or it is all lies and they are all together right now.

Oh that ticks me off. I heard a couple days ago George Anthony said "She is not welcome here" and I was like, Go George! Finally grew a pair! I hope its true that they have washed their hands of this odious creature and plan to let her do it on her own. Since that is what she wanted, that is what she killed their granddaughter for.

If they change up and take her in, even for a couple hour visit, I will be so disappointed in George. Again.

I think FICA doesn't want anything to do with them because she knows Cindy will immediately start asking the hard questions. And why on earth would George ever speak to her again after that OS by Baez, and the continuance of that LIE throughout the trial despite George's denial. They can still love her- but from afar. AND you don't need a bank account to love your child. Its called tough love. Are her parents tough enough to employ it, long-term?
bobkealing bob kealing
#cheneymason says Anthonys refusal to be decoys during release is furthur reason for them not to expect to see #CaseyAnthony.

Appears to me the DT is trying to stir things up between the Anthonys and Casey or it is all lies and they are all together right now.

Or yet, another Anthony ploy, to make everyone think there is huge discord amongst the family to elicit more money, more offers for their stories -- one dishing the dirt against the other -- which will no doubt will be bogus. The entire family tells compound lies.

DOES he rent or own his vacation home here

Jeez their rentals per week are really inexpensive. Even I could afford a week there. I am surprised he doesn't have a much nicer place for his retirement or
a vacation spot, maybe this is income property and he only rents it out? Perfect set up for Casey, her DT peebles don't have to worry about paying rent for her somewhere, etc. Am sure Mason knows legal loopholes where he can write off the cost of her living there for free.
I get a feeling that the only Anthony really wanting to speak with FICA is Cindy. George got up from the witness stand, looked right at her and made that "washing my hands of you" gesture.

I mean, the things she said about him, to save her own hinny, were terrible. She chose him to be the sacrificial lamb. She owes him her life. JMHO
I would bet, truth be known, that Mrs. Mason and family are not too comfortable with this arrangement. I don't know how they sleep at night quite frankly.

Sounds like another -- can I crash on your couch KK, i.e. OJ.

Hmmm -- wonder how long this little arrangement can last. Since when are the lawyers obligated to provide room and board and body guards.

Sooner or later, she will need to fend for herself and no doubt at that point will call Mommy and Daddy -- who else!!!!

My local news reported that CA & GA know where KC is.
Where in the world is Casey Anthony?
Rumors circulate as the media and public speculate on where Anthony is residing.,0,5588969.story

According to the aviation-tracking website FlightAware, a radar system picked up what appeared to be the N950KA aircraft, but it was operating as N956KA. The Federal Aviation Administration said the latter N-number is not assigned to any aircraft.

FlightAware, which compiles data from a variety of sources as well as the company's own flight-tracking network, shows that a plane using the illegitimate N956KA flew from Panama City to Prescott, Ariz. The pilot changed the destination twice in flight.

From Arizona, FlightAware records indicate, the aircraft stopped at an airport in the San Francisco area, and then an airport in Santa Ana, Calif.
Where in the world is Casey Anthony?
Rumors circulate as the media and public speculate on where Anthony is residing.,0,5588969.story

According to the aviation-tracking website FlightAware, a radar system picked up what appeared to be the N950KA aircraft, but it was operating as N956KA. The Federal Aviation Administration said the latter N-number is not assigned to any aircraft.

FlightAware, which compiles data from a variety of sources as well as the company's own flight-tracking network, shows that a plane using the illegitimate N956KA flew from Panama City to Prescott, Ariz. The pilot changed the destination twice in flight.

From Arizona, FlightAware records indicate, the aircraft stopped at an airport in the San Francisco area, and then an airport in Santa Ana, Calif.

I think this is a perfect example of smoke & mirrors!
I would like a "Where's Casey?" thread...
Its kinda like the adult version of "Where's Waldo.?" :floorlaugh:
bobkealing bob kealing
#cheneymason says Anthonys refusal to be decoys during release is furthur reason for them not to expect to see #CaseyAnthony.

Appears to me the DT is trying to stir things up between the Anthonys and Casey or it is all lies and they are all together right now.
Actually it sounds like good 'ol fashion blackmail.
i think we should all stop the 'casey-mania'... this just boosts her ego and makes her think she's a 'celebrity'... if everyone just ignores her (i.e., media stop reporting... forums stop this frenzy) she'll appear soon enough... she can't stand to be ignored...(she'll never change her name either!)
I kinda think it may be true they haven't seen her. She probably enjoys seeing them beg for any little crumb of contact. Although why they would want anything in the world to do with her, after she led them on w/ all the ZFG lies and wild goose chases and then those opening statements, I just can't imagine.
Where in the world is Casey Anthony?
Rumors circulate as the media and public speculate on where Anthony is residing.,0,5588969.story

According to the aviation-tracking website FlightAware, a radar system picked up what appeared to be the N950KA aircraft, but it was operating as N956KA. The Federal Aviation Administration said the latter N-number is not assigned to any aircraft.

FlightAware, which compiles data from a variety of sources as well as the company's own flight-tracking network, shows that a plane using the illegitimate N956KA flew from Panama City to Prescott, Ariz. The pilot changed the destination twice in flight.

From Arizona, FlightAware records indicate, the aircraft stopped at an airport in the San Francisco area, and then an airport in Santa Ana, Calif.

This is like turning into a family board game. There are plenty of affluent gated communities with their own private airstrip suitable for that Pilatus plane if that was used for the great escape. Such communities generally will stay mum, like a code of honor about any happenings at their neighbors'.
They defend their privacy and their neighbors with vengeance.
Casey dropping off the front pages might be just what the defense wants in a way...the more she is forgotten, the more likely a news source might be to go ahead and risk an interview...they don't need the whole country to watch, after all. Just a few million people.
bobkealing bob kealing
#cheneymason says Anthonys refusal to be decoys during release is furthur reason for them not to expect to see #CaseyAnthony.

Appears to me the DT is trying to stir things up between the Anthonys and Casey or it is all lies and they are all together right now.

IMO- they were all together from the start KC, Cindy, Geroge, Lee & Jose - the day Caylee was murdered... the family stuck together .. to the point of LYING on the stand...all of it FAKE... all of it was acting.... creating reasonable doubt for the jury... successfully letting KC walk free... if they are not together right now, at this moment, it will be shortly...
Why is anyone posting personal home addresses of the attorneys? For what purpose?

It's not allowed, so please stop immediately!

if you are doing this take a second and think about it.... because before long if you disregard it... it will bite you in the you-know-what! thank you:rocker:
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