Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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If Nancy Grace had even the slightest idea of where Casey was, confirmed or not, she would just come out and say it, she has never worried about facts. She is just throwing things out there and "Hollywood" sounds more illicit than Casey being holed up in a hotel room with Dorothy Simms or checking into sex clinic in AZ, IMO...
"Mason said he felt there was a breakthrough moment for Anthony during the trial that he thinks changed her life for the better during the testimony of Dr. Sally Karioth, a grief expert. Karioth described how people grieve the death of a child in different ways.
"It was like she was helping bring Casey out of 'Casey World,"' Mason said."

She had a breakthrough listening to Dr Sally Karioth's testimony? LOL, I thought I was going to have a breakdown. CM is so full of it.

This article is sooooo disturbing on several levels.

Generous people helping KC put her life back together, thinking all the time what a good thing they are doing.

And the "grief" thing, so many people have had the misfortune to lose a young child to an accident or illness and struggle to not only deal with the grief, but come up with the money for a decent funeral. And then you have KC, who not only could not be bothered with a decent funeral, but just sits there and gets money to "rebuild her life." How about rebuilding the lives of all the people who have been sucked into her vortex? Any donations there?
Any donations to Caylee's memory or for children? It all makes me sick.
i cannot accdess flighware...I am able to go look physically but I don't know what airport this is. Can anyone pls verify which San Carlos. I am near SFO. I hear there is one near San Diego..please verify.
I don't know the answer to your question but wanted to comment that your post was sort of typed like ship to shore -

Hopefully someone on here can answer you since you are willing to go there physically and you are so close
Well, I know one thing for sure. They can give Casey a makeover, dye her hair blonde or red or green and purple, maybe she can re-learn some new mannerisms and stop fussing with her hair and sleeves.......but she will be instantly recognized by the way she walks. Yet one more thing she has in common with Ted Bundy.

bbm - ita like two peas in a pod!

Not sure if this pic has been posted,


  • 264654_144554435620642_100001982583409_270328_8003646_n.jpg
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They are going to have to change her teeth if they want her to be unrecognizable. Everyone in America has seen those teeth when she smiles. Her teeth are one of the most prominent things about her imo.


My vote is she has to change her eyebrows, teeth and tattoo ... the tattoo maybe not be removable .. at least so that you can't tell it was there because of the scaring ... I think the only way is to disguise it by doing another tatt over it ... JMO
If Nancy Grace had even the slightest idea of where Casey was, confirmed or not, she would just come out and say it, she has never worried about facts. She is just throwing things out there and "Hollywood" sounds more illicit than Casey being holed up in a hotel room with Dorothy Simms or checking into sex clinic in AZ, IMO...'s all speculation. If JB is attempting to broker a big money deal for an interview, Casey isn't going to be across the country where he can't monitor what she's doing or who she's talking to.

But who better than Oprah to get the truth out of her? Remember the James Frey scandal & his "biography", "A Million Little Pieces" that Oprah recommended for her book club until she found out it was a sham? Oprah put the fear of God in that boy for lying to her, and gave him a good ole fashioned southern *advertiser censored* whippin' on air for millions of viewers to see.

yup..thats why i say she wont touch it. She will not risk her reputation on a lying murderous slunt..not even to try to force the truth out...Oprah understands about patho liars..narcisists and sociopaths. Some dont have truth in them..
RichardHornsby @bobkealing #CaseyAnthony and Baez are sitting on Geraldo's boat right now engaging in group therapy on how to milk this for all its got.
8 minutes ago via web in reply to bobkealing

Had ta share... *snork*
Is Baez home? Do we have any evidence that Baez is home?

We know that Cheney is at home, but Baez did his Geraldo interview over the phone. Has he done any live video interviews?

I'm not sure that Baez is the one with her, but SOMEBODY has to be with her. She needs a babysitter. If she didn't have one, I don't think she can be trusted to make good decisions. While I don't want her to make good decisions for herself, the best thing she could do for herself is stay hidden. If she didn't have someone watching her, I think she would be doing the things she talked about missing so much in her jail interviews, getting acrylic nails (tacky!) and pedicures, going to target, and grocery shopping. We all know how much she loved target!

Wherever she is now, I think it has to be pretty decent and private for anyone to keep her there. She has to have something to keep her occupied, and I would be willing to bet she is spending her time tanning, online shopping and looking up her former friends and boyfriends on FB to see what they are doing now. She is probably reading TL's posts on the other forum, and is probably devastated to learn that he hates her now and thinks she is a child murderer. RM's FB has a picture of his baby, and you can see his wife's profile by viewing his friends, that probably devastates her too. I haven't looked at any of the others' profiles, but I'm sure they are probably the same, they are at the age where they should be settling into long-term committed relationships. She's probably coming to the realization that she wasn't as good of a liar as she thought she was, because these men wanted relationships and families, just not with her. Which means that they saw through her on some level, IMO.

I think it's most likely she is at a home in a wealthy area of Orlando or a hotel like the Ritz Carlton or Waldorf Astoria, where people would probably be more private and less invested in the case. In my experience, the more affluent the area, the better you are able to find privacy.

She can be kept busy for awhile making up for lost time on a cell phone with unlimited minutes and data plan, and on a computer googling herself. Wonder if she is on Facebook yet. I don't think she can resist for long. Hope whomever she is with has their checkbook and credit cards well hidden, as well as any acetone and bleach that may be in the house. MOO.

ETA: JB can keep her content for quite awhile reminding her what a wealthy woman she'll be when he brokers her big deal. :rolleyes:
I don't even care if she is in the house next door, actually...I'm not trying to snap photos for $$. I think that is the reason a lot of people care...
:hand::snooty:Not me! I have no interest in taking her picture! I just want to know where she is for the safety of myself, my family, and my dog. Also I want to tell her in person what I really think of her!!!
i cannot accdess flighware...I am able to go look physically but I don't know what airport this is. Can anyone pls verify which San Carlos. I am near SFO. I hear there is one near San Diego..please verify.

It's the one near you. I saw a link that showed the flight path from Santa Ana, then head up north closer to SF.
yup..thats why i say she wont touch it. She will not risk her reputation on a lying murderous slunt..not even to try to force the truth out...Oprah understands about patho liars..narcisists and sociopaths. Some dont have truth in them..

I understand your point, but I think if anyone has the interviewing skill & finesse it would take to force the truth out of CA, it would be Oprah.
It's the one near you. I saw a link that showed the flight path from Santa Ana, then head up north closer to SF.
So is she going to visit Mark Hawkins or Scott Peterson???Any guesses?
I want to gag when I hear him say that hogwash.

Really Mr. Mason? Then perhaps you can just name one other person in America who grieved this way when their child uh uh uh...'accidentally drowned?':innocent: Surely you can find one. I know you can find a lot of them who MURDERED their children that acted like your Casey did.

In fact Mr. Mason can you tell us of one other parent in America that had a child who died from an accident of any kind yet that child wound up triple bagged and hidden away to rot and the parent went on with their lives immediately?

Oh, btw.. Mr. Mason.........I thought you hated the MEDIA with a purple passion?:innocent::floorlaugh:

Maybe SP, MH is prolly in hiding!lol

IF he is smart( MH) that is..didnt she have something urgent important to tell him in person????if so he'd better go into "a witness protection program" for HIS safety!.SP is pretty easy to find, SQ pen, california!
So is she going to visit Mark Hawkins or Scott Peterson???Any guesses?

Scott Peterson and FICA have much in common. I think she should pay him a long visit. They should just become roommates. A match made in hello

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