Casey To Serve One Year Probation

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Yes she did ask TM/TES for help in finding a missing Caylee.
Here is his lawsuit :-

I agree. Casey didn't have to say a word to Tim Miller.She didn't have to have any interaction with him ,at all,but she did ,and when she did ,she mislead him.Casey said the last time she saw Caylee she was alive and she didn't know where Caylee was .
In a way ,Casey used TES to perpetuate her story for her benefit.

If she stays in Orlando on probation it helps everyone she took advantage of ,get a chance to recoup some money .
BBM: She doesn't have a HS diploma, so the only thing she can enroll in is
GED courses. Some community colleges offer such courses, but not on a basis where she can qualify as a full-time student. Besides, it's a little late to enroll for the fall term. I think your baby-doll is cooked, she took a guilty plea on those charges, and now she is going to have to make it up to her community.

Where I live all the GED students are in the Adult education classes ( after regular working hours).
As some one who has served a year of probabtion, I beg to differ with you; one year is not that long, it is NO BIG DEAL.

But this is FCA we are talking about! Before jail in 2008, she had a problem helping herself to other people's money. She even stole from her invalid Grandfather! A leopard doesn't change its spots, and I predict she will steal again. JMO, of course.
I am seriously tearing up. I didn't expect to cry or anything, I just felt a lot of emotion suddenly. I guess it's a little justice, you know? She didn't worm her way out of this one.

Let's hope Justice continues, Roxy :sigh:
Nothing in her probation rules against any of that.

Plus, no mo pics of whooping it up with a bottle of beer. No hot bod contests (even as a spectator), no clubbing, - oh my :floorlaugh:
It's a great night to have fun and cut loose with my peeps ! :great:

Y'all are just the best,good news or bad :party:
Nancy Grace just tweeted this:
NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
George & Cindy Anthony atty release statement Tot Mom #CaseyAnthony will NOT serve her probation at their house.
I'm hoping Casey will have to serve while the appeals process is ongoing. Don't most felons have to start their sentences even if they are appealing the conviction?
I know this is a bit different,but I would still think she would have to start the sentence as ordered.

I hope so, too.
My opinion?? Dorothy Simms should take her in!!! :great:

She seems to think she's the greatest! maybe she can work as a bookkeeper for her law firm or perhaps a nanny for the neighborhood kids!! :crazy:
It's a great night to have fun and cut loose with my peeps ! :great:

Y'all are just the best,good news or bad :party:
I'm just having my morning coffee, so I'll keep the celebration going here while you have a well earned sleep!
For all we know, Casey Anthony may have gotten a license in another state, since she has been out. She may have planned on living outside of Florida, and gotten a license elsewhere.

A D/L with a false address?

HO ho, ho ho, it's back to jail she'll go :behindbar
I do not recall her making a fuss about it at all. All I have seen is her doing what the doc told her to do, and then waiting for the court to make up their mind officially what she should do. This screw up wasn't her fault.

Worse! ... It was her attorney's for thinking they were getting away with another thing ... Backfired. Way to go JB. Maybe some honesty would be a good policy?
As a result of mistakes made one night, I was arrested, charged, found guilty of dui, and sentenced to among other things, one year probation. I was completely guilty and assume all responsibilty. The year of probation was NO BIG DEAL.

At most a minor inconvience of having to report to my po for 30 minutes once a month for the first 9 months, and after that mailing in the forms for the final 3.

I traveled out of state every other weekend for 4 of the months, and never had a problem getting a travel pass. These travels were of pleeasure trips, I could fill out the forms a month at a time. All I had to do was list why I was going there (I live(d) in Florida, and had (have) seasons tickets to the Dallas Cowboys, and went to most their games, home and away, how I would be getting there, and where I would be staying. I was never denied a travel permit. I did not work, nor did I have any verifiable income in the state of Florida.

The biggest pain? The $20 I had to pay each month had to be in the form of a money order - I had to stop some where and get 12 of them.

If that's true, we need much tougher sentences. It should be a big deal . Part of the justice system is to be a deterrent for future illegal acts,especially those that put innocent bystanders at risk. DUI is a big deal and the sentence should be a big deal.

But,if this is no big deal ,why is Casey and her DT team fighting it? :waitasec:
You mean JB and CM have other clients still? Or prospects of clients?

I don't know about Baez, but Cheney does have other high profile local clients..ones that have the $$$$$ to pay him.
The Jim Greer case has revved up again now that Mason is done with the Anthony murder case
don't know what is happening with his other client...Ex Windermere Mayor Scott Bush
I don't count on the probation department enforcing the order on her working. There is no way anyone will hire her now.
Do they offer assistance in "how" to get a job...kinda like a job coach?
I wonder if everyone realizes that her having to serve one year probation will probably involve about ONLY 4 or 5 hours TOTAL of her time over the next year. She'll have to meet with her probation officer once a month for maybe 9 of the first 12 months,pay a small fee, fill out a one page questionaire (that asks questions the state will later bundle with othe probationers and sell to a marketing company so the state will be making money off poor little Caylee- wanna boycott Florida?) and then be interviewed. The entire process will be "30 minutes or less." After the first 9 months, as long as she has done what she was supposed to for those months, she'll most likely be allowed to mail the form in. Probation, while a little inconvienant, is really not that big a deal. It would probably take longer to read this thread than the time Casey Anthony will spend with her probation officer.
Not quite sure which part of Florida you served your probation in or in what year but I can tell you that it's not the way you are describing any longer. She will have to report for her full 12 months. She will wait in the probation office's waiting room for as long as they want to make her wait every month, she will become gainfully employed irregardless of whether she's in school or not, she will pay up to $50 a month since she had her own attorney ($35-40 if she had a public defender), she will be subjected to random drug testing at any given time, she will have her probation officer check in with her at random times without notice, she will be required to have a working phone whether cell or landline because they can and will call her at any given hour that they so choose. These are just a few of the requirements that she will have to meet courtesy of the Florida Department of Corrections. She will have to ask permission from her probation officer to leave the county and provided she has made her monthly payment, they can allow her to go. If she hasn't made her payment for the month, she will not be allowed to go unless the probation officer's supervisor agrees to it. If she wishes to move, it has to be approved by not only her probation officer but the supervisor of that office in addition to the approval of the probation officer and supervisor in the other county. They can and will violate you if you fail to follow their rules. If she thinks she's going in there and it's going to be a walk in the park, she's got another thing coming. They have seen it and heard it all, and you can bet they can and will make your life miserable if they choose too.

(former correctional employee here)

Where I live all the GED students are in the Adult education classes ( after regular working hours).

Right - and she could have taken the test in jail or since she's been out. I bet she could have passed it. She was only 1/2 credit or so short, and wasn't it a PE credit?

I know some kids who passed the GED test at age 16 after their sophomore year in HS.

She doesn't seem to have a lot of ambition. As someone said, if she'd put as much work into her education and/or a real job as she did into just making people think she had a job, she might have actually accomplished something.

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