Casey's Defense Team. What Now? #2

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If I were her lawyer, I would NOT go into court with the "Zanny Nanny" story. I'd go for accidental death, and spin it this way:

Caylee accidentally died by drowning. Casey at first called her parents for help when she couldn't revive her. They didn't respond. At this point, this child/woman, who has never been that emotionally stable to begin with, as evidenced by her lies and deception on just about everything, totally lost it. Unable to admit that her beloved child was dead, she carried her around the yard for a bit...laying her down...picking her back up...unable to deal with the truth that was there. When none of that helped, she put Caylee in the car, in a state of shock, so to speak, and drove around aimlessly for awhile. She kept the body with her as long as she could because she loved her so much she couldn't bear to part with her. Finally, the stench became unbearable, and so she placed her where she had placed other things that she had loved that had died...not to throw her away, but to keep her close. Then, her mind, in an effort to shield Casey from the truth, made up the Zanny story...and Casey actually almost believed it.

The partying and stealing from Amy, etc was just more evidence of how far she had snapped. Even her closest friends will say that she totally changed and they didn't know why.

That's what I would go with and then pray for mercy from the court.

That may not jive with the forensic evidence.
Accidental death or mental illness will be the defense of this case. If accidental, the defense has a big job on their hands with the cover up. IMO, they will only be trying to save her life at this point.

Look at the SP case. The evidence was very circumstantial. No cause of death. He got death. Casey can't get away from the car, the location of the body and her actions post murder. If anyone on this defense team has an ounce of brain, they will do everything possible to get her LWP.
I would go with the story that Caylee's death was a result of the fight that happened between Cindy and Casey. Casey was so afraid of her mom that she went along with/made up together the nanny story (explaining why the family is supporting the story) to cover up the fact that her mom actually killed Caylee (explaining why Cindy was destroying evidence). I would say that Cindy threatened Casey with the theft charges but at the same time promised to get Casey out of the mess if she complied. She ordered Casey to dispose of Caylees remains near the school and the duct tape was used to make it look like a kidnapping. It took Casey two days to finally have the opportunity to do it without a witness which is why they had her in the trunk. If the swim suit was found (I thought I read that somewhere but I'm not sure on that one) I would argue that Caylee never even made it to bed the night of the 15th proving that George was lying about the 16th to cover for his wife, not Casey. I would use the interactions between Casey and her mom in the videos & phone calls to support my case (ie: Casey saying to Cindy "you don't know my involvement in this?) I would remind the jury that while Cindy waited for LE to show up after those 911 calls....she sat and made a myspace page with Casey rather than pump her for information. I would remind them also that the issue for Cindy was money moreso than her grandaughter (taking the money from Caseys wallet after Lee got her stuff from TonE's house etc) and accuse her of taking donations from the public even though she knew Caylee was dead. I would say that Casey was instructed to act as normal while George and Cindy worked a plan. But when the car was towed it caused a huge problem in their plan. Which is the reason for the text to Casey from Cindy. I would try and make it look as though Cindy through Casey under the using her control over Casey and promising her that she would fix it like she always has before...all the while instructing Casey to do things that would make her look guilty if the poo hit the fan. Why all the lies about work etc from Casey? She's a liar. Why all the theft after the fact? She's always been a theif to support the lie that she worked. Both things making it even easier for Cindy to get away with murder. Who would anyone believe? I would tell the court that Cindy instructed George to lime the yard...point out all the strange things the Anthony's have done to cause reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. I would portray Casey as a very seasoned liar to explain how she could go about her business as usual throughout the 31 days Caylee was "missing". Would it work, probably not but I personally feel like this would be the only possible defense that might fly in light of everything that has happened in this case. There are so many things the defense could use to make Cindy look guilty.
Will Casey actually accept (and be willing to cooperate with) an accidental death defense? I just can't see it and I've seen little from JB (et al) that would indicate they are going that direction.

I'd argue that Casey will testify. I know it is unusual, but she really is the defense's only hope at this time (unless they do go with an accident angle). She is the only one who can explain the ZG thing. In addition, she is the only one who can explain her post-Caylee behavior. The Pros. will be dropping bombs (i.e., her lies, never reporting Caylee missing, her behavior, her stealing, partying, etc., etc.) and the defense absolutely needs to find a way to deflect these bombs.

Even if the defense does a good job of downplaying the forensics, they still have to deal with KC's actions and behavior. It is a gamble, but if KC can con even one dude on the jury (and she has a way with dudes it seems), the defense can pull this off...

In addition, the chance to spin her story will be very tempting for KC...
How can they plead accidental drowning when the child had her mouth taped? I can't see accidental anything under the circumstances.
I can't think of one reason a mother would tape her child's mouth other than to keep her from being heard by others, thereby, with the intent of harming the child.
What kind of defense can there be for this?
Responding to HP: The neighbors said they heard "people" in the pool on the day CA said the ladder was in it, and should not have been. The 16th, I believe. Also, the box where the pool supplies, and Caylee's swim jacket were kept had been moved. Evidence of being in the pool. A lot of parents make the mistake of thinking those swim vests 'drown proof' the child, but they DON'T! children are top heavy, and it's way too easy for them to flip over wearing the vests, then be unable to right themselves.

The laying her down and picking her back up are evidenced by the dogs hitting mutliple spots. Just spin the reason for it diff. She wasn't hunting a hiding place, she was distraught and trying to revive her.

Decomp, and the chlorine from the pool, could account for a lot of the cholorform markers, and they can throw in cleaning supplies for the others.

KC's emotional instablity, and tendency to live in la la land are already out there, everywhere.

It's more plausible than most of what's out there anyways. JMO

Oh, mean any evidence that JB is going to go that way? Not yet, that I've heard anyways.

But that could all be debunked when Casey's behavior in the following days and weeks is revealed.

Does a mother in mourning do pole dances at night clubs? Get felt up by other women? Party like it's 1999?
JB is still pursuing information about LE's search for the "right" ZG, and how exhaustive it was/wasn't, so they don't seem to have abandoned some variation of the kidnap story. I agree that its shortcoming (well, other than being totally false, of course) is that Casey can't testify to "prove" it. There may have been plans to suggest the existence of ZG by other means: like finding a G house, psychic tips, etc. That may be blown now. But they may have a lot of other garbage along these lines.

Alternatively, CA at least seem willing to blame anyone convenient outside the family, like JG or AH. I'm not sure if the defense will go for this. They may go for the MM.

I think the focus will be attacking the forensic evidence, and using any method possible to try to show the body wasn't there until very recently, was placed there while KC was in jail, whatever. I think it's hilarious that people are suggesting that the MM activities and the LE response to him might have "tampered" with evidence, while they see no problem at all with someone sent by the A's (DC) virtually mining the crime scene.
At this point, if I were the defense, I would just tuck my tail between my legs and kiss my rear goodbye.
There is no defense to this IMHO
Baez's only hope in winning this, is to walk away from Casey and try to regain his career that the SA is about to crush to nothing!
At this point, I think the defense has lost its best bargaining chips - accident defense and plea deal for the location of Caylee's body. Despite that, I'm in fear that at trial, they will keep hacking at the state's case bit by bit, until no matter how silly their hacking is, they create enough doubt that Casey will be acquitted.
Ya know fellow posters, after reading all these good theories about the defense and what they will present, no one has mentioned this.

I have to firmly believe in the people of Orlando or where ever the trial is moved to that they have the insight and intelligence to know the difference between science and hocus pocus the defense team brings.

They watch the same tv and movies we do. Forensics has advanced so much since OJ. And the tv shows KC watched, we watched. None of the bad guys got away with it. The SA will have scientists that will testify in laymans terms that the jury can and will understand.

They will see through and see what the nation sees when gazed at KC and the A's.

Let JB and team present a well orchestrated story. It will go down on as the number one fiction read for 09. And KC and her family won't make a dime off of it since they will be sitting in jail and their own hell for the balance of their natural lives.
Accidental death or mental illness will be the defense of this case. If accidental, the defense has a big job on their hands with the cover up. IMO, they will only be trying to save her life at this point.

Look at the SP case. The evidence was very circumstantial. No cause of death. He got death. Casey can't get away from the car, the location of the body and her actions post murder. If anyone on this defense team has an ounce of brain, they will do everything possible to get her LWP.

I hate to say it but I would go with insanity.
I'm just blown away by how she acts in those jailhouse recordings.
I don't like her one bit.
I could however agree she is criminally insane.
Well, first I would wear my invisible cloak to the courtroom so no one could see me with her.

Seriously, all Baez has in his defense arsenal are some lame attacks on the forensics, a few ridiculous explanations for her actions, attitude and behavior and some sewer level attacks on the OCSO investigation. He is up against:

Zanny the Nanny,
Samantha, Victor and Gloria
Juliete, Tom, Jeff, Zach, Annabelle,
Tampa, Jacksonville, the beach
Apt. 210 AND
JB Park
Universal Studios
Pole dancing
Sex photos
Chloroform, shovel, neck-breaking and household weapons,
the Pontiac
the hair
the stench
the decomp air
the Blackjack
no phone numbers
gas, gas, gas
the dump site
the duct tape
the garbage bags
the skeleton
June 9
La Bella Vita
Fusion Fridays
the Monster's own words
and on and on and on

Houdini himself could not get her out of prison.

The best Baez can do for her is to save her from the DP, which I believe will be back in the case soon. She will get LWOP and die in a cage.

She will not be haunted by what she has done and will continue to blame everyone else for her predicament. This is a nut who called her cell "my dorm" and "my room". She thinks she is in college.

"What am I supposed to learn from that?"
"You are not helping me help myself!"
". . .shut up and get a life!"

She is not insane. She is nuts.

Great list, great post!
I am still hoping that her lawyers come to their senses and have her plead guilty and avoid a trial. Although a trial would be fascinating viewing because of all the characters involved...I think that in the best interests of the family, the community and the state of Florida (nevermind the millions following this case all over the world) it would be best to end this now.

BTW, I used to get tense watching all the defense attorneys on panels on TV arguing for the defense. I worried when they brought in the "dream team." I don't anymore. I don't believe there is anything anyone can do to get this girl off.
A liar does not a murderer make. We have heard this before. What about a liar does not an insane person make?
I don't think they have a plausible defense, or snowballs chance either!

The burden of proof is entirely on the State. Based on the evidence we know of, prosecutors do not have clear and unyielding evidence to support the premeditated murder charge.

No defense is needed.
I also think that CA is going under the bus, but I think it's with her approval. JB HAS to explain the Zanny BS that Casey came up with, he can't just ignore it. So here how I think he's going to spin that:

Cindy had threatened to take Caylee so many times before, and had underminded Casey so many times as a parent, (Jessie Grund can provide backup for this) that she was too petrified to even tell her Mom she had lost/quit her job! How then was she going to find the courage to tell her that she had accidentally let something happen to the baby?

I think that's what they're up to because of the jailhouse video where Casey said she'd been talking to the psychologists, and CA said, "I forgive you for whatever you said," It puzzled me a long time as to what that was about...then it hit me...they're laying a product of bad mothering defense!

Scariest thing about that is, CA is so hated right now...everyone is wanting to believe her guilty of just might work towards getting KC a lenient sentence.

Indeed. And had you noticed that the "source" of the “fighting” is Jesse G via media talk show circuits. However on police interview transcripts he didn’t say that at all. Just that during that 16 min call on June 16th with him and Casey, he was told that Cindy had asked Caylee to move out. Makes we wonder where his later knowledge came from, or did he lie first time around. Reminds me of Casey, how do you know what to believe. But now this “fighting” has grown to FACT. Is Jesse working with the defense team?

Another thing Jesse did say though, was that IF Casey was involved in Caylee’s death, he believed possibly something happened to Caylee while Casey was on the phone or laptop and wasn't paying attention and Caylee had an accident. So maybe that’s FACT as well?

The "bad mothering might fly in juvenile court.....but Casey is 22 years old. However I do understand why the defense might like to smear the Anthonys, as sad as that may be, because Anthonys want Casey to tell the TRUTH. Why would Casey's defense want that?.
The burden of proof is entirely on the State. Based on the evidence we know of, prosecutors do not have clear and unyielding evidence to support the premeditated murder charge.

No defense is needed.

Oh Wudge, the voice of reason here :). Since you are familiar with this type of trial, can you answer this.

We all know what evidence LE has released to date. What type of evidence would LE/SA have to have in addition that would prevail for the SA to get a slam dunk conviction? Evidence that JB/team would have difficulty refuting at best.

Hypothetically speaking mind you.
I hate to say it but I would go with insanity.
I'm just blown away by how she acts in those jailhouse recordings.
I don't like her one bit.
I could however agree she is criminally insane.

Casey not going to get off on a insanity plea IMO. She knows the difference between right and wrong, and she already admitted to lying to LE! The insanity plea flew out the window the moment that happened.

Remember this last visit was have seen was wayyy back - August 14th. JB already knew he needed to make Casey SHUT UP. If he had been around who knows if that visit would have happened. Geesh is she making that defense job hard.
If jose is smart he will ditch paying the high profiled medical examiners, anthropologists..etc., and hire some high profile Forensic Psychiatrists, psycholanalysts because the family dynamics suggest to me that casey is is the by-product of an extremely dysfunctional household.

Considering the fact that casey hid this pregnancy for 7 months suggests that she was sort of hoping it would go away. If Caylee was the result of a sexual encounter in which she was not a willing participant or something even worse than that I can see how that would mentally push her to the limit's of her already underdeveloped personality. If the rumors are true that cindy forced casey to keep Caylee than that would be a catalyst for we see the end result.

She was unprepared emotionally and developmentally to take on such a task. Cindy and george should have seen that not only did casey not want to parent Caylee she was emotionally and financially incapable of doing it. I believe that casey did try to do the right thing by incorporating Jesse into this situation by saying he was the father. Unfortunately for her he also chose to have a paternity test and then her cover was blown and she no doubt could see that he had choices where Caylee was concerned and realized that he could leave at any moment and she would still be stuck with Caylee, so chose to cut her loses.

Cindy's desperate attempts to stand by casey now I think is her coming to the realization that her daughter was overwhelmed by the situation and that she missed all the opportunities to not only get casey help for her own emotional disturbance but to compassionately allow casey to say I can't do it mom, please just let me go.

I think that casey is sort of like a reflection of everything that is wrong in this family and with that in hand she may have some pretty strong mitigating circumstances.
The burden of proof is entirely on the State. Based on the evidence we know of, prosecutors do not have clear and unyielding evidence to support the premeditated murder charge.

No defense is needed.

I agree. But the defense does not know all the evidence at this point, and that's got to be a concern for them. Casey certainly is not any more straightforward with her defense team than she is with anyone else. Full of surprises she is.

It looks to me her defense is scrambling to figure out HOW to defend her because they don't know WHAT they are defending. IMO
The burden of proof is entirely on the State. Based on the evidence we know of, prosecutors do not have clear and unyielding evidence to support the premeditated murder charge.

No defense is needed.

I can't wait to see what ALL they do have.
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