Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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Apparently "Lack of Remorse" is not an aggravating circumstance, but Remorse is a mitigating circumstance used by the defense during the penalty phase. The State can rebut a mitigating circumstance by showing a lack of remorse, but can't actually present it (lack of remorse)as an aggravating circumstance first themselves.

I don't think you can unring a bell. If it's proven the entry was written while Cayee was missing it can be used against her because she said she was looking for her the entire month. Whether it's brought up during the guilt or penalty phase doesn't really matter. The jury will not only know there was no remorse but she was happier than she had ever been. It's one thing to say people grieve or handle stress differently but here we have it, in black and white, in her own handwriting that she is happier than she's ever been. Powerful words if it's coming from a mother shortly after she killed her child.

Throw in the videos of Casey happily shopping at Target (we all know what she bought), the bank video of her stealing Amy's money, and the video of her and Tony tied at the hip at Blockbuster paint a really bad picture for Casey. Add the 31 days, the outrageous lies, duct tape, death mobile, garbage bags, swamp, etc. and she's toast.

I do believe a jury follows the law as directed by the judge but they are also human beings able to look at the big picture.

The diary also shuts down any accidental death theory as well (which I think is total BS). No grieving mother whose child died accidentally would be happier than they've ever been.

After having said all that, I don't think they are going to be able to prove she wrote that entry after Caylee passed.

Maybe ICA was looking at the wrong calendar, Isn't odd that June 23rd 2003 was a Monday and June 23rd 2008 was also a Monday. I just find that odd/strange.
I think so too. Cindy herself said that both her and Casey were writers. I think that statement was made by her when she was put on the spot to explain that myspace that she wrote. Something about them having to write out their feelings or whatever. It is also the logical conclusion for me as to why the diary wasn't destroyed because it was known about by others and LE.

Maybe KC was being the typical (I am smarter than anyone) Narcissist and actually got punked by LE at her own game....... Remember The song : EVERY DAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME, Artist is Nine Inch Nails.

This lyric snip is what has bothered me: "Well, I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind" .............<------ Maybe LE read these Lyrics and did look behind! Thus finding the diary?

Now it is ironic that for KC - EVERY DAY *IS* EXACTLY THE SAME NOW. I would say that KC was more psychic than G. Lucas!
I don't think you can unring a bell. If it's proven the entry was written while Cayee was missing it can be used against her because she said she was looking for her the entire month. Whether it's brought up during the guilt or penalty phase doesn't really matter. The jury will not only know there was no remorse but she was happier than she had ever been. It's one thing to say people grieve or handle stress differently but here we have it, in black and white, in her own handwriting that she is happier than she's ever been. Powerful words if it's coming from a mother shortly after she killed her child.

Throw in the videos of Casey happily shopping at Target (we all know what she bought), the bank video of her stealing Amy's money, and the video of her and Tony tied at the hip at Blockbuster paint a really bad picture for Casey. Add the 31 days, the outrageous lies, duct tape, death mobile, garbage bags, swamp, etc. and she's toast.

I do believe a jury follows the law as directed by the judge but they are also human beings able to look at the big picture.

The diary also shuts down any accidental death theory as well (which I think is total BS). No grieving mother whose child died accidentally would be happier than they've ever been.

After having said all that, I don't think they are going to be able to prove she wrote that entry after Caylee passed.


I can see the diary being brought up most definitely during the guilt phase, but I don't see it being brought up during the penalty phase at all. But does the state even need it? I think not - I agree with you.

What I was saying is the State can argue lack of remorse in the penalty only if they are rebutting Defense statements of remorse, but they can't bring it up on their own as a circumstance they are presenting.

And yes, I agree with you re ICA not behaving like a grieving mother. IMO if the defense has any sense at all they will leave the whole topic of grief/remorse alone because I can find nothing that gives any indication ICA feels either guilt or remorse regarding Caylee's death. ICA did say however in her jailhouse letters she feels Caylee is in a happy place or some such thing, didn't she?
I keep going back to the beginning and thinking about certain things that Cindy did or didn't do in the first few days, not the least of which was wash the pants, and tell LE so. If she were, at that time, trying to cover up and hide incriminating evidence, why ever ever ever mention the pants to begin with? Does anybody know of a reason why she offered up that information about the pants? Or was she backed into a corner and had to admit it, rather than offer the information? I'm trying not to go TOO off topic, but in thinking that had a moment of honesty in the earlier stages, I'm somewhat tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she .. wait... I just lost my train of thought. What am I thinking? I guess I'm really wondering when exactly the diary came into view, not OUR view, but LE's view, or even for that matter Cindy's view. Gosh I just wish we knew if it were among the items Lee brought back from Tony's, that would clarify so much, don't you think?
Unfortunately, they allowed the A's to go through Casey's bag, before LE could methodically take it apart for potential evidence.

Many items, including even perhaps the Diary was removed and placed elsewhere in the house before LE had a chance to go through it themselves.

Perhaps, Cindy was unsure if anyone saw the Diary being removed from Casey's bag, and thought it to be an unwise decision to get rid of it fully. Just remove what seemed like incriminating pages, and throwing a 03 at the top to make what was left of the diary less important?

Just a wild theory.

I can picture Cindy removing pages that paints herself in a poor light.
I keep going back to the beginning and thinking about certain things that Cindy did or didn't do in the first few days, not the least of which was wash the pants, and tell LE so. If she were, at that time, trying to cover up and hide incriminating evidence, why ever ever ever mention the pants to begin with? Does anybody know of a reason why she offered up that information about the pants? Or was she backed into a corner and had to admit it, rather than offer the information? I'm trying not to go TOO off topic, but in thinking that had a moment of honesty in the earlier stages, I'm somewhat tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she .. wait... I just lost my train of thought. What am I thinking? I guess I'm really wondering when exactly the diary came into view, not OUR view, but LE's view, or even for that matter Cindy's view. Gosh I just wish we knew if it were among the items Lee brought back from Tony's, that would clarify so much, don't you think?

I'm guessing but I would think the people from the tow yard could have seen what was in the car and may have written it down, or CA may have thought they could have written it down.
Closing this thread while I try to figure out why potential fathers has become the thread topic. :waitasec:

ETA: Re-opening. This thread is now 30 posts lighter. Please stay on-topic. Thanks.
As I was reading this thread, something niggled at my brain. A looooong time ago, didn't we hear that at one of the search warrants, that LE found "papers" in the attic? It sounds so familiar to me. Am I :crazy: ? If I am right, could these be the lost pages?

Mitzi..............yes, I remember something about something being found in the attic during a search. There was some discussion on what it could be, as I don't think it was ever identified. I don't know if it was papers or an object.
And wasn't it determined much later that there were some pages ripped out of the journal?

Didn't a WSer even enlarge photos that clearly showed the torn edges?

Yes! You just jogged my memory on this! When the diary is blown up you can clearly see where pages have been removed.
I had counted the diary out as far as its usefulness to the state. I figured they would not give this a second look as it would be a laborious pitch to the jury, showing that KC is diabolical enough to fake a diary date. The jury would have to know as much about KC as we do to understand it is absolutely possible, and the state only expects to have a few weeks at trial.
This twist has me thinking-the state is willing to take the time to go over this diary. Should not have doubted that, this could be a huge aggravating factor (IMO) and they would be remiss if they did not make every effort to rule it out.
I can see the diary being brought up most definitely during the guilt phase, but I don't see it being brought up during the penalty phase at all. But does the state even need it? I think not - I agree with you.

What I was saying is the State can argue lack of remorse in the penalty only if they are rebutting Defense statements of remorse, but they can't bring it up on their own as a circumstance they are presenting.

And yes, I agree with you re ICA not behaving like a grieving mother. IMO if the defense has any sense at all they will leave the whole topic of grief/remorse alone because I can find nothing that gives any indication ICA feels either guilt or remorse regarding Caylee's death. ICA did say however in her jailhouse letters she feels Caylee is in a happy place or some such thing, didn't she?

I think those jailhouse letters support the diary page. Basically KC said in the letters that she feels relieved that Caylee will never have to have life experiences such as someone breaking your heart, disappointing you, etc. In other words life experiences that help you grow and mature. Not a normal approach to the death of a child. While her diary page speaks of her freedom. jmo
Maybe ICA was looking at the wrong calendar, Isn't odd that June 23rd 2003 was a Monday and June 23rd 2008 was also a Monday. I just find that odd/strange.

:waitasec: I don't follow.
What's up with June 23rd???

The diary entry was June 21...which was a Saturday in both 2003 and 2008..the night before Friday June 20 Casey went to Fusian

Now it has been proven that the entry could not have been written in 2003 since the book was manufactured and sold in 2004 at Dollar General stores.
yes, but I cannot believe that Cindy would not have looked for this diary immediately after KC's was arrested on June 16th. I would have.

Does anyone else remember one of the first interviews CA gave to local media when she stated that one of the first things "they" (meaning the Anthony family) did was go to KC's room and go through all of her diarys and notebooks?

I need to find this interview. I believe this is why they didn't destroy it, they had said on tv that KC did in fact keep a diary/journal and loved to write, anything missing or destroyed would have been noticed presumably after that interview. You know LE was watching all of those interviews for any little clues that might pop up.

Just an idea. Wish I could find the video of that interview because I remember at the time thinking why did they NOT turn these over to LE right away and instead look at them on thier own. UUGGHHHH!
I wonder if the manufacturer of this journal put the same number of pages in each book. If so, I am sure LE knows the number and also know then how many pages are missing. It would be interesting to know how many pages were torn out before and after that supposed 03' entry.
Does anyone else remember one of the first interviews CA gave to local media when she stated that one of the first things "they" (meaning the Anthony family) did was go to KC's room and go through all of her diarys and notebooks?
I need to find this interview. I believe this is why they didn't destroy it, they had said on tv that KC did in fact keep a diary/journal and loved to write, anything missing or destroyed would have been noticed presumably after that interview. You know LE was watching all of those interviews for any little clues that might pop up.

Just an idea. Wish I could find the video of that interview because I remember at the time thinking why did they NOT turn these over to LE right away and instead look at them on thier own. UUGGHHHH!

See post 757!:innocent:
:waitasec: I don't follow.
What's up with June 23rd???

The diary entry was June 21...which was a Saturday in both 2003 and 2008..the night before Friday June 20 Casey went to Fusian

Now it has been proven that the entry could not have been written in 2003 since the book was manufactured and sold in 2004 at Dollar General stores.

I'm not sure, I would have to go back and look at what I was looking at to come up with the 23rd. Maybe I was reading it was thought to have been written between the 21st-23rd. And right I did read where the book was manufactured in 2004 so no it could not been written in 2003. I just took out a 2003 calendar and looked at the 23rd and looked at a 2008 calendar on the 23rd and notice they were on the same days.

Sometimes here where I work the guys turn in time sheets for they're daily work and you ought to see some of the dates, years they put on the sheets. Sometimes I wonder where are these peoples mind?
I wonder if any of the A's could forge an '03 in Casey's handwriting? The diary wasn't photographed right away was it? Say the A's came across the diary, maybe they were afraid to destroy it, not knowing if LE had seen it or had knowledge of it, or not knowing if KC would bring it to the attention of her lawyers/LE, could one of them (the A's) have written the '03 in the corner to try and protect KC from her own written words?

I wonder if any of the A's could forge an '03 in Casey's handwriting? The diary wasn't photographed right away was it? Say the A's came across the diary, maybe they were afraid to destroy it, not knowing if LE had seen it or had knowledge of it, or not knowing if KC would bring it to the attention of her lawyers/LE, could one of them (the A's) have written the '03 in the corner to try and protect KC from her own written words?


I have a very clear recollection that Cindy said in one of her early LE or FBI interviews that she had looked at every single thing in Casey's room, taken everything out of her closet, etc., to see if she could find any clues. So I assume she did have her hands on this diary at some point early on in the case. Whether the pages were torn out and the '03 written in before or after that, I don't know.:innocent:
I don't think so but a little while ago I was reading old threads and at the very beginning she was quoted as saying she was going through ICA's journals looking for clues. Hmmm maybe I should tweet that to JA.

Does anyone else remember one of the first interviews CA gave to local media when she stated that one of the first things "they" (meaning the Anthony family) did was go to KC's room and go through all of her diarys and notebooks?

Where is The World According when you need her? I need to find this interview. I believe this is why they didn't destroy it, they had said on tv that KC did in fact keep a diary/journal and loved to write, anything missing or destroyed would have been noticed presumably after that interview. You know LE was watching all of those interviews for any little clues that might pop up.

Just an idea. Wish I could find the video of that interview because I remember at the time thinking why did they NOT turn these over to LE right away and instead look at them on thier own. UUGGHHHH!
I didn't find the video with Cindy, but here is one where a reporter mentions Cindy going through Casey's diary:

ETA: The other videos I found about Cindy looking for clues all have the same footage. I'm beginning to wonder if there is a video that shows Cindy saying it on camera? :waitasec:

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