Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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She was to graduate June, 2004. LE has records showing she did receive her HS diploma.

Hey I heard GA in a police interview says she was a credit short and this was a bone of contention between th As and KC...I wonder if she did receive an incomplete one???
About the "supposed" ripped out pages:
Someone wrote it wouldn't fit in with her neat personality, but I'm neat too:) and I have done this many times. I used to write a lot, then I got busy, but would sometimes have the urge to write, just to get whatever it was out of me.
I'd just take any old notebook or diary with empty pages to write it down. I've ripped old pages out. It wasn't for anyone else's viewing, just for myself to get it out.
However, putting - things in front of some sentences mean to me she was quoting someone else/ a magazine article or whatever. But only because I used to do that myself.
Just my opinion based on my own experience: )
I would love to see handwriting analysis done on the pages from known sampling. I am of the belief that the early parts of this diary could have been from 2003, but these entries (including ripped out pages) are from 2008. If so, it would be easy to compare to known samples of recent writings: "Mrs. Lazzaro" paper.

I would also love to see if Cindy's fingerprints are on these pages. Can they also determine differences in the fingerprints to determine how much pressure was being placed on the pages? If Cindy ripped pages out (like i believe she did), I would think that she would put pressure on the pages surrounding what she ripped out.

However, I'm not sure why the prosecution didn't request another warrant to specifically request the diary if they believed it to be significant evidence. This somewhat troubles me.

The virginity theory doesn't fit the "end justifies the means" part of the diary entry. I don't believe it for a second.

I was unable to view the freezeframe pictures because I don't think I've posted enough. I am a frequent visitor, but don't post often. However, I did notice her looks as watching the Larry King interview live.

I also think that it is funny that they wouldn't offer it up to the media/prosecution if it truly has no evidentiary value. Anything that could potentially clear her in any manner would be a benefit to them. BC saying that it is available to the Defense was not answering LK's question regarding its availability.

I hope that more is released later regarding this diary entry.
In the 2/18 discovery, it states that they had taken 2 handwritten notes from Caylee's dresser. I have wondered if these "handwritten notes" could possibly be from the diary? Maybe pages torn out and hidden in the babys dresser?
In the 2/18 discovery, it states that they had taken 2 handwritten notes from Caylee's dresser. I have wondered if these "handwritten notes" could possibly be from the diary? Maybe pages torn out and hidden in the babys dresser?

Now I want to see those "notes"! Maybe that was part of the 700 pages of discovery we haven't seen yet.
Guess who else wrote "Carpe Diem" and crap on her diary (allegedly before or after the killing of a family member):

Kristin Rossum who murdered her husband Greg DeVillers with fentanyl stolen from the lab at which she worked

Some of her diary entries (she had three--likely two were fabricated for her husband and then another for the police) are very Casey-like in their narcissism (my opinion).

On another note, the "end justifies the means" almost always is referring to something hard, difficult and/or painful--something sacrificing. I can't think of any time I see that phrase used unless it is in that context.

The end justifies the means is about "sacrificing" morality for the sake of achieving a perceived "greater good".

"In a backwards kinda way" :) you could interpret the saying as, "My goal for greater good justifies any evil I've done to attain it."

I see this excuse used ambivalently quite regularly (i.e. no emotional stress other than fear of suffering consequence). It's become something people say simply to deflect accountability for the damage they've done to achieve their goal.
If the date is '03, WHY did Cindy claim it was 2005 on LKL? More lies?
If the date is '03, WHY did Cindy claim it was 2005 on LKL? More lies?

i know this isn't exactly original but i think it may be true - cindy has told so many lies that she can no longer keep them straight in her mind.
If the date is '03, WHY did Cindy claim it was 2005 on LKL? More lies?

I don't think she cares WHAT year it was written in as long as it was BEFORE Caylee was born! If it was written AFTER Caylee was born, then it says what she does not want to hear! IMO!
Why would Cindy lie that it was written in 2005 when you can see it`s from 2003? Besides, she corrected the year. Is it possible that she just remembered the year wrong, as people would think if it were someone else than Cindy.
Why would Cindy lie that it was written in 2005 when you can see it`s from 2003? Besides, she corrected the year. Is it possible that she just remembered the year wrong, as people would think if it were someone else than Cindy.

Cindy was SO hyped up for this LKL interview, as it WAS (IMHO) scheduled to DEFLECT/Negatate her Hideious Performance (on camera) before ZG's lawyer. CA simply rattled off HER truth without careful fore-thought, and in this incidence she simply mispoke.
Guess who else wrote "Carpe Diem" and crap on her diary (allegedly before or after the killing of a family member):

Kristin Rossum who murdered her husband Greg DeVillers with fentanyl stolen from the lab at which she worked

Some of her diary entries (she had three--likely two were fabricated for her husband and then another for the police) are very Casey-like
in their narcissism (my opinion).

On another note, the "end justifies the means" almost always is referring to something hard, difficult and/or painful--something sacrificing. I can't think of any time I see that phrase used unless it is in that context.

Bold is mine..

Wow, no kidding?! huh. thanks for sharing!:blowkiss:
If the date is '03, WHY did Cindy claim it was 2005 on LKL? More lies?

I think she just screwed up, made an honest mistake. But it's Cindy so who knows!?!?! :crazy:
About the "supposed" ripped out pages:
Someone wrote it wouldn't fit in with her neat personality, but I'm neat too:) and I have done this many times. I used to write a lot, then I got busy, but would sometimes have the urge to write, just to get whatever it was out of me.
I'd just take any old notebook or diary with empty pages to write it down. I've ripped old pages out. It wasn't for anyone else's viewing, just for myself to get it out.
However, putting - things in front of some sentences mean to me she was quoting someone else/ a magazine article or whatever. But only because I used to do that myself.
Just my opinion based on my own experience: )

I saw Nancy sitting up there next to your name. So I clicked the link (I just adore Nancy). What a beautiful website! Thanks so much for sharing! :blowkiss:
If the date is '03, WHY did Cindy claim it was 2005 on LKL? More lies?
This is what I was wondering too...if anyone should know the date on the diary you would think that Cindy would...'03 was clearly written on the page opposite of the entry in question. Maybe it is an issue of them not being able to keep all the lies straight ? Maybe the date on the diary is just another one of their "mistruths".
Pic one at the below link is a diary entry for June 21st. She talks about how she's happier than she has been in a long time. It appears to be the first page of a new book she bought for the occasion.

Sure doesn't sound like a mom who is upset her kid has been kidnapped. She sounds like she's happy to be free.

Picture 15 Shows the year.

Thanks for the links. I have been thinking about this diary, the red ink, the missing pages and the paper found in the car written in red ink and the notes that were taken from Caylee's room (read it in one of the threads but don't have the link.) ( If I am wrong please correct me). My assumption and conclusion is this. If the paper in the car or the notes found in Caylee's room matches the paper out of the diary or even the ink used in the entry of the diary then LE has made a connection and the entry was written in 08. It would not be uncommon for someone to have started a diary in an earlier year and added entries in the future. So, a paper and ink analysis would prove when the entry was made I would think....

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