Casey's fantasies about Cindy giving her the house are really important

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sorry if this is O/T, but what always seemed strange to me about Scott Peterson's lies was that, if he didn't want a baby with Laci and was hoping for "infertility", then why in the world would he want to help Amber Frey raise HER kid? that part of it never added up to me. it would seem if he wanted to start his life over, it would be with someone childless who didn't want a serious relationship.

there's definitely more to the house long was she thinking she could keep that one going?
I also think she believes enough of her lies that they fuel her delusions. Example. She tells Amy her parents are jerking her around about the house and backing out at the last minute from their "deal". They commiserate about how they are "homeless". G&C are so selfish, blah, blah, blah. (And lots and lots of swearing, LOL).

I think that kind of sick anger would fuel her to kill the family (I hypothesize she'd try something like faking a carbon monoxide accident or a murder/suicide because of an alleged affair and/or money issues). It's so, so very sick!
sorry if this is O/T, but what always seemed strange to me about Scott Peterson's lies was that, if he didn't want a baby with Laci and was hoping for "infertility", then why in the world would he want to help Amber Frey raise HER kid? that part of it never added up to me. it would seem if he wanted to start his life over, it would be with someone childless who didn't want a serious relationship.

there's definitely more to the house long was she thinking she could keep that one going?

Sorry , a quick O/T answer: He wouldn't have to pay child support on a child that wasn't his if things didn't work out. JMO
Maybe Caylees with Stacey Peterson and that guy she ran off with and their vacationing with Lisa Stebic.
I wholeheartedly agree, I am certain that Casey's plan was to murder C and G and blame the kidnappers of Caylee and live high on the hog- if there was a hog to be had.
Where else would she come up with the fantasy that she and Amy were going to live in that house alone?

I think the fact that she fantasized about "owning" her own house etc came from the fact that Ricardo and JP had their own house.
Casey's fantasies about Cindy giving her the house to move in with Amy I think are really a KEY to try to ''understand'' Casey's psyche. I would dare to say the Anthony's should feel ''lucky'' they are not the ones murdered.

Casey was doing some serious fantasizing about the great job she had, the great parents her parents were helping her and be cool with everything, how well financially she was, and MORE IMPRORTANT FROM ALL: Her ultimate be away from her parents under her own roof. In her fantasies her mother was giving her the house to move in with Amy and have the time of their life together!!!

When everything was exposed about that lie to Amy....everything started collapsing slowly but steadily. When Casey was forced to face the reality and give some explanations everything starts to collapse....Stole money from grandmother, from Amy, from her mother, and moved out of the house. And killed the baby because she was going to get her fantasy of living in her own apartment under her own terms.

The ''fantasizing'' thing is really important and it is creepy how much identical this is with Scott Peterson.

1. He was fantasizing as well that his wife was dead when he was talking to his girlfriend telling her he was a widower who lost his wife. And that was before he killed Lacy.
2. And he fantasized about the great life he would have with Frey, how they were gonna raise Frey's daughter together, all so happy and all so wonderful.
3. And he fantasized for some time searching online for currents in the bay he disposed Lacy's body. Just like Casey was doing online research about chloroform.
4. And like Casey saying some imaginary nanny has her baby, Scott said some weird people in a van abducted his wife. And the police are wasting time focusing on him when they should have been out looking for Lacy. Just like what Casey and Cindy say.
5. Scott attended vigils for Lacy and he was talking to his girlfriend the whole time. Well Casey has other people worrying how to find Caylee while she was in her room putting make-up on and playing with her computer.
6. AND THE BEST OF ALL? Just like Casey's friends don't think she could harm the baby....Scott's friends didn't think he could do anything to harm Lacy. Until all the evidence started coming out. The fact that friends don't think she could hurt Caylee MEANS NOTHING. Cayse is a sociopath and what she showed to her friends and boyfriend is very far away from what she is capable of doing. Scott's business partner was very supportive of him at the beginning, he couldn't believe he could harm Lacy, but soon changed his mind with all the evidence that were surfacing. And the same I bet you is happening now with Casey's friends.

Bingo! Excellent diagnosis of sociopathic personality. I think LE is getting all there ducks in row on this one.
There is another possibliltiy about the house.

It is common for a lot of people getting up in years to transfer the title of their home over into one of their children's name. That way in case a major medical event happens they can go on Medicaid because they have no assets. Know of several people who have done this. Normally the parents go on living there as if nothing as changed.

Wonder if this was ever discussed with the Anthony's. What if they C and G were talking of doing. But in Casey's mind once the house was in her name she was going to kick them to the curb and she could have legally done this.

I say this because there is no quarentee the house would go to Casey's in the event of their dead until there was a will to that effect. I would have thought in the case of dead the house would go to both Casey and Lee. Of course I guess Casey could do away with Lee too. Scarey thought!!!
The first thing I thought of when I read about Casey telling her friends she was going to "buy" her parents' house was that she was planning to do away with them.

This girl may have a heart more evil than ever we imagined.

The minute I read the docs that she told Amy her parents were giving her the house, I told my hubby...I think she was gonna try to get rid of the parents, too.

She was telling Tony the reason she needed to stay with him was because they were fighting so bad that she didn't want Caylee exposed to that!!!

Maybe she was going to off Lee as well= then no doubt she would get the house!
This house thing was all talk, IMHO. Along with other things in her life. She wanted to impress people with things she didn't the moment. She was pressing her Mom in leaving her Dad. What of the house then? What about her brother? She would at least figure him into the picture too.

Had a Sociopathic roomate, well my husband did, before we married, who told EVERYONE that he owned 1/2 the home they shared and the BMW that he was borrowing was HIS....all my husband's. People ate this guy up.....they didn't know better....he was smooth and could lie, lie, lie....until I came into the picture and called him out on it. Talk about ugly, yikes!!! Just all talk to impress. I am sure she fantasized about offing her parents and taking everything they had........sadly, she just chose Caylee instead.
let's not forget how they will be both ''wrongly convicted'' proclaiming innocent until the end of days.

I see a small difference between them though....Scott is more ''aware'' of his situation, knew he had to play the grieving husband and father. He even put Lacy's pictures on his cell wall. I am not sure Casey is willing to even play that grieving part and place photos of the child in her cell.

Well, maybe when she gets to BigJail she will.

Bingo! Excellent diagnosis of sociopathic personality. I think LE is getting all there ducks in row on this one.
Yeah and the ****'s gonna hit the fan on that girl soon. I Think prosecuting her on all these fraud and theft charges first is really smart. That way, if they even get her on only a manslaughter charge, she'll already have a record and that will increase her jail time.
This house thing was all talk, IMHO. Along with other things in her life. She wanted to impress people with things she didn't the moment. She was pressing her Mom in leaving her Dad. What of the house then? What about her brother? She would at least figure him into the picture too.

Had a Sociopathic roomate, well my husband did, before we married, who told EVERYONE that he owned 1/2 the home they shared and the BMW that he was borrowing was HIS....all my husband's. People ate this guy up.....they didn't know better....he was smooth and could lie, lie, lie....until I came into the picture and called him out on it. Talk about ugly, yikes!!! Just all talk to impress. I am sure she fantasized about offing her parents and taking everything they had........sadly, she just chose Caylee instead.
IIRC the hosue is in Cindy's name only
how about mom and daughter were going to get rid of dad but their plan went awry. remember daughter's words to mom during jailhouse call. just a thought.
how about mom and daughter were going to get rid of dad but their plan went awry. remember daughter's words to mom during jailhouse call. just a thought.

Oh god....another scenerio..,....I can't stand this!!!! My mind is truly fried with this case.

This kind of plays into why she has this crazy attachment/devotion to her daughter.
Oh god....another scenerio..,....I can't stand this!!!! My mind is truly fried with this case.

This kind of plays into why she has this crazy attachment/devotion to her daughter.
i didn't throw that out there just to make you or anyone crazy. I agree. This whole tragedy is unbelievably mind boggling. me an armchair shrink, however, there is deep, tangled, and intricately woven web running through mom, daughter and granddaughter. When the truth finally emerges, I believe, THAT will be at the bottom of this whole mess.
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